A love story between Prince Artemis and Silver Spirit
It's been a year since Dusk Shine's coronation and many years since Artemis return from his banishment and Night-terror Nebulous is long gone. However, the stars are telling him something. That some pony that he loves has appeared again. However, another evil wants to use her for their own means. He must correct his mistakes before she is lost to him forever.
To Everyone: Please give comments and critiques. I also appreciate suggestions. Those who dislike the story, I would like comments to back up your reason. It doesn't make the story any better if you don't give me a reason why. Thank you!
To My Dear Readers: I need some editors to catch my mistakes and make the story better. The deal is editors get to see what the next chapter would be like and I'll give them the password to excess unpublished passwords. Anyone who would like to please message me. I'll be really grateful! >W<
PS: I have been really super busy these days. I'm afraid the only time I can update on a story is during the summer. Sorry guys! Please be patient.
The wind pass through the dark forest. The leaves rustled. The night sky was full of stars, brightly shining with some intensity as if signifying the arrival of someone. Prince Artemis (Princess Luna guy version) looked up into the sky and wondered what was going on with the stars. I wonder what the stars are trying to tell me, he thought as he watched the night sky.
As Artemis watched longer he began to realize the stars lightly showed a flower. Not just any flower, it was a white star flower that only bloomed at night. A flower that some pony important to him said it was her favorite flower. Prince Artemis began to clutch his head with his hooves as some memories began to come back to him. A cheerful smile, no flank, fur white as snow. Then eyes full of pain and sorrow that made his heart pound with guilt and sadness. One tear fell from his eye as he now fully remembered who he had lost before and after he had turned into Nightterror Nebula (Nightmare Moon).
"Silver", he whispered mournfully. "What have I done again?"
During that same night, a bright light flashed somewhere in the Dark Forest. An opening to an underground cave appeared, revealing a white unicorn inside it's wonders. A crystal vine grew and began to gently tap the white unicorn awake. Slowly, the white unicorn began to wake and stretched to get rid of the kinks from her body. She yawned widely and opened her eyes, revealing light cyan blue eyes. She looked around puzzled.
Where am I? she thought. The white unicorn tried to walk around the room to get a sense of things except that nothing seemed to come up.
I don't remember a thing, she thought sadly. The only thing I can remember is that my name is Silver-spirit. What am I doing here? I need answers. The magical cave seemed to sense her confusion and tried to comfort her by brushing her mane with it's crystal vines. Silver-spirit giggled and rubbed her head against the vine.
"Such a sweet thing", she said in a melodic voice then began to stand on her hooves and walked outside of the cave. Silver-spirit looked around the Dark Forest. Although to many ponies it would be dangerous, the Dark Forest somehow felt comfortable to her. Before she began to explore the Forest, her stomach began to growl. She blushed, a gentle pink hue colored her cheeks. Then she went back inside to find that the cave had produce it's own food before and began to offer her an apple. Silver-spirit smiled and took the apple gently with her teeth.
"Thank you", she giggled, her laugh like little silver bells. The cave responded her back with a small tinkling sound. Silver-spirit was in deep thought as she munched on her apple and other fruit. Silver-spirit seems like a long name to continue to pronounce, she thought. Better keep it simple and call myself Silver. Once she was full, she gave a small burp and sighed with satisfaction. Silver smiled at the cave and walked to the nearest vine.
"Hello, cave", she said. "You have been taken care of me right?" The cave replied with another tinkling sound that sounded like a "yes".
"Do you mind telling me what happened in the first place?", she asked. There was a small silence before a vine began to curl around her horn and show her it's memories. The cave was just opened long ago, letting the moonlight shine through until a white body appeared out of no where. It was her. Her body looked like a mess. Blood was trickling down from her mouth. Large bruises appeared on her pale fur. Her body was heaving. After a few minutes that she appeared, the crystal vines began to investigate this interesting looking thing. Then the vines began working on her body, healing her as much as they could. From what the cave showed her was that many days had passed before she finally woke up.
Silver's eyes grew sad as the vision ended and patted the wall with her hoof.Then she yawned largely and giggled. She had just awoken and yet she is tired already. The cave, already sensing her need to sleep showed Silver her sleeping quarters, with a sigh of thanks she lay down on the fluffy bed and sleep, hoping to find some answers.
Solaris was eating breakfast with Artemis the next morning, wondering what was wrong with his brother. Artemis picked around with his food and sighed quietly. After a few minutes, Solaris couldn't take it anymore.
"Brother, is something wrong", Solaris asked. Artemis was dazed and didn't answer so Solaris with his magic levitated a napkin into his face. Solaris started to chuckle at Artemis' expression. Artemis was so shocked that he fell out of his chair. He got up annoyed.
"Brother, that was a foul move", he complained and did the same thing to Solaris. Solaris blocked it in time and grinned.
"I just wanted your attention but I guess I have it now", Solaris said. Artemis sighed but gave a small smile.
"Now I want to know what's eating your tail", he demanded as he shove some more food into his mouth. Artemis sighed and shook his head.
"It's nothing much brother", Artemis replied. Solaris grunted.
"Nothing my hoof. Since you're so down in the dumps how about a duel Artemis, just you and me. If I win, you have to tell me", Solaris challenged. Artemis then gave a surprising loud laughter.
"Then I guess if I want to win I don't have to tell you. A duel then Brother", Artemis said and bowed his head then left the dining room to go to his private chambers to prepare for a duel.
Solaris and Artemis stood opposite of each other in the training arena. Both had their armor on and looked each other in the eye. The soldiers crowded around the two rulers, excited to see a duel between the brother for the first time. The soldiers parted as one of the generals walked toward the center, in between the two brothers. He looked at them, side to side. He raised his hoof.
