• Published 6th May 2013
  • 19,292 Views, 950 Comments

Shepard's R&R - ed2481

It's been several weeks since the Reaper War and Commander Shepard has been chosen to once again represent humanity on the galactic stage. However this time the audience will be slightly shorter...

  • ...

Matters of Perspective

Edited by Sadron

Matters of Perspective

Mere moments after the blue and white shuttle had launched itself into the air, Celestia and Luna found themselves sitting across from one another within Celestia’s private quarters. The luxury of the setting completely unnoticed as they remained silent for a moment, each recovering from the slight vertigo that accompanied the teleportation spell.

It was not often that the diarchs of Equestria used such magic, but as the otherworldly diplomats sped away from the surface of their world, the exception was called upon as the pair excused themselves to seek each other’s council on the developing situation.

The elder of the pair eyed the younger for a moment as the tense silence held, as if daring her to speak.

“I don’t want to hear it, Tia!” Luna took that leap, breaking the tense moment angrily as her eyes narrowed on Celestia. “If not for my quick action Pinkie Pie could have been killed.”

Celestia sighed.

All these years and her sister still let her emotions run away with her.

“Or are you seriously going to deny that she was in danger!” Luna challenged, growing bolder. “That their weapons are ‘not a threat’? That is what you told Guard Captain Lance when you convinced him not to have the entire royal guard present at their landing?”

“I’m well aware of the danger posed by the Commander’s weapon, Luna. However, I do not believe that the Commander himself was a danger. I don’t believe that he would have opened fire.”

“But you saw him… how he went immediately for his weapon!” Luna defended herself. “I’ve never seen any creature react that quickly and had I not responded, Pinkie Pie could have been injured or worse before the hyuman even realized what had happened.”

“HU-Man, Luna.” Celestia corrected. “At least do them the respect of pronouncing their name right, they have done the same courtesy of us. And as it is, according to Kirrahe, discipline is the first and foremost of lessons instilled in the galaxy’s soldiers. What I saw was no malice in the Commander’s action, simply a reaction.”

“That may be so.” Luna withdrew slightly, her anger beginning to wear back now that it was being spent. “But… he still would have threatened Pinkie Pie without just provocation!”

The white alicorn raised an eyebrow at her sister.

“Luna, she shot his companion with a cannon, I belive that is enough justification for retaliation of any kind. If the situation had been reversed, would you have sat by and done nothing as his other friends did?”

“But that was harmless! Their weapons are not!” Luna exclaimed. “Fifteen hundred years ago, you would have had his head on a spear for such an offense!”

“Fifteen hundred years ago, our entire world was at war and those very actions, Luna, are the sort of short sighted hot-blooded embarrassments that would have continued the cycle of destruction had it not been for the Pact! I will not apologize for maintaining peace.” Celestia’s own temper, rarely seen by the world outside, flared for an instant before she regained control of herself.

“And what part of ‘his friend was shot by a cannon’ are you not understanding, Sister? Thankfully Twilight was quick enough to apologize and Ambassador Grunt took no offense or the luncheon could have gone in a very different direction.” Celestia huffed, her irritation still obvious.

“Then why didn’t you say so out there?” Luna asked, her manner cooling in the face of Celestia’s contained outrage.

“Because we cannot be seen as being divided, Lulu. I stood up for you this time, sister, because we have to remain united with one another in front of these diplomats as much as we do for our own ponies. However, if you continue to let your prejudice towards our guests guide you, I will not continue to offer that support.”

The two stared at each other, Luna’s ears beginning to draw back as the meaning behind the Solar Diarch’s words echoed clearly in her head.

However, the ‘royal conference’’ which they held was then suddenly and loudly interrupted as the door to Celestia’s room burst open with a pale blue glow and Princess Cadence stormed in past the barriers which kept the private quarters off limits to those outside of the royal circle.

“Mi Amore?” Celestia began, surprised by the alicorn’s entrance as she had expected her to stay with her husband while he ‘entertained’ the four diplomats who had stayed behind. “What is the matter-”

But the pink alicorn cut her off mid sentence.

