• Published 14th Feb 2014
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On the way to Glory - RickiRappah

Ventus is a hot tempered, impatient, runaway idiot. Jericho is a faithful, kind, wise wolf struggling to determine her fate. Two unlikely "friends" leads to one emotional, dangerous, and memorable adventure.

  • ...

Two Creatures

" VEEENTUUUS! " Vetus' uncle, Halberd, called out in anger. Ventus had started yet another fight in the town square in Scythian, the main country of the Griffon Kingdom. This happens almost weekly. Ventus is always causing trouble everywhere, doing petty crimes such as minor theft and just being a public menace. Halberd waited a few seconds, expecting a young, slim but muscular griffon with green eyes, brown feathers, and grey feathers walking down the stairs.

But of course, he got no response. Just the ordinary ignorance of a lecture that was about to unfold upon the troublesome teen. Halberd reluctantly trudged up the wooden stairs of the small but sturdy home of a noble-class citizen. Halberd walked along the rather long hallway until he reached the second door on the left. Ventus' room? No. The bathroom. It might as well be he room considering all the time he spends in there. He even keeps a chair in the shower.

" I know you're in there! Come out! We need to talk! " No response. Ventus' usual cold shoulder treatment. But this was going too far. Halberd, and no doubt the whole city, has had enough of Ventus' stupid problems. Today is where he drew the line. Halberd now started banging on the door, trying to be as obnoxious as possible to get the criminal's attention. " VENTUS! I SAID GET OUT! " Halberd bellowed, now furious.

There were a few moments of silence before the griffon reluctantly opened the door, the corner of his beak still cracked a bit from the fight. " Come on, man. Not another lecture. You tell me the s-"

" Enough, " Halberd said coldly, " enough of everything, Ventus. We are all exhausted of your pathetic behavior. When are you going to grow up? "

Ventus just stared at his uncle, bored not saying abything. He blinked. Then yawned. And finally walked around his uncle, making his way to his room. " Hey, I'm still talking to you! " Halberd snapped, putting his talon on Ventus' shoulder. Ventus stopped and turned around, sighing obnoxiously.

" Look, I'm sorry I pulverized the weakling. Is that what you want me to say? " Halberd frowned as Ventus gently brushed off his uncles' talon. " Besides, " he continued, " he started it. I just took one little apple and some wannabe hero immediately has a bone to pick with me. "

" That's your problem, " Halberd said still angry, " you can't admit your own problems. You think everything you do is right. And secondly, you started it. You shouldn't have stolen an apple in the first place! Blah, blah, blah..."

Ventus wasn't listening. He had heard this damn lecture about " behaving " and what not about a million times and it was always the same every time. He was sick of it. Sick of everything. School, his stupid job as a courier, the ugly looks he gets just for walking down the street (which is really his fault). Everything. All Ventus ever wanted was a quiet life, doing absolutely nothing. An endless space with the supreme vast majority of reserved emptiness surrounding him, free of whatever rules and chains his young life had been trapped upon. But of course, dreams never come true. Especially those of a troublesome griffon as Ventus. He rolled his eyes, bored from Halberd's lesson and turned to his room.

" And there you go again, " he continued, " always ignoring me when I'm talking to you. Whatever..." Halberd has had enough of the same crappy routine. He left Ventus behind the door of his room and turned back downstairs. " If only your father was still here..."

Ventus didn't hear him. He walked over to his desk where unfinished homework papers were scattered everywhere. He opened the drawer and shuffled around until he pulled out his favorite record, Ricki Rappah's Greatest Hits Vol.2. If there was anything Ventus enjoyed more than peace and quiet, it would have to be the music of Ricki Rappah. Ventus turned the volume on his record player on maximum and just let the rapping course through his brain trying to relax. He plopped down on his bed and spread his wings, starring up at the plain ceiling and thought. Just thought. Thoughts flowing through his head. Feelings pouring out, spreading across the messy room. The more memories that flashed in his mind, the angrier Ventus got. Images of fights, anf failures were nonstop and merciless, taunting Ventus and laughing at his sourly. The writing spread all over the four small walls of his room, reminding the griffon of his actions.

