• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 8,221 Views, 658 Comments

Ab Initio-From the Start-Al Principio. - Daxn

Alternate Universe, where Twiligth Sparkle doesen't get forgiven by Celestia in "Lesson Zero".

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After getting diapered by her less-than-sane mother, Twilight Sparkle proceeded to climb down the bed, and stood up, awaiting the next step of Twilight Velvet's farce/insanity game. As far as the purple pony knew, her mother could try to do... pretty much anything, from ridiculous and incredibly embarrassing dress-ups, to random acts of domestic violence masked as punishments for supposed “Runaway”, otherwise called “Having a life outside the parents’ home.”

But Twilight Velvet was still terminating the first part of her madness. She took the box of diapers in her mouth, opened the wardrobe with her magic, and put the box back in.

She closed the white shutters of the wardrobe and walked towards the bed once again, smiling at Twilight as she did so.

“Since mommy is free today and wants to satisfy her precious daughter, I will give you a choice: do you want to go out for a stroll, Twily? Or do you want to stay at home? The choice is all yours.”

Twilight reclined her head in a pensive position, thinking about exploiting of the opportunity that her mother was giving her. Her choice was between getting caught by her father, who was quite surely not involved in the sham... but if Night Light was out, then Twilight was going to be humiliated even more in public, and the mare felt that her dignity had eaten enough mud for the day. Meanwhile, the other option meant staying at home with her mother around, and since she wasn't in the open, with no escape ways... however, Night Light could still enter the room and try to stop the whole “you are a filly” affair.

Twilight Sparkle tilted her head as she thought about what option to choose. Her mind was processing and trying to calculate all the possible outcomes of each choice. It would be easier, if it wasn't for the regular pokes by Twilight Velvet, who pushed Twilight Sparkle to make her choice before sunset.

After around ten minutes of thoughts, quiet moaning, and concentration-breaking motherly pokes, Twilight came to a decision - go out from the house, and take a relaxing breath of fresh air.

“I'd like to go outside. Take a breath would be wonderful, and it will be a great way to vent out the stress I've accumulated lately,” she said, the last words accompanied by a slight hiss and a scolding glare directed on her mother.

The mother didn't pick up the bit of venom in the words of the daughter, and instead chirped happily: “Whatever you wish is an order!” and bounced out of the room. Twilight rolled her eyes and said on reflex: “I hope you don't really expect me to go out with the diaper in plain sight.”

It took two seconds to her to realize what she just said, and what she just agreed to let her mother do: in shame, Twilight covered her mouth with her right hoof, and murmured “No”, hoping that Velvet was going to pick that.

However, it was too late to retract the statement. The white mare asserted: “You are right, some mean filly would laugh at you, seeing you are still in a diaper. So, let's hide it.” Then she propelled herself towards the closet, opened it quickly with magic, scanned the clothes contained in the piece of furniture with her eyes, and pulled out a little blue box, with the label “Della Spora” on the side. Velvet put the box on the bed, slowly opened it, put the lid on the floor, and extracted a folded dress. The dress was, basically, a light gray-dotted pink full skirt full of laces and plissets, like pretty much any filly's skirt would be, this one just being adult-sized.

Twilight Sparkle could only stare at her mother unfolding quickly the dress on the bed, and tidying up everything at a very fast pace. While she knew that getting dressed in ridiculous costumes and dresses was unavoidable, Twilight wasn't expecting to see her mother so eager to put such piece of clothing on her.

As Twilight continued to stare at a wall, the white mare proceeded to dress up her in a vest, by adjusting the size of the waistline, and closing the chest buttons.

Once the dress was put on, Velvet chirped: “Now you are good to go, dear!”

Then she exited again. Twilight slowly got out of her stupor, sighed in annoyance and followed her mother out of the room, knowing that a world of ridicule coming from other ponies was awaiting her.

Since she wasn't really happy about going outside dressed like that, and trying to change her mother's mind right there was going to be about as successful as trying to eat a soup with a fork, the only prospect of avoiding even more humiliation was her father's intervention. And, knowing him, it wasn't too far-fetched that Night Light would just laugh at the sight of his daughter in diaper and a comic attire, and let Velvet continue treating Twilight like a baby, maybe as an extra punishment, maybe from pure ignorance of the extent of the situation and its consequences.

On other hoof, her father probably wasn't cruel enough to turn Velvet's decision to treat her daughter like a three-years-old into a punishment, nor so stupid to not notice how letting Velvet do whatever she wanted with her namesake offspring could be hurtful for the safety of every pony involved.

Basically, it only depended on whether Night Light was at home or not, and whether or not he was still angry at Twilight for Celestia's punishment.

While she pondered about this, walking with her head bend forward, the white mare skipped happily and hummed a variation of a popular tune, still unaware of the true feelings of her daughter about being treated like a little filly and be dressed like one.

Twilight Sparkle followed her mother down the stairs, only to notice that her mother had suddenly stopped on the last step.

The white mare turned her head, and said with her now-signature cheerful voice:

“Honey, I'm going out with Twily now. Are you going to stay in the house, or do I need to take the keys?”

Twilight Sparkle quickly realized that her mother was talking to Night Light.

The masculine voice of the father answered:

“I am not sure. I might stay in the house. But keep the keys in your bag, just to be sure!”

Twilight Velvet nodded, and resumed her walking. Twilight Sparkle decided to use the chance, and ran towards the end of the stairs. Doing so, she knocked her mother to the floor, and cracked two of the marble steps in the process.