"On the count of three, your highness, let the duel begin", the general said. "One. Two. THREE!" Then quickly brought his hoof down. Artemis and Solaris quickly drawn their blades and clashed with each other. Artemis smiled inwardly as he clashed swords with Solaris.
I forgotten how long since I done this, he thought. Again and again their swords strike. The soldiers wondered who was going to win. Some began to cheer for Solaris while the other began to cheer for Artemis. Then for one moment the thought of Silver passed his mind. That moment was all that took. Solaris quickly went up to his brother and kicked some dust into his face, blinding Artemis. By the time his vision cleared, Artemis found himself laying on his back with Solaris' sword pointing at his neck.
Solaris grinned as he looked down his brother. "The battle is mine", he declared.
Artemis frowned. "You have not fought honorably, Brother Solaris".
"Ah, but I want to hear was has gotten my little brother down in the dumps", Solaris said and gave Artemis a hoof to help him up. Artemis took in then sighed as he got up.
"Fine. You win this time", he said. "Next time we will fight honorably, Brother". Then left for the showers to wipe off the sweat from his coat.
Solaris chuckled. "Next time, next time". And followed his brother as well, to hear what is on his mind.
Silver was ready to part from the cave that morning. She looked around the cave and packed what she needed. However, there wasn't really much that she could pack with. The cave was kind enough to lend her a cloth that she could use to bring some fruit with her. Silver smiled and patted the wall before she left.
"I'll try to be back home as soon as I can", she promised. The cave another tinkle and waved her goodbye as she left the cave. Silver sighed and started to run in one direction, hoping that she would find at least something.
Once she was out of sight, the magical cave then closed up. It had only accepted her as it's friend and anyone else would not be acceptable.
She ran through the trees as fast as she could. To Silver, she somehow knew that if she linger anymore, she would have encountered more danger than necessary. After a few hours of running, her legs began to protest.
How long is this forest anyway?, she thought. I need to take a break and walk the rest. Then her stomach began to rumble right on cue. Silver landed then took out the fruit that the cave provided for her. By the time she was done, Silver had eaten all of the food. She chuckled as she saw the empty cloth.
So much for packing anyway, Silver thought and continued on her way. What she didn't know however is that she was getting closer to Ponyville, where the lavender alicorn Dusk Shine and his friends live.
Artemis grumbled as he sat in the steam room. He was very reluctant to tell Solaris about Silver but he had to. After all, he had made a deal with Solaris. Solaris watched with amusement as his brother grumbled and mumbled to himself. Artemis then became startled as Solaris sat down next to him. Solaris chuckled.
"Why are you so paranoid, Artemis?"
Artemis glared at him. "And whose fault is that, Brother?" Solaris laughed again. Artemis grumbled to himself, crossing his arms.
"Fair enough", he replied. "Now its your turn. I want to know what's biting your flank".
There was a long silence. "It's about Silverspirit", he finally replied back. Solaris sat a little straighter.
"What?", Solaris shocked, his guilt surfacing. Long ago, due to his ignorance, he had cause Artemis to become Nightterror and cost Artemis a pony that loved his night as much as Artemis did. He did not listen to her warnings and he regretted it ever since.
Artemis nodded sorrowfully and put his head in his hooves. "The stars were showing me some signs. They showed me her favorite flower". Then he looked up from his hooves. "I remember the damaged I caused her before I transformed. Brother, what happen to her after that?"
This time it was Solaris' turn to be silent. It started to frighten Artemis a bit. "Do you really want to know what happened to Silverspirit?", he asked. Artemis nodded. Solaris sighed then began to recall those memories from long ago.
After Artemis had transformed into Nightterror Nebula, Solaris fought against him but Nightterror was too much. Solaris was in the same position Artemis had been when he lost but before Nightterror could perform his final strike, Silver appeared and struck him with a powerful blast from her horn. It was powerful enough that it made Nightterror to slam against the wall, causing him to be stunned but only for a bit. Silver bought Solaris time as she fought against Nightterror the best of her abilities. Before Solaris turned away to go and activate the Elements of Harmony, he saw her cry as she fought with Nightterror.
"Then what happen?", Artemis quietly interrupted, his voice shaky. Solaris took another deep breath and continued.
By the time, Solaris got to the Elements, Silver crashed from the glass ceiling above him then Nightterror came in right after. Before he could finish her off, Solaris activated the Elements just in time to push him away from Silver. Solaris felt heartbroken as he saw her injuries and how much he had caused both of them so much pain.
".... Silver was still crying when I lifted her to hear her heartbeat. She opened her eyes and lifted her hoof, touching my cheek. 'Save Artemis', she told me before she disappeared in a blinding flash. With a heavy heart, I used the power given to me and fought you again before I finally banished you to the moon. I went back to where her body had once lay and all that was left of her was a moon blossom", Solaris said.
He couldn't say anymore what happen after that. Right after he found the flower, Solaris looked up at the moon that now held his brother. Solaris couldn't take it anymore and with one deep breath he roared with such grief that the castle shook.
After a few minutes of silence, Artemis got up. "Thank you, Brother", his voice cracked and left the room. Leaving Solaris reeling from the pain. And as for Artemis, he went to sword practice again, venting out his anger and frustration.
Silverspirit puffed and wheezed as escaped the Everfree Forest. Next time I'm bringing more food!, she thought. checked the cloth she wrapped over her body and sighed. Then she looked around her. Silverspirit was in AJ's Sweet Apple Acres and the barn seemed to be miles away. She shook her head and slowly made her way to the nearest apple tree. She barely had any energy left to even walk toward it.
