• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 1,136 Views, 2 Comments

Demonocracy - MegaColt

A story of lies, war, and political corruption in Equestria.

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The Soldier and The Prince

A MLP FiM fanfiction by: MegaColt
Disclaimer: All rights to MLP FiM belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 2: The Soldier and The Prince

I wasn’t looking forward to my new assignment, but anything was better than having to go back and serve in the so called war. Up to that point I had only heard rumors about the arrogant and “proper” prince, but now that I was looking at his photo he didn’t look that special. He was a white unicorn with a bleach blond mane. There seemed to be absolutely nothing special about this pony except for the royal blood that supposedly was in his veins.

I trotted down the gigantic hallway of the palace, images of the war still floating in my head. I was starting to get worried. Maybe I was going mad, but I didn’t think that it was uncommon for an ex-combat soldier to be haunted by images of the horrors of war. I was going to be turning over a new leaf today anyways. The great conflict was in my past, and I didn’t have to worry about it anymore; at least that’s what I hoped for.

I walked up to the room where I was supposed to meet Blueblood and knocked on the door.

A smug voice answered on the other side. “The door is unlocked. Let yourself in.”

I walked into the room and presented myself to the prince.

The white unicorn smirked and sighed, “So, you’re my new bodyguard. What’s your name soldier?” Blueblood asked in his stereotypical melodramatic fashion.

I dutifully answered, “My name is Lieutenant Macintosh sir, and I’m from the village of Ponyville. As you seemed to have already guessed I’m your new bodyguard.”

The prince recoiled at the mention of my hometown. “Listen to me Lieutenant. I want no more mention of your birthplace. It’s filled with nothing but peasants. They don’t even have any upper class cuisine there. All they had were disgusting apple based dishes.”

I was actually surprised at his reaction. This prince was such a prissy. I busted out laughing. “You don’t like apples? I can’t believe you don’t like apples! They’re the staple of almost everypony’s diet, and they’re delicious. You’re such a weirdo!”

I thought Blueblood was going to cry. For a second, I almost felt sorry about what I said, but then he regained his composure. He took the opportunity to exercise his rank on me. “I am your new boss, and that means you have to listen to me! Now apologize you pathetic excuse for a soldier.”

Despite Blueblood’s orders, I mustered up the courage to ask him a question that seemed to have never been asked to him before. “Why are you such a douchebag, your royal highness?”

Blueblood was really taken aback by my rebellious attitude. He stammered as he said this. “What do you mean a douchebag? I am no such thing.”

I continued to put the pressure on the prince. “Yes you are. Everypony knows you’re a douchebag. I’m pretty sure you think you’re one yourself.”

The unicorn broke into a sob. “I know I’m not the nicest pony in the world, but how am I supposed to know any better? Aunt Celestia sent my adopted mother away for my entire childhood, and Celestia never payed any attention to me. I hate them both. What little bit I know about outside society, I learned from the prim and proper books that were given to me as presents by the oligarchs.”

I really felt bad for him. “Dude, I’m sorry I brought it up.”

Blueblood continued to cry. “It is quite alright. I honestly needed to tell somepony about my troubles. You know that when my aunt and mother are gone I will be the next in line to the throne.”

I interrupted. “No, I wasn’t aware of that. Didn’t you say you were adopted?”

He pounced on me. “Don’t you know it’s rude to interrupt someone when they are talking? Anyways, it doesn’t matter that I’m adopted. I’m still technically Luna’s son, and I have a rightful claim to the throne when the princesses are gone. When they do pass I’m planning on making some really big changes. Tell me Macintosh, have you ever read Das Magikal by Kolt Marx?”

I answered the question honestly. “I’ve never even heard of that pony or that book before.”

A look of dread came across Blueblood’s face. “I just remembered, you’re not even supposed to know that book exists. It’s one of the banished books that’s only available to royalty. I guess I might as well tell you what it’s about though. In the book Marx talks about how a leader could reform Equestria into a utopia where everypony does their fair share of work and no one is poor. There will be no aristocrats who control all of the bits. Everypony will get their fair share under my socialist system!”

