For many, the next day comes by the soft light of the dawn, or the musical chirp of bird.
For Twilight, however, the next day came with a shake, followed by a soft voice:
"Wake up, sleepyhead. It's time to get ready for Kindergarten."
Twilight recognized the voice: it was her mother's.
Sighing, Twilight said: "One second, mom. I am halfway between sleep and wakefulness."
Then, conquered once again by the tiredness, she dropped her head on the pillow like a stone.
Seeing that her daughter was falling into sleep once again, Velvet decided to skip a passage, and pass directly to the diapering of her offspring. The mare went towards the wardrobe, opened it, extracted the diaper box, put the box at the side of the bed, moved the blankets at one side, took a purple diaper from the box, slid it under her daughter's bottom, and taped it.
By the time Velvet had done this operation, Twilight had woken up and felt the absorbent garment wrapping up her nether regions. Realizing that, she tried to protest, only to recall what the terms of the pact between her mother and her father were.
Groaning at the thought, Twilight jumped out of bed, landed on all four legs, and walked out of the room to reach the bathroom, and do her morning ritual of teeth brushing, bodily functions reliving (after removing the diaper, to avoid giving even crazier ideas to Velvet), and a quick shower.
After doing those tasks in ten minutes, Twilight exited the bathroom, and went downstairs, towards the dining room where the breakfast awaited.
While going downstairs, Twilight tried her best at abstaining from thinking to the upcoming day at the Kindergarten. For her, it was already humiliating and depressing to be at home with a crazed old harpy; thinking about a gigantic group of fillies and colts pointing and laughing at her for her failure surely wasn't something that boosted her morale.
Alas, Velvet could not, or didn't want to pick up the signs of distress and annoyance from her daughter, and, while bouncing on the stairs, she chirped:
"So, Twily, aren't you happy that you are going to meet some fillies that are the same age as you today?"
Twilight, trying to not choke her mother with her bare hooves, gritted her teeth slightly, and said:
"Once again, mother, I won't find any mare of the same age as mine at the Kindergarten." Even if she knew that it was useless to try to talk with Velvet, at least it was a way to vent her annoyance without breaking down.
Velvet turned a deaf ear to Twilight's response, and kept going on, while her daughter returned to her attempts to suppress the anxiety of the upcoming day.
Twilight reached the dining room, and saw the table already laid, and the food being brought at the table in green and blue ceramic plates by Sedula, who greeted Velvet and Twilight while they entered in the room.
Twilight greeted the valet dryly, and sat at one of the red padded chairs near the table made of ebony. Twilight's seat was laid with a pretty colorful, and yet still adequate, selection of porcelains, cloths and cutlery, with a white place mat with blue borders, a white cup with green stripes, and the name of the owner in red Gothic types, a plate colored like a bulls eye, and a silver spoon with a horn handle.
The selection of food wasn't very big: twenty chocolate chips biscuits, cold milk, a small jug of Neapolitan coffee, a small amount of mushroom ham and ten slices of toasted bread.
Twilight picked ten cookies, put them in the plate, then tried to pour some coffee in her mug with the help of magic... for then see the jug fly at Velvet's direction, enveloped by a white aura instead of a purple one.
"Twily, you can't drink coffee, you are too young for it," said Velvet, while pouring the coffee in her plain blue mug.
Twilight, after hearing what her mother said, tried to change her mind, since she was, basically, addicted to caffeine, and needed her fix especially in the morning, otherwise she would be something akin to a zombie in few hours. Since the attempts of talking like they were both adults failed, Twilight thought that trying to talk and slightly act as if she was just a filly that happened to have a bigger body and a huge vocabulary would have more success.
And so, she said with a slightly higher-pitched voice, so to mimic the one of a filly:
"Mom. It isn't true that coffee will leave me tired. Please, give me some."
"I don't want to see you bounce around like a rubber ball, Twily. I cannot give you coffee." Velvet said, shaking her head in deny.
