• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 8,219 Views, 658 Comments

Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. - Daxn

Alternate Universe, where Twiligth Sparkle doesen't get forgiven by Celestia in "Lesson Zero".

  • ...

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Problemino/Small Accident

Thanks to the efforts of Nutriz, the foals stopped the rumble, and went silent once again.

"So, here we go. Twilight, something to say to your new classmates?"

Twilight scrunched her face in insecurity, and looked at the floor, unsure about what to say. She was trying to come up with the words, she was trying to think what would have been appropriate in such a situation, what was right to say to a crowd of foals and what was wrong to say, what the conventional signs to do while talking were... it was all so much paradoxically difficult.

After a pair of tense minutes, Nutriz asked:

"Don't you have anything to say? Nothing at all?"

Twilight started to scratch the floor, as if she was trying to dig. She wasn't sure about what to do, now that she had the authorization from the teacher to skip the introduction, and her mind divided in two completely opposite factions.

One told her avoiding presenting herself would not be that bad manner-wise, since she was going to present to foals while begin an adult, and that the foals weren't really going to be offended if she refused to present herself publicly, since it was likely that nopony there would have noticed, so, for once, she could loosen her belt on the matter.

The other one said that, while she was dealing with foals much younger than her and that they didn't know better, skip the presentation would set a bad example the foals by violating a social norm, even if an obscure one. Also, by assuming that the foals weren't aware of such convention, she was underestimating their knowledge, and therefore insulting silently their intelligence. Or, even worse, considering them unworthy of her attention. Naturally, Twilight didn't really think any of these, so, if she wanted to avoid to look like she was thinking such things, then she should present herself.

While Twilight's mind was arguing over that, Nutriz kept poking the mare, hoping to get her out of her indecision into the normal course of the actions.

Finally, tired of keeping Nutriz waiting for her, Twilight thought:

"Let's ignore it for now. I can eventually apologize later if somepony gets offended. If they really want to know, they will ask me questions in a more relaxed situation. But now it's time to get to 'work'."

She raised her head, and walking towards the crowd of foals she said: "Nothing to say, let's move on."

Nutriz, with a sigh, said to the foals that they could dissolve the formation, and get back to their activities: they complied with a loud shriek.

While some of the young ponies went back to the activity they were doing before receiving the order of grouping, others, predictably, circled Twilight and started to pull her smock in attempt to get her attention. The questions filled the air like a thick fog of gnats.

"Why sad?"

"Why you awe hewe?"

"Mommy towd me that the big ponies went to wowk, not hewe."

"I thought dat big ponies didn't wear nappies..." Another colt

Twilight, seeing the faces of the questioning foals, some doing puppy dog faces, some simply asking with a cute frown, decided to just explain her whole story. After all, she decided not even one minute ago that she was going to tell everypony that asked, and she wanted to keep that half-promise.

"Well, my story is complicated..." started Twilight while smiling weakly, "but I am going to try anyway. See, I am the pupil of an important teacher..."

Twilight decided to omit that her mentor was Princess Celestia, so to avoid to accidentally tainting princess's imagine and spreading the news that Celestia had just punished her student in an unorthodox way. So, she decided to just make up the entire story basing it on her experience, so to avoid any possible reference to Ponyville incident.

"Three days ago, while I was doing my studies for her, I realized that I forgot to do a report about what I had learned. I am a very organized pony, but I tend to break down easily if something goes wrong and do stupid things to fix the error. That time wasn't an exception.

I tried to create it on the spot, but to no avail. So I tried to steal the work of one of my companions. However, my companion reported my misdeed to the teacher. The teacher scolded me, and decided to send me to the Kindergarten. And here I am, among you with a diaper and a ruined smock."

She looked at her young audience again, and saw confusion and incredulity on their little faces.

A white filly with a black spot on her face and a black mane said timidly:

"I didn't undewstand, Twilight..."

A green colt joined his female mate in the lack of understanding, and so did the other fillies and colts that grouped around Twilight.

Twilight, smiling nervously, was not sure how to deal with their lack of , since she didn’t think about how to tell her story, and she was not unsure about the words.

She tried to cop-out with the simplest of excuses, by saying "Bah, let it go. I am not sure if I can tell my story to you without causing further confusion to you."

They fell for it. The white filly shrugged, and the others, flopping their ears, expressed their disappointment

That done, the foals dispersed, leaving Twilight thinking about what to do while she was in the class.

Looking around the room, which was in the usual lack of order typical for a Kindergarten class, Twilight noticed the presence of a small table in an corner of the room.