She laid down with a thump and sighed as the shade gave her comfort. Those apples look do delicious, she thought as she looked up. A red apple was dangling from the nearest branch, enticing her with its color and smell. Silver shook her head again.
It's not mine. It's not mine, she repeated as she lay her head on her hooves. Without even knowing, she fainted under the apple tree due to exhaustion.
AJ smiled as he came out of the barn. "An' other day for apple pickin'!", he cried. His big sister, Macareina walked out and stood behind him. AJ smiled at his older sis. "Right sis?"
Macareina nodded her head. "Eeyup", she replied. "Time to do some apple buckin' ".
AJ smiled and hooked himself to a large cart. Both them went to the edge of the Sweet Apple Acres. He was very proud and happy of the apple farm. The apples nice and ripe, the trees nice and strong and full of those good ol' apples. Just another wonderful day of hard work. As they got closer to the edge, AJ started to notice a white body laying under the apple tree.
AJ was starting to become angry. That pony better not do anythin' to mah apples, he thought but as he got closer, he realized it was a mare. Her mane was a mess, full of twigs and leaves. He gently tried to wake her up but couldn't.
Macarenia kicked him. "What're you standin' there, AJ?! Waitin' for her to pick herself up? She's tired that poor thing. Go an' be a gentlecolt", she said.
"Landsakes", he grumbled and quickly put Silverspirit into the cart, rushing back to their house.
After they got back, they put Silverspirit into Macarenia's bed. With a few hours of intense caring, Silverspirit woke up. She was confused to see two ponies at the edge of the bed, let alone that she was in a stranger's house as well. No wonder I felt more comfortable!, she thought, eyes flitting from one pony to another. Macarenia smiled reassuringly at her as she saw the mare looked around in panic.
"Don't worry sweetie. You're all safe an sound". Silverspirit relaxed and returned a smile.
"Thank you so much", she said. "I didn't mean to faint on your apple orchid". Macarenia chuckled.
"No matter. When there's uh pony n need, we're happy to help", Macarenia replied then stuck out her hoof. "The name's Macarenia. The stallion, over there is my littl brother. We have an' other little siblin name Apple Core but he's at school right now".
Silverspirit took her hook and shook it. "A pleasure to meet you, Macarenia. My name is Silverspirit, Silver for short".
AJ chuckled a bit and went over to greet Silverspirit. "The name's AJ. Ah'm uh fraid mah sister forgot to mention my name".
"It's a pleasure to meet you too". Silverspirit bowed her head to AJ. "I should really thank you for carrying and taking care of me. I didn't mean to sleep on your land".
"No prob, Ms. Spirit", AJ said.
Silver slowly got out of bed and managed to steady herself. She looked at Macarenia kindly. "May I have some water please, Miss Macarenia?"
Macarenia nodded. "Don't cha worry. AJ, take care of our patient ya hear?" AJ nodded and ushered Macarenia out of the room.
Once AJ closed the room, Silverspirit decided to ask some questions. "I'm sorry for asking so much but could you help me find some answers?"
AJ raised his eyebrows. "Well, what do ya need?"
Silverspirit sighed. "The thing is, I don't remember anything except for my name. I was hoping that I could ask for someone to help me recover my missing memories".
AJ scratched his head with his hoof. "Ah don't know anythin about lost memories an all that but Ah do know someone who might. It's mah friend, Dusk Shine, maybe he can help'.
Her hopes began to raise, just a little though. "When can we meet?", Silverspirit said, her eyes glimmering. AJ laughed.
"Right after mah sister brings back that cup of water", he replied. As if right on cue, Macarenia came back with not only with a cup of water but also a slice of apple pie. Silverspirit laughed and accepted the food before she went on her way with AJ. Now it was time to meet the Element of Magic and hopefully find some answers.
Silverspirit was starting to admire this town. The town was bustling and she enjoyed the sight of other ponies going around. However, she noticed that the other ponies would have a cutie mark on their flank. Only the young fillies didn't have their cutie marks yet. Silver definitely knew that there was something different that made her apart from everyone else. She glanced at her covered flank. She was glad enough that she decided to put it on after she ate all the fruit she brought. For a moment though, she felt a little heartache. Silverspirit frowned inwardly. Heartache?, she thought. Of what?
AJ, a little bit unsettled because of the silence, he cleared his throat. "So Silver what do you know about yourself so far?"
Silverspirit stopped and blinked at him. "I thought I told you before", she said, puzzled. AJ stopped as well then chuckled as he remember the events at the farm.
"So you did", he replied. Silverspirit giggled and continued walking. There were a lot questions forming inside her mind.
"How about this", she said. "I ask you questions, fair enough?" AJ nodded, pleased to have her talking again. She grinned. "So do you have any friends?"
"Ah sure do! Ah've five of them. We're the Elements of Harmony", he said proudly.
"What are the Elements of Harmony", she asked.
"The one of the most powerful force and magic in Equestria", he explained. "It consists of Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty and Magic. Each of mah friends, including me, possess each element. Together, we bring back balance to Equestria when there is chaos".
"Ah", she said. "So what element are you?" AJ smiled even wider, his chest puffed out more.
"Ah'm glad you ask. The Element of Honesty at yer service", he said. He stopped, taking his hat off and gave an exaggerating bow. Silverspirit laughed.
"So who are your other friends?" she wiggled her brows causing AJ in turn to laugh.
"Ah think it's better to tell you who's who when you meet them", he said.
"Aww", she complained. AJ laughed again as she pouted.
"But we're gonna meet Dusk Shine, the Element of Magic. He's the brainiest out of all of us so Ah hope he can help us". Her eyes flashed with a glimmer of hope. I hope so, she thought.