While Velvet was busy getting up, Twilight Sparkle with bloodshot eyes appeared at the base of the staircase. Nonplussed and extremely confused Night Light dropped a pile of papers he levitated and stared at his daughter.

“W-why you are... wearing such a weird dress, Twilight? It isn't exactly a mainstream attire, nor would I ever imagine you to like such kind of clothing.”

The purple mare stopped dead in her tracks in front of the blue stallion and panted: “I didn't... choose this!... It was... my mother...” then theatrically collapsed.

Night Light did a puckered face at the sight of her collapsing daughter. He couldn’t compute what he just saw, since the sight of his adult daughter dressed like a young filly, his wife telling her namesake to not get winded before going outside, and the marble getting cracked by something theoretically weaker than a pneumatic hammer was quite weird.

The stallion asked his wife:

“What's going on, Velvet? Why is our daughter dressed like this?”

The white mare answered with a calm and almost soothing voice:

“Oh, it's nothing. Twily just wants to go out as soon as possible.”

Twilight Sparkle raised her head slightly and said, while still panting:

“That's not true, father! She is treating me like a filly, genuinely thinking that I am one! She is convinced that I have some problems with going to the bathroom!” Twilight raised part of the dress with her magic, revealing her purple diaper. “Yes, father: believe it or not, your wife just put on me a diaper without my consent.”

Twilight Velvet, keeping her tone of voice, moved towards her daughter and put her left hoof under her chin.

“You know why you are wearing it, sweetheart,” said Velvet “it's for avoid causing damage with your little accidents.”

Twilight glared at her mother in response.

Night Light was still trying to process what was going on and what to do next, since the situation wasn't really something that usually happened in the household. On the one hoof he wished to give his own punishment to Twilight Sparkle, and letting his wife treat Twilight like a filly seemed appropriate. On another hoof, it was pretty clear that his daughter was stressed enough by Celestia's punishment, and Twilight Velvet's treatment was going to be the last straw needed for true insanity, if left unchecked.

Since the verbal fight between a disgruntled daughter and a willingly deaf wife was going to end up into a physical confrontation between the two mares, the blue stallion tried to use his power as husband and father, saying:

“Velvet, stop this sham right now! Twilight isn't a filly anymore, even if she acts like one sometimes.“ Night Light then glared at his daughter, who curled up slightly at the gaze of scolding “It doesn’t matter how much you wish she was, she simply isn't. So, free her from her diaper and her dress, and let her live like a mare she is.”

Twilight Velvet whined: “But she is my precious little filly! She is! She is!”

Night Light sighed. The attempt to use the verbal force had failed miserably. He quickly discarded the idea of physical violence, and tried to go for a diplomatic route, one that could save part of the dignity of Twilight, and trick Velvet into thinking that she is still in control:

“How about... she is under your hoof during the morning, and during the afternoon she is under mine?”

Then Night Light winked at Twilight Sparkle, hoping that his daughter was going to play by the rather favorable rules set by him. That was, if Twilight Velvet accepted.

The white mare put her left hoof under her chin, and remained silent for five, long, stressful, minutes.

In those minutes, Twilight Sparkle saw all the possible humiliations she could receive, in case of rejection of the proposal from her mother; while Night Light was thinking of a Plan B meant for avoiding of such scenario.

Thankfully, Twilight Velvet didn't think it through, and said:

“I accept: from when she wakes up until the lunch hour, she is mine; in the afternoon, if you aren't away, she is yours.”

Twilight Sparkle rejoiced loudly, as she screamed and undressed herself with a single swipe of hoof, throwing the dress and the diaper on the floor, and ran into the small family library; Night Light resumed his paper-carrying; and Twilight Velvet, sighing, went back to her bedroom, ready to come back to her catatonic state she was in before her daughter's return.

After an ample dinner, Twilight Sparkle went to her now-defiled bedroom, ready to have a decent night of sleep before the impending first day of Kindergarten.

She entered the room walking slowly, and moved towards the small window. It opened with a loud squeak, letting in a cold breeze of mid-autumn air, and giving a relaxing sensation to Twilight. Slightly refreshed, she turned the light on by flickering a switch next to the night table, and once the light was gone, the mare placed herself under the light-pink blankets of the bed.

The mare soon realized that, clearly, not every piece of furniture in the room was meant for a pony of adult size: her rear legs went over the edge of the bed, and almost touched ground, as if she was lying on Procuste's bed.

Twilight retracted her rear legs towards her chest, trying to curl up. However, she felt compressed from doing so, and on the verge of choking to make it even worse, so she rather let her limbs touch the ground, despite how awkward it felt. She then put herself on her back, and stared vacantly at the ceiling, while her mind was buzzing with thoughts and considerations.

“Why has my mother forced this on me? Why did she behave in such... unusual way? I mean, she has always been overprotective and smothering with both me and Shining, but this… this is insane! What got into her to get this idea, accumulate paraphernalia, and decorate my old room, for the off chance of my homecoming? Why did she just plainly ignore my qualms?”

Twilight yawned.

“I guess I will sleep on it. Maybe I will find the best course of action in a dream.”

Then, the purple mare closed her eyes, and slipped into Luna’s Domain.

Author's Note:

This is it. I don't really know if I wrote a piece of crap, or not: I let you judge.

That said, happy All Saint's Day !

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