• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 12,227 Views, 1,119 Comments

Absolution - ed2481

An Absol's life is full of pain and the tragedy of others but for one, Cres, that pain is much closer to heart. After a year and a day spent praying atop Mt. Coronet Cres is finally given the chance to obtain his long sought after Absolution.

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Chapter 1

I awoke the next morning, still in my sitting position. I let out a sigh as I looked to the sky and saw the sun slowly rising through it were a Solrock. The sight filled me with a combination of both... pain... and sorrow. My Father had ignored my prayers... yet again. I surveyed the rocky peak that had been my... home of sorts for the past year and a great sense of hollowness welled up in my chest. I had promised Belle that I would return in the event that my pleas were dismissed as trite... and it appeared that was what had happened.

“I guess... I’ll just go,” I said softly, shaking my head.

The morning dew had settled on my coat and I shivered violently for a moment before stiffly moving my foreleg. My entire body ached as I began to stretch, starting with my legs and then to my back as I went through my morning routine. Of course, ordinarily I wasn’t covered with freezing dew but that simply made me move a bit faster.

However, no water could ever be as cold as the pit in my stomach brought on by my rejection. I had sat on this cursed mountain for a year and a day, praying my heart out for him, and Arceus hadn’t appeared.

My eyes narrowed and my horn became dark for a moment before a ball of shadows appeared suspended above me with a snarl I sent it ploughing into a nearby boulder. Then I did it again, and again, and again! I raged at that boulder for how long I do not know, but I do know that when I was done naught but gravel remained of it.

A heavy breath poured out of my lungs, hot and misty in the icy air as I stood there looking over what little remained of the once large boulder. I bit my lip and turned away. My mission ... was done here. I had failed once again.

I began to walk away from the summit, heading for the trail back down. Hopefully, Belle wouldn’t be too smug about it... of course, knowing her, I doubted she would be.

As I was a step away from the decent, something unexpected happened.

“It is a shame, for someone who shows such devotion and willfulness ends up only to be ignored by the ‘almighty’ Arceus,” a deep male voice spoke out in the air above me.

I froze. Then, slowly, I raised my head to look at the speaker, only to find no one there.

“I’m over here young Absol,” the voice spoke again, this time coming from the direction of the boulder I had desecrated. I frowned.

“Father Arceus?” I called slowly.

“No, I am not he, nor do I ever wish to be,” the voice replied.

“I see...” I said slowly before turning my back on the boulder once more. “Then we have nothing to discuss,” I told the voice over my shoulder.

“I do not know about that,” the male voice stated. “While Arceus didn’t heed your plead, I have; meaning I am willing to help an Absol who seems to be desperate in trying to gain something.”

I paused, my front paw once again on the cusp of the moving. Then I let out a sigh. Maybe... just maybe, this voice held the answer to my prayers. I turned and began to tread my way over to the boulder. If it was a Geodude playing a trick on me, I would smash it to bits.

I walked up to the boulder and to my surprise found a small frozen sheet of ice... and staring from within the ice was a large golden mask with two red eyes incase in darkness looking right at me. The blood in my veins froze... it was not Arceus... not Arceus at all.

“Giratina,” I hissed, already beginning to back away. “Stay back foul one!” I growled, raising my horn.

The two red eyes rolled slightly. “Oh please, it is not as if you are going to harm me with that little horn of yours,” Giratina said in an unamused tone. “Beside, that whole ‘foul one’ personality is all in the past.”

I frowned down at the golden mask, my red eyes glaring at it. “So you say, how am I to know that you are not simply attempting to use me for some nefarious purpose?” I asked, no, demanded of him.

“Because I could have done it before when Team Galactic accidently opened a portal to my world,” the legendary ghost dragon stated. “I had a good opportunity then, but I chose not to. In fact, I did save the universe from being destroyed, unlike Dialga and Palkia who were captured by mere humans.”

“I see,” I said slowly as I continued to stare at him. “What... do you have to offer me?”

“Depends, what are you really looking for?” Giratina asked.

“I... I am looking for absolution for a crime,” I told him softly. “And... do not laugh... I know that an Absol searching for absolution is amusing to some...”

“I do not, I find it rather noble,” he replied. “After all, for a Pokemon that receives so much fear and inspires such hatred, it is rather honorable for one of you to be seeking peace.”

I had just been complemented by Giratina, I closed my eyes and let out a short breath.

“I... thank you,” I said with a small nod. “So... can you help me? Else... I will simply return down the way I have come empty pawed to the one I... love.”

“Possibly,” Giratina replied slowly. “I might know of a place of where you can find your peace and the absolution you seek. Of course... you must be prepared to give up the one you love... for a time.”

My eyes narrowed on his image. Was he telling the truth? Did he truly know of place where I could at last find absolution? It... was too good to be true.

“Thank you... but I think I will pass. You are not Arceus, you do not have the power to grant what I seek,” I told it, turning away for a final time.

“That might be true,” Giratina replied. “But neither does Arceus.”