As they walked the rest of the way to Dusk's Library, they chatted about Equestria life. Silverspirit was enjoying AJ's company. The big stallion reminded her of somepony that she used to know... She shook her head a bit. How can that pony seem familiar when she just met him.
AJ stopped in front of the tree house, a sign indicating it was the library. Silverspirit was amazed. Sure she slept in a magical cave but she didn't know that the pony they were going to meet lived in a live tree. Silverspirit jumped as AJ started to pound on the door. She swore if AJ was going to knock anymore, it would break off.
"Ey, Dusk! Barbra! Are you two in there?", he shouted. AJ raised his hoof again to knock on the door after a few seconds of silence but the door opened in time, revealing a little purple dragon. The dragon frowned at the big stallion, putting one of her claws on her hips.
"AJ, could you knock any harder? This door can only hold so much, you know?", Barbra said. AJ smiled sheepishly and walked in as Barbra stood aside, holding the door open. Silverspirit smiled at Barbra and bowed her head. The little dragon surprised, mimicked her.
"Thank you", she said. "My name is Silverspirit". Barbra gave a small friendly chuckle and closed the door. Then she turned to them.
"My name is Barbra. I'm Dusk's assistant", she replied. "How may I help you?"
"Where's Dusk?", inquired AJ. "We need to talk to him" Barbra pointed a claw to the second floor. Then they heard a shout.
"Barbra, whose at the door?!", Dusk shouted. AJ sighed.
"It's me, AJ. We kindly need yer assistance", he hollered back. They heard a grumble and watched as the lavender stallion came down the stairs. No, alicorn, she corrected herself as she saw the horn and the wings. She felt giddy thought, a pony like no other appeared before her.
Dusk smiled as he came down to greet AJ. "Hello AJ, what brings you here?", he greeted. AJ inclined his head toward Silverspirit.
"This lady, Silverspirit, needs some assistance", he said. Dusk looked behind AJ, his eye's glitter in interest at the silver unicorn.
"Yes, I see. I am Dusk Shine. What do you need help of?", Dusk asked. Silverspirit looked at him with hopeful eyes.
"I was hoping you can help me find my memories", she said. "I don't know who I am anymore". Dusk grew interested.
"What do you mean by that?", he asked. Silverspirit sighed. With a glow from her horn, she took off the cloth covering her flank. Dusk inspected her closely, making her feel uncomfortable.
AJ's and Barbra's eye bulged as they saw her blank flank. So that's why she had that cloth round her body, he thought. No pony he knew had no cutie mark at that age.
"A unicorn", Dusk muttered. "Interesting. A unicorn without memories nor a cutie mark". Dusk paced around the room a bit then shrugged. He stopped and turned toward her with a smile. "Alright, I will help find your memories along with my friends. AJ, I'm sure the rest will join along too?" AJ nodded.
"Trust me, Dusk. Once one of us elements are involved, we're mostly included too", he replied. Dusk nodded in agreement.
"Let the Elements of Harmony begin their work again", he replied. Silverspirit's heart was so full of hope, she began to cry happily onto Barbra's shoulder.
For the rest of the afternoon, they all chatted while munching on some sandwiches Barbra made for all of them. Silverspirit helped make them as well for she felt sorry to make Barbra make all the food. They laughed, told stories and joked. Sometimes Dusk would ask Silverspirit some questions, hopefully to get a sense what happen to her.
"So Silver", he said. Silverspirit looked at him. "Where did you wake up?"
"I woke up in a underground cave in the Evergreen Forest", she replied munching on some delicious hay sandwiches.
"Do you have any recollection of your past?", asked Dusk.
She swallowed her sandwich and laid down on her hooves. "None at all, well of course except for my name. Apparently according to the cave I woke up in, I appeared in the cave with critical injuries. All it told me is that I have been sleeping for a long time". Dusk rubbed his chin. That's another interesting thought. A unicorn that doesn't know anything but her name. She has no cutie mark and the only clue she has is that she was gravely injured. I wonder how long she was sleeping, Dusk thought.
"Silver", Dusk said. "Do you mind if I look into your mind?" Silverspirit nodded. Hopefully he could also find out why she couldn't remember anything. Dusk went over to Silverspirit and touched horns with her, sending a small jolt to her body as Dusk began to look deep inside her mind.
It took five minutes till Dusk sighed and broke the connection. "I don't know what's the cause of amnesia. However, there are a couple possibilities. One might be someone stole your memories and two loss of memories due to injury", he said finally. Silverspirit sighed. Then Barbra yawned, making the ponies realize that it was getting late.
"Silver, do you have a place to sleep", AJ said, changing the subject for Barbra's sake.
"Well I can go back to the Everfree Forest and in sleep in the cave", she replied.
"It's not safe in the Everfree Forest at night", interjected Dusk.
Silverspirit thought for a moment. "Well, is there anywhere I can stay?", she asked.
"Why don't you come with me? Ah'm sure we have room to spare", AJ offered. He got up slowly to stretch his legs, getting rid of the kinks.
"Silver, why don't you sleep here?", Dusk asked. "I think it's easier since we have to go to Elusive's shop tomorrow". AJ stopped in mid-stretch and looked Dusk.
"For what?" both AJ and Silverspirit asked. Silverspirit grew curious. Why did she need to go shopping? She didn't even have money at all.
Barbra, who listened to the whole entire conversation, piped in. "To disguise you, Silver. Somehow we need to hide that flank of yours". Dusk nodded in agreement.
"That's right. If the cave showed her that she was injured then someone might be after her", Dusk said. AJ nodded.
