In a clubhouse on the outskirts of Ponyville, three fillies sat a table and stared at a blank piece of paper.
“Do y’all have any ideas?” asked Applebloom, taping her hoof on her chin to think.
“I’ve got an idea! Let’s be diamond hunters, I heard that it’s fun!” Sweetie-Belle cheered as she fell to the floor from to much excitement.
Scootaloo let out an unamused sigh. “Boring, who would want to do that? I got a better idea, why not try and get a cannon launching cutie mark? Rainbow Dash says it’s awesome, and I hear she has a cannon, so lets go!” she said as ran towards the door, but was soon stopped by Sweetie-Belle.
“Hold on there, Scootaloo. This whole idea seems a bit dangerous, don't you think?” Sweetie-Belle asked.
“Yeah, it does seem kinda dangerous. Applejack always told me not to do dangerous things unless I’m with an adult,” AppleBloom said, with a bit of terror.
“Oh you guys are just being babies! I'm not scared. Remember, I'm just like Rainbow Dash. I’m the tough one round here,” Scootaloo said as she tried to flex her muscles, which at her current age, she didn’t have.
“Alright, let’s do this girls!” Scootaloo said, before leaping out of the clubhouse and onto her scooter. Applebloom and Sweetie-belle hesitated, but eventually joined their friend and jumped into the wagon. As soon as they were seated Scootaloo turned her wings into overdrive. She steared her scooter towards Dash’s cloud house on the very edge of ponyville.
It wasn’t long until the trio had made their way to the ground beneath Dash’s cloud house. Underneath the house Dash had stored all of her stunt equipment. Everything from hoops to ramps could be found here. The three fillie made there way over to a large cannon that was painted with rainbow stripes and a large lightning bolt that ran along the side of it.
“CUTIE MARK CRUSADER CANNON LAUNCHERS YAY!” they all shouted in unison. Lucky, nopony was nearby to have their ears torn from the sheer volume of their chant..
“There it is girls, the cannon. Now come on, let’s do this!” Scootaloo said as she was about to climb inside, but was stopped by a white hoof.
“I don't know Scootaloo, it looks...scary and besides shouldn't we ask first? I don't think Rainbow Dash would like us using it without her permission,” Sweetie-Belle said as she hid behind Applebloom.
“Yeah...I’m with Sweetie on this one. Let’s not do this,” AppleBloom said with equal concern.
“Fine! You guys can just watch, I’ll just launch myself. Besides, I saw Dash launching herself yesterday, and it looked like so much fun,” Scootaloo said as she jumped into the nozzle of the cannon.
“Did, umm...did Dash crash into anything when she did it?” Sweetie-Belle asked.
“Well...she kinda…hit a tree...but that doesn't matter! I may be able to learn to fly from this. Just press the big red button,” Scootaloo said as she pointed at the button.
“Okay, but wait, there's a note here, Scootaloo.”
Dear anypony who reads this. I have been told to permanently shut down my giant, amazing and totally awesome cannon because apparently it's too dangerous. So to anypony who comes near this thing when I'm not there, DO NOT PRESS THE BIG RED BUTTON! Yours truly, the most awesome Pegasis alive, Rainbow Dash.
Sweetie-Belle put down the note and turned to Scootaloo. “Well, would you look at that, the note says we can’t use it. Oh well, come on Applebloom, lets get out of he-”
“Nonsense!” Scootaloo said as she cut her off, “I’m going to do this! If you guys won’t help, then I’ll just do it myself.” Scootaloo leaped out of the cannon, pressed the big red button, then quickly scrambled back inside. Scootaloo adjusted herself in the cannon as she prepared herself for lift off. I’ll show them! I’ll get the most awesome and amazing cutie mark ever! And I'll be known as the filly who did it. Scootaloo thought.
3...2...1-*KABOOOM* Scootaloo was launched very high in the air. “Yes-yes-yes this is so awesome!” Scootaloo moved past a building, then another. Hey! is that Rainbow Dash?Wait a sec, she looks angry. “Oh buck, oh buck, I'm going to crash into her!” Scootaloo screamed.
10 minutes before Scootaloo launched herself
Rainbow Dash stood in the corner of Ponyville’s golden oaks library, bored out of her mind. She had agreed earlier that day to help Twilight and the rest of the gang organize the library. Dash had spent the last few hours taking books from one corner of the room and placing them on the correct shelf. Honestly Twilight, how many books can you have!? Dash wanted nothing more than to simply fly out of the library, but she had Pinkie promised to stay and help, and nopony breaks a Pinkie promise.