“You are what the matter is, Auntie Tia!” She exclaimed, her eyes locked on Celestia angrily and using a tone of voice that Celestia rarely found herself on the receiving end of.

While Celestia’s earlier simmering rage was awash with shock, Luna’s eyes narrowed on the advancing alicorn.

“Whatever do you mean, Cadence?”

The smaller alicorn rounded on Luna. “Oh you don’t know what I mean Auntie Lu? Allow me to make a list for you. Let’s start with being outright adversarial right from the start, and then move on to assaulting the leader of a group of diplomats?” She turned back to Celestia. “And then YOU! Condescending and superior from the very beginning, and then you add insult to injury by threatening said diplomat, thereby invalidating his legitimacy as a diplomat! I’m curious, what’s the next step of your brilliant plan to win them over? Gelding?”

“Cadence I-” Celestia attempted, but was clearly unused to being on the defensive.

“Oh no, I’m not done!” Cadence snapped, cutting Celestia off once more. “This right here! This attitude of ‘we’re always right’ is the exact reason why I didn’t want you to help me when the time came for me to establish diplomatic ties for the Crystal Empire! Because I knew the moment that another nation’s ambassador sat down across from either of you, it wouldn’t be the Crystal ponies being represented, it would be Equestria! And Equestria is always in the right!”

“That is not true!” Celestia attempted to object.

“Tell that to Chief Thunderhoof! Because I’m sure it was the last thing on his mind when you authorized the settling of Appleoosa in his territory without so much as consulting the Buffalo.” Cadence shot back venomously.

Cadence took a breath, the two princesses sitting across from her at a loss for words at this clearly long standing animosity.

“And this time, unlike Appleloosa, don’t think even Twilight and her friends would have been able to dig you out of the hole you made for yourself.”

“Hold your tongue, Mi Amore!” Luna snapped angrily.

I WON’T!” Cadence stomped a hoof. “You named me successor and protector of the Crystal Heart, Empress of the Crystal Empire! And right now I am the only being left on this planet who isn’t either in awe of you terrified of what you two would do if they made you angry!”

The Crystal Alicorn’s words cut deep… especially more so as Celestia’s outrage turned to regret, her eyes flickering over to Luna… remembering all too well the last time she had lashed out at a detractor in anger.

And the millenium of bitter, empty loneliness that followed had it.

“That is the problem.” Cadence’s tone began to soften, realizing that her point had been made. “The two of you have been in power for so long and have known all of your political opponents so well and going back so many generations. You have spent so much time as guides and teachers that you don’t even realize what it is to speak with a pony on equal terms! You both assume that you’re untouchable!” she shook her head she glared piercingly at them. “Auntie Lu, do you realize that because of your actions today that you could have triggered a war? A war that we couldn’t possibly win against a force magnitudes greater than anything we have ever faced before?”

“That is out of line! Equestria will hold no matter what foe falls upon it, be they foreign, domestic, or even extra-terrestrial! Our actions were taken to protect our little ponies from harm and you will not berate us for them!”

“Yes I will, because I’m the only one who can! Because unlike you, I know what it is like to be mortal and afraid. I remember when I didn’t have this horn to match my wings! And because of that, I can recognize the cliff we are all approaching by going forward with all of this which neither of you can.” Cadence said firmly. Her next query however took both princesses completely by surprise. “Aunt Luna, have you ever read any science fiction? The works of Rod. N. Berry, or Lucas or S. Card?”

”No, of course not.”Luna snorted. “Why would I bother with such drivel?”

“Because if you did you would’ve realized the extreme foolishness of what you and Aunt Celestia did.” Cadence replied, her angry gaze flicking between the two of them “Arrogance is not a shield that can be used against this ‘Citadel’. And if the reality of the situation is anything like that of even the most basic fictional story then it is entirely possible that they could end our world in a matter of minutes if Commander Shepard had taken offense to your actions and threats.”

