Spring time had settled upon Ponyville. Winter Wrap Up was a…interesting event this year for the citizens. Normally there were many complaints, but nothing too big. Unfortunately, a certain azure unicorn constantly filled the air with whines and moans.
Trixie had been assigned to make bird nests for Winter Wrap Up this year. The azure unicorn proved to be excellently skilled at the arts and crafts of nest making, much to the surprise of many. Although it was a skill she found beneath her. After making several hundred of the little homes, Trixie finally left her station in search of Twilight.
It wasn’t hard to find the mare, especially in her multicolored vest. Twilight was standing atop a hill outside Ponyville, overlooking the Snow Pushers as they plowed the pastures free of the white sheets and constantly checking her clipboard to make sure all went according to her directions.
“Twilight Sparkle,” called out Trixie.
The alicorn princess’ head popped up, her left ear twitching as she heard the voice of her sister. Twilight turned around and with a happy smile greeted the unicorn mare.
“Hi, Trixie, are you done already,” she asked.
“Yes, yes, I made two hundred and fifty-eight. All ready for the little birdies to rest their rumps,” said Trixie.
Twilight couldn’t help but do a double take upon hearing that number. “Wow Trixie, not even Rarity made that many, even with a team of ponies backing her up! That’s amazing; I knew you could do it!”
Trixie couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride after being praised, “Um, yes, thank you…Well what did you expect, even at such a mediocre task as arts and crafts, there is hardly a skill that the Great and Powerful Trixie can’t master!”
“Looks like being a perfectionist runs in the family. Let me see if there’s anything else you can do, I’m sure you’d be able to knock it out in no time flat,” said Twilight.
Trixie continued to beam with pride, until she heard what Twilight said and it made her remember why she sought the alicorn mare in the first place.
“No, no more! I don’t even know why I’m doing this!?”
“Because it’s part of living in Ponyville, everypony pitches in to wrap up winter,” explained Twilight.
“Ugh, you are an alicorn, and there are plenty of other unicorns in this humdrum town, can’t we just use our collective magic and change the seasons instead of having to do all of this,” Trixie gestured to the wide, snow covered pasture, “by hoof!?”
“Trixie, Ponyville was founded by Earth Ponies, and has wrapped up winter the Earth Pony Way for many years. It’s tradition, and I’m not going to disrespect that tradition just because it would be ‘easier.’ Besides, you don’t hear any other unicorns complaining.”
Trixie huffed and snorted, but in the end she knew she could not sway her…sister. That word was still strange for Trixie to associate with Twilight. True they were related, but the word still felt strange, as if she hadn’t earned it, at least in her mind. Even so, she indulged Twilight’s acronym nickname of LSBFF and BSBFF, if for nothing else then to see her smile.
“Fine, Trixie will go and make more bird nests, by hoof, with no magic,” said Trixie as she trotted away.
“Thank you, Trixie! C’mon everypony, we’re almost there!”
Trixie can handle the work, as much I loathe it, but what I can’t stand the most is –!
“Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays~”
Oh no…
“We’ve kept our hoovsies warm at home
Time off from work to play~”
Please, Celestia, don’t start that…!
“But the food we’ve stored is runnin’ out
And we can’t grow in this cold~”
I will seriously do anything, if somepony just stops it right here!
“And even though I love my boots
This fashion’s getting old~”
That’s it, I’m going to –!
“The time has come to welcome spring
And all things warm and green
But it’s also time to say goodbye
It’s winter we must clean
We can change the season’s weather
C’mon everypony now pitch in
As long as we work together
There’s nothing we can’t do~”
…She has a nice singing voice…Oh wait, here it comes.
“Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up
Let’s finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up~”
“'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here~”
…Somepony buck me in the head and knock me out!
Thankfully winter was successfully wrapped up and spring was officially here, a fact that Mayor Mare made special note of in her speech, thanking Twilight for her organizational skills. The two sisters retired back to the library, bodies still chilled from working in the cold. When they entered they noticed Spike stoking the fireplace, something that both mares were grateful for at the moment.
“Looks like everything went well,” said Spike.
“You would know, if you bothered to come out and help,” said Trixie.
“Hey, the last time I helped, I woke up in the middle of the lake. Not taking any chances.”
“It’s alright Trixie, I promised him he could stay in. Dragons don’t really like cold temperatures, and it’s also to make up for me waking Spike up way too early during my first Winter Wrap Up,” explained Twilight.
Trixie let out an exasperated sigh and made her way to the warm fireplace. She then plopped herself on the floor, closing her eyes, and letting the warmth of the fire wash over her. “Spike, make Trixie some hot tea.”
Spike stared Trixie with a deadpan expression, crossing his arms over his chest. The azure mare then opened a single eye and saw Spike’s displeased look.
“Spike, make Trixie some hot tea, please?”
Spike rolled his eyes but nevertheless obliged her request.
“Um, Spike, do you mind pouring me a cup as well?” asked Twilight attentively.
“Sure,” he said with a more upbeat tone before disappearing into the kitchen.
Twilight then joined Trixie by the fireplace, lowering herself with bit more grace then just dropping to the floor. Twilight glanced to the kitchen and then to Trixie.
“You two still haven’t gotten along yet, have you,” asked Twilight.
“It’s not like he was thrilled that I’d be living with you. Nor do I much care for him so the feeling is mutual,” said Trixie.
“But…you are trying, right?”
Trixie sighed, “We are…tolerating each other. At least it’s better than it was when I first arrived.”
Twilight winced, remembering the day when she brought Trixie back to Ponyville to live with them. It wasn’t a pleasant six months.
Trixie couldn’t help but feel something off about her sister. She looked tense, even though, yes, they were out doing a lot of hard work, but this seemed like a different kind of tense. Like she was nervous or something, curious Trixie looked up at Twilight, gaining her attention.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” she replied.
“You’re not a very good liar, Twilight. Just spit it out, did I do something wrong, did somepony complain about me? Because I swear I –!”
“No, no, no, you didn’t do anything wrong!” said Twilight as she waved her left hoof dismissively. “I just…didn’t know how to ask you…”
Trixie raised a curious eyebrow, “Ask me what?”
“Well…do you want to take a vacation,” asked Twilight.
Trixie’s lips began to curl into a smile, “Hmm, perhaps. Where did you have in mind? It better not be Chicacolt, I don’t feel like traveling all that way just to see that famous museum of theirs.”