“Uhhhhhh... Twilight, this is so lame. I mean, who actually enjoys reading? Reading is for eggheads!” Rainbow Dash said, slightly annoyed as she scratched the back of her head with a hoof and make stupid faces at a mirror. “Oh, look at me, I'm Twilight, and I love reading. One day I read everypony a story...and they all died of boredom,” Rainbow Dash said out loud in a mocking tone.
Twilight looked at dash with a disgusted, and slightly hurt, expression. “But...but books help you learn, and don't tell me this, Dash. I know you read Daring Doo when noponies around. You're always like - look how amazing I am swinging on these fake jungle ropes.” Twilight said slightly angry.
“Oh darling you must relax. So what if Rainbow says that she doesn't like reading, all she’s doing is missing out,” Rarity said while she flexed her mane.
“Umm, girls? I hate to stop ya’ll from doing whatever you’re doing, but you're kinda rambling about nuthan,” Applejack added.
“What the heck was that?” Twilight said with a bit of worry. She then trotted in front of Rainbow Dash. “That sounded like your cannon. Please, tell me you destroyed it like I told you too?”
“Well see...I didn't destroy it, but I left a note on it. I thought that no one would touch it if I did. Hehe…” Rainbow Dash said. She then looked to the sky and saw an orange dot. “Who ever the buck touched my canon, I swear to Celestia I'm going to kill them!”
“Now Dash, calm down. Besides, you wouldn't want to hurt your little sister now, would you? And Incase you were wondering, I already knew it was her. She’s the only one who would do something this dangerous.” Twilight said with anger.
Then, without warning, Pinkie Pie burst into the library using a live ram to break down the door. The pink mare then placed the ram down and said her thanks. The ram simply nodded before turning around and trotting out of the library, through the now shattered doorway. Pinkie then turned around to face her shocked friends. “Hey guys! Did you see the cannon? It launched Scootaloo in the air and she was like - woosh - then she was like - zoom - and then she almost crashed into a building. It looked like so much fun! I can’t believe Dash just let her do that without me. Which also bugs me, Dash, why are you letting a filly that can't even fly go into a super awesome amazing cannon? Oh, you know what this calls for? A PARTY! To celebrate Dash for being responsible for Scootaloo for being launched out of a cannon,” Pinkie Pie said while bouncing around pulling out the party cannon.
Rainbow then launched herself into the air and went into position to grab Scootaloo. She flew forwards at great speed and caught the filly from the air. She then gently carried the orange filly with her to the ground.
“Omigosh! Omigosh! Rainbow Dash that was so amazing! Lets do that again! But maybe next time I can fly even higher!” Scootaloo then fainted from to much excitement.
‘Buck me! I'm her sister now which means I need to punish her, but how…’ Rainbow Dash thought. Then she noticed Twilight and Applejack staring at her on the side of the road . “What?”
“So... what are we going to do with her now,” asked both Twilight and Applejack
“Well, I was going to punish her, but how in the world do I do that? What kind of punishment?” Rainbow Dash asked.
“Well, if it were me, I’d take away her scooter,” Twilight answered.
“If it were me, I'd have her work the farm,” Applejack said, before muttering to herself, “Could always use the free labor.”
A wild Rarity appeared. “Oh darling I got an idea. Lets make her put on some nice dresses.”
Rainbow Dash looked at her for a moment then she spoke, “Rarity, you’re useful after all. That would be the perfect punishment... when she she wakes up, that is.”
Dash then put Scootaloo on her back and flew off towards her cloud house.
I hope that you like the edited version!
~ Michael
Looks good.
3390193 your doing the edited version and is the edited version going to be different then the not edited version
3390477 From now on he is only going to post the edited versions. We only left the original to show the difference I make when edit.
~ Michael
3390500 ok
Just realized that somethings got mixed up when we transferred this from G-doc. I'm going to have to fix that later.
~ Michael
3390559 I think you missed a closing tag of italics after this line
Overall it is a nice improvement. You both did a pretty good job. But if I may give you a small advise, move the edited version in front of the unedited one (aka change the chapter order). You will prevent potential grammar nazies from leaving the story.
PS: In one of the first sentences of the part taking place in library there is 'twilight' with lowercase 't'.
There we go! Now that stupid italic mistake is gone.
~ Michael
"a wild rarity appeared"
Sorry I don't know how to do the quote thingy but that was funny XD I liked this chapter.
rainbowdash is scoots "sister" but she is still homeless? Dufuq?
That was good and I didn't realise this was set after rainbow became scoots' sister. Looking forward to seeing where this goes... Though if that picture is annoying to go by, pinkie will be adopting scoots that'll be a bit weird.
Pinkie using a wild goat to break open the door to the library.
3813420 honorary sister. Rainbow falls? ringing any bells?
rarity and her dresses