I continued to walk away, not looking back at his empty words.

“If you continue to walk away like this, you will only be spiraling down in your own despair,” Giratina called out. “So much so that you will become more angry and hateful towards everything around you that the only thought which will go through your mind will be to attack everything in sight... even your dear Belle.”

“You don’t know that,” I growled back at him, still striding towards the exit of the summit.

“Is that so?” he replied. “Then I guess that little ‘battle’ with her when coming up the mountain was nothing.”

I froze in stride. “That was nothing,” I stated firmly. “She was fine.”

“That is only because you were holding back... but sooner or later you will slip, and her blood will be splattered across you horn,” he told me with a calm, but serious, tone.

“You- you’re wrong!” I growled. “I-I would never do that!”

“Then continue walking back down the mountain if you truly believe that,” Giratina said. “But if you don’t find what you’re seeking soon, you will regret it.”

That stopped me. As much as I hated to admit it... he was right. I had been so driven to find Arceus. So heedless in my desire that I had abandoned Belle to be captured. So... filled with anger and hate, all directed inwards, that I had lost my senses. If... if I walked away right now... then I would never find my absolution and I would never find myself.

“I’m... listening,” I said as I padded back to the sheet of ice.

The head of the dragon nodded slowly. “Good... as I said, I know of a place of where you can find your absolution... your peace. I can take you there if you wish. Though there is one condition; once you are there you will be stuck there until you find the absolution you seek.”

“And if I never find it?” I asked in a low voice.

“Then you will never be able to return here, you will be forever cut off,” Giratina replied.

“What of Belle?” I asked him slowly. “I know her... she will come looking for me. If she finds naught but an empty mountain then she will simply search all the harder.”

“I will simply tell her that you left and are no longer on the mountain,” he told me. “If she believes me, then she should return to her trainer.”

I thought it over for a moment and then nodded. “I... accept your offer,” I told him. “When Belle comes for me... tell her that I love her... and that I will return when I can.”

Giratina nodded his head. “Then step into the ice, young Absol, come into my domain and you will be one step closer to what you seek.” The image of Giratina vanished, leaving only a picture of what looked like a starry sky.

I took a deep breath and stepped forwards onto the ice. The ice rippled like water, allowing me to easily sink through it, and as I passed through I emerged out of pool of water settling on a large floating rock. My eyes widened in surprise and I looked around uncertainly.

There were dozens of other floating pieces of rocks, or would you consider them islands, of all shapes and size, hovering about. Some of them had trees on them, but they grew with some twist in their trunks, but every one of them were hanging upside down. Off in the distance was a waterfall, but the water was flowing upwards instead of down.

Then it hit me... I was viewing everything upside down.

I let out a cry of surprise and my paws scrambled on the rocky surface until I stopped panicking. I was hanging upside down. And that was alright here. Alright. I was not going to fall to my death. I was... alright.

“Welcome to my domain, young Absol,” Giratina’s voice spoke behind me. I spun and was confronted by a phantasmal dragon. His head was cloaked by a golden mask and a pair of dark eyes stared down at me. Stretching down from its head was a long... seviper like body with six spines and six pair of spikes spread out across it. Emerging from its back were six large... wings of a sort though they were by no means solid.

I will admit... my first reaction to him was to cower in fear; who would not when confronted by such a monstrosity? The power radiating off of him was more than enough to reduce me to nothingness without the least bit of effort... deep down my brain was screaming ‘bad idea, bad idea, bad idea’ at the top of its ‘lungs’.

“I hope you do not mind being upside down, but I do not have much control on where these portals appear,” Giratina told me. “I know to some, it is quite... unsettling.”

“I... it’s... okay,” I finally managed to say. “I’m alright. Yes... I’m alright.”

Giratina nodded his head. “Good, now,” his body weaved through the air and began to approach me. “Jump on and I shall take you to the world which I spoke of,” he finished as the top of his head hovered above me.

“And you will not... eat me?” I asked, though fully aware of how stupid the question sounded the moment it passed between my lips.

“Of course not, Absols give me indigestion. Far too much angst,” he replied, though he chuckled lightly in a joking manner.

“Right...” I said slowly before I sprang lightly, and surprisingly I felt almost completely weightless as I ‘fell’ from my perch on top of the rock, landing on its head.

Giratina began to fly through the air, his body weaving through it like a seviper does when swimming through water. As I stood there atop its head I felt the odd sensation of flight without air racing through my ruff, it was unsettling but I soon grew used to it.

“Where am I going?” I asked him after several long moments of silence, feeling the need to break the oppressive atmosphere.

“A world that borders yours; a place that will be totally new to you, yet holds the air of familiarity to it as well,” Giratina replied.

“Must you speak in riddles?” I asked him with a small snarl of irritation. “While I admit they are better then silence; I would prefer straight answers.”

“Very well, you will be heading to place known as Equestria. It is full of magical, colorful, little Ponyta who on occasion break out into song,” he replied in total seriousness in his voice.

