• Published 19th Apr 2014
  • 3,039 Views, 52 Comments

Call of Pony: Zombies - ShobieShy

Our four heroes are transported to equestria with no way to escape, can they make a new non-violent life in this new pony ridden place of friendship? Or will they all share the same fate of insanity their German friend already suffers from?

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Chapter 4

Author's Note:

If you didn't see my blog post a few days back, go read it. It contains my promise that I'll write this fic every day. That's my promise to you guys. I'm going for at LEAST once a month chapters. Probably more often if I get the same 500-700 words/day I've been getting the past few days. I also state in the post that I'll give you guys another chapter by Christmas. It's currently 23:41 Christmas Eve. GOML. Enjoy this chapter and expect more, more often. I mean it this time!

Tank Dempsey looked around for the source of the voice one final time. Upon finding nothing, again, he gave up. “Okay, whoever the fuck you are, maggot brain, I have no time for your shit. There are no zombies attacking me, so I’m going to sleep. Don’t fucking be here, or be in my head, when I wake up.” He said to the voice.

“Oh, you’re no fun!” Said the voice.

“Fuck off!” Tank screamed into his pillow.

As Celestia’s sun rises, the light makes its way through the windows and, much to Tank’s dismay, shines right in his face. Growling a bit, he turns around to avoid the bright intruder.

“Tank, it’s time to get up. I made breakfast.” Fluttershy said just loud enough for Dempsey to hear.

“Ugh, more sleep..” he replied mostly to himself. His stomach growled in argument. He argued back by groaning. Another growl from his stomach. “Fuck..”

He, as majestic as one can be while falling off a couch tired, fell off the couch. A soft thud emanated from the location of impact. Fluttershy rounded the corner.

“Oh my.. Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yeah, just tired. Some fucking voice kept me up later than I would have liked.” He replied whilst ascending to a stand.

Fluttershy winced at the vulgar word, then recovered with a questioning look. “A voice?”

“Yeah, damn thing was in my head, calling me ‘interesting creature’ or something..” He responded, reminiscing unfondly of last night. “Seems to be gone now, though.”

“What, um, I think we should do is have breakfast, then we should go visit Twilight and see if there’s something wrong magically. She’s really good with that stuff.” Fluttershy stated with a smile that faltered slightly. “But that’s just my suggestion.. If you don’t want to, that’s fine..” She said kicking the floor lightly with her forehoof.

Dempsey lightly chuckled at her timid behaviour. ‘God, I hate that, but it’s actually kinda cute… What did I just think?’ “Fine, just in case it does come back, I don’t wanna deal with it.”

Dempsey rose to his feet and, with a mental war going on in his head, followed Fluttershy who was already heading towards the kitchen.

He admired the kitchen, it was an interesting mix of farmhouse and funhouse, as everything was rounded off like a children's toy.

They sat, ate, and chatted about various things including how she met some of her best animal friends. As she was happily discussing her first interactions with Harry the bear, Dempsey was silently wishing her mouth had a zipper he could zip. The only thing keeping him listening was his interest in her ability to communicate with animals, which she said was a capability only she had. He hoped Richtofen wasn’t having fun, but considering that he’s with Twilight, he’s probably right at home. Sadly.

“Ahahahahahaha!” Richtofen laughed as Twilight was stifling a giggle. “So, Fluttershy just flew up to a grown dragon, told it it vas being mean, zen it felt bad and flew off?!” He repeated for clarity. He now wanted to see a full size dragon.

“That’s how it went, yes.” Twilight said, giggling.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Edward laughed, almost falling off his chair.

Three knocks came to a door in the Apple house. More specifically, the guest room.

Takeo was sleeping soundly for the first time since he was a child. As soon as the knocking finished, his eyes opened, and he reached for the sword that was supposed to be on his back, but instead, it was leaning on a table next to him. After a moment of recollection, he eased out of the bed he was lying in and sat up.

Three more knocks rang through the room. “Hey mister Takeo,” came a high voice “Mah sister told me to wake you up so you could start helping out around the farm.”

