• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 705 Views, 30 Comments

Silverspirit The Immortal Unicorn (ArtemisXSilverspirit) - Silverjades96

A love story between Prince Artemis and Silver Spirit

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Profile of Grissom

This is as close I can make this guy. I'm sorry cause my art is really shitty (scuse my language). I'm thankful for this site or any of my characters wouldn't have been made/born Make Your Own Pony!. All the art goes to this person. I'll let you guys know if I manage to make one myself one day. Btw just imagine him with holes and other missing details.

Name: King Grissom

Gender: Male

Alignment: Evil

Parents: Umbra and Metamorphosis


What more can we say despite that he is cunning, evil and etc. Basically your worst enemy in a nutshell along with a deep hatred to fulfill his needs. Because of his nature, the hive obeys him or they will suffer his wrath. He doesn't really care what happens to others but if there is something that is useful to him, he'll use it to the fullest extent. Grissom believes that he can take away hope from anyone and plans to take revenge for his parents.


So far, I don't know how high his intellect is but I'll just say he's smart to keep it simple.


Most of it is pretty gruesome, bloody and nasty so it's best not to dwell deep into it. However, his favorite activity is using black magic and sword fighting.

Most positive emotions. He likes to drain his victims dry of it but he doesn't really need to feed. Fear from his changelings provide a substitute substance for him for now.


Umbra and Morphosis decided to have a child only because they wanted to create an heir that would help them rule the world in darkness. Of course, Umbra taught him Black Magic as Grissom grew and Morphosis decided to show him the hive's way. After the many years that Umbra was sealed away, Morphosis groomed him to be the perfect model of the Prince of Evil (supposedly). Grissom grew angry as his parents were killed by the Elements of Harmony. So he planned his revenge until the time was right. Also, getting revenge on Equestria is another excuse for ruling the world.

He's been ruling the hive with an iron hoof. The only reason why the hive moved into the icy region was because they would be undetected and laid low. They have a group of ponies that they captured so they could farm their love. Right now those ponies are only kept alive because they feed the hive. They still hope someone will save them.

Author's Note:

Here's a profile for Grissom. Just wanna make sure people will know what his intentions are. Sort of

Comments ( 5 )

Nice picture.

3965749 thanks. I couldn't make the holes though and the purple mist coming from his eyes.

3965814 Sorry about that. If you want to you could try editing it in paint.

3965846 lol I only got the purple mist to work

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