“They wouldn’t dare,” Luna replied stiffly. “Equus is…”

“One world among how many? Hundreds? Thousands? Do we even know how many separate species, cultures, and governments the Citadel represents aside from those that have sent diplomats here? Are we ‘so’ important that the galaxy would stop turning if our world were to be stilled? Do you recognize the scope of this situation at all, Auntie Luna?” Cadence’s eye twitched slightly. “These are beings who travel through space and have access to a nearly unlimited amount of information at the tips of their… what did they call them? ‘Fingers?’ Do you honestly think that the lives of our peoples are so much more valuable to them than whatever it is that they’re after?”

The last comment did garner both Celestia and Luna’s full attention, not only the words themselves, but the firm certainty with which she said it.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked slowly.

“Auntie, have you stopped to ask yourself ‘why’ they are here? Why we merit such attention that six separate governing bodies, as well as the unified voice for all of them, have sent what are likely their most capable and experienced soldiers. Did you pay any attention to the way they interacted with us? To the fact that they were so deliberate, so patient, even given Pinkie Pie’s absurd prank?”

There was a moment of silence.

Celestia did have to admit, she had been so focused on Luna’s intervening with Shepard that she had not taken into account the actions of the other diplomats, none of whom seemed overly worried, or even shocked following the incident. But then again, unlike Shepard, they had not been so quick to react and their attempts to draw their weapons were clearly slowed as they took in the situation and saw no threat.

“It is likely because of our recovery and treatment of the Major while he was under our care.” Celestia reasoned.

“While I agree that Major Kirrahe is a remarkable individual and I was delighted to meet him, he is only one salarian. Just because we ‘primitive ponies’ managed to save the Major doesn’t mean that we merit more than a Thank You from even the most benevolent of alien races. By his own admission, Kirrahe’s people and the other races of the galaxy are not saintly by any means, and yet here they are… all attempting to get along and willing to forgive such transgressions that few of our own people would have overlooked. This can only mean one thing…” the pink alicorn left it hanging.

“We have something they want.” Luna nodded, finding her earlier outrage cooled as she saw the clear reasoning behind Cadence's words. “But what?”

“What that is I do not know, but I am sure of one thing. And that is that it would ultimately be cheaper and less troublesome for them to acquire whatever it is that they’re after without dealing with us,” Cadence explained. “That these meetings are taking place at all means that the peoples they represent do not wish to cause undue destruction. And we should take them up on that offer of diplomacy because the alternative is not something I wish to imagine.”

The room was quiet for a moment as Celestia and Luna sat in stunned silence as they thought on what she’d said. Finally, it was Celestia who broke the silence.

“Thank you, Cadence. You are right. Perhaps it has been far too long since we, no since I, have dealt with an unknown power.” the mare started slowly as she closed her eyes. “I shall make it a point to apologize to the Commander when next we meet-” she turned to Luna. “-as shall you.”

Luna began to protest but saw the steel in Celestia’s eyes and backed down. “As you wish... sister,” the Princess of the Night said with a frown.

Cadence nodded her head in acceptance and seemed to calm herself. “Good... I’m sorry Aunt Tia but between the two of you...”

“It’s quite alright,” Celestia replied with a small shrug. “The fault is ours, not yours. Perhaps more than anything what we need right now is an honest review of our opinions, but that can wait until we have more information. For now, let us address the other outstanding issue.”

“What other issue?” Luna inquired, still smarting from the lecture that her niece had given her.

“This Commander Shepard. The human leader of this diplomatic corp.” Celestia nodded, “Did you sense anything… unusual from him?” Celestia asked slowly.

Luna and Cadence both frowned, neither comfortable with the question, or the correct assumption that they had appraised the human’s personal aura on such a level. It was considered ‘impolite’ in circles capable of such observations, but from the moment he had made his appearance, Shepard had an overpowering air about him which invoked curiosity. A lure that had proven too strong for any of the three princesses to resist.