I paused.

“No; honestly where am I going?” I asked him, not buying his words for a moment.

Giratina chuckled slightly in amusement. “You will soon find out for yourself,” he replied as we approached a floating island with another small pool of water in it surrounded by dark looming trees. Giratina lowered his head to allow me to hop off and land on the island. I landed easily and turned back to face him.

“I... thank you Sir? If I find what I am looking for in this ‘Equestria’ then I will be forever in your debt,” I told him.

“Then best of luck to you,” Giratina told me sincerely. “I do hope you will find your peace.”

I gave him a neat bow, and then stepped through the water.

I appeared in an unfamiliar yet uninspiring glen surrounding a pond. I was soaking wet, but I quickly leapt out of the water and gave myself a good shake to disperse the water. I frowned as I sniffed my surroundings and moved my blade slightly from side to side to take in the atmosphere.

The smells were unfamiliar... yet nothing stood out as overly threatening. As for the atmosphere... it was shockingly similar to my own world though I was several hundred feet lower in altitude.

“Strange... I was expecting... odder,” I mused to myself as I continued to look around.

My stomach suddenly gurgled and I realized that I had not eaten since the Clefairy the day before. I heard noise in the underbrush and my ears perked up. Out from within it walked a... extremely small and malformed looking Bibarel. It paused and stared at me for a moment as if I was an unusual plant before it continued about its business.

I raised an eyebrow slightly, but then shrugged. A free breakfast is nothing to sneeze at or pass up. With a simple leap, I reached it and the Bibarel barely had time to react before my teeth seized around its neck. I wiped my head once and the whiplash cracked its neck. I dropped it to the ground and then closed my eyes.

Father Arceus... I know that you did not heed my plea before, but please guide this soul to your embrace, I prayed softly before I began to eat. The meat was good, though a bit too fatty for my tastes. It also was not nearly enough. I frowned as I stepped away from my finished meal, I was still hungry.

Strangely, another two Bibarel appeared out of the underbrush, both wearing puzzled frowns. I struck quickly and before long I was finishing my meal. I strode over to the pond and quickly washed any remaining blood from my coat, then I set off, looking to find my absolution.

Fluttershy stood in front of Applejack’s farm, a smile on her face as she and her friend returned from their ‘spa day’. She had finally managed to talk Applejack into going with her and Rarity for once without there being a large event scheduled. Judging by the faint, relax, smile on her face Applejack had fairly enjoyed the experience.

“I have to say Fluttershy, I might not be into much fru fru stuff, but I can’t deny I had a good time with you and Rarity today,” AJ said tilting her head to the yellow mare. “Thanks for allowing me to join the two of ya.”

“It was my pleasure Applejack,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “I’m just glad that you finally decided to take me up on my offer,” she continued sweetly.

“Well you’re mighty welcome,” the orange earth pony replied. “Hopefully I’ll be free for next spa day, if nothing goes wrong with the apple orchard that is.”

“Oh; well I hope so too,” Fluttershy agreed before she looked up to see a bird flying towards her. “That’s odd, Mister Robin shouldn’t be here,” she said as the red bird alighted in front of her and began to tweet.

Fluttershy’s face went through several different emotions. First it was shock followed closely by grief, and then finally determination and outrage.

Applejack watched the mare with a curious eyebrow. “What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Some... some awful white monster came out of a pond on the edge of the Everfree and ate three innocent beavers!” Fluttershy exclaimed before she turned to Applejack. “Applejack, I hate to be a bother but...”

“Let me get my lasso, and I’ll help ya capture this ‘monster’,” the mare replied without hesitation.

“Thank you Applejack,” Fluttershy said softly. “I simply cannot let some monster kill my forest friends.”

AJ nodded her head in agreement and broke into a gallop as she ran towards her house.

Fluttershy turned back to Mr. Robin and smiled. “Don’t worry Mister Robin, I’ll make sure that this monster understands that it’s not right to eat innocent little forest creatures,” she told her reassuringly. “Why don’t you stop by my house and ask Angel for some extra food?” The bird tweeted it’s thanks and then took off leaving Fluttershy alone.

“Don’t worry Mister Beaver... I will make sure that this monster understands that what he did was bad, very bad,” Fluttershy whispered softly to her dead friend.

This was not the first time one of her forest friends had been killed by a predator, but after the tongue lashing she had given the entire pack of manticores, she thought that they had learned. The yellow pegasus sighed, the poor manticores had looked so sad afterwards and she did so hate to do it, but it was either that or lose more friends so she’d done it. Now she would have to do it again.

The sound of hooves rushing up filled the mare’s ears and Applejack came to Fluttershy’s side.

“Alrighty, I’m all set,” she told the pegasus. “Lead the way.”

Fluttershy nodded, and together they set off towards the forest.

Author's Note:

You guys thought we'd use Arceus didn't you?

Anyways, this is the first fic I've really tried writing in first person (and having to do with Pokemon) so tips are always helpful.