Three fillies sat by the table, probably drawing something.

Twilight decided to get to the table, and draw, at least to pass some time without feeling too silly.

And so she did.

After the rough start of the morning, Twilight was starting to feel a bit less embarrassed about being in the Kindergarten. Granted, she still wasn't happy about that, nor was she glad to stay there, but compared to the ideas that she had on the subject before, it wasn't so awful either.

After all, she had imagined foals mocking her mercilessly, teachers behaving haughtily towards her... overall, a bad place.

But none of those fears actually realized. The fillies and the colts were mostly indifferent, as if seeing an adult dressed like them wasn't a big deal deal, or if not indifferent, they seemed genuinely interested in finding out what happened to her, without any hint of sarcasm or attempted jokes. Nutriz was just uncomfortable seeing Twilight among the foals, but she wasn't disdainful towards Twilight.

Now Twilight was just drawing various things on a piece of paper, waiting for the morning to end, and ignoring the various sounds emitted by the foals that minded their business around her.

While she was coloring a part of her piece of bad art with a yellow crayon, Twilight felt pressure on her lower body, a sign that a bodily function of the same color as the crayon needed to be expelled.

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks, and stared emptily at the light blue wall front of her.

She knew that, sooner or later, this was due to happen. But Twilight had hoped that the stimuli wasn't going to kick in until five hours from the last drink. Namely, just after exiting from the building, finally free.

But a small anticipation of the stimuli would not have been a big deal per se in any situation, since she always could get to the bathroom.

But, as it was now, she was still under the rules of the Kindergarten. And she still remembered that one of those rules boiled down to "The use of the bathroom is limited from a certain hour to another."

Twilight knew that said rule was made for the purpose of teaching the foals to get to the bathroom at intervals (over to the obvious purpose to not let them go without supervision), and so, maybe, the rule didn't apply to her. But, considered the fact that Nutriz treated Twilight as if she was really a filly attending to the class minus the size and the speech abilities, Twilight thought that the teacher was going to keep the same line even on the bathroom use.

Either way, she was determined to not use the diaper that her mother "gently" put on her, as to avoid weirder processes in Velvet's mind when she was going to come back home.

Twilight quit staring at the wall, and in order to distract herself from the sense of urgency, came back to drawing.

For a while, it worked.

Then she put down the crayon box for few seconds. When she tried to grab it with magic, she met resistance.

"Hey! Gimme dat!" said a squeaky male voice.

Twilight looked at the box of crayons, and saw a gray colt with a brown mane grabbing said box with his little hooves.

Sighing, Twilight let the crayons get in the hooves of the colt.

Now, left alone with her bladder pressing, Twilight looked around her, craving desperately for a wall clock somewhere in the room, so to know how much time was left before the end of the morning... or, at least, of the hour.

She looked at the eastern wall, to find it devoid of any clocks.

Her eyes jerked towards the western one, the one covered in shelves and books. However, from distance, she could not see the presence of one of the precious time-measuring mechanical devices. But she wasn’t losing hope, since it was possible that a clock was there, just covered by the books and the objects kept there.

She walked towards the shelves, and once there, she started to look for a clock again. She looked behind the line of hardback small books. She looked behind three big dolls. She looked behind some boxes

But, alas, no traces of the clock were found.

While searching, Twilight felt the pressure on her bladder growing stronger and stronger. And, with the pressure, her desperation grew proportionately.

Panicking she looked at the northern wall, the one that had the door. Nothing at all.

Then she looked at the southern one, and finally she found a clock. Or, at least, the closest thing to a clock she could get there.

Namely, a cardboard circle, divided in colored and labeled sectors, with some shapes in the sectors, and a purple arrow in the middle of the circle, hanging from a wall. Twilight could tell that the colored circle, along with the arrow, meant to represent a clock.

Even if it wasn't what she was expecting, it was something that could give her a hint about how much time she had to hold on, before having free access to the bathroom.

Twilight walked closer to the cardboard clock, and saw what "time" it was: "Free Playing," with a stylized drawing of a ball and a doll in the part to express the concept.

The "Free Playing" part was followed by a smaller slice, labelled, unmistakably, as "Potty Time."

This section, symbolized by an open diaper and a toilet, was the time that Twilight was waiting for impatiently.

She cheered silently, for then noticing another teacher, her name Lux Foal, looking at her wristwatch.

Twilight immediately moved away from the cardboard circle towards the middle of the room, then pointed her stare at the clock, waiting to see one of the teachers move the arrow to the next part, signaling that it was time to let the banks down.