At the time those ideals sounded perfect. I immediately knew what I had to do to keep from being lied to by yet another royal. “Hey buddy, can you sneak into the royal library and get me a copy of that book? I’d like to read it myself.”

I think the prince was overcome by the fact that I called him my buddy. “No problem friend. I’ll have it dropped off at your quarters tomorrow morning.” Blueblood had a grin a mile wide across his snout as he told me this.

I thanked Blueblood and went about my duties. The prince wasn’t really that bad. I guess if I hadn’t been raised properly I’d act like a mule too. Blueblood seemed to be genuine when he told me about his ideals. The poor fool couldn’t afford to lie to me. He actually had a chance to make a real friend with me. I was going to use that to my advantage.

I walked into my new bedroom. It was a small grey room that barely had enough space to fit the one tiny bed it contained. I couldn’t complain; during the war my men and I had slept on the ground wherever we could find shelter. This was certainly a step up from the horrors of the great crusade that had been taking place on the frontier. I rolled onto the stiff, hay-stuffed mattress and turned on the television.

“Tom Brokhoof here with the nightly news. Tonight’s topic: the war in Equestria. You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers!” Despite the grim subject, the anchorpony continued to talk about the news in his usual cheerful manner. “As you may have heard, our forces have taken the rebel stronghold in Appleloosa with a surprise attack, and are now marching towards Neighxico.” Brokhoof was definitely right when he said it was a surprise attack. Most of the town’s citizens didn’t even have any weapons on them. “Now that Luna’s rebels realize our intentions they have formed a defensive border. “Our sources in the military tell us that despite the experienced leadership the rebels have, they will be no match for the superior forces of The Solar Empire.”

Our military is composed of fools. The rebels might not be as well equipped as us, but they’re going to fight with everything they’ve got in order to avenge those lost at Appleloosa. I turned off the TV in a rage. Even the news is full of government propaganda. I turned over and went to sleep.

It’s a fact that it’s not healthy to fall asleep while you are angry, and I paid for it. Ever since I participated in the pillaging of Appleloosa, I was haunted in my dreams by the specters of my friends and family. Braeburn led the phantoms in their crusade against my sanity. He would repeat the same sentence over and over to me. “Not you too. Why Big Mac?” My head was swirling and my deceased cousin Braeburn’s face continued to show up in my dreams night after night. “Momma is dead, cousin. You’ve got to help us!” Even my darling little sister Applebloom was trying to break my heart. “Why did you do it big brother? I thought you loved your family?” The dream ended the same way every single night; with me hanging from a tree in the middle of nowhere. Every time it ended, I woke up in a cold sweat. My sanity was slowly going down the drain.

Prince Blueblood knocked on my door. “Hey buddy, you still alive?”

I quickly strapped on my armor and answered the door. “Yeah buddy, I’m still alive, but sometimes I wish I wasn’t.”

The prince looked puzzled. “Why is that? You’ve actually got a family, and you get to spend all the time in the world with me.” I think he noticed my grimace at that comment, where he said that I’d have to spend my day with him, but he was quick to salvage the conversation. “What’s the matter, bro?”

I sighed and looked out the window in the hallway. “You know Blueblood, I’ve been wondering what the true meaning of peace is. What do you think it is?”

The unicorn thought about it for a minute. “I’ve never thought about it. Quite frankly, I don’t have a clue. What are your thoughts on the subject, Lieutenant?”

I grabbed Blueblood around the neck and whispered in his ear. He smelled like he was wearing an entire cheap bottle of cologne. “Well, I’ve thought about this for a long time now, and I think that peace is something that nopony truly knows about. I believe that peace is a subject whose definition is purely up to you. One thing I do know is that the Oligarchy don’t want to have peace in this world right now. This war is being waged only to better their status in society.”

Blueblood brushed me off of him. “Don’t touch me like that solider. I wouldn’t want anyone thinking we’re more than just friends.”

I stared at the foolish “royal” in front of me and rolled my eyes. “You’re such an over-reactor. Besides what do you think about my musings, Prince?”

The prince scornfully told me. “I think that you think about things too much, and that you should just accept things for what they are. That’s what I do.”