“Struggle... and pain,” Cadence replied slowly. “There was so much pain it nearly made me weep at the table. His eyes were the most telling, small as they were. They were ancient eyes that have seen things that no other being has seen. Has achieved what nopony else could achieve. But under it all, where I was expecting to find a jaded, tarnished soul, I found something different, a loving heart… and something else. Hope, I think.”

Celestia nodded. “And what of you sister?”

“I sensed Death, Tia.” Luna scowled. “Nothing but death. The Commander is a slayer of living things and the blood on his hands is heavy and thick, yet he does not care or show regret for those deaths. Killing has become casual to him. But more than that, he is himself unnatural.”

“Unnatural? How so?”

“You remember Orcus? Back before the Pact and before Tartarus had been secured?” Luna asked, drawing a worried look from Cadence and an affirming nod from Celestia. “He reminded me of Orcus’ undead. But as he is missing the obviously necrotic flesh and rot, he does not appear to be. Shepard is alive only because there is something else keeping him that way. I could sense things… metals and energies I have no names for… hidden within his body, keeping his heart beating and his organs functioning. He has the feel of one who has known the far side of the veil for far too long to have recovered on his own, and yet has come back. Such a thing is-”

Luna lowered her head, finally speaking out loud what had kept her on edge since the human had first revealed himself.

“-an abomination… an affront to nature. To claim mastery over death itself. Pony or not, alien or not, no living being should dare.”

The solar monarch’s eyebrow rose slightly but she nodded.

“I see…”

“And what did you feel, Auntie Tia?” Cadence asked, unable to dismiss that she too had gotten such an impression from the human.

“I sensed guilt.” Celestia nodded. “Guilt and sorrow so powerful that it was nearly overwhelming to me. The sort that would crush a normal pony and drive him to seek out the other side of the veil. Until today, I did not believe that another living thing could understand the weight of such suffering.”

Luna looked away, understanding precisely what the oft aloof and mischievous princess of the sun was referring to.

“I was wrong. I do not know what it is that has done this to him or made him into the person that he has become, but to shoulder the weight he has saddled himself with. I would not wish such a burden upon any living creature. And under that is an incredible wariness. One that is wearing him down in ways he doesn’t even comprehend. He is a tragic figure to be certain.” Celestia said slowly with a frown.

There was another moment of silence at this shared revelation before Cadence gave off a small huff.

“Well, Whatever he is, what matters most is that he will have the most impact on this ‘Citadel Council’. Far more than any of the other ambassadors, so you’re both going to have to learn to live with him,” Cadence declared firmly.

“I never had a quarrel with the Commander to begin with.” Celestia murmured with a small frown before shaking her head and moving on. “Cadence, I thank you for your council in this matter. You have given us both much to consider. But now, however, my sister and I have things to discuss that are not for your ears.”

Luna’s eyebrow rose as she turned to Celestia. “Ah... yes we do need to discuss that don’t we?” Celestia simply nodded gravely.

Cadence glanced between the two of them a final time and regarded them with a searching look. “Is this something that the Crystal Empire should be aware of?” she asked, her voice razor sharp.

Celestia shook her head. “No Cadence, it is strictly a family matter.”

The younger alicorn frowned for a moment and then nodded slowly.

“Alright. Tell me when you are discussing things of importance once again.” Then with a stiff nod she strode out of the room, her tail twitching in irritation.

“That was... unexpected,” Celestia said with a small frown.

“Indeed... though perhaps not undeserved.” Luna said with an uneasy look. “I get the feeling that you are not referring to our elder brother.”

“No I am not, Discord will show himself soon enough I am sure. Right now. I think it is past time we talked about Mother,” Celestia answered.

Twilight Sparkle situated herself on a red cushion in her old room in Canterlot’s Library Tower, her door magically locked and sealed to prevent anyone not either related to her or of royal status from entering. As much as she loved her friends, they were likely having their hooves full dealing with the salarian Major Kirrahe and the strangely quiet ‘Talan’ who accompanied him. Her attentions had to be focused elsewhere as she quickly organized dozens of quills and ink bottles along with thousands of pieces of paper in neat hundred-page high stacks.