"That's true", AJ said. "Yer place would be the safer one than mine. Well then it's settled. Silver, yer ok with sleepin here?" His eyes looked at Silverspirit. She nodded and got up to say goodbye to AJ.
"Ah'll see three of you tomorrow in the morn. Night". He waved goodbye and walked all the way home.
After AJ left, they got ready for the night. Dusk started to take out some extra pillows and blankets.
"Well, I think this evening was fantastic", Dusk said. Silverspirit nodded.
"I really want to thank you for helping me", she said. Dusk smiled.
"No problem. Plus, I get to show you the magic of friendship is all about", he said. Silverspirit smiled then frowned as she saw what he was doing.
"Dusk, what are you doing?", she asked. Dusk chuckled.
"Well I can't leave my guest sleep on the floor", he said. Silverspirit quickly shook her head.
"Dusk, I really appreciate it but I'll sleep on the floor", she said. Dusk looked at her.
"But by the chivalrous rules I must let the guest sleep on the bed!", he protested. Silverspirit sighed.
Oh boy, she thought. I guess he doesn't know the word of comfort zone.
"Dusk, I really appreciate it, really. But sleep in your own bed for your own sake. Besides, I like sleeping in front of the fireplace", she replied sternly.
"Are you absolutely sure?", he asked. Silverspirit nodded her head. He sighed then shrugged.
"Alright, help yourself then", Dusk said. Silverspirit smiled and took the blankets and pillows in front of the fireplace. Dusk raised an eyebrow as she arranged herself. As all three of them settled down, Dusk turned off the lights. Barbra and Dusk soon fell asleep a moment later but Silverspirit stayed awake as she lay warm in front of the fire. She had to many things on her mind and she thought she didn't need much sleep considering that she had been in a very long coma.
She looked through the window and sighed. The night was beautiful tonight. She smiled and closed her eyes as the stars seemed to lure her to sleep.
Artemis ate dinner quietly with Solaris. The air, thick with tension, unsettled the guards. He excused himself as he left the dinning room to his room. He threw his sword against the wall as he entered his room. I need to start searching for her, he thought. Silver's still alive. I need to tell her what I should have told her a millennia ago. As Artemis paced around, someone knocked on the door.
"Come in", he said. The captain of his night army, Starsword, came inside and saluted Artemis. Artemis looked at him wearily.
"Really", Artemis said. "Must you salute me when you know I told not to?" Starsword smiled. He was actually one of the ponies that Artemis became close friends with.
"Can't help it", Starsword said. "It's protocol". He took off his helmet and set it aside. Starsword walked over to the front of the fireplace and sat down.
"You have been acting weird since this morning my friend", Starsword said casually. Artemis snorted.
"Gee, I wonder what gave that away?", he said sarcastically. Starsword smiled and put his chin on his hoof.
"Let's see. One of the soldiers told me and um the air tension in the dinning room when you were eating dinner with Solaris", he said. Artemis cocked an eyebrow at him. "What's with you by the way? I never seen you like this before". Artemis sighed.
"The stars had just showed me that someone important to me as reappeared. I can't forgive myself what I did to her", Artemis said. Starsword straighten.
"Her?", Starsword in disbelief. This is big news, especially when Artemis, the lord of the night, has a special mare in mind.
"Yes, her. What else you want me to say?", Artemis said crossly.
Starsword raised his front hooves in surrender. "Nothing, nothing". Then his face became serious. "So what are you going to do?"
"I'm going to find her", he replied. "Not tonight though. I have too much stress today" Starsword nodded his head and sighed. He quickly got up and put on his helmet before exiting the room.
"Have a nice evening" Starsword said. Artemis nodded and closed the door after him. Then he took out a map of Equestria, hoping to figure out where she might be.
Past the greens and the trees, up to the top of the world, lay one of the most hazardous regions of Equestria. The ice mountains stood proud and tall while icy winds blast from left and right down below. It carried shards of ice, making it dangerous for many to venture there. It was the perfect weather to keep anyone unwanted out. At the foot of one of the ice mountains was the entrance to the changeling’s hive.
In the throne room, was one of the most frightening pony anyone would lay their eyes on. Everything, from the tip of his black twisted horn to the bottom of his riddled hooves, anyone could see the resemblance of Queen Umbra and King Metamorphosis combined.
Grissom was his name and he was the unholy offspring of Umbra and Metamorphosis. He inherited his father’s body, eyes and his horn. The only difference was that his mane and tail were the shade of sickly dark green. From his eyes, a familiar purple mist emanated from them. Other than that, two sharp fangs protruded from his muzzle and when he grinned, the rest of his teeth was as sharp of daggers.
Grissom led the hive after his father died, waiting for a chance where he could exact his revenge on Equestria. In the large icy throne room, he sat there, planning his revenge for his father and his mother Umbra who both perished at the hands of the Elements of Harmony.
As soon as he had an idea popped into his head, he began to laugh, his laughter echoing throughout the room. This is going to be spectacular, he thought viciously.
“Zayn! Where are you!”, Grissom shouted. A red changeling quickly stood before him and bowed. Zayn was his general of the hive and he would obey Grissom's orders and commands.
“Yes, sire?”, Zayn said. Grissom grinned, revealing his sharp teeth. The temperature of the room felt colder, making the changelings in the hive shiver.
“Prepare for war”, he ordered. “We’re going to exact my revenge on all of Equestria. And I’m going to start with the Elements of Harmony”.
Silverspirit's eyes fluttered as she woke to the sun rays streaming from the window. Well that was a good sleep, she thought as she got up. She looked around and realized both of the beds were empty. Silver blushed. It was embarrassing to know that she got up last. With some speed, she tucked the pillows and the blankets back into the closet. She went into the bathroom, hopefully to look presentable as possible.