I gave him the best counter-scorn I had. “Do you have any idea the things that I’ve seen and done in this war? I’ve killed children, raped mares, and slaughtered members of my own family, all in the name of the Solar Empire. I’ve had enough of the lies and deceit, and I’m going to do something about it.”

The prince’s mouth dropped. “You’ve done what? Run that by me again. Have they assigned a savage to protect me?”

I smart mouthed back to the unicorn. “Yeah, I really did those things, and they sickened me. I wasn’t always like that, and I most certainly am not like that today. I was a soldier then. The only reason I even took this job is because I wanted to get away from the slaughter and the misdeeds of the war. It wasn’t because I wanted to hang out with a royal douchebag.”

Blueblood snorted at my last comment, but he regained his composure. “Let’s just forget this conversation even happened. Today, General Shadow is visiting the castle on an inspection tour. You have to be in the main chamber so that you can greet him when he arrives. The general wants to greet you personally. Apparently he still thinks highly of you. I’ll be in my room if you need me, buddy.” Blueblood had his muzzle down as he sulked to his room. I shouldn’t have called him a douchebag, but at the time I was having a hard time coping with my actions in the war. I should have apologized, but I didn’t, and I deeply regret that I hadn’t.

As I made my way towards the reception room where Celestia normally holds her court, I couldn’t help but think about the war. The one pony who could tell me exactly what was happening in the conflict was the general after all, and since he apparently considered me a good friend he probably wouldn’t mind me asking him a few questions. That was my logic initially but the more I walked the more I realized that he was the one in charge of our military, and he was the one who ordered us to destroy Appleloosa. Truth be known, Shadow was solely responsible for the war. I didn’t know that for sure though, and I wasn’t exactly of clear conscience at the time, so I decided to forget about those ideas even though they made sense. I would later regret that decision.

I had been so lost in thought that I didn’t even realize I was in the middle of the receiving room. The general shouted to his aide. “Who is that guard over there? He isn’t following standard procedure.” I quickly realized who he was talking about and snapped to attention. A smile spread across Shadow’s face as he realized who the guard was. “Lieutenant Macintosh, you know that isn’t the proper way to greet a superior officer. How have you been getting along lately? You seem to have a lot on your mind.”

I was extremely fortunate to consider the general a friend at the time, because if I wasn’t one of his friends I would have been stripped of my rank and made to perform latrine duty. I explained my actions to the general. “Sir, I’m still having a hard time coping with what I’ve seen during the war, but I’m starting to get over it.” That was a lie, but the general didn’t need to know that.

He scratched his mane for a second and dismissed me. “Very good Lieutenant, I want you to come see me in my office at a later point today. I’ve got an appointment with the princess in a couple of minutes and I don’t want to be late. Stop by around three o’ clock this afternoon, and we’ll have some coffee and tell stories.”

I saluted General Shadow and rested my haunch on the staircase that led to Celestia’s throne. I was glad to see the general back again. I finally had someone to talk to who could relate to me. If anyone could help me get my mind in order it was the general. I got back onto my legs and walked to the dining hall where they were serving lunch. I had not eaten anything all day, and I was dying to try one of the best sandwiches in Equestria.

On my way there, I walked past Celestia’s private office and overheard the general and the princess’ meeting. I decided to take a guard post at the door, and listen in on their conversation. I heard Celestia’s booming voice shouting at General Shadow. “I can’t keep waging this meaningless war. I didn’t even want to have it to begin with, but you told me that it was the perfect way to establish our authority in the region. Look where it’s gotten us! We’re chest deep in scandals and massacres. I want you to pull our forces out of The Lunar Republic, and for you to oversee the treaty to end this war, and I want you to do it as soon as possible.”

I wish I could have seen the general’s face when the princess ordered him to withdraw, because he turned the tables on her. “Now listen here Princess, you don’t have the military expertise I have, and you don’t have the right to tell me what to do with my army.”

I peered through the window only to see Celestia’s face red with rage, and Shadow seated in front of her flanked by Celestia’s two guards. Celestia was furious. “Your army? The royal guard is my army, General!”