“No, it’s not Chicacolt, and what’s wrong with going there in the first place!? They have very elaborate and fascinating natural history museum!” Her response earned an eye roll from Trixie. “Fine, what about…Manehattan?”
“No, Trixie swore to never go back there after Amateur Night at the Phoebes!” said Trixie, slamming her hoof on the floor.
Twilight actually looked surprised to hear that, “You were at the Phoebes, the famous Phoebes theatre where many Equestrian comedians and entertainers got their big start! I didn’t even know! So you performed magic tricks!?” asked Twilight excitedly.
“Oh no, Trixie actually tried her hoof at comedy…”
The stage was large, just like Trixie liked it. The last pony who performed got a standing ovation for his magic act. Trixie was glad she decided to do comedy instead of her street magic, she didn’t want to seem like she was trying to copy the other stallion’s act. Soon the announcer called Trixie’s name and she trotted onto the stage.
The crowd of ponies clapped their hooves as she walked on stage and a few wolf whistles were heard as well. Trixie held her proud smile as she made her way to the microphone.
“Thank you, thank you, you’re a great crowd –!”
“Yes, yes I am,” Trixie winked at a muscular pegasus stallion.
“Anyway, I just arrived from Canterlot. Nice place, but everypony walks around like they got an iron stick up their plots!”
*rim shot*
The audience laughed heartedly, but lightly, at Trixie’s joke, which was a good start. It was time to put them in stitches.
“Speaking of plots, did you happen see the size of Princess Celestia’s flank? I mean, seriously, if her flank gets any bigger Equestria’s going to have a second sun! Probably need to cut back on the sweets there Sunbutt!”
Silence and no rim shot.
Trixie awaited the roaring laughter to come. Instead when she looked into the crowd Trixie couldn’t help but notice a few stallions creeping towards the stage. Stallions wearing gold plated armor and war plumed helmets.
That night the screams of a mare running for her life could be heard echoing through the concrete jungle of Manehattan. And many a pony would watch and wonder why a battalion of Royal Guard ponies were chasing after an azure unicorn mare through the city streets.
“…It didn’t end well…”
“Oh, sorry for bringing it up… Well then, how about we vacation at the Crystal Empire?”
Trixie shot up to her hooves and stared at Twilight wide eyed. “The Crystal Empire, are you serious!?”
“Um, yes I am.”
“Trixie has always wanted to visit the Crystal Empire! I’ve only seen pictures of the place, is it true that all the ponies are made of crystal!?”
“Actually it’s quite interesting, you see –”
Twilight cut herself off when she started watching Trixie hop in a circle around her, repeating the word “yes” over and over again as she did so. You’re definitely my sister, thought Twilight as she chuckled.
It was at this time that Spike arrived with a tray containing two teacups and one teapot. The young drake just stood off to the side and stared at Trixie, awkwardly watching this strange, and oddly familiar, reaction.
“Uh-huh, I’m going to pretend I didn’t see this,” said Spike as he left the tray on the floor next to Twilight. “I’m a…yeah…I’m a, going to go do something.”
Twilight shook her head and rolled her eyes as Spike left the room and went upstairs. After a full minute of “yes hopping,” Trixie stopped for a minute, a stark realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. She then glared down at Twilight, making the alicorn mare wince as if physically struck.
“Princess Cadance rules the Crystal Empire, right?”
Twilight nodded.
“She’s your sister-in-law, correct?”
“Technically, she’s also your sister-in-law too, but yes…”
“And your brother, my half-brother, Shining Armor, lives there and rules as its Prince?”
“……I’m not going.”
Twilight rose up slowly and gave Trixie a solemn look. “Trixie, we’ve talked about this. We have to introduce you to Shining Armor; he’s part of this too.”
Trixie turned away from Twilight, anger smoldering within her. “I don’t want to meet him Twilight! He’s not like you!”
“And what is that supposed to mean,” asked Twilight feeling offended.
“You still haven’t gotten over the shock if it, have you!? What do you think his reaction will be when he finds out his father – our father – cheated on your mother and had me!?”
Twilight went silent for a moment, for some reason there was a look of shame on her face. Trixie watched Twilight’s expression change; it didn’t take long before she figured out why she was making that face.
“You…You told him, didn’t you…?” asked Trixie in a trembling voice.
“I-I did…”
“In a letter, about a month after Hearth’s Warming Day,” answered Twilight.
Trixie began to back away from Twilight, the feeling of betrayal overcoming her. “H-How could you!? You promised that we’d tell him, but that it would be on my terms not yours!”
“Trixie I’m sorry, I’m really, really sorry! But you can trust Shining Armor, he won’t tell dad about you, I swear!”
Trixie couldn’t help but scoff at that statement. “And what proof do you have that he hasn’t already!? For all you know, he has guards ready to throw me in a dungeon and throw away the key, out of sight, out of mind!”
Twilight couldn’t help but facehoof herself upon hearing Trixie’s absurd fear. “Trixie, Shining Armor is not going to lock you in a dungeon. And even if he wanted to, I wouldn’t let him. Trixie you have to start being more trusting.”
“I’m still working on fully trusting you. And what do you base this trust in him on, exactly?”
“He’s my BBBFF.” Twilight said simply. “We’ve told each other our most personal secrets, things we’ve never told our parents before in our lives. I’ve kept his, and will continue to until the day I die, and he’s sworn the same thing.” Twilight made her way to Trixie and gently placed her right hoof on Trixie’s shoulder. “The only other one he’s told is Cadance, and she’s even better at keeping secrets than we are. So you can relax when I say that it hasn’t traveled further than Ponyville and the Crystal Empire.”
Trixie wanted to believe her, and in truth she did. But that didn’t take away from the greater fear in her heart. Her gaze was downcast and her body trembled slightly.
“What if…he doesn’t like me…?”
“Trixie –”
“Twilight don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I know what this will do to your family, and it’ll be because of me. I wouldn’t blame him, or you, for hating me when the time comes…”
Twilight brought Trixie closer, hugging her little sister comfortingly as she stroked her mane. “He won’t hate you, and I could never hate you, Trixie. Whether you’re my full sister or half-sister, we siblings share a strong bond. Whenever others might not get us, or understand us, or just flat out don’t like us. They’ll always be there for you. I know it’s hard for you to understand that Trixie, since you haven’t felt that feeling before, but trust me, it’ll work out. But…if you don’t want to go I’ll understand, I never told him when we’d leave, just that we might come to the Crystal Empire someday soon. The decision is still yours, Trixie.