In front of her, waiting patiently, was the glowing sphere known as Glyph which, as Dr. T’soni had described him, was a sort of living library of information.

To say that the Princess of Friendship was excited at the prospect of being the first pony to have access to a nearly unlimited array of alien knowledge would have been an understatement, if her heart was pounding any faster, she feared it might explode.

“Okay, ummm, Glyph. I just want to make sure. I can ask you about anything and you’ll give me a completely fact based answer?” Twilight asked the VI slowly.

“That is not entirely accurate, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Glyph replied, his voice polite, but clearly not that of a living creature. “I will answer all inquiries to the best of my abilities based on available data. However, Dr. T’Soni has placed blocks on certain subjects marked above a degree of confidentiality.”

“What does that mean?” Twilight asked, her horn aglow as she quickly began to scribble down the notes she hoped would become the basis of her first thesis involving their new alien friends.

“Some topics of knowledge I contain could be damaging to individuals or governments if released to the general public. While Dr T’soni advocates the exchange of data, she is also well aware of the power of information. You will be notified if your inquiries move into restricted topics. Please also be aware that I am maintaining a log of all topics discussed.”

“You’re recording what I am saying?"

“Negative, Princess Sparkle.” Glyph clarified. “My function is in data storage, processing, and distribution. I am not equipped with surveillance gear or the means to make audio or visual records. A record of files of which you request is being maintained to better account for your needs.”

“You said the exchange of data.” Twilight wondered aloud. “Are you going to be asking me questions as well?”

“That will not be required, Princess Sparkle,” Glyph stated. “Although permission to browse and input data from the physical manuscripts kept within this library regarding your species’ history and culture would likely be met with great appreciation from the Citadel Cultural Records division and Dr. T’soni herself.”

“Well, this is the Canterlot Archive. You need royal authority to-”

Twilight had to stop herself from face-hoofing at that remark as her wings shifted on her back.

Right, she ‘was’ a royal authority now. She kept forgetting.

“I mean, sure… after you answer some of my questions.”

“Splendid.” Glyph nodded in the air. “Ready to accept inquiry.”

“Okay...” the mare let out a breath as her mind began to fill with questions.

Where did she even begin?

Did she ask about the races… about their histories and where they came from?

Did she ask about their technology, this amazing ability they had to travel the stars and create devices like Glyph?

Did she ask for clarifications on the things that the ambassador’s had mentioned? The way they spoke of this ‘Reaper War’ so openly and kept referring to things like ‘the cure’ and yet never discussed what it was. She knew that something had recently happened that had led to Major Kirrahe crashing on their world, but what was it?

Then, she considered the answers she had garnered from the table… one in particular that had filled her with more curiosity than anything else.

With a quick exhale she banished the majority of her thoughts as things she could come back to later… focusing on the one question that filled her mind.

“Okay, Glyph…. Who is Commander Shepard?”

“Out of one box and into another.” Rainbow Dash remarked, tapping a hoof impatiently as Pinkie Pie bounced up and down beside her in her usual, oblivious manner. The pair of them standing in the middle of what they were told was the ‘ Decontamination Chamber’ as a line of light repeatedly traced back and forth over them and what looked like steam vented into the room from the top of the chamber.

While Rainbow had been anxious at first (She was pretty sure she was being scanned by aliens, who wouldn’t be nervous?) now it was just getting boring. Sure they were now officially in outer-space and on board an alien ship, but the long minutes this ‘decontamination’ was taking was beginning to wear on the pegasus’ nerves and letting her reflect on the ride up.

True, it had been a rush as she watched the clouds racing past on the ‘monitor’, which acted like a magic window that was linked to see whatever this mechanical eye Admiral Tali’Zorah called an ‘external cam’ could see. Watching the image had been a rush at first, as she watched Canterlot and Equestria disappear in the distance as the ‘Kodiak’ easily broke her altitude record and crossed from the blue skies of Equus into the inky blackness of space.