The music wasn't helping. Ventus couldn't calm down. He wanted out. No more. No more anger. No more trouble. Just peace and quiet. Was that really too much to ask for? Well whatever the answer, Ventus will not find his secluded life here. He needed to escape. Ventus climbed off the bed and bent down, pulling his school bag from the under the mattress. He unzipped the pockets and flipped the bag over, watching the piles of crap fall down on his bed. When everything was empty, he turned to his closet, almost tearing it open. He grabbed his favorite jacket, a black hoodie that covered the upper half of his body. Henstuffed into his bag and pulled his sleeping bag from a box on the upper shelf and strapped it around his pack. Finally, and most importantly, he went back over to his desk and scuffed out any bits he could find. He didn't know where he was going but he was definitely going to need money on him.

Ventus turned for the door but stopped. He looked behind him, making sure he didn't forget anything. " Oh wait, " he said to himself, taking his record. He definitely couldn't forget that of all things. His music was probably the cool yin to his furious yang. Ventus stepped out of his room and carefully made his way down the stairs. He made sure Halberd didn't notice him or he'll suffer another one of his boring lectures. He spotted his uncle reading a book in his office, right across from the kitchen. He sneaked through and made it in front of the fridge, opening it and taking his food. He noticed a bottle of wine in the back and smirked. He turned around, making sure his uncle was still in his office. When he was safe to continue, he swiftly grabbed the bottle and jammed it into his bag.

This was it. He was set. Ventus had all his things packed. He was ready. Ready for what exactly? He had no clue but he didn't care. He just needed a break from his terrible life and, dammit, he was going to get that break. No need to leave a note, Ventus was pretty sure Halberd would love to see his nephew gone. Ventus quietly walked to the front door and stepped out, not wanting to look back for a long time...and was gone.


The streets of Scythian were almost always busy with griffons on land and air. Streets were full of house and shops, some even built together. Everything moved fast. In this place, you really did have to be the early bird to get the worm. Griffons don't have as much patience as ponies, especially not ours. Ventus' town wasn't quite as busy, but it still had its share of traffic. However, it was still a dandy place to live. With the population increasing, it's easy to get acquainted with others. Winter in the Griffon Kingdom could conclude light snow or heavy hail. Weather changed drastically as the kingdom is on the northern hemisphere of the world. The sky blessed the city below with an array of snowflakes, pacing their way down into the talons of griffons. Yes, winter in Scythian was one of the best times of the year. At least when griffons like Ventus aren't terrorizing the streets.

Ventus spread his wings and took flight, soaring straight up into the air, enjoying the air breeze through his face. He increased his elevation, rocketing through clouds. Nearby griffons stared up at him as he flew by, going faster. The natural body of a griffon can't elevate as high as a Pegasus due to thier smaller head size. Less blood will flow through thier head making them unconcious at a high elevation. But Ventus didn't care for the science, much less understand it. He continued pushing through the sky, rivaling the height of the Great Clocktower of Prince Vesperion. Ventus' bag rattled uncontrollably, almost slipping off his shoulder. He teared up a bit as a great fore of pressured wind retaliated against his body. But still Ventus continued to go higher, faster. He wanted to get as far from his home as possible.

His muscles strained as he went higher. He was going too fast. He couldn't even move his head! It was getting hard for him to see and breathe. His lungs burned, wings ached. But Ventus didn't give up. He himself didn't exactly know why continued but he didn't care. " Anything, " he thought to himself, " anything to be free. Anything to escape...d-damn " Ventus' head throbbed. His eyelids grew heavy as he slowed down. He was burned out, still tired from his fight earlier. He couldn't fly any longer...and fainted.

His unconscious body fell downwards, quickly picking up speed. No other griffons were around to save Ventus, as if anyone even wanted to. His bag slipped off his shoulder and flipped around dropping all his things scattering in the wind. There was nothing that could save Ventus. He wanted an escape from his life and he got it. It was unfortunate for him to escape like this though...


Ventus saw it. The light. He squinted, trying to focus his vision. He didn't say anything. He just smiled and closed his eyes again. This was it. He was dead but he didn't care. This was his escape. He was now able to leave everything behind. The pain, misery, and most dreadfully, the past. If death was necessary, then so be it. Ventus didn't mind. It was most likely for the best anyways.

" Hey sleepyhead! Wake up! Heeeelloooooo! " a feminine voice called out. It sounded sweet and peaceful but with a strong tone to it. " I said get up! You'll catch your death out here! Come on, guy! " the voice shouted again, this time a bit obnoxious. Ventus groaned in a mixture of pain and disappointment. This was not happening. It couldn't be. He was dead (or was going to be) and he was enjoying it! The light faded away, as Ventus slowly came back to life.

" Uhhhgh...wha? " was all he could muster.