As she looked herself in the mirror, she was shocked at the sight of her mane and tail. Silverspirit had forgotten that it was still full of twigs and leaves from the day before. Silverspirit blushed furiously as she remembered Dusk, AJ and Barbra had seen her as a mess yesterday. She muttered and grumbled as she brushed and took the leaves and twigs from her mane and tail.
After she was satisfied with her appearance and put on the cloth around her waist, she went downstairs to greet Dusk and Barbra. The smell of breakfast hit her nose as she came down. It smelled so good, her stomach growled. There was another surprise at the table. AJ was joining them for breakfast. Silverspirit blushed as she sat down. AJ chuckled and continued eatting. Barbra giggled and handed her a plate of toast with some eggs. Silverspirit took it and thanked the little dragon for the food.
"Good morning everyone", she greeted.
"Good morning, Silver", Dusk said, sipping his coffee while reading a newspaper.
"Good mornin", AJ replied back. He smiled at the silver unicorn. She's pretty lookin today, but nothin's compared to mah girl, Caramel, he thought as he munched on his toast.
"Good morning", Barbra said. "I can't wait for today". She blushed slightly as she said that then began eating breakfast. Silverspirit tilted her head as she wondered what they were doing today. Once she remembered. Silverspirit raised an eyebrow at Barbra who blushed even more. Silverspirit chuckled and began to eat then smiled as she tasted Barbra's cooking.
"Barbra, this is delicious!", she swooned. Barbra smiled, her eyes glittering.
"Really? I'm glad you like it", Barbra said.
"Anythin Barbra makes is good", he said, stuffing his mouth. "Puts me to shame sometimes". The girls laughed. Dusk, who was beginning to get sidetrack, put down his paper as he pondered about yesterday.
"Silver", Dusk said. "Remember how you said that according to this cave of yours, you slept for a long time". Silverspirit nodded since she stuff herself with Barbra's cooking and couldn't talk. Barbra and AJ laughed at the sight of her. She looked like a chipmunk.
"Do you mind if I look into your memories again?", Dusk asked. Silverspirit quickly swallowed her food and nodded again.
"Just saying", she warned. "The only thing you might find is what I showed you yesterday as well". Dusk nodded. He went over and touched his horn with hers. He looked into her memories and watched as the scene of her in a coma unfold. After a minute or two, Dusk broke the connection and continued to mutter over some matters.
Many years must of past when she's in a coma. I don't see any signs of winkles. I'll look more into this later, he thought. Dusk watched as his friends laughed and talked with the silver unicorn. He could feel that something magical about her but he couldn't put his hoof on it. He shrugged. Now wouldn't be the time to ponder. They had another appointment to go to. Dusk knock his hoof on the table, gathering everybody's attention.
"Since most of us have finished eating, why don't we clean up. We have an appointment today", Dusk said. They all nodded and cleaned up. By 10 o' clock, they finished cleaning and they were out the door.
As they walked over to Elusive's shop, AJ noticed that Silverspirit cleaned up quite nicely. Her coat and hair shimmered.. Silverspirit's eye's twinkled and her mouth was curved into a delightful smile. She's lookin good the last time Ah saw her. Healthier as well he thought. He grinned. Elusive is goin to have one heck of a time. Ah bet . AJ was going to enjoy this very much. Especially the look of Elusive's face once he sees Silverspirit.
Barbra rode with Silverspirit this time since she insisted on having some girl talk with Barbra.
"So", Silverspirit whispered. "You have something for this Elusive pony, Barbra?" Barbra blushed.
"How did you know", she asked. Silverspirit smiled, teasingly.
"Just a hunch", she replied. "So who is Elusive?" She raised her voice so she could be heard by Dusk and AJ.
"The Element of Generosity", Dusk replied. "The fashion stallion of our group".
AJ snorted. "The funny thing is he won't git near dirt at all if he can help it. Ah just wish he not dress for some adventure that comes by". The groups laughed and Silverspirit joined in.
After a few more minutes, the group stopped in front of Elusive's shop. Here we go, she sighed inwardly as she entered the shop. AJ smiled and winked at Silverspirit.
"Watch this", he whispered. "Ey Elusive! Where are ya!" Dusk sent him a warning look but sighed and shook his head as the white unicorn popped his head out of the dressing room.
"Would you keep your voice down? This isn't a party where you can hoot and holler around like a crazy animal", Elusive said sternly. He stepped out with a flashy tuxedo and posed in front of his friends.
"What do you think?", he asked. "Doesn't it look wonderful?"
"Makes him look like a disco ball", AJ whispered to Silverspirit, who in turn tried not to laugh. Dusk sighed.
"Yes, very wonderful", he said sarcastically. "Listen Elusive, I'm cashing in a favor". Elusive stopped posing and looked at him with curiosity.
"Why Dusk, you never ask for a favor", he said.
Dusk hoof faced himself and sighed again. "Which is why this time I will. I asking if you can disguise this filly for me. Her name is Silverspirit, preferably Silver", he said. Then stepped aside for Elusive to view the silver unicorn who was having a conversation with Barbra. His eyes grew large at Silverspirit. His jaw dropped. AJ chuckled and nudged Silverspirit. She turned her face and smiled.
"Hello", she said, her voice like music to his ears. "My name is Silverspirit. Silver for short". Then Silverspirit paused and tilted her head at Elusive. AJ trying to control his laughter, closed Elusive's mouth for him.
"Silver, Ah think ya stunned him", AJ said laughing. Silverspirit frowned.