There was certainly a thrill of wonder at the revelation, but nowhere near as exciting as she thought it should have been. It should have been so many different kinds of awesome, but instead Rainbow had honestly found herself disappointed at the ease and smoothness of the transition, as she remembered descriptions from the various Buck Rangers and Prince of Mares stories she had picked up after finishing the Daring Doo series.

Reality lacked the same fanfare or awe. Pinkie Pie hadn’t even noticed them breaking through the atmosphere as she was busy talking animatedly with Grunt. And she didn’t even get a chance to see Equus, her world, from their once in a lifetime position as the monitor had gone out with Admiral Tali coming out from the front of the craft to say they were approaching their ship.

Much to Rainbow’s growing disappointment, she hadn’t even gotten a chance to see the ship from the outside because there were no windows on the shuttle, something that bugged her all the more as she felt a subtle jerking stop and the doorway to the Kodiak opened to reveal another small, enclosed room.

She hated cramped quarters almost as much as she hated losing, which was to say ‘a lot’.

To her great relief, it had been explained to her that this was merely a foyer (they called it ‘the airlock’) to the ship itself and that before they came aboard, they all had to go through something called ‘decontamination’.

Commander Shepard and Tali had gone through with Grunt first before the two ponies to show them that it was safe, but Dash’s eyes had still glanced around the room worriedly as she entered, images of alien torture rooms from comic books raced through her mind as the doorway to the shuttle had closed.

She and Pinkie were not alone, thankfully, as Doctor T’soni stood a little ways behind them, her stance and posture completely relaxed as it seemed she was well used to what was happening.

“Ms. Pie, this entire procedure may go more quickly if you were to hold still for a moment.” Liara offered, her tone patient, but clearly distracted. “Your moving around may be causing the delay.”

“Hehe, but it tickles!” Pinkie said brightly between squeals of laughter as a beam of light raced over the contours of her body.

In spite of the advice to keep still, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help fidgeting uncomfortably, not liking the tingling feeling over her fur and skin in the least as it passed over her yet again. “Unhh, does this thing go faster!?” she exclaimed impatiently. “I mean, space travel is supposed to be all zooms and whirs and zaps, isn’t it? What’s this thing supposed to do anyways!”

“It’s a decontamination, a standard procedure for most vessels. It is meant to prevent any microbes or germs from getting onto the ship… although even with Ms. Pie’s movements, it shouldn’t be taking this long.” Liara commented, moving up past Rainbow and pressing a small green button next to the door at the far end.

“Is everything alright in there?” He queried.

“Yeah, are you going to let us out or what?” Rainbow spoke up, recognizing this concept from the communicators in her stories.

“We’re working on it! Just hold your horses,” A new and sarcastic sounding male voice spoke out from the very walls, immediately reminding Rainbow of the time Discord had used an ethereal voice without showing himself. “Hold on, I didn’t just make that pun did I? Oh crap… anyways, we just got to make sure that you don’t infect us with some sort of native super-virus or something.”

“Hey, we’re not sick you annoying invisible voice!” Rainbow shouted back. There was a peal of laughter from the intercom and it took several seconds for it to be silenced.

“Hold on, was that the ambassador talking or are we letting kids on the Normandy for tours now?”

“Who are you calling a kid?” Rainbow puffed up, bolting nearly a meter into the air and almost cracking her head on the ceiling as she looked around defensively. “Do I ‘look’ like a goat?”

“You don’t want me to answer that… anyways, you’re not setting foot in my ship until I know that we won’t all suddenly start spouting ridiculous colored feathers or sneezing our lungs out out, okay?” the voice shot back.

“Oh, then we’re fine.” Pinkie Pie announced triumphantly as she ceased bouncing but maintained her grin. “We don’t have feet, you can let us in.”

Dash was about to say something else when the beam stopped moving over them almost as soon as Pinkie stopped bouncing and the uncomfortable tingling feeling started to fade.

“Finally,” she muttered as the door in front of them opened.