" Ooooooh, there you are. Geez, you scared me, guy. Here, take some water. Bet you took one heck of a fall." Ventus' eyesight was still focusing but he could faintly see something white holding a container of some sort. Taking it as the water, Ventus quickly grabbed it and started chugging it down. Water felt nice, calming him down and waking him up a bit as the cool refreshment soothed his body.

" Or you could just have the whole bottle. " the voice giggled not really caring. Ventus wasn't listening. He was too busy gouging down the water, quenching his thirst.

" Ahhhhh...damn..." he finally allowed himself to breath dropping the empty bottle and rubbing his eyes. He blinked a few times, recapturing his vision. What has once been a white blur, has now morphed into a snow white, female, teen, wolf with sparkling purple eyes.

" You all good big guy? " the wolf asked with a beautiful, warm smile.

" Uh...yeah, " Ventus said, surprised at first, not expecting at all a creature such as her. " Uh, I mean... I didn't need your help. I would have been just perfect dead. "

" Excuse me? " the wolf said, now angry, " I save your life, find all your stuff and bag, " she said tossing Ventus' bag at him, " and let you drink all my water for what? Look, you could at least say ' thanks ' without meaning it, but there's no need to be a jerk. " Ventus sighed and rolled his eyes. He was about to enter a world of endless sleep! All he ever wanted was just barely on the tip of his talon! He was disappointed at first but then thought for a second. Ventus was at least a few miles from town which was good. But on the bad side, he hated apologies...a lot.

" Okay, okay, " Ventus said reluctantly, " thanks. Really, I mean it. And I guess I'm sorry for being a jerk. It's just...well you know. Falling from the sky and everything."

" About that, are you okay? I was really scared when I saw you in the air. Thank goodness I was around."

" Yeah, whatever, I'm fine."

There was a moment of silence as the two studied eachother. The wolf noticed Ventus wasn't too surprised by her. Most other animals would be scared of her appearance but Ventus seemed okay with it. There was something different with him. She could see it in his eyes.

" So, " the wolf broke the silence, " why did you run from home? "

Ventus blinked. " H-how did you-"

" Well let's see, " she smiled, " random griffon far from town falls unconscious and wakes up very angry. Its obvious you were running from somethi

Ventus looked around, completely unaware of the location. Ventus had never been out of Scythian City before, for he lived there his entire life. The griffon searched around trying to find a clear path leading anywhere. Anywhere but back home. Without either of the two knowing, they were in the Thousand Spear Forest, located on the outskirts of Scythian. It was given its name due to the the tall, pointed oak trees the forest was filled with. This forest stretched for miles on end, leading to the mountains outside of the country.

Ventus stood up and grabbed his bag and unzipped it, making sure everything was still in there. In case you didn't notice, Ventus doesn't trust anybody but himself.

" Don't worry, everything is still in there. I wouldn't take your stuff, man! What would I do with it? " the she-wolf said, quite disappointed from Ventus' doubt.

" Yeah, okay. Whatever. " After Ventus made a full inspection, he strapped his bag back on and started to walk away, not really choosing a specific direction. His rescuer looked up at him, confused. She quickly got up and caught up next to him.

" What so that's it? You're just going to walk away and leave me here? " Ventus just shrugged, not at all caring for the wolf. " You can't even say a decent ' goodbye '? Look, at least tell me your name. You do owe me that. "

" I don't owe anyone anything. I said my thanks. And now I'm off. " Ventus trudged a bit faster, trying to escape the wolf. She easily caught up, walking next to him, an angry expression on her face. Patient as she was, Ventus was making waste to her kindness. But she didn't give up.

" You have no clue where you're going, you can barely walk, and you are miles from your home with no one to travel with. I know you seriously don't intend to last out there. You-"

" OKAY!!! " Ventus barked, turning to the wolf as she jumped in fear. " I get alright! I seriously don't need this right now. I turned from my life to be free from nagging, not to have some random chick be my next mom! Oh, and my name? It's Ventus. Happy? Great. Now please, get lost. "

The wolf smiled at his response. It was rude, but satisfactory. Better that than the cold shoulder. " Ventus..." she said graciously, " what a beautiful name! ' The one of wind ' is a tremendous title to give someone! " Ventus winced. Being called " beautiful " was truly something new to the griffon. " My name is Jericho al-Ren. Despite your agitation, it is truly great to meet you Ventus. " Jericho said with another warm smile.