Trixie rested her head on Twilight’s shoulder, letting the comforting hug calm her. “Let me sleep on it…okay?”
Twilight chuckled softly, “That’s fine.”
***\The Crystal Empire/***
Cadance tossed and turned in her sleep. Something was off, something was missing, and it was making it hard to sleep properly in her bed. When the Princess of Love turned for the tenth time she cracked open one eye. She rose from her bed, realizing exactly what was causing her restless sleep, the vacant spot on the bed.
Shining Armor…?
Cadance blinked the sleep from her eyes; she gazed out towards the balcony, seeing the rays of the full moon bathe everything in a soft milky light. She started to make her way towards the balcony, trotting to the rail and overlooking the city below. Even in the dark of night, the Empire radiated a soft glow, reflecting the light of the moon. It was then that Cadance’s eyes were drawn to the Crystal Coliseum. Flashes of rose colored light could be seen emanating from within.
Curious, Cadance spread her wings and jumped off the balcony, flying towards the Coliseum. She circled the arena from a high altitude, watching as somepony was firing magical energy beams. She dropped lower and found that it was Shining Armor. Spotting her husband, Cadance silently flew down and landed a few feet behind him.
“PULL!” shouted Shining Armor.
The device that was situated a few feet him, glowed with an artificially created magical aura. The mechanism loaded two disks into the launcher, adjusted its angle, and fired them into the air. Shining Armor charged his horn with rose colored mana. He took careful aim as he watched the disks fly through air. The unicorn stallion then fired two magic energy beams in quick succession, striking both targets and blowing them to dust.
Cadance smirked, impressed by her husband’s shooting. A devilish grin then began to form on her lips. Cadance crouched low and started creeping towards Shining Armor. Stealthily she moved, taking care not to alert him to her presence. Closer and closer she got, almost in range. She was now standing behind him, the pink alicorn then rose up on her hind legs and then –!
“You know, that’s a good way to get thrown halfway across the arena,” said Shining Armor.
Cadance dropped back down to all fours and blew a raspberry as she made her way to his left side. “How did you know it was me? I was so quiet!”
“For one thing, I knew you’d come looking for me when you noticed I wasn’t in bed.”
Cadance scoffed, “Please, I could’ve just as likely waited up for you. It could’ve been Sombra for all you know.”
“Yes, but Sombra doesn’t smell like lilac,” he countered.
“Could’ve been another pony wearing perfume?”
Shinning glanced at his wife, smirking as he did so. “I think I know the difference between somepony spritzing themselves with perfume, and my wife who naturally smells like that.”
“Kinky and just a bit creepy.”
“Oh, I don’t think you’re one to talk about kinky stuff, Miss Princess of Love.”
“……Touché,” conceded Cadance.
Shining Armor grinned triumphantly, only to earn himself a light punch in the shoulder from Cadance. The couple then giggled for a moment after their little dialog.
“So, why are you out here so late?” asked Cadance.
“No reason, just decided to get some target practice in,” said Shining Armor.
“Really,” Cadance deadpanned.
“Yes, really! I may be a Prince now, but I still have to keep my skills sharp, won’t be much good if I need to protect you in a fight when the time comes. Besides, after that whole Tatzlwurm incident when you visited Twily, I think you could use some target practice too.”
Cadance looked at her husband, aghast at what he just said. “Are you saying I’m not as good a shot as you!?”
“That’s it – PULL!”
Upon Cadance’s command, the mechanism launched another two disks into the air. The pink alicorn’s horn shined with light-blue mana as she charged up for her shots. Taking careful aim, Cadance fired her own twin energy beams at the disks, destroying both of them. The Princess of Love rubbed her left hoof against her chest and smiled smugly.
“So, again, why are you out here?”
Shining Armor knew Cadance wouldn’t let it go. Her kind and caring nature wouldn’t allow it, plus she was as stubborn, if not more so, than Twilight when it came to certain matters. So, in the end, Shining Armor gave in.
“I got a letter from Twilight today…”
Cadance gave her husband and odd look, “Okay, usually getting a letter from her would put you in a good mood…Did something bad happen?”
“No, she’s going to be visiting us in a couple of days is all…”
Cadance would’ve squeaked with joy and done a little dance of excitement upon hearing such news, but given the lackluster response that Shining Armor was showing it made her wonder.
“So why aren’t you happy? Twilight’s coming to visit, you should be as excited as I am,” asked Cadance.
“She’s not coming alone…she’s bringing…her.”
“‘Her,’” said Cadance confused. “Who exactly is he – Oh wait, you mean Trixie Lulamoon?”
Shining Armor flinched upon hearing that name and grunted in annoyance. “Yes…”
Cadance moved closer to her husband and gave him a concerned look. “You still don’t like that she’s living with Twilight?”
“I don’t like that she’s anywhere near Twilight! I remember what she wrote about her!? She almost got the town Twily’s living in destroyed by an Ursa Minor! She could’ve gotten her killed! And then she comes back, wielding an ancient artifact that augmented her magic and used it to throw Twilight out of Ponyville and enslave the entire town!” Shining ranted.
“Well…yes, she did do all that stuff,” admitted Cadance, remembering those specific letters.
“And now, and this is the kicker, she’s claiming to be my and Twilight’s long lost half-sister!” Shining Armor moved away from Cadance and started pacing, stomping the ground as he walked. “I mean, who does she think she is!? What kind of sick game is she playing at here!?”
“Shiny, you’ve got to have more faith in Twilight. She’s a smart mare, and she wouldn’t just flat out believe something like that without hard evidence to back it up. Especially when it’s something like that…” Cadance still found it hard to believe. All that time she was foalsitting Twilight, Trixie was alone in an orphanage with no family to comfort her. Foals who entered and left, amidst caretakers who probably didn’t have time to look after her with many other fillies and colts to look after. It broke her heart to think of this.
“So are you saying I should just believe everything she says!? That my father cheated on my mother, that he just up and left her alone without so much as trying to do right by her!? I don’t know what kind of father she’s thinking of, but that’s not my father, that’s not Night Light!”
Cadance trotted over to her husband and nuzzled him under his chin, trying to calm him down. “This is really eating away at you, isn’t it?”