"Excuse me? What did I do?", she said glaring at AJ. Elusive quickly shook his head and gave her a bright smile.
"What a beautiful pony! I am Elusive, at your service my lady", he said. Elusive, a gentle colt he is, picked up her right hoof and kissed it. "How can I help you?" Silverspirit's sudden thought was Poor Barbra as she heard Barbra sigh.
"Elusive, didn't I just tell you? We need to disguise her", Dusk said. "Silver, can you take off your cloth?" Silverspirit did what was asked. The cloth fell from her flank, revealing her blank flank.
"Hmm", Elusive said, looking around her. "I see. Well, my dear, time to do a fashion show!". Then pushed her into the changing room, leaving behind everyone else. Somehow she had a bad feeling about this.
Just as she expected, Elusive made her wear several dresses that attracted attention rather than making her less noticeable. Well, I'm glad that somepony thinks that this is amusing, she thought dryly as she she saw AJ shaking, trying to control his laughter inside as much as possible. Dusk hoof faced and sighed.
"Elusive, the goal is to disguise her, not dress her up like a doll", Dusk said. Silverspirit felt exactly what Dusk said. It was ridiculous, although she admit the dresses were lovely, they weren't needed at this moment.
"Oh hush, I think she looks fabulous", Elusive said, admiring her beauty. "She should be showing off those looks of hers".
Silverspirit shook her head. "Elusive, Dusk is right", she said, turning to face Elusive. "I just need something to hide my flank and something simple please". Elusive was about to protest until the look of her eyes shut his mouth and reluctantly agreed.
Elusive looked around his shop mumbling as he looked through everyone of his things. Silverspirit laid there, watching him grumble and mumble.
"No no no. That won't look good. This might. I like this color", he said to himself. The rest of the group, uninterested with what was going on, sat in the corner, joking and talking. Dusk however was the only one who sat near her to make sure that Elusive was picking clothes that would suit her everyday.
Finally, he pulled out a purple cape and a purple french hat and placed it on her. Elusive turned his head from side to side then smiled.
"Yes, this definitely suits you", he complemented and was rewarded with her smile and twinkling laugh.
"I bet that's what you say to everyone", Silverspirit joked. Elusive pouted making Dusk smile.
"Hmph! I do not!", he said crossing his arms together. Elusive relaxed and gave a smile. "I'll be back with some refreshments lovely Silver!".
After he left, Silverspirit looked at Dusk and shrugged. Her face suddenly twisted in pain. A jolt of pain flashed though her brain, causing her to clutch her head and suppressed a moan.
"Shut it, you worthless piece of dung! You are going to do whatever we say and that's final", a black pony said. Then she heard giggling from the distance. "Force her to eat this, I bet you she'll do it", a couple of fillies began to say. "Go away! You're not welcomed here!" Dusk looked over her with concern in his eyes. He pulled the curtains to prevent the others from seeing her state. He watched as Silverspirit tightly grasp her head as if she was going to get hit.
"Silver, are you alright", he said quietly. Dusk saw the color drained from her face, causing her to look like a ghost. Her eyes looked like shattered ice as she opened them to look at Dusk.
"I'm alright", she managed to say. Silverspirit looked at Dusk, giving him the look I'll-tell-you-later. Dusk nodded and allowed her to take a few deep breathes before he drew the curtains. "Thanks", she whispered and plastered a fake smile on her face before walking toward AJ and Barbra. Dusk sighed and shook his head. Poor Silver, he thought and followed Silverspirit.
Barbra gasp as she saw Silverspirit in her new outfit. "I love the whole thing", she sighed. Silverspirit smiled brighter and gave the small dragon a hug and a cheek rub.
"Sometimes I'm starting to think that you will always say that Elusive's outfits look great", she teased. AJ and Dusk chuckled as Barbra pouted. The Elements of Harmony knew that the dragon had a major crush on Elusive except of course Elusive himself.
"No I don't", Barbra protested. "There are times where I didn't like one of his outfits he made". AJ raised an eyebrow at Barbra.
"Oh really?", he said. "Tell me when he made the outfit ya didn't like, Barb?"
"The disco ball", Barbra replied. The Dusk chuckled as AJ face fell. Silverspirit, still reeling in from the pain of the memories, smiled weakly.
"Speak of the devil", she mumbled as Elusive came through his kitchen with a serving dish of tea and some sandwiches.
"Here you are my lady", he said, levitating a cup to Silverspirit. "I hope you enjoy the tea". Silverspirit smiled and sipped the tea. She relaxed as the tea began to soothe her. Elusive watched with delight as the pretty mare sipped the tea.
"How much is the outfit, Elusive?", Dusk asked. "I'll pay for it". Silverspirit quickly jerked her head up.
"Nothing. I'll give the hat and the cape for free. There's no need. I would do anything for this fine lady", Elusive replied. Silverspirit blushed and mumbled loudly.
"Sorry, Dusk". The group laughed as Silverspirit continued to drink her tea.
Elusive took her hoof and looked into her eyes. "In return would you"
A pink stallion came bursting through the door right as Elusive was going to ask Silverspirit on a date.
"Elusive! Elusive Elusive! Lookie look! There's a new specialadditionsuperyummyandsuperduperscrumptious CAKE i just made back at the Sugarcube! Wanna eat. Oooooo... Pretty mare", the pink stallion said. He stared at Silverspirit with such big eyes, it made Silverspirit sweat a bit.
"Silver, this is Bubble Berry, the Element of Laughter", Dusk introduced.
"I kinda guessed", Silverspirit said. Gingerly, she took her hoof out of Elusive's and gave a hoof to Bubble Berry. Bubble Berry quickly shook her hoof up and down.