“Thank you, young one, I shall be out shortly.” Takeo said, rising to his feet.

Fleeing hoof steps could be heard as well as a voice. “Ah’m not that young...”

Takeo gave the room a quick once-over. Spotting a bathroom, he proceeded towards it. Turning on the shower and adjusting the knobs, he was greeted with a pleasant stream of warm water. Smiling to himself, he stripped down and stepped in.

As he walked out of the bathroom, noting that that was the best shower he’d ever had, he retrieved his sword from it’s place by his bed. Then, placing the sword on his back, he exited the room and made his way downstairs and outside.

Upon hearing the distant sound of what he assumed was wood hitting more wood, he strolled down to investigate. Navigating through the massive orchard, he arrived at the source, which he found not to be wood hitting wood, but Applejack bucking trees into a cart pulled by Big Mac, whom he’d met the previous day. At least he was half right.

Hearing Takeo’s footsteps, Applejack turned to greet him. “Good morning, Tak! Ready to get started?”

Takeo nodded in affirmation. “Well alrighty then! Say, how hard can you buck?”

Looking to her, then to the tree, he shook his head. “I am sorry, but I’m afraid my form isn’t built to ‘buck’.”

He then took a few moments to study the tree. “But I may know a way to perform a similar task.” He stated as he approached the tree.

“Oh? And what might that be?” Applejack asked curiously.

Takeo then took a fighting stance. He stuck his hand out and aligned the heel of his hand against the tree. Pulling back and taking a deep breath, he thrusted forward with his hand and struck the tree right in the center. The tree shook violently as the remaining apples fell off neatly into the cart.

Shaking his hand and rubbing against his clothes, Takeo took a step back to observe his work. Sure enough, all the apples were gone, now resting in the cart.

“Wow, Tak.” Said Applejack. “I think we might just have a place for you on the farm.”

“Eeyup.” Big mac said.

“Woah! That might just be better than AJ’s buckin’!” Applebloom said, amazed as his actions.

Takeo gave a slight smile at a possible start to a new life.

“Ugh, fuck.. My head...” Groans Nikolai as he starts to wake. “Hangover? I never have hangover...”

“Hey sleepy head! You ready to learn how to bake some sweet treats?” Came Pinkie in her usual Pinkie Pie volume.

Nikolai groans more and grasps his head. “Not so loud pink one! My head feels like it’s been eaten by hellpig then put back!” He groans some more before noticing that Pinkie was lying next to him. Not only that but she was curled up against him.

Not remembering the previous night, he begins to question his actions. “Um… Pink?”

“Yuh huh?” Pinkie asked.

“What the fuck happened last night? Cause this looks fishy…” Nikolai groaned again. “Ugh, I need a drink...”

“Well when we got back to Sugarcube Corner, you stumbled around and accidently found my cabinet of vodka then you drank 3 bottles before falling asleep on my bed. Not that I mind, you’re pretty cuddly. So I jumped up and snuggled myself right next to you!” Pinkie said then smiled at him.

Nikolai looked at her, his face blank. “Oh. Okay.”

“So?” She says, looking at him quizzically. He looked back with the same questioning look. “Are you ready to go bake stuff?”

Nikolai shrugged and began to sit up before a sharp pain shot through his head. “Agh! Need vodka!” He clutched his head.

Pinkie hopped off the bed and pulled a bottle of the liquid gold from her mane. “Here you go Nikki! Just try to make that last longer than those others, I’m not made of vodka you know.” She said walking out of the room.

Nikolai took the bottle and took a large swig. Panting, he stood up and followed the pink pony downstairs, thinking about a Pinkie Pie made of vodka.

Making their way downstairs, Pinkie greets the Cakes whom were getting ready to open up their shop.

“Hiya Mr. and Mrs. Cake! I found some help like you wanted me to!” She exclaimed proudly.

“Oh, that’s great dear!” Mrs. Cake said. “Who did you find?”

“It’s one of those humans I’m throwing a party for tonight!” Pinkie said, moving out of the way to present the Russian stepping in. He took a swig from his bottle and looked at them, smiling.