“…Cadance…If it is true…if everything Trixie says about my dad is true, then…What if…What if I’m just like him,” said Shining Armor with a trembling voice.
The pink alicorn mare raised her head and looked at her husband inquisitively. “How do you mean?”
“How do I know that the same weakness he had, isn’t in me too…?”
“Shining what are you saying?”
“I used to think that my Mom and Dad were the best parents. They hardly ever fought or argued. I used to think ‘if I married the mare of my dreams, then I’d want to be just like my Dad, happy, faithful, and raising two great foals.’”
“Well, two out of three isn’t bad, we could be working on the third part,” said Cadance trying to lift the mood. The act of which earned her an annoyed look from her husband. “Sorry. But seriously, you have nothing to worry about Shiny. I’m sure once you get to meet her, you’ll see Trixie’s a nice mare.”
Shining Armor sighed deeply. He still wasn’t sure that this was a good idea, the idea of meeting this supposed half-sister made his skin crawl, given the identity of the mare in question. In fact, the prospect of even having another sibling wouldn’t be as bad, as long as it were anypony else but her. “For Twilight’s sake…I’ll try…but can’t make any promises.”
Cadance planted a kiss on her love’s cheek, “That’s all I ask. I can’t make you like Trixie, so long as you put forth the effort, even Twilight will understand.”
***\Two Days Later/***
The train whistle screeched loudly as the locomotive came to a screeching stop at the station. Steam hissed and bellowed out everywhere, notoriously blanketing the platform in a cloud of hazy steam. Once the steam had settled the passengers disembarked from the train, some were normal ponies who were visiting the Crystal Empire, the once lost kingdom having now become a popular tourist destination.
From the train trotted out Trixie and Twilight, their luggage held within their individual magical auras. Once out of the train Trixie’s eyes immediately locked on the crystal structures to her right and stared in wide eyed amazement.
“I can’t believe I’m actually here! I’m in the Crystal Empire!” Trixie squealed.
Twilight couldn’t help but smile upon seeing Trixie’s mood change. She was acting like a little filly, marveling at every little thing, it was actually quite refreshing to see. Before she knew it, Trixie had vanished from the platform, making Twilight swivel her head back and forth in search of her companion.
“Trixie, where’d you go, Trixie,” Twilight called out.
“C’mon Twilight, move your flank!” The alicorn princess turned towards the sound of her voice and saw that Trixie was already halfway down the dirt road to the Crystal archway, and waving at her impatiently.
“Coming!” Twilight leaped into the air, flying to Trixie in order to cover the distance.
Once the two were together, Trixie wasted no time in making her way into the city. The crystalline structures of the Empire gleamed with the reflective light of the sun. The crystal ponies went about their daily business, every now and again a few of them would wave to Twilight or bow in respect to her. It wasn’t any secret that Twilight, her friends, Spike, and the Royal Couple, were instrumental in reviving their lost Empire, and freeing them from the tyranny and darkness that was King Sombra.
While they were trotting about Trixie couldn’t help but notice all the stores with the most lovely crystal fashion. She noticed through the window as two normal pony mares tried on their clothes and posed in the mirror. The outfit was made of rubies, or maybe red opals, she couldn’t quite tell from her distance, but what amazed her was how easily the outfit flowed, bent, and flexed. You’d think a dress made of a gemstone would be stiff and unyielding, but the mare moved as if she were wearing fabric clothes.
“Like what you see?”
Trixie let out a small “eep” sound, not noticing how close Twilight had gotten while she wasn’t looking. “It’s…not bad, Trixie was just wondering about the clothes here.”
“Oh those, they just started to make these. Cadance was telling me how the Crystal Ponies wanted to make a name for themselves in being unique in the fashion world. So they started creating clothes made of actual crystals. Seems some of the ponies have a unique skill to make the gemstones pliable,” explained Twilight.
Trixie couldn’t help but let out a snicker as a thought popped into her head. “It must be hard for Rarity, she sews gems into fabric, but these dresses and clothes are actually made of crystals.”
Twilight let out a weak chuckle, remembering exactly how well that conversation went when she told her. Rarity’s pride in being a trendsetting fashionista took the information as a challenge to not only her business, but to her skill as a seamstress, “Trust me, you don’t want to know how ‘well’ she took it.”
Trixie then noticed a street vendor selling Crystal Berry Pies on the other side of the street. The azure mare could smell the delectable treats and started to make her way towards the vendor’s cart, but she only made it three steps before feeling a tug at her tail. Trixie glanced over her shoulder and let out an annoyed groan, seeing her sister with a hoof stamped firmly on her tail.
“Trixie, no, I don’t want you spoiling your lunch before we meet Cadance and Shining Armor,” lectured Twilight.
“I just want to enjoy my time here as much as possible before we do…something tells me that if things go south we’ll be leaving sooner than we expected…”
Twilight trotted up next to her little sister and draped her foreleg over her shoulders in a sort of half-hug. “Trixie, everything will be alright. I promise you’ll get to see all of the Empire, and I also promise that nothing bad will happen.”
Trixie couldn’t look her older sister in the eyes when she heard those words, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep Twilight…”
“Trixie –”
“Did you just hear something?”
“Hear what; don’t change the subject Trix –”
“There it is again!”
Trixie started to look around for the source of the noise, her gaze falling on one of the giant crystals that jutted from the ground. At the tip of the crystal a large fissure started to appear, slowly spreading outwards. Trixie’s eyes shifted to a Crystal Pony mare and a young foal filly who were passing right under it. At that moment a dark light spread through the cracks and broke off large chunks of the crystal, leaving the sharp point mostly intact as it fell.
Trixie didn’t think, she only reacted, dashing at full speed towards the two ponies. The azure mare concentrated, charging her horn with magical energy. She then released the energy in a telekinetic wave that wrapped around the chunks of falling debris. The mare noticed too late was about to happen and instinctively used her body to protect the filly next to her. Trixie was now next to them, her brow sweating as she struggled to keep the debris from crushing them.
“GO! NOW!” Trixie shouted. The mare looked up, surprised that they weren’t dead and saw the unicorn who had saved them. “Can’t…hold it…for long…! HURRY!”
The mare nodded and quickly threw the foal onto her back and galloped away. Now came the bigger problem, the debris hadn’t actually stopped, it was still moving, but very, very slowly. And it only got closer as Trixie felt her mental grip on the crystal chunks slipping, especially the big sharp one.
Okay, now all Trixie has to do is –!