Twilight, who was desperately craving for caffeine, tried to reach a compromise, no matter how much the latter was humiliating.
"But... not even the mix between milk and coffee? Not even a small sip? Pleeaaaseee..."
Velvet looked her daughter in the eyes sternly... and passed the jug to her daughter.
"Fine," she said "but you must add milk."
Twilight smiled, and mixed the hot brown beverage and the cold white one, and drank it in a gulp. Done that, she started to slowly consume her cookies, and while eating, she thought about what it got to get her mother listen to her qualms and requests.
Namely, she had to act and speak like a younger pony to get some coffee, and this was done, paradoxically, after hearing that she was too young to drink it. Clearly, Velvet was trying forced regression by subjugation on Twilight, starting from dresses and enforced speech patterns, to maybe reach the point where Twilight would act in every aspect as a three-years old. But, clearly, that stage wasn't going to be reached anytime soon, barring unusual changes in the punishment or in Twilight's mentality.
But as long as it served its purpose, and didn't worsen her mental state, Twilight was ready to partially talk and act like a three-years old in front of her mother.
When Twilight finally snapped out of her thoughts, she saw Sedula carrying the plates and the place mats away, and Velvet levitating a small pink smock.
Velvet said with a hint of happiness in her voice:
"Now that you had your breakfast, let's get the smock on, shall we?"
Twilight analyzed the smock with her eyes, to see how old it was, where it came from, and such. Judging by the slightly off patches, the washed-out pink of the "main" smock and the much brighter shade of pink of the smock's extension, and the presence of fuzz, it seemed that the smock was the same that Twilight wore when she was really a filly, just patched up with low-quality pink fabric.
Twilight was going to say something about the outfit, but decided at the last second to stay silent, and let Velvet put the smock on her without putting up any fuss, since it was going to be useless.
Once that was done, Velvet gestured to Twilight to follow her outside, and Twilight complied.
Ten minutes of walking in strangely empty streets later, Twilight, accompanied by her mother, reached her destination: the Kindergarten's building.
The structure was delimited by a rusty iron barrier and by a well-kept garden behind the barrier. In the garden, there was a small fountain covered in moss and a crumbling steel octagon.
As for the building itself, it was actually pretty nice to look at: it was a two-floors square building with an architectural style between the Liberty and the Futurism, style that sharply contrasted with the rest of the buildings around, which had an older style.
The walls were brightly colored, as much as an external wall can be brightly colored, and had a big murales over the entrance and spanning for the whole façade. Said murales represented a big tree stretching its branches with fruits towards the sky: over the trunk, the word "Knowledge" was written in red characters. At the base of the tree, fillies and colts of every race were depicted taking the fruits from the tree. Twilight wasted some time at the gate, looking at the artistic creation.
When she was satisfied with it, sighing, Twilight entered in the courtyard as she thought "At least the building won't hurt my eyes when I look at it everyday for the next four months."
Twilight walked towards her mother with closed eyes and biting her lips, the tension building up step by step, and the fear of what was coming increasing its intensity.
Twilight heard some soft shrieks and giggles. Realizing that she was in the hall of the Kindergarten, she opened her eyes.
The hall was also brightly colored, between several colored flashcards on the most various subjects, and the walls painted in red and yellow. Ten white cardboard arrows were attached to a metal pole in the middle of the hall: on each arrow there was a stylized animal that symbolized each class.
Realizing pretty quickly that she had to follow a direction indicated by the arrows to reach her classroom, Twilight quickly asked her mother what class she was assigned.
Velvet, after a small conversation with a custodian and a teacher about the papers regarding Twilight’s position, turned her head around and answered to her daughter.
“Your class is the Chicks, Twily.”
Twilight thanked her mother, and, moving as fast as she could to avoid getting accompanied by her mother towards the class, she followed the arrows that pointed towards the class where she was assigned.
Few seconds later, Twilight reached her destination, a light yellow door with a cardboard plate that read “Chicks”. Slightly sweating in tension, Twilight knocked on the door, then lowered the handle.