A smirk came across Shadow’s face. Apparently he had Celestia right where he wanted her. “It’s not your army anymore. You see these two guards behind me, they’re my two best agents, and if you don’t do as I tell you, I’ll have them slit your throat while you sleep. You’re the oligarchy’s puppet now, Celestia. The only reason we allow you to live is that the citizens of The Solar Empire will follow every single order you make.”

Celestia’s face was one of anguish and defeat. “I can’t believe I didn’t curb the oligarchy’s power before it was too late. This is all my fault, and there is nothing I can do about it.” Celestia paced around the room, apparently trying to make up her mind on the subject. “Fine General, I’ll be your puppet, but if the citizens find out you’ll pay for your actions. It could even lead to a legitimate revolution.”

Shadow got up and headed for the door which was my cue to get out of there. As I walked away I overheard him say one last thing. “It’s okay Celestia, Equestria is in good hands.” The general laughed like a stereotypical villain, which really annoyed me, and came out into the hallway. He called out to me. “Lieutenant Macintosh, I wish to see you in my office now. Come with me.” I had no choice but to comply.

A thousand thoughts raced through my mind as I accompanied Shadow to his office. Did he know that I was spying in on his conversation with Celestia, or did he only want to exchange stories and drink coffee with me? I couldn’t keep serving this pony. He was the real source of corruption in Equestria, not Celestia. He was the one turning our utopia into a dystopian demonocracy, but how was I to stop him? Shadow locked the door behind him as we walked into his office. “Have a seat, Lieutenant.” The two guards handcuffed me to the bench as I sat. “You and I need to have a little chat.”

I tried my best to play dumb, but I knew in my heart that I was busted. “Of course sir, what do you want to talk about?”

Shadow grinned and proceeded to grill me. He had caught me red handed. “You know good and well what I want to talk about. What did you overhear in the conversation between me and Celestia?”

Despite the hopelessness of the situation I still tried to pass a lie on him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about sir. I was on my way to lunch when you called me into your office.”

The general snarled. “Don’t lie to me Mac. I know and you know that it was your silhouette in the window of Celestia’s office. Now you can either come clean now, or we can force it out of you.”

I confessed, I had no choice. “I did listen in on your conversation, and I know everything. I know about how you’re manipulating Celestia and how this war is nothing more than an excuse for the oligarchs to gain more power. You’re going to hell for what you’re doing. It is best you repent now, and save yourself... from yourself. Your entire life is a lie, but you can fix it.”

Shadow chuckled at my appeal to him. “I’m not in any danger, but you sure are. I hereby charge you with the crimes of treason and spying. You are to be hung at the gallows this evening for all to watch. I might even have it broadcasted on television. You will be made into an example of what happens to traitors in The Solar Empire. Take him away guards.”

The next thing I knew I had been stuck in the neck with a needle. As the world around me swirled into blackness I couldn’t help but think how ironic it was that my so called friend, Shadow, had been the true villain all along.

I awoke standing on the gallows that had recently been erected in front of the palace. I had a rope around my neck. Shadow’s voice boomed over the loud speaker. “This poor soul has been convicted of the crimes: spying and treason. He shall be hung from the neck until dead. This will be the fate of anypony who wants to follow in his footsteps. May Celestia have mercy on his soul.”

I heard the pulling of a lever, and felt a trap door below me open. A blindingly bright light emitted from all around me as I fell, and the next thing I knew I was lying on my back in what appeared to be a seedy old warehouse. A blue unicorn with a flowing white mane walked up to me, and checked on my condition. “Are you alright?”

The blue unicorn looked back and gloated to two rough looking colts in a tone of triumph. "I told you my spell would work.” She looked familiar, too familiar, and then it hit me.

I sat up with a gasp. It was almost as if I had been injected with an adrenaline needle after one of Pinkie’s parties. I knew exactly who this unicorn was. “Trixie!”

Comments ( 2 )

♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

A very deep and thought out story, hits kinda close to home too, sometimes i like to just sit and think what corruption has done:ajsleepy:. Y'know, without the whole 'soldier' part, can't honestly say i can relate to that, but still, very worthy of 5-stars!

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