"YAY! NEW FRIEND! LET'S HAVE A PARTY!", he shouted. Bubble Berry quickly took Silverspirit by hoof and ran off with her to Sugarcube Corner, leaving the rest of them in the dust.
"There goes Bubble Berry again", AJ said. Barbra giggled
"Yes, right on time" Elusive said bitterly. "I was going to ask out the most beautiful mare I laid eyes on and have her whisk away. Oh well, perhaps another time". He sighed. Dusk gave him a pat on the back.
"Don't worry Elusive. Maybe next time", Dusk said. Or until she agrees, Dusk thought. The rest of the group followed Bubble Berry, hoping that Silverspirit would be fine.
She is friendly, cheerful, kind and honest. Silverspirit isn't like Pinkie Pie but she could lighten up someone's day. Silverspirit likes to sing depending on her mood and to relieve her stress.
The Bad:
Silverspirit has a temper and a stubborn personality to match with it. It's hard to convince her to see someone's point of view and why her's sometimes doesn't work. Usually Silverspirit can be forgiving to most people however if she is betrayed, she doesn't take it too kindly. Despite her nature, she keeps a lot of feelings inside such as insults and other things that annoy her. Of course, there is so much that she can take. When she blows her top off, most of the things that she kept inside comes out like a gun. Most of the time, there are things that she keep inside like her true feelings.
Now her intelligence isn't much compared to Dusk Shine's genius level but Silverspirit can deal with some intellectual stuff to the point where she can have decent intellectual conversation with Dusk but on a semi-intermediate level.
Favorites Music:
Silverspirit likes different kind of music so pinning which one is her favorite is impossible.
To most ponies surprise, she doesn't like things that are really sweet. Sure, give her a piece of chocolate and she'll eat it but give her a bunch, she'll try to down it with milk or water. Her favorite dessert is frozen yogurt.
Night Blossom aka Star Flower. It only opens during the night. The color of it is white and during the night it looks like a star. It's fragrance can be describe as mango peach and it's not to strong.
Other things: She likes having a nice comfy bed by the fire and not just any bed. It's like a nest full of pillows and blankets.
Quirks: She tends to mumble and grumble about the things that happen to her but she doesn't let it get to her. Silverspirit also tends to sing when the mood gets to her like when she's sad. Sometimes to hide her tears, Silverspirit sings really sad songs and during the rain, she sits there like a statue.
Dislikes: Music:
Heavy Metal doesn't really sit well with her due to the fact that she thinks it has too much screaming in it.
Onions. She hates it to the bone however, the only exception is onion rings with ketchup. Give her onion soup and she'll pick out the onion and eat the rest. Doesn't like really spicy food ether.
Her Past:
She was born in Trotkyo (ahahaha get it? It's Tokyo..... anyways). Her parents are fey unicorns but went rogue due to the fact that they didn't like where their monarchy was going. They died to unknown circumstances after a year she was born. Her god father took care of her and she lived in a cottage with him. Silverspirit would go down into the town to learn in school. After her godfather died, she still resumed her daily routine. After a couple years the town began to realize that she never grow old and began to bully her. Only one of the soldiers felt bad for her and sent her off to Solaris.
She lived in the castle with the other orphans and began gradually making friends. Solaris noticed that she was immortal and began to introduce her to Artemis. They became great childhood friends. They made like a trio between Solaris, Artemis and her. She had no part with finding the Elements and all that. Silverspirit fell in love with Artemis overtime but didn't have the courage to tell him. She did see how much he suffered due to the attention of the ponies. Silverspirit tried to convince him that she loves his night as much as him but it started to lose the affect as he began to turn into Nightterror Nebula.
Silverspirit lost most of her memories except for her name. The only clue Silverspirit has is that she appeared in the magic cave with heavy injuries. She's with the Elements because they hold to one of the keys of finding her memories.
This is as close I can make this guy. I'm sorry cause my art is really shitty (scuse my language). I'm thankful for this site or any of my characters wouldn't have been made/born Make Your Own Pony!. All the art goes to this person. I'll let you guys know if I manage to make one myself one day. Btw just imagine him with holes and other missing details.
Name: King Grissom
Gender: Male
Alignment: Evil
Parents: Umbra and Metamorphosis
What more can we say despite that he is cunning, evil and etc. Basically your worst enemy in a nutshell along with a deep hatred to fulfill his needs. Because of his nature, the hive obeys him or they will suffer his wrath. He doesn't really care what happens to others but if there is something that is useful to him, he'll use it to the fullest extent. Grissom believes that he can take away hope from anyone and plans to take revenge for his parents.
So far, I don't know how high his intellect is but I'll just say he's smart to keep it simple.
Most of it is pretty gruesome, bloody and nasty so it's best not to dwell deep into it. However, his favorite activity is using black magic and sword fighting.
Food: Most positive emotions. He likes to drain his victims dry of it but he doesn't really need to feed. Fear from his changelings provide a substitute substance for him for now.
Umbra and Morphosis decided to have a child only because they wanted to create an heir that would help them rule the world in darkness. Of course, Umbra taught him Black Magic as Grissom grew and Morphosis decided to show him the hive's way. After the many years that Umbra was sealed away, Morphosis groomed him to be the perfect model of the Prince of Evil (supposedly). Grissom grew angry as his parents were killed by the Elements of Harmony. So he planned his revenge until the time was right. Also, getting revenge on Equestria is another excuse for ruling the world.
He's been ruling the hive with an iron hoof. The only reason why the hive moved into the icy region was because they would be undetected and laid low. They have a group of ponies that they captured so they could farm their love. Right now those ponies are only kept alive because they feed the hive. They still hope someone will save them.