Stepping out of the chamber, Rainbow and Pinkie found themselves standing in what looked like another small room that opened up to the left, revealing Commander Shepard and Admiral Tali waiting for them while another being, a human judging from the sideways glance, was sitting in a chair to their left.

“Ambassador Rainbow Dash, Ambassador Pinkie Pie.” Shepard nodded with a smile and pulling his arm up in what Rainbow recognized as a salute. “Welcome aboard the Normandy.”

“Oh, uhh…” Rainbow reeled for a moment, unsure how to respond. “Thank you, Commander. To tell the truth, I was starting to get a little concerned about being in that room.”

“Yeah, Dashie doesn’t like small places. She’s got closet-hobia.” Pinkie blabbed in a hushed whispering tone that was easily heard by all present and caused the mare in question to huff at the implication.

“Claus-tro-phobia, Pinkie,” Rainbow corrected before a pang of embarrassment made her cheeks flush as she bolted to dismiss the idea. “And I do not!”

“I apologize for the delay but the decontamination system had to determine what was ‘normal’ for your species since you’re the first that have ever come aboard an Alliance Ship,” The Commander offered. “Now I am sure that you are eager to see the rest of the ship. And Admiral Tali’zorah will be happy to give you a tour.” Tali nodded pleasantly as the Commander gestured to her, although it was hard to tell if she was actually smiling on account of the helmet she wore. “Before she does however, I wanted to start with some ground rules.”

“Aw come on, aren’t you going to let us explore?” Dash asked, sounding a little downtrodden.

“No.” Shepard answered firmly, his tone not allowing for any debate on the matter. “The Normandy SR-2 is a fully operational spacecraft. With all due respect, Ambassador, this is not a place to run around. The crew is made up of trained professionals, each of which have a duty to perform in order to ensure that the ship itself remains safe for all on board.”

“This isn’t a playground, Ambassador.” Tali stepped forward before she knelt down to be more at eye level with Rainbow and Pinkie. “Accidents on this ship, even minor slips or innocent mistakes, have the potential to cost people their lives. While I am happy to show Normandy to you, I ask that you respect this ship and the people working on it. Please, let’s keep this professional.”

Rainbow, a little taken aback by the plea, found herself nodding.

She didn’t like this… she felt like she was being treated like a foal.

But then again, as she looked to her left to the complicated series of glowing panels and screens the human there was touching, she supposed there was a reason for that.

“Now, rules while you are visiting us here: Firstly, no assaulting any members of my crew with cannons, regardless what they are loaded with.” he told them while directing his gaze at Pinkie, who merely pouted and raised a hoof to ask a question.

“And no, I don’t care if they ask for it.”

The mare dropped her hoof back to the ground and the Commander continued.

“Secondly, you are both to stay within sight of either Tali or another member of the ground team at all times. If they ask you not to touch something, please follow their instructions. This is as much for your own safety as that of the rest of the crew.” Shepard paused a moment, looking to both mares, who merely nodded in confirmation. “Thirdly, please do not interrupt the crew’s work. These people are specialists and most of them are very busy. While the entire crew has been briefed on our mission and your situation, only the ground team and a few other specific individuals have been given access to the special translation program we use to communicate. so don’t be surprised if most of the crew can’t understand you and visa-versa.”

“I’ll be happy to answer what questions I can, and if I can’t answer the questions, I am sure someone in the ground team can. Do you have any objections to these rules?”

“No, ma’am.” Rainbow nodded. As much as she would like to explore on her own, she did have to admit that she could see exactly where the Commander was coming from.

“We won’t be any trouble, Promise… or better yet, Pinkie Promise.” Pinkie cocked her head for a moment and then nodded before quickly running through a rapid series gestures with her hoof before she concluded with placing her hoof over her eye.

Shepard raised an eyebrow at the display but simply nodded and turned to Rainbow Dash.

“That’s all I ask. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have my own duties to attend to. Liara, could you join me in the Conference Room?”

Liara looked up in surprise at her name, having clearly not been paying attention as the commander had given the two ponies the rundown.

“I’m sorry Shepard, would you mind repeating that?” she asked.