She opened the door, causing a sound wave of various noises to hit her ears; a wave of the unmistakable stench of corporal functions expelled and left there came right afterwards and hit her nose, followed by a surge of heat. Twilight’s senses were overloaded and in short circuit, leaving Twilight in a stupor.
“So, you are Twilight Sparkle, the… ‘Odd addition’ to my class. Am I right?”
Twilight shook her head to get out of her stupor, then looked at her interlocutor. The mare that spoke at her was a unicorn with a light peach-coloured fur and yellow mane, wearing a white apron with Clearly, she was the teacher of the class.
“Yes, I am Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight answered, her senses slowly getting over the sensations felt beforehand.
The teacher nodded, and put her right hoof on Twilight’s shoulder.
“Very well then. Come in the class, so that I can introduce you to your new classmates.”
Twilight reluctantly obeyed the teacher, stepping inside the classroom.
The room, true to form, was occupied by many fillies and colts, who were minding their own business, playing with toys scattered around, drawing something with pastels and doing many other simple activities. Such indifference from the fillies and the colts in the class surprised Twilight, since she was expecting to get at least some attention from the little ones in the classroom, since they likely never saw a big pony wearing both a diaper and a smock like them.
"That is, unless it is suddenly common to send adult ponies into Kindergarten classes." Twilight thought bitterly.
The teacher clapped her front hooves to gain the attention of the foals present: as much as it seemed impossible, among loud noises and everything, the fillies and the colts immediately stopped dead in their tracks whatever thing they were doing and, like obedient puppies, they sat down looking at the teacher.
Once every pony settled down, the teacher began to speak:
“So, do you remember when I talked about your new classmate?”
The foals answered in unison, as if they were a single pony with a stentorian voice:
“Yes, Ms. Nutriz.”
Nutriz gestured at Twilight, and continued talking to the foals.
“Well, here she is.” Nutriz pointed to the embarrassed Twilight standing near the door “Twilight Sparkle, these are your new classmates!”
Once the small presentation ended, Twilight still unsure about what to say to a bunch of young ponies, stuttered “G-g-ood m-morning…”
The foals looked at Twilight confused, and, in the attempt to know, they broke their strangely disciplined silence, opting instead for chaotic rumble.
Twilight left Nutriz to do her job, and calm down the foals; meanwhile, she tried to think about what else to say to the fillies and the colts, who were surely curious about seeing an adult in their same class and were going to cover her in questions.
Ab governs the ablative. Your title should be "Ab Initio," not "Ab Initium."
Good, diapering is fine but forced useage on anyone certainly won't make them like you anymore. Glad to see Velvet's not going completly crazy with this. For now anyway.
I'm enjoying this story, it's quite well written
English was better. In this chapter I mean.
You will see that, if it's not her mother, the circumnstances will cause her some troubles with the bodily functions...
Thank you ! I was SO unsure if this was stiff !
Crap. Whatever, fixed.
3472286 Uh-oh.
Don't worry, it won't be painful or anything. Just a bit embarassing.
3473087 Well that's the last thing Twilight needs in this situation. I can only hope such a thing won't break her.
"One second, mom. I am halfway between sleep and wakefulness."
OH , MY , GOD , XD ....
....actually on second thought , that does sound a bit closer to something twilgiht might say , never mind lol.....
"it was already humiliating and depressing to be at home with a crazed old harpy"
by this i assume you're referring to twi's mom eh XD ?....
"That is, unless it was suddenly common to send adult ponies into Kindergarten classes."
haha if only....
stiff? what do you mean by that?....
Yes, I was referring to Twilight Velvet.
I mean... difficult to read as style.
3473928 "difficult to read as style."
nope , everything's perfect right there lol.....
I've somewhat read the chapters before this. to be honest, i was a little unsure what to expect.
though, this seems like its gonna be a comedy and i can't help finding myself with a tiny smile as i think of how embarrassing it must be for twi.
i will keep reading, but if this starts going into kinky territory in any small way I'm gone