Suddenly another spark of dark light shot through Trixie’s telekinetic aura, ripping it to shreds. Trixie felt like she was just knocked in the head with a wooden bat, the backlash sending the unicorn tumbling to the ground. Trixie had enough consciousness to watch as the debris was about to impale and crush her, an ironic end to her life.
A bubble of magical energy burst forth and engulfed the falling debris. Trixie looked off to the side and saw Twilight, her eyes glowing white as her horn blazed with powerful magic. The bubble began to shrink rapidly, the sound of grinding and cracking echoed out as the crystals within were crushed mercilessly. The bubble, now the size of a little marble, merely let out a “pop” sound as it disappeared in a small puff of sparkling dust. Twilight dismissed her magical energy and quickly rushed over to Trixie, skidding to halt as she bent down to inspect her sister.
“Trixie, are you alright!? Can you hear me – Trixie answer me!?” Twilight yelled frantically.
Trixie slowly propped herself up on one foreleg, while using the other one to rub her head, “I would be, if you didn’t yell into my ear.” Trixie then let out a strained grunt as Twilight enveloped her in a bone crushing hug.
“I’m so glad you’re alright,” she then separated from Trixie and gave her a stern look, “but don’t you ever do something like that again, you could’ve gotten killed!”
With Twilight’s help, Trixie got back up on her hooves and shook her head to clear the slight pounding in her skull. “Sorry, Twilight, I just – The Crystal Ponies – the mare and filly – are they alright!?”
“We’re fine,” said a voice. Twilight and Trixie saw as mare and little filly that were almost killed trotted up to the two sisters. “Thanks to you, Miss…?”
“Oh…um, Trixie, my name is Trixie Lulamoon,” she answered.
“Thank you so much, Miss Lulamoon, you saved our lives.”
Trixie was noticeably blushing from the praise. The little filly moved from behind the older mare and hugged Trixie’s right foreleg, “Thank you for saving my Mommy and me!”
Trixie felt a lump form in her throat upon hearing those words. Trixie used her left hoof and gently patted the little filly’s head. “You’re very welcome.”
The after a few seconds the filly went back to her mother and, after thanking her yet again, went on their way, very thankful that they were alive. As the two sisters waved a goodbye to the mare and filly, Twilight noticed that tears were running down Trixie’s cheeks.
“Trixie are you alright,” asked Twilight.
“If only there was somepony there to save my Mother…” Trixie let out a whimper of sadness, recalling the accident that took her mother from her so long ago.
Twilight couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness upon hearing that. She then flexed her wing and brought Trixie in for a side hug. Usually she would shirk from something as intimate as a wing embrace (a pegasus gesture usually reserved for lovers, close friends, or family), but right now, Trixie needed to be held.
“Let’s go Trixie,” said Twilight softly.
“Okay,” was Trixie’s only response.
As Trixie and Twilight started to make their way towards the Crystal Palace, unseen by many, the fractured crystal started to spark with little arcs of black lightning, and a low growl that reverberated through it.
After their near death experience, Trixie and Twilight finally made it to their destination. Despite the traumatic event that just occurred, it still couldn’t put a damper on Trixie’s awestruck elation. Twilight saw the contingent of Royal Crystal Guards that stood watch at the entryway to the palace. They quickly opened the door and Twilight strode in, but stopped when she realized that she was short one unicorn.
“Trixie what are you waiting for,” asked Twilight.
“Are you sure we can’t stay in a hotel…?”
“Trixie we’ve been over this. I would think you’d be happy to be staying in the Crystal Palace.”
Trixie gulped, “That’s like asking if I’d be happy staying in a lion’s den.”
Twilight let out an exacerbated sigh, “Trixie it’ll be fine. You can trust me. Besides, you should get used to living in this kind of place.”
Trixie quirked an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
“Well, being related to me means that you, Trixie Lulamoon, are by default royalty, a Princess of Equestria.”
Trixie opened her mouth to retort but shut it upon realizing what Twilight had said. It never occurred to her that she was technically royalty by relation, she was a Princess or at the very least a Baroness. The realization of this made Trixie giggle with giddiness at the thought of being royalty, and Twilight could tell that she liked the idea.
“Care to enter the Crystal Palace, ‘Princess’ Trixie,” asked Twilight as she gestured with her hoof.
Trixie regained her composure and took on a more regal pose and tone. “Yes, I believe I shall.”
Twilight watched as Trixie trotted into the palace, carrying herself in a manner she believed a Princess would. The alicorn mare just rolled her eyes while smiling. At least I got her inside, and that was half the battle.
Twilight and Trixie walked through the halls of the Crystal Palace, with Trixie stopping every once in a while to examine a particular statue, or painting, or to look out the window to catch a view of the Empire. As they got closer to the throne room, Trixie stopped once again for the umpteenth time, prompting Twilight to sigh incredulously. When she turned around to drag Trixie along she saw her staring at a painting of Shining Armor and Cadance. The painting depicted the day that the Crystal Empire was saved, showing Spike holding up the Crystal Heart in his open claws. Twilight had to admit the artist took some creative liberties with Spike’s physique and appearance, making him look slightly taller, leaner, and fiercer than he really was, although she was sure the little drake wouldn’t complain. On either side of Spike’s claws were Shining Armor and Cadance. Their horns ablaze with magical light, as an aurora shot forth from the Crystal Heart and blasted the dark shadow of King Sombra.
Twilight saw that Trixie’s eyes were rested upon the image of Shining Armor. Posed in a rather heroic stance, his strong jaw clenched, and his fierce blue eyes locking with those of his lover and wife, Princess Cadance, it was the thought of those same eyes staring down at her that made the young mare tremble slightly. It dawned on Trixie that in just a few moments she’d be on the receiving end of that gaze, from a stallion who was once a Royal Guard Captain, a stallion strong enough to protect the entire city of Canterlot with a magical barrier. Thinking about this made Trixie want to vomit right then and there, was she really ready to do this? Sure it was her choice to come here, but in the back of her head, Trixie was still unsure if this was the right time.
Twilight could see how nervous Trixie was, her body was trembling noticeably. Twilight then got in front of her, blocking her view of the painting and forcing Trixie to look at Twilight instead.
“Trixie…look, if this is really too much for you then we can leave right now,” said Twilight.
That seemed to bring Trixie back from wherever her mind had sent her.