Each step of Lux appeared to last an eternity to the desperate Twilight.

Lux reached the cardboard clock, and moved the purple arrow from the "Free Play" section to the "Potty Time" section.

Twilight's eyes, like her surname, sparkled of joy, as she struggledh hard to not cheer.

Lux clapped her hooves to call the attention of the fillies and the colts in the class, and, ocne she got it, she herded them for gudie them to the bathrooms.

Twilight was so happy that the moment had arrived, that she forgot to keep the urine in the bladder, with predictable results

The diaper became soggier and warmer as a result of the absorbed urine, and the purple of the garment shifted towards a lighter tone of the colour.

Twilight stood immobile in the middle of the room, while the others exited. She didn't expect that she would use her diaper in a moment of distraction, much less she wanted to use it in front of foals and teachers that expected to see her use the washroom like a big girl.

Twilight was going to freak out, until her rational part took control of her chaotic mind.

“Stay calm! What is done is done! Don't act like a filly once again, and just humbly ask Nutriz or Lux to be changed. Even if they don't have adult-sized diaper, they will sure take care of your nether regions.”

And so she got in line like everypony else in the class, as if nothing had happened.

The group walked in line through the hallways until they reached the bathroom.

Once there, Lux opened the door of the bathroom, then turned her gaze towards the foals.

“So, somepony here needs a change, right? Lift your hooves if you do, please.”

Like expected, some of the foals lifted their hooves to signal their need of a diaper change.

A bit uncomfortable of doing that, Twilight blushed, grinned, then lifted her right hoof.

Lux roll called the roll with half-closed eyes the ones that had lifted their hooves. She called some of the foals, then she realized that Twilight had lifted her hoof. The teacher stopped her call for a brief moment in confusion and doubt, for then resuming with a shrug.

Done with the roll call, Lux Foal called the ones that lifted their hooves, and told them to follow her in the other room, leaving the group in the bathrooms to Nutriz’s.

Twilight let the other foals pass in front of her, before she also entered the rather small room that served as a place for diaper changing.

The room was furnished simply, with just a changing table with two drawers for baby powder and wipes, a waste basket in a corner, and piles and piles of boxes of diapers in another corner. The walls where light blue, with a badly-concealed rotor in the ceiling.

As soon as every foal that claimed to have wetted or messed him/herself was in, Lux called the name of the first foal that entered in the room.

“Pearly Handle.”

A white filly with white coat and a mane colour similar to mother-of-pearl stepped forward, as she was then lifted on the table by Lux’s magic.

Once there, Lux proceeded to clean up and change Pearly Handle into a new diaper.

Then it was Olive Oil's turn.

Then Lex Populi's.

Then of Orvosi Ostoba's.

And then another one.

And then another one.

And on, and on, until, finally, it was Twilight’s turn.

When she was finally called by Lux, Twilight, blushing and lookign down at the floor, walked towards the teacher.

The mare, after taking a quick look both at table and Twilight, told to Twilight to lie down on the floor, and Twilight slowly and uneasily complied.

Lux quickly untaped the used wet diaper, slid it out, crumbled it into a ball, and threw it in the nearby waste basket. Done with that, Lux dried Twilight's nether regions with a pair of wipes, just before powdering it up.

Twilight, thinking that Lux was done with it, started to get up... only to receive a tap on her rear left hoof, which clear was a silent order of staying down from the teacher. Unaware of Lux's intentions, Twilight kept lying on the floor, waiting to see something happen.

Lux started to disassemble the piles of boxes in the corner, until she revealed a red-and-blue box. This box was labeled as "Diapers 35-40 Kg."

Twilight snorted, at the thought that even the non-crazed teacher was going to put on her a diaper.

Lux Foal had noticed Twilight's reaction, and, as she unfodled the diaper, she murmured.

"It's only a way to trick the foals into not go in a tantrum over the diapering."

Done with the diapering, Lux helped Twilight to get up on her hooves, and, done that, Lux playfully patted Twilight's diaper.

Sighing, Twilight exited from the room, and, along with her younge classmates, she returned into the classroom.

When she was finally back in the classroom, Twilight decided to look how much her dignity ate some more mud, by looking at the desingo f the diaper.

The diaper was thankfully plain white, without any embarassing designs on it.

Author's Note:

Want to hear the dialogues that went on in my mind while writing? Well, then, check out this video from 0:00 to 0:40, and you will find out what it got for get this story going, and, especially this chapter the one before this.

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