" Jerry who-wha? " Ventus raised an eyebrow, having no idea what Jericho just said. She just giggled at his throw off.

" No one can ever pronounce my name correctly! It's okay. Just call me Ren. "

" Well, see you later Ren, " Ventus turned to walk again, " oh, that's right! I won't be seeing you again! Great. Well, thanks for the save...and water. " Ventus strapped on his bag and turned away.

" Not so fast, you jerk, " Jericho paced herself next to Ventus once again, still not done with the griffon, " I need your help. You also owe me that. " Ventus gritted his teeth at the sound of wolf still in his presence.

" Help with what? " he muttered softly but angrily.

" You see...I'm a one of a few wolves left. I was raised by a family of ponies in Equestria. They had to raise me in secret, afraid of other's reactions knowing of a vicious animal such as myself within their city. Since then, I've been traveling great ways to see if there is a pack I could join. My race is growing extinct. I've nothing left to do. " Jericho looked down, reminding herself of her past. The months that she has traveled already has been enough trouble for the young woman. She couldn't afford to tread alone any longer. " I know we just met but... "

There was a long pause. Jericho looked up at Ventus, studying his expression. He had the best poker face she had ever seen, having absolutely no idea what he was thinking. Ventus just looked forward, watching the snow patter down on the forest dirt. Ventus normally cared for no one but himself, that was no secret. But alas, the young fool was not heartless. He and Jericho were alike in a particular way. Just a couple of kids away from home, finding out where they truly belong.

Ventus took a deep breathe, preparing himself for what he was about to say. " ...I'll go with you. "

Jericho blinked. " What? "

" I don't like to repeat myself! If i travel with you, I can forget about all this stupid city. Besides, I've been really bored lately. " Jericho beamed with joy and excitement.

" Oh, this is so wonderful! Thank you so much! " Jericho jumped forward and squeezed Ventus tightly.

" Hey, get offa me! " Ventus blushed, pulling Jericho off him.

" Oh, sorry. I'm just happy that's all. I finally have a companion to travel with! " Jericho suddenly realized their current situtuation and got a good look of where they were, also not having the faintest idea where they were. " Anyways, do you know where we are? I kinda been traveling blindly. " Jericho blushed,embarrassed.

" Sorry. Ain't got hint. " he answered nonchalantly.

" What? You're kidding! "

" Nope, " said Ventus completely carefree, not at all minding his uncertainty. Jericho, on the other hand, was quite upset. She had came all this way and finally got a partner! But for what? To travel in circles? She slumped down on the floor, completely dumbfounded. Ventus looked back at her and furrowed his eyebrows.

" Hey, come on! We're not gonna find your stupid pack with you sitting on your tush! " he said, impatient. Jericho frowned at his remark.

" How can you act this casual? If you don't know where we are, we're completely hopeless? " Jericho cried, completely disappointed. She continued sitting, trying to come up with a solution. Tracing back from whence she came won't work. The snow would've already covered her tracks. Wandering around clueless is also a terrible option and would waste valuable time. " Then again, " she thought, " He did fall west. That means the city is located to the east of where Ventus landed. Going from there, we should be out of the forest in about a day without any delays. " Jericho nodded in satisfaction going over her plan and rose to her feet. " Okay I got it! " she exclaimed, " we go west. "

Ventus scratched his head confused. " West? Whats that? One of your dog pals? "

" ...y-you...really don't... " Jericho couldn't believe this. A griffon, completely unaware of direction and location, as her partner on a journey that could take forever. She started laughing uncomfortably. Ventus looked down at the wolf, backing away slowly. Jericho settled down and wiped away a tear. " This is going to be a long trip, Ventus, " she smiled, " but as long as I have someone by my side, I'm positive we'll be fine. "

" Whatever, " Ventus said, still freaked out a bit, " as long you don't laugh like that again, I could care less. Now lets hurry up and go. "

The two creatures started walking into the depths of the forest, snow falling over them lightly. Although their current situation seemed rough already, Jericho held her head up, smiling. She could care less about Ventus' supreme idiocy. As long as the wolf had a companion, fate would lead them through the right path. She was ready. And as for Ventus...well, let's just hope for some early character development.


The Sun glimmered lightly in the snow as a gentle winter breeze pushed through the sky. It was a beautiful morning in the city of Scythian. Griffons woke up peacefully, ready to start their day. Everyone was in a gay mood, prancing around merrily. Yes, they were also free. Free from the violence and utter destruction from such a furious, merciless, heartless creature. The citizens cheered in the absence of such a beast. " The great Prince Vesperion has blessed us! " some would pray. " To the underworld with him! " others would curse happily. Such a glorious day for the griffons with many more to come...