“I know how important it is to tell Shining Armor and Cadance about this, but if you’re really not ready to do this then we can go. They’ll understand,” Twilight gently placed a comforting hoof on Trixie’s shoulder. “This is, and always will be, your choice.”
Trixie took in a shaky breath, the sensation of vomiting came back again, and right now that didn’t seem like a bad idea to her. It would give her a legitimate excuse to leave. But, even if she did leave, there was no telling if she’d have enough courage to come out here again. Trixie thought she had steeled herself enough so that this wouldn’t happen, but she couldn’t turn back now, not after coming this far.
“No…Let’s do this…I’ll be fine,” said Trixie.
“Just remember, I’m here for you, and I always will be.” Twilight nuzzled Trixie’s cheek encouragingly, making the unicorn mare smile weakly. “Let’s go meet our big brother.”
***\ A Couple of Minutes Earlier /***
Cadance was sitting on her haunches at the foot of the staircase to the throne, watching as her husband paced back and forth, muttering to himself under his breath. To be honest she was surprised that he hadn’t worn a groove into the floor. Thank Celestia for crystal floors, she thought.
Suddenly the double doors to the throne room opened as one of Crystal Pony pegasus guards walked in and saluted the two rulers. “My Prince and Princess, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her companion have arrived and are on their way to throne room as we speak.”
Shining Armor continued to pace back and forth, showing no indication that he even noticed the presence of the guard.
“Thank you, Clear Skies. Prince Shining Armor is just…” Cadance waved her hoof as if trying to pluck the right word from the air, “Deep in thought about matters of state, you know how he is.”
Clear Skies nodded his understanding and bowed to the Prince and Princess before taking his leave. Cadance watched as Shining Armor still paced about and muttered. Alright, that’s enough of that.
Cadance used her magic to conjure a wall of solidified mana to appear in Shining Armor’s path. The white stallion continued his pacing route, only to find his snout smack up against Cadance’s construct and sending him falling on his rump. The stallion rubbed his nose and shot his wife an annoyed glare.
“What was that for,” he asked.
“That was to snap you out of your little mood. Didn’t you hear what Crystal Skies said,” asked Cadance.
Shining Armor shook his head, making Cadance rub her temples to stifle a headache.
“Twilight and Trixie are in the palace, they’re on their way here. And, as nervous as I think Trixie will be, I don’t think seeing her half-brother pacing back and forth, scowling, and muttering to himself, is a good first impression.”
Shining Armor just snorted.
“Don’t be like that, you promised to give her chance!”
“Yeah, I know…and I want to, really…but…I just can’t shake this feeling of impending doom, y’know?”
Cadance sidled next to Shining Armor and rested her wing on his back. “If you’re feeling like this, just imagine how Trixie’s feeling. Shining Armor, the Prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor the former Royal Guard Captain, not to mention that her sister-in-law’s the alicorn Princess of Love and her half-sister’s a newly ascended alicorn Princess. She’s practically surrounded by big successes, and it’s probably a little overwhelming.”
Shining Armor thought it over for a minute. What Cadance said about all three of them was true; any other pony would be overwhelmed at meeting royalty, especially ones as well-known as they were. For Trixie it’s probably bone crushing pressure. With a reluctant sigh, Shining Armor nodded his confirmation that he understood. Soon the Royal Couple heard the clip clopping of hooves approach the throne room doors.
Cadance and Shining Armor stood tall, but made sure not appear too intimidating to Trixie, after all they didn’t want to scare away the poor mare. Twilight eventually rounded the corner and beamed at her big brother and sister-in-law.
“Hi, Shining Armor, hi, Cadance,” greeted Twilight.
“Hey Twily.”
“Ladybug, how are you?”
“Oh I –” Twilight noticed that Trixie was no longer standing next to her, but was instead hiding behind the wall. The lavender alicorn used her telekinesis to drag the stubborn mare from her hiding spot and plop Trixie right beside her. “I mean, we are doing alright. Aren’t we, Trixie?”
“Uh-huh,” she muttered.
Trixie kept her gaze downcast, almost as if she were afraid to make direct eye contact. Cadance was the first to approach Trixie and Twilight, she moved slowly, like one would a timid woodland creature. Trixie saw the golden horseshoes of the alicorn Princess, her gut twisting into knots knowing that Princess Cadance was right in front of her.
“So you’re Trixie Lulamoon.” Cadance then looked at Twilight. “Twilight your description of her didn’t do her justice.” She then returned her gaze to Trixie. “It’s alright; you don’t have to be afraid. I’m Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadance.”
Trixie slowly raised her head and was met by the kindest smile she’d ever seen, “Um, Trixie Lulamoon…Princess.”
“Pfft, no, no using ‘Princess’ when addressing family, it’s just Cadance.”
Trixie then heard the sound of hoofsteps coming towards them. Cadance moved to the side and allowed Trixie an unobstructed view of Shining Armor trotting towards the group of mares.
Relax, breathe, he’s not going to kill you, thought Trixie.
You can do this. You can be cordial to her, just remember she’s your half-sister…right…just be nice, thought Shining Armor.
Did I pack enough blasting powder!? Oh that’s right, Twilight made me leave that stuff back at the library before we left. Great, now I can’t make a quick escape if I need to!
Did I remember to put protection spells on the valuables? Yes I did! Okay, and the weapons storeroom is under lock and key, and I’ve got plenty of Magical Ward Spells set up to protect Twily, Cadance, and myself in case she pulls something.
Here he comes…Oh Celestia, I’m not ready, he’s staring at me, he’s already judging the best way to *gulp* silence me!
She doesn’t look at all like I thought. This is the mare that enslaved Ponyville, and challenged Twilight?
Too late to run away…
Too late to turn away…
Just greet him with a smile.
Just greet her with a smile.
Shining Armor was now a foot away from Trixie, standing with the two most important mares in his life. The unicorn stallion managed a weak smile, making Trixie reciprocate with a timid one of her own.
“Hi, Trixie, I’m Shining Armor. Guess I’m your big brother or is it big half-brother,” he asked.
Trixie cleared her throat, “You…um…you don’t have to worry about that, I won’t call you that if you don’t want me to. I’m fine with just Shining Armor.”
“That’s alright with me. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” Shining Armor then turned his attention to Twilight. “Twily, it’s great to have you here.”
“Thanks, we’ve kinda had a bit of a rocky start to our day here already, mind if we head to our rooms and unpack,” asked Twilight.
