• Published 14th May 2013
  • 10,829 Views, 622 Comments

Twilight's Secret - Distorted Flare

Possessed by a question, Twilight sets out to have it answered. Of course, she will have to violate a huge pony taboo to do so. But hay, it's for science!

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The thrill of the hunt

Author's Note:

Hey guys I am moving flat tomorrow and wont have internet until the 7th of July, so this version is a rough draft please be patient and I promise this chapter will get more attention, please as it is my first chapter please leave any concerns or criticism in the comments bellow

"UGGHHH!" Twilight groaned, rolling over as Princess Luna's moon hung low in the sky. Her guest bedroom really did have a beautiful view of the gryphon kingdom. But her troubled mind made it impossible to appreciate that beauty. Regardless of how comfortable she got, sleep seemed to elude her. The guilt of her actions and the realisation that She had killed—to fill her belly no less. This only worsened her inner turmoil. On one hoof, deer were not intelligent beings, so what did it matter if she had killed it? Rolling over, the mare looked over to where Spike was sleeping, her mind plagued with guilt.

The crisp white sheets that covered her felt hot and uncomfortable kicking them away, the mare felt only slightly better. Her horn glowed a gentle violet, a candle floated over to her bedside table. Lighting the candle, the mare looked at the flickering flame, unsure of what to do. A life time of taboo was currently battling her new found love for meat. Ponies being strictly herbivores had no need for meat and as a result had come to care for the animals even looking after them,during and after winter wrap up.

It was not like Twilight was killing a pony and it improved King Grendel views on the young princess and the others. But on the other hoof, it came at the price of a creature's life, a creature that had done nothing to wrong to the mare. Was it worth ending the life of another just so she could eat?

Originally she would have said no, but then what of Gryphons, Diamond Dogs and other predators that required meat to live, what about Spike? the drake could not go back to a vegetarian diet. If he required meat anyway, what was wrong with her having some? Hunting was not something Twilight was familiar with, but with the price of importing meat and the danger of getting caught, Twilight knew that eventually both herself and spike would have to if they wished to continue their current diet. But could she kill again? Could she see the fear in an animal’s eyes as she ended it... so she could enjoy the taste of meat?

With a small snort and shake of the head Twilight vanquished these thoughts. She was being silly, she had killed the deer quickly and painlessly it was not like she had toyed with it or made it suffer. What was wrong with her eating meat? Minotaur's did not require meat to survive. Being largely bovine they could comfortably live on plants and even grass, but they still choose to eat meat. Why was it so wrong for a pony to do the same?Maybe ponies were not designed to eat meat, but their bodies were able to digest it with no ill effects.

Groaning, the mare decided that she needed a snack, something to take her mind off of her predicament. trudging down the hallway, the mare followed earlier instructions from king Grendel, leading herself to the kitchen. Pushing the door open with her snout, the mare took in the large kitchen, a graying Gryphon chopped fervently away at variety of vegetables and meats. Turning, the gryphon smiled warmly.

"Good evening your highness, what can Chef Bernard “Sharp Knife” do for you?" The bubbly chef questioned, clambering forward as Twilight gave a small apologetic smile.

"I was looking to get a snack," Twilight replied... meekly. The gryphon's eyes lit up as he gently clasped her hands."

"Please... sit, let Barnard cook for you." he smiled, pushing the alicorn down onto a tiny stool. Twilight watched with some amusement as the gryphon darted about the kitchen, pulling herbs, pans and fillets of meat. Twilight could not deny that her mouth watered at the mere sight the gryphon throwing the meat into a pan as he went to work.

"I'm sorry if this is a bother," Twilight apologized, watching as the gryphon paused. Turning, Barnard gasped dramatically, throwing a clawed hand over his chest.

"A bother... Never! Princess Twilight Sparkle, Cooking is my passion no it is, my life. Please never feel that you are a bother in my kitchen, I am always happy to cook for a guest.Now this is something I have been experimenting with and would love for you to be my how you say guinea pig. It is called Veal Forestiere, my brother recommended it to me. Thin slices of veal breaded and browned, served in a sauce of mushrooms flavored with garlic and Marsala wine, it is beautiful. I hope it is to your tastes, your highness." Barnard smiled, bowing politely as Twilight gave a thankful nod.

Digging in, the mare moaned as the snack or more appropriately full course meal, helped to ease her troubled thoughts.

“Tell me princess what is it that ails you?” Barnard questioned, pulling up a seat next to her. Pausing mid bite, Twilight swallowed what little had entered her mouth, resting her fork and knife on the plate.

“Am I really that easy to read?” "Twilight sighed in defeat. The elderly gryphon gave a small smirk as the mare groaned." “it’s silly... really. Just a conflict of morals on my part,” Twilight mumbled. “I don’t know what to do. I love eating meat and so does Spike, but my friends and my fellow princesses would be disgusted if they found out. I don't want to lose my friends but at the same time I don’t want to have to give up eating meat,” she admitted. The stress of her secret and the fear of her friends and mentor’s abandoning her plagued her thoughts, as she stabbed her fork into another tender piece of veal. Twilight had needed someone other than spike to talk to, someone that could maybe give her an answer to her plight.

