• Published 26th Jan 2014
  • 1,048 Views, 9 Comments

A Princess, A Klutz and A Timelord - DawnedDusk

Ever wonder where Luna disappears off too? Princess have lives outside of royalty you know! Her's is with the mysterious Doctor as they travel through space and time together in countless journeys to the past, future, and other universes.

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A New Addition to the Team

A strange sound echoed in a valley near the small town of ponyville. A blue box appeared and disappeared multiple times before manifesting completely. A brown stallion with a slick back spikey mane opened the door and poked his head out, "Whoop!We're back, Princess." This strange stallion was called Doctor Whooves by most ponies who met him, but he preferred to be called just Doctor instead. As he walked out a taller and slender mare trotted out behind him. This mare was Princess Luna, one of the rulers of this range of land that was known to be Equestria.

"The tardis is such a wonderful device," she commented, looking at the contraption up and down. When she first met the Doctor, he had arrived in the very same machine. At first glance, she knew it was more than just a'Police Public Call Box', whatever that was. Luna wasn't that familiar with the object at that time. "Those fleshy two-legged creatures we just saw were strange beings. What did you say they were called?", she asked confusingly.

The Doctor grinned, raising a hoof, "Homo-sapiens, or you could just call them humans. I knew I few of them in the past." He looked up at the sky, remembering all who have helped him, "All good people." People? Must be a term related to those human kind, Luna pondered, raising her hoof to her chin.

"We, I mean, I appreciate you taking me on these adventures. They have been spectacular! The species you belong to, timelords you call yourselves if I do remember correctly, yes? I do so wish to meet more of your kind in the future." Doctor lowered his head before sitting on the soft grassy ground beneath their hooves,"Not possible." The lunar princess sat next to him with a confused look.

"How come?" she asked. "Because I'm the last one," he muttered with a frown. The mare felt terrible and full of regret. He must feel alone knowing he's the last of his kind, Luna thought. She would feel the same way if it were the other way around. He bounced up, as if nothing happened. His action both surprised and confused Luna. How could he bounce back up in utter happiness and confidence when he was just in an emotional state? Luna shook her head, Best not to think about it.

"Anyhow, I must check on something important. I am also sure your sister will need you soon," with that, the stallion trotted off into the nearby forest.

"Until next time Doctor!"Luna called after him, hoping the wind will carry her message. He is such a peculiar stallion, she thought. The blue mare opened her large wings and launched herself in the air before heading to her castle home in Canterlot.

Luna groaned as the stack of documents was placed in front of the alicorn's throne. She hated paperwork, but it was her duty as a Princess to do such things. She levitated a quill in the air before looking to the window, noticing the time. The Princess was suppose to meet with the 'alien' stallion soon. "Perhaps he won't mind if I'm not too late," the princess said to herself as she began reading and signing each paper. As she continued, the princess started to realize that her mind kept reverting back to him. Luna thought about him often, perhaps she always thought about Doctor. He was consuming her thoughts, and perhaps she was growing feelings for the brown stallion. Just thinking about it made her cheeks go red, Do I perhaps lo-have feelings for him? Princess Luna smiled softly, she liked the idea of that. If she told Celestia, and her sister didn't approve. She could always run off with him. After all he was a time traveler and his tardis would take them anywhere they wanted to go, so that was no problem. I will figure out my feelings for him in the future, she thought to herself, placing the last document on the finished pile. And if she did, perhaps she could tell him one day. When you're with a time traveler, you have all the time in the world.

The alicorn galloped to their meeting place, levitating a basket of all sorts of fruits next to her. They were to be an apology gift to the Doctor for being late. Exiting the forest, she spotted the large blue box and approached it. She levitated the key Doctor gave her to the device, she opened it's doors and walked in.

She smiled, glancing around at the large interior it had inside which was bigger than its outside. "Luna! Didn't think you were gonna make it!"Doctor shouted to her with cheer.

"Sorry! I..brought..these," her sentence slowed down, eventually coming to a complete stop as she saw a mare standing next to him.

The mare was a gray pegasus with blonde hair and bubbles for a cutiemark. The very strange thing about her was that her eyes stared in different directions, well it was slightly cute in a way. The pegasus smiled widely at the princess. "Oh apologies Luna, this is Derpy. The clumsy pegasus flew over to the princess and landed on her face in an akward bow.

"Hello Princess," she said in a muffle, her face still smashed on the floor. Doctor helped the wacky pegasus to her hooves, "She'll be joining us from now on." Princess Luna faked a smile, "That's great!" Internally she just wanted to scream, but the young alicorn kept herself stable on the outside. Derpy grinned widely, "This is gonna be so fun! Just the three of us!"It use to just be the two of us, Luna thought grimly. The duo was now and team of three ponies adventuring through the universe.

A Princess, A Klutz, and A Timelord

Author's Note:

Chapter One is completed. I hope it shall be just as successful as Dark Magic. ^.^ I'm glad it got done. Now all there is to say is that I hope you all like it. :D

Comments ( 9 )

Not bad, but don't suppose you could give up a prequel on how the Doctor and Luna first met, and their adventures together?

3847223 There will be chapter that explains how she and him first met and first adventure of the many adventures they went on. It's basically Luna telling that story to Derpy.


Sort out your grammar mate, I had to re-read certain bits a few times, and it was aggravating.

For example :)

Luna groaned as the stack of documents was placed in front of the alicorn's throne. She hated paperwork, but it was her duty as a Princess to do such things.

Levitating a quill, she gazed over at the window, gasping slightly as she realized the time. The Princess was suppose to meet with the 'alien' stallion soon, and she was already running late.

"Perhaps he won't mind if I'm not too late," she pondered silently, glancing at her work as she read and signed each paper.

As she continued, the princess started to realize that her mind kept reverting back to him. Luna thought about him often, perhaps she always thought about Doctor. He was consuming her every thought at an unhealthy rate, forcing her to contemplate that maybe, just maybe she was developing feelings for the brown stallion.

Just thinking about it made her cheeks go red.

"Do I perhaps lo-have feelings for him?"

Princess Luna smiled softly as she played with the idea.

If she told Celestia and her sister didn't approve, she could always run off with him. After all he was a time traveler and his Tardis would take them anywhere they wanted to go, so that was no problem.

"I will figure out my feelings for him in the future", she decided, placing the last document on the finished pile.

And if it turned out that she did possess those certain feelings, then perhaps she could even confess it all to him one day.

After all, when you're with a time traveler, you have all the time in the world.

Get a proof reader if you don't want to turn off any possible readers :twilightsmile:

GAH! That's similar to my story title. The mailmare, the princess, and the doctor (i said similar, plus it's a whooves family thing with my OC as the princess part.) I made my OC an alicorn, and after a while, I thought "wut the heck, background story it is." XD

I love Derpy x Doctor, and making Luna and Derpy fight for place as top assistant just like Spike and Owliscous! :pinkiegasp: This is beautiful. :fluttercry:

Also, 20th like, LIKE A BOSS! :moustache::coolphoto::duck:

4054078 Thanks. :twilightblush: I think I was watching Doctor Who one day and got the idea of what if he had two assistants that both had a fancy for him? Hilarity would ensue and such then after that this was born. :pinkiegasp: Before I start rambling. It should be off hiatus soon. :heart:

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