“No problem, Twilight you’ll be staying in the room from when you were here for the Summit. Trixie, your room is right across from Twilight’s, so you won’t be far,” said Cadance.
“We’ll be having lunch soon, we’ll see ya there,” added Shining Armor.
“Oh good, I’m famished.”
“It’s amazing that you haven’t gained any weight from the amount that you eat –” Trixie quickly shut her mouth, biting her tongue to stop her from finishing her sentence.
She glanced nervously between the three. Twilight was blushing, Cadance had a knowing smirk, and Shining Armor…well…Shining Armor still held his smile, chuckling a little. For a brief second, Trixie thought she saw him narrow his eyes and glower at her. But it happened so fast that she wasn’t sure.
“Yes, trust me, little Twilight here can eat up an entire buffet, and still have the figure of a supermodel,” commented Cadance.
“Cadance, don’t say stuff like that, it’s embarrassing!” Twilight whined. “Humph, come on Trixie, let’s go unpack.”
With that Twilight took her leave, with Trixie quickly on her heels. Cadance chuckled a bit at seeing the display. “I like her, she seems nice.”
Shining Armor’s smile faded quickly, “‘Seems’ being the operative word here.”
Cadance groaned loudly as she facehoofed herself. “Shiny, honestly, you promised to give her a chance.”
“Don’t forget Cadance, I was a Captain, and that training doesn’t leave you. I was taught how to read other ponies, especially those who could pose a threat to Princess Celestia. Only difference here is that instead of Celestia, it’s Twily.” Cadance was about to open her mouth to protest this, but Shining Armor beat her to it. “I fully intend to give her a chance to explain the situation.”
“Ugh, there’s no talking you out of it, is there?”
Shining Armor shook his head.
“Fine, but please make an effort, and try not to snap at her. You could tell just how nervous she was, she afraid to even look at us,” said Cadance while flailing her forelegs.
“Exactly.” Shining Armor didn’t give an explanation to that, he only exited the throne room and went about his daily business.
The real question is: is she nervous because she’s got something to hide? Or is it because she’s afraid of…me?
Shining Armor shook his head yet again. He couldn’t afford to let something as trivial as that stop him from finding out the truth.
As Shining Armor walked down the hallway, a dark shadow moved through the crystals. A faint growl echoed through the hallway, making some of the patrolling guards pause for a moment before resuming their work. Something was stirring within the Crystal Palace, and it seemed to be centered around the growing turmoil around the three siblings.
yes! finally here!
4391331 Yes, yes, sing hallelujah, it is here
oh come on dude!
you had to add something bad in this didn't you?
this couldn't have been just a regular old story?
4391409 It has significance, mostly, pertaining to Trixie.
ah, and im gonna take a guess that shining is going to blame her later on?
4391443 Oh come now TBP, that would be telling, wouldn't it?
guess it would.
Great first chapter. I'm really glad you decided to make a sequel to you're oneshot Hello Sister. I really look forward to seeing where this goes.
Any chance of seeing a side story or a flashback scene where Twilight's friend's found out Trixie was her half sister? I'm curious about what their reactions we're.
4391866 To answer your question, I am thinking about it.
Yay , I'm in the Popular Stories column!
Oh you glorious man!
Dangnabit. How does Trixie keep getting the blame for the Ursa Minor? It was Snips and Snails wot did the deed!
Wow... you sure did some brilliant work there! I can't thank you enough for writing such a nice story. And, of course, I can't wait to see what happens next.
Loving the story so far (as I am reading it still) but this bit:
That's... that's not how royalty works. Lol.
Though, I guess this is Equestria, where stained glass windows make you a princess.
I'd like to see Twilight's parents meet Trixie and how they deal with Night Light's unfaithfulness.
Also, another teeny-tiny error.
That's not a question, so Trixie probably wouldn't be 'asking'.
4393566 I never understood that rationale for hating Trixie... Don't get me wrong, I hate her, but for a real reason; she cheated during her little 'anything you can do' challenge. Now that was her fault, unlike the Ursa.
I like the adversarial role you've developed for Spike in this story. It's entirely natural for a kid to feel threatened by having someone new come into the life of the most important adult in their life. There's lots of drama readily available there if you ever want to write "Can we Try Hello Again Nephew Employee Sister-Friend Dragon Guy" or some such work. If you do continue using him in such a role, please keep it balanced between Trixie and Spike, and not make either "bad" or "wrong."
Also, do me a favor? Your ellipses... they need a space after them. Also, do be careful about punctuation within dialog quotes. I see some that need question marks and exclamation marks instead of commas when questions or reactions are present rather than statements.
I appreciate how you went the "sister" route rather than the easy "Twixie shipping" route. That makes this work and its predecessor unique.
4393647 I'm gonna agree with you there. Being related to royalty doesn't automatically make you as such. That's exactly the case with Trixie.
Her dad is Twilight's dad. While respected, he's never had any nobility title nor is a member of the royal family, otherwise we'd have known that. Trixie is merely Twilight's half-sister, so for her to have any claim to a royal title, Night Light would have to be royalty himself. Twilight is the first in the family to receive the title - yeah, you got the message.
It never hates Trixie. NEVER.
Ok, by the way, I'm really happy to see this! And as a Multi-chapter? YUM!
I'm stalking this.
Found something you may want to edit.
4393647 Actually, sorry to poke holes in that statement but, If there is a queen or a king and they have sons and/or daughters, OR if they are a princess and they have a sister (which in this case would be Twilight and Trixie.) they are both princesses, no if and's or but's. Which means if Twilight or Trixie were to have a child they would became a prince/princess.
is spelled Tatzlwurm.
This story is so good! I am a big fan of Trixie, she's such a sweetheart deep down!
You've written her very well, and gotten her personality spot on. I can't wait to see what happens next!
That would be true, if it was not for the fact that Night Light himself does not hold any title. He is a commoner. Just because his daughter became a princess due to her actions/ascension (which is fictional) and his son is a prince by way of marriage, he himself gets no titles.
A good example of this is Kate Middleton (now Duchess Catherine of Cambridge). Her parents, upon her marriage to Prince William, did not recieve any titles, which would be similar to how Shining got his title of Prince. Ergo, his parents would not have recieved titles for the marriage alone.
In the case of Twilight, we have no real world analogy, though I guess we could once again use Kate Middleton as an example… Pippa Middleton did not, upon Kate's marriage to Prince William, recieve a title. She is effectively, still a commoner. Just one who has a Duchess for a sister.