“Ahhh, I see! You are pony, raised in pony society and as such have their customs, taboos and ideology. The mere thought of killing or eating meat fills you with self loathing and disgust but your love for it prevents you from simply stopping,” the kindly chief guessed. Twilight gave a feeble nod with her head resting on the counter as she sullenly ate her meal.

"What should I do?" the mare questioned, uncaring that her source of advice was coming from a gryphon she had just met.

"Frustration coursed through Twilight as she stomped down the hall the chief had despite his attempt at helping been unable to help her. She felt angry that at the Gryphon for being unhelpful, herself for being a freak and Equestria as a whole. If eating meat was not such a taboo the mare would not feel the stress that came with her secret.

"Hey flip flop! What's got you stomping around the halls like an angry hydra?" the snide voice of Gilda called from behind.

Turning Twilight spotted Gilda leaning against the door frame, observing the stressed mare. Her eyes briefly softened, and the gryphon gave a small groan. Opening her door the gryphon waved the mare inside.
Twilight approached, suspiciously eyeing the rude Gryphon as she trotted inside. Leaping onto the bed, the Gryphon seated herself... Her eyes never leaving Twilight, the mare standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"So whats eating you? Or I guess in your case it's the other way around." The gryphon snorted, chuckling at her own joke as Twilight growled.

"What do you care? I was not under the impression that you cared about the plight of a lame princess?" Twilight replied, suspicious of the gryphon's intentions. Gilda rolled her eyes exasperatedly, her tail flicking back and forth much like a cat. Twilight could not help but feel like the Gryphon was stalking her. Unlike her father, Gilda actually made Twilight nervous. Whilst the king was kind and very easy going, Gilda was cold and calculated if hot headed at times. Huffing at the gryphon’s lack of response, Twilight gritted her teeth as she went to leave.

"You know that Dashie tried meat once." Gilda spoke up suddenly, Twilight freezing as she turned with an incredulous look. Twilight's ears perked up, her curiosity piqued as she turned from the door, approaching the seated Gryphon. Gilda gave a small grin, examining her claws as Twilight moved closer. "Ah got your attention did I?" Gilda smirked, her voice carrying a tinge of smugness causing Twilight to grit her teeth in annoyance. "Look dork, I don't particularly like you and I know for a fact that the feeling is mutual, but what you did was pretty cool. You are a pony that not only eats meat but enjoys eating meat. But looking at you I can tell straight away that you are going through the same thing I went through when I was a chick." Twilight was shocked, for but a mere moment Gilda's voice softened a brief look of pain on her face.

"Rainbow Dash never spoke about you two before the party insident. But all Dash told us was that you both went to flight school together," Twilight spoke up. Gilda paused her head swiveling her face one of confusion.

"Never?” The gryphon whispered, a tinge of hurt in her voice. Grunting Gilda shook her head, glowering at Twilight as the mare tenses.“Yeah... well what do I care? The flipflop stabbed me in the back. I hadn't seen her in years and all it took was me losing my temper at that annoying little pink dweeb and she kicks my ass to the curb, some friend," the gryphon grumbled, having gone off topic as Twilight gave her a sour look. Biting her tongue, Twilight let the fact that Gilda had been a flank hole for most of her visit go. The gryphon had bullied and pushed ponies around her whole stay and had been nothing but unpleasant to all but Dash.

"Anyway, my first day at flight school was lame, being a gryphon I am sure you can tell that I was not exactly popular. So I found myself alone eating lunch when this pegasus comes over and sits down next to me. She starts chatting to me, asking me about what it's like to be a gryphon. So I tried to get her to leave me alone you know growled at her flashed my talons and all that but she refused to leave. Heh should have know their was something different about her the moment I saw her. Having a rainbow for a mane should have given it away” Gilda chuckled Twilight awkwardly joining in, as the Gryphon cleared her throat

“ So anyway the fill introduced herself, one Rainbow Dash and despite my attitude and attempts, refused to go away. I remember pointing my sandwich at her hoping the meat would make her leave, but to my disbelief she smirks and takes a bite out of it. Couple seconds later she is hunched over a trash can throwing up but she earned my respect that day. After that the two of us were inseparable or we were. At the time it was just us against the rest of the school. No one wanted to hang out with the rainbow freak or the monster. Turned out given her coltish attitude she was as much a social outcast as me." Gilda paused, her eyes hardening as she fixed Twilight with a menacing glare.

"The reason I am telling you this, is not because I trust you. Not even so we can be friends, I am telling you this because I know what you are going through. A predator stuck in a sheep's pen, scared that when they find out what she is... they will abandon her. Though with dash I never had that problem, she accepted me for who I was. Deep down she is still my friend, as much as I don't like it... I should atleast try and make amends by helping her dweeb friend out," Gilda smirked nastily. “So here is my advice, don't be afraid of what you are and if your friends don't accept you for who you are, were they ever your friends in the first place?" Gilda finished, leaving Twilight stunned. The brash, tom colt of a gryphon was surprisingly wise given her brash and crude nature.

'Maybe Gilda wasn't so bad after all,' Twilight sighed mentally. The gryphon preened her left wing as she gave the mare an ice cold stare.

"Right story time over get out of my room dweeb."

'Then again maybe not.'