“Hi! I heard from pink one I help bake here, no?” He asked.

The cakes looked to Pinkie with a mixture of worry and questioning.

“He’s fine, I swear! Even a bit cuddly!” She said giggling.

Mr. Cake looked back to the Nikolai, sizing him up. “Well as long as you get his clothes washed, if he’s a friend of you, I’ll allow him to help. We do need the help.”

“Yay!” Pinkie cheered. “I’ll get his clothes done right away! This way Nikki!” She started to a door next to the stairs.

“I feel like dog on leash.” Said Nikolai, following Pinkie with a visible lack in enthusiasm.

As he stepped into what he assumed was where they all did their laundry, he looked around to see it had a couple lengths of string on the right side of the room where the clothes were meant to dry. On the opposite side he saw a rather large sink low to the ground with a washboard in it.

Pinkie turned on the faucet and brought it to temperature. “Okay Nikki,” She said. “Take off your clothes.”

He looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “First time I’ve been told that since third wife.” He said then proceeded to strip down to his underwear. “There, now go quickly tiny horse. Is cold in here.”

“Uh uh uh!” Pinkie chided. “All of it silly!”

Nikolai looked at her with a look that said ‘Are you shitting me?’. “Fuck no! Just get it done so we can do your stuff and I can get more vodka.” He said then brought his bottle up to take a swig, finding that it was empty already. “Fucking fuck… I swear this was only half empty.”

Nikolai sat in the corner of the washroom impatiently waiting for his clothes to be done. After they were washed, Pinkie hung them up to dry and bounced over to the Russian. She promptly sat down next to him, smiling and looking up at him.

“Now we wait!” She exclaimed. “Shouldn’t take too long.”

Nikolai groaned. Feeling the alcohol wear off slightly and slowly, he groaned again.

Pinkie attempted to push herself to cuddle up to him. Attempt because nikolai pushed her off and away a few feet. Her mane deflated a little.

“No cuddles, no snuggles, just wait or get vodka. Preferably the second one.” He stated coldly.

She looked at him with slight worry. “What’s wrong Nikki?” She asked.

“I don’t have my fucking vodka, that’s what!” He raised his voice while still looking at the ground in front of him, slowly growing angry.

She recoiled at the sudden outburst. She contemplated getting him another bottle of Everfree, but decided that she couldn’t afford giving him 8-10 bottles a day as they go for around 25 bits a bottle. She liked the good stuff.

The rest of the drying period was spent in silence. Nikolai growing angrier at his steady growing sobriety. And Pinkie growing sad at not being able to help her friend. Hopefully the party will cheer him up. She thought hopefully.

She noticed that Nikolai’s clothes were close enough to dry to not be uncomfortable to wear. She silently retrieved them from their place on the string.

The rest of the exchange was silent as Nikolai quickly put on what clothes were necessary in this climate. Settling for simply his pants, undershirt, and boots. He dropped the rest clothes off upstairs, then headed back down to get started. Pinkie not saying a word as they made their way into the kitchen right as Sugarcube Corner was opening.

Comments ( 7 )

It was an honour to read such a story. (In a shitty takeo voice) i must say you do really capture everyone especially nikolai and his and i quote "wheres my fucking vodka".

Great to see its alive and not dead!
Merry Christmas eh? Keep it up!

7822049 I've done my research. They're their funny quirky selves right now. But just you wait til their back stories come into play. There's going to be a lot more depth to this than you'd expect from a zombies pony crossover. I'm keeping the comedy but there will be seriousness. The four zombies protagonists have very complex backgrounds. And I plan to bring them to light. Stay tuned. :)

7824767 Merry Christmas! It's still alive and kicking! And it will stay that way!

7825444 i cant wait it sounds amazing

nice story, when next chap?

Just started to play CoD WWII Nazi Zombies, and thought of looking up a Fimfiction story of that. Sure enough, this past CoD-Zombies-game-mode-based story appeared. Sad to see that it is cancelled, but still gonna read it ALL.go
After I get that Tesla gun of course. :3

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