" ACHOO! "

" Bless you, " a young female laughed, " where did that come from? Are you sick? "

" No, " said the fearsome beast of Scythian, " I think someone's talking about me. "

" Oh, I see. Good things I hope. " The two had continued their travel in the forest from their bizarre introduction yesterday. Saving a griffon who didn't mind dying isn't the best way to meet anyone. Ventus had agreed to help Jericho find a pack of natural wolves, mostly for the sake of getting as far away from home as possible. The griffon could care less about anything for the moment. However, Jericho didn't mind his rather crappy attitude. She was just happy to not be alone.

The two were silent as they walked through the forest. Ventus kept his attention forward as Jericho kept glancing over at him, curious. Jericho had never seen a griffon in person before, much less anything or anyone. Her life before was rather secluded. She decided to break the ice. If she was going to travel with Ventus, it is best to know a bit of her companion.

" Why? " she asked softly, not wanting to bring up the topic crucially.

" What? "

" I think you know. What exactly happened yesterday? " Ventus didn't answer. His overall expression didn't change at the question. Jericho wasn't expecting an answer due to his silence, which only made her more curious. She turned back to the forest, watching the snow drop peacefully. " You were angry weren't you? That's why you left your home, you didn't really try to...you know. "

"...stop doing that. "

" What? "

" That...thing. It's like you're reading my mind or something. It's pretty weird. " Jericho smiled, relieved she didn't strike a nerve. "But yeah, you're right, " Ventus said calmly, " I was pissed, so don't you go and think I'm some sort of...weirdo. " he affirmed.

" Well I am certainly glad you decided not to throw your life away. Nevertheless, you still shouldn't have left your home. Things may be difficult sometimes but- "

" Look, you don't know anything about me, " Ventus muttered coldly, " so let's just choose another topic to talk about. Or better yet, we can just not talk at all. Yeah, I think I like that. "

" Oh...I see. " Jericho lowered her ears, now feeling awkward. The two remained silent once again as they trudged through the Thousand Spear Forest. They kept their eyes forward, not stopping for anything. Jericho looked upwards, enjoying the few of the grey sky and elegant snowflakes scatter in the air. She wanted to continue talking to Ventus but he was hard to break through. The wolf turned back her attention to Ventus, studying him closely. Wow, what a guy. He is even more magnificent than the ponies back home. But, there is still something more in him. I don't now what this is, but I can feel it. Is this because he is the first griffon I ever met? No, no it's not that. I think- " Oof! "

Jericho was so lost into thought, she didn't notice Ventus stop as she bumped into him. " Sorry, " she blushed, feeling dumb, " is everything okay. Why did you stop? "

Ventus smirked devilishly. " We've got company. Or at least I do. "

Jericho gulped. " I-is that good? That doesn't sound too good. It is good...right? "

Ventus dug his talon in the snow and scuffed it around, searching for a stone. " Well...yes and no. It depends- " Ventus retracted a decent-sized rock and turned to his left, eyeing a bush. He brought his leg back, and hurled the stone as hard as he could. " -on if you're like me! "

" OWWWWWW! " the bush cried in pain. Jericho raised her eyebrows, surprised. A griffon, about a bit younger than Ventus and Jericho,rose from the bush holding his left eye. " Asshole! You're going to pay for that! "

" Whatever, Ashvoid. " Ventus smiled, trying to hold back a laugh.

The young griffon had black fur and white feathers, bringing his name to justice. " DAMMIT, " he cried angrily, still holding his eye, " alright, guys, come out. He knows. " Ventus and Jericho waited a few seconds before they noticed rustling in the trees. The first griffon to reveal himself fell from one of the trees, landing on his face. He quickly got up and brushed himself off, trying to act unharmed. He had white fur with bright, crimson feathers. The second ninja wannabe wasn't so dumb. He simply flew from the tree to the ground and glared at the rock-tosser. This griffon looked like a lion with brown fur and yellow feathers like a mane.

" Well, well, looks like its the three stooges. What's up? Did you guys miss me already? " Ventus chuckled at his joke.