Should Twilight, or Shining Armor, now that they are royalty, have children, then yes, the title of Prince or Princess would go to the child. Should Trixie have a child, she would be as titleless as Trixie herself.
Besides, Trixie already has a title, and that is Great and Powerful.
Now, if Night Light and Twilight Velvet were Lord and Lady, then the title might go to Trixie, depending on what their actual title is. There are certain titles that do not transfer (Marques, if I recall correctly, would make Trixie daughter of Lord Night Light, but not a lady herself. Depends on the country and the title, really)
Add to that, it also depends on if Night Light recieved said title through his wife, Twilight Velvet. An illegitimate child to another woman would not recieve a title, in this case, she would quite literally be considered a bastard.
Bastard children, even those of Lords, rarely recieved a title. They might have recieved a job and a roof over their heads, and maybe recognised, but not inherrit titles or land.
Whoops, didn't mean to ignore you 4393726, didn't notice you comment under my WALL OF TEXT
4393990 Okay I did forget about Night Light. So I guess you win this round. I submit. TRIXIE IS STILL PRINCESS THOUGH BECAUSE TWILIGHT SAYS SO! Plus Equestria isn't America, it do what it want.
I have had to do a fair bit of research on royalty in the past, and I have a wife from England, who beats me if I make mistakes (not really)
4394055 Lol, yeah, so I thought that Trixie being related to her would make her a princess but what you pointed out makes a valid point. I did not know that about 'bastard' children not receiving a title, just that if your related to royalty that you would be royalty as well.
Heee, the meeting scene was awesome, i could clearly see Trixie sweating bullets.
Hasn´t Sombra something better to do rather than involving himself in family drama?
Can't wait for the next chapter
Nice start, this sort of story is so refreshing. I'm really enjoying it.
One nitpick I saw:
thank you
for this awesome sequel
Seems like Sombra can't take a hint and stay dead. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.
In the summary of the story:
Should be being.
So Equestria lacks freedom of speech... Well that sucks for them, dissing political figures is one of my favorite pastime. All that happens here is that you get marked as a "person of interest" by the government.
4393676 I don't hate her for that. That was a stage thing. She has a reputation on the stage and has to stay in character. I don't get the ursa thing either the ursa smashed her home! So in my opinion she's a pony who I don't have any strong feelings for one way or the other.
Your grammar is okay, but you still seem to struggle with the finer points of proper punctuation.
When writing a character's dialogue, only periods are replaced by commas. If a character asks a question, you still use a question mark. For example, take this quote from your story:
This should instead be:
This is one of your most common mistakes.
Oh, I'm sure they have 'free-speech zones'. /antiquated political joke.
Well. Nobility in Equestria and in this fanfic may work differently. And anyways, Trixie may be a commoner at the moment but she is related in one way or another to all five princesses and a prince.
I'm sure at least one could and would ennoble her. When your country is ruled by living goddesses the law of "Because I said so" tends to be even stronger.
I can see you're struggling to find different ends to those responses.
Sometimes, you can just end it without anything, if you know we can guess who's talking. It's a good technique for average discussions between two people.
If it's supposed to end with a question mark/exclamation point, put it. Also, here too you can just take the "he asked" away, as we already know who's talking, and the question mark would indicate that he's asking.
I'd suggest reading the FAQ on the site. It really helped me with these types of mistakes. It's really well explained, give it a shot!
Nice story, even though I'm not a fan of Twi/Trixie sisterhood. Nothing against the concept, it just doesn't interest me.
Though I do agree that it's an interesting idea.
Aw shucks, I'm just man. THE MAN !
Yeah, yeah, I know it was lame, stop giving me the stink-eye Trix.
Just unlucky I guess, I feel your pain about that, those two idiots deserve the blame whose names begin with S and S .
Thank you!
It was mostly a tactic to get Trixie in the door. Like persuading a kid to go into the dentist office even though he doesn't want to. Plus, the whole rites of royalty are a gray area. What makes Blueblood a Prince? Even though the pompous plot hole doesn't deserve it.
In due time. All in due time.
I personally wouldn't expect Spike to so easily accept Trixie into their lives, even if Twilight asked him to, there would still be major friction between them. It's not easy to forget the pony who threw your metaphorical mother/sister figure out of town and then enslave said town.
Also, I shall address the Spike/Trixie and Mane 5/Ponyville/Trixie dynamic at some point.
And yes, I know that I need an editor and possibly a pre-reader.
To finish, I started this with a random thought. Now every time I read a Twixie fic, the first thing that pops up in my head is Wincest, I just messed up my headcannon. Oh well
Fixed. Oh great, another stalker I'll have to get a straining order for. lol
Thank you and fixed.
As I've told the Descendant, I am quite possibly in need of an editor and pre-reader. Well, better go start asking.
I have received your praise! *thunder and lightning crash outside my window* I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it was joke a joke I say!
No, no he doesn't.
You're very welcome.
Well, I'm 3 for 3. Now I HAVE to find a editor and pre-reader.
Whew, that was a long reply. Anyway, thank you all for faving and liking the story so far. Promise to get more chapters out as soon as I wrangle some people to look over this story and make sure that it is of the highest quality.
Just got to give you props for the picture of Muddy the Mudskipper. The changelingication almost threw me off, But Ren and Stimpy was one of my favorite shows back when it was on TV.
Anyway, I think Twilight would have been knighted by Earth Standards, though if I recall, knights were just noble born and the title wasn't earned through heroic acts, so maybe not.
'my and Twilight’s long lost half-sister!' me might be better grammar here. Good otherwise!
4394898 i think that the guards are just really loyal and took offence
Well of course Shining should accept Trxie at once!
I mean, Twilight accepted him out of the blue in the show!
ermagawd yush~!
[Christopher Walken Voice] Needs more chapters. [/Christopher Walken Voice]
damnit mike STAP so many stories!
It took me about three attempts to recognize that this part...
...was actually two separate internal monologues. It's a bit hard to mentally separate them if you're not paying attention.
Other than that, I'm enjoying this series.
When in doubt, remove one of them.
"Me long lost half-sister" isn't an improvement on my, although I agree it's awkward phrasing. Especially since a rule of thumb is to put the other person before yourself (him and me, you and I, etc.), perhaps it could be "Twilight's and my".