Jericho tapped Ventus on the shoulder and leaned over to him. " Uh, Ventus? Who are these guys? "

" They're a couple of punks I know from the city. "

The lion-griffon stepped forward. " We knew you were hiding somewhere, so Ember, Ashvoid and I decided to scope around. The thought of you disappearing from Scythian sounded too good to be true. But here you are. Just you and...a-a wolf? " the griffon made a confused face, just barely noticing Jericho. After a few moments of starring, the griffon blushed.

" Well now, what's sexy babe like you doing with this bozo? You should come with me. We don't know what could happen in a place like this. " he smiled at her, looking hungry.

Jericho turned as red as a tomato and stepped back behind Ventus. " T-that's none of your business, pervert! "

Ventus sighed at her cowardice and looked back at the three apposing griffons. " Listen, don't you guys mind her. If you're lookin' for somebody to mess with, I'm right here. "

Ember, the red griffon, laughed. " You do realize we're outside of the right? That means we can fight no-holds-barred. There's three of us and one of you! "

Ventus pulled off his backpack and tossed it on the ground. Jericho panicked. " W-wait, what're doing? "

" I'm going to beat the crap out of them. "

" But we can't! We might attract more attention! And what if you get hurt! O-or" too late. Like a bullet, Ventus spread his wings and spread forward. Ember and the third griffon jumped to the side, dodging the attack. Ventus headbutt Ashvoid, sending him a few flying a few feet away. He landed in another bush, this time being completely motionless.

Ember took flight, rising up a few inches and looking over at his other partner. " Get him, Lan! " With no hesitation, the brown griffon ran over to Ventus, swinging his talon torward him. Ventus caught his leg and swung him over to the ground. Taking this chance, Ventus leaped on top Lan and began pounding his face as if it were a pillow. Ember stayed in the air, his beak dropping wide open. Jericho winced at every punch landed, feeling very sorry for the charming griffon who would have most likely raped her.

Ember couldn't take this anymore. He flew down to Jericho and grabbed her by the neck. " Hey Ventus! " he yelled out. Ventus climbed off of Lan and looked over at Ember. " Yeah that's right, asshole! Anymore crap and this bitch gets it! " Ventus blinked. He didn't do anything. No one did. The three stood there like a couple of rocks.

" Ummmmm, okay. Now what? " said Ventus, getting bored.

Ember gulped, not knowing what to do next. He didn't exactly plan anything. " Uhh..."

Jericho grew impatient and decided to act. She swung her head back, hitting Ember square in the face.

" Ahhhhh! " Ember staggered back, cupping his beak with his talons. Jericho wasn't done with him though. In an instant, she spun behind the griffon and chomped hard on his tail. Ember cried like a girl as he felt the wolf's teeth sink into his skin. Jericho, still biting Ember, tripped him and began spinning. She quickly picked up speed as she lifted the griffon off the ground, accelerating like a tornado. After a few spins, Jericho let go of his tail and sent the guy flying into the air.

Ventus gazed in awe as he Ember flew into the sky. He flew so far, he became a spec in the air, barely visible. " W-what the hell..." he stuttered in shock.

" I hate to leave them here, " Jericho brushed herself off and picked up her bag, " But I really don't want any anymore trouble. I don't condone violence. " Not wanting to waste time, she started walking off trying to calm herself. Ventus shook his head, snapping out of his shock. He retrieved his bag and caught up to Jericho.

" What the hell was that? You never told me you knew how to fight! "

" I don't, " Jericho said calmly, " I was just defending myself since somebody didn't bother to save me. Besides, even if I did tell you, you wouldn't listen. You never want to talk! "

" Well...whatever. " Ventus looked over at Jericho and smiled, " That was pretty damn cool though. I gotta admit, I wouldn't want to mess with a chick like you, especially if you're going to be biting my ass! " he laughed.

" Please, " Jericho said softly, " never speak of that again. " they both shared a laugh, finally showing some true contact. Jericho smiled at Ventus.

" W-what? "

" It's just...I'm happy. This is the first time we're actually communicating! " Jericho beamed.

Ventus winced and quickly turned his attitude around. " Geez, don't say crap like that! It's...weird. Besides, don't expect much of it. I like my life quiet. "

" Coming from the guy who started a fight. " Jericho chuckled.

" Whatever, Ren. Let's just go. I've had enough of those idiots for the past three years. "

Jericho gleamed. He said my name! I didn't even have to remind him! He actually said it! Jericho was now feeling more confident. Whatever she felt before about Ventus, it was definitely showing. Something told her she was going to enjoy er time with Ventus. Who knows, maybe being with a guy like him won't be so bad. Oh, who am I kidding? This is going to be a disaster.

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