Shepard’s eyes narrowed in concern at the asari’s obvious distraction.

“Liara, are you alright?”

“I…” Liara thought for a moment and then shook her head. “My apologies, Commander...but I’m afraid I might be suffering from a little fatigue. It’s nothing, really. I’m fine.”

“We need everyone at their best.” Shepard stated, “Perhaps Dr. Chakwas should have a look at you.”

“I… yes, I believe you’re right.” Liara admitted after a moment of hesitation. “I’ll head down to the infirmary immediately… make sure I’m not coming down with something.”

“Keelah, I hope not. Believe me, I know how bad being sick on a mission is.” Tali stated with friendly concern in her voice.

“Oh so do I! I got super sick after eating this one batch of muffins that Applejack made out of potato chips and a bunch of other icky stuff,” Pinkie pipped in. “Nopony came out of that happy, … oh except Spike.”

“Uhhh, right,” Tali nodded, clearly not understanding the reference or even who ‘Spike’ was, but obviously wanting to get started. “So, Ambassadors, where would you like to start?”

“The Bridge!” Dash opted immediately. “I want to see all of the swivel chairs and that one big platform with the captain sitting in it!”

Tali’s mask made it hard for Rainbow to interpret her expression, but she could swear there was a hint of amusement in her eyes for a moment before she shrugged.

“This is the Bridge,” Tali told them as Shepard and Liara took the opportunity to exit through the closed door, which snapped shut again while Rainbow’s mouth hung open in shock, looking at the small area where the single human sat running his hands over the glowing screens.

“What? That’s it?” Rainbow Dash asked, clearly disappointed. “Where is the big screen to talk to the attacking other ships? Or the huge window looking out into space so you can steer the ship?”

“Wait, what?” A harsh bark of laughter came from the man in the chair before it swiveled around to show Rainbow Dash and Pinkie a thin human with a furred growth around his chin and wearing a blue hat with alien letters on it. “Seriously? You would have a huge window on the bow of the ship to steer? That’s like using a microscope to sprint through a forest.”

“Hey, you’re that annoying invisible voice!” Dash exclaimed in recognition as she pointed a hoof at him. “Wait, I can understand you?”

“Yeah, I got the new edition of hooked-on-phonics. I’m special like that.”

“OOH, what’s your name?” Pinkie inquired, somehow appearing in front of the man even though Tali hadn’t seen her move. “Oh wait! Are you the Captain?”

“Captain? Oh hell no… you couldn’t pay me enough to do that job.” The human shook his head, clearly amused at the attempt to stroke his ego. “I’m Flight Lieutenant Jeff Moreau. But you can call me Joker, Ambassador. Everybody does. I’m the helmsman of the Normandy SR-2, the flagship of the United Galactic Fleet. Which makes me the best damn pilot in the galaxy!” he declared proudly.

“Joker…” Tali shook her head, her voice clearly chastising.

“What? It’s true.”

“Ha, as if. I’m the best flyer in the galaxy!” Rainbow Dash boasted, drawing an amused look from the human.

“Oh yeah? With what? Paper airplanes? Or those stumpy little wings?” Joker asked sarcastically.

“Stumpy? Little!?” Dash shouted, flaring her wings and obviously infuriated by the insult.

“Look, I’m sure you do great jumping through hoops, Ambassador-”

“Joker!” Tali started again, a bit more harshness to her tone, clearly not wanting the pilot to offend the two diplomats.

“-But compared to Normandy, well yeah, no contest.” the man replied.

“You want to say that to my face?” Rainbow Dash glared.

“I kinda already did?” Joker stated with a grin.

“Oh, It -Is- ON! I’m the fastest thing alive! So put your bits where your mouth is! Bring this thing down into open sky and I’ll outstripe this tin can like a rocket over a butterfly!” Rainbow Dash shot back, puffing her chest out. Joker looked at her for a moment before he burst into laughter.

“Hold on! You? Versus the Normandy? In a race?” He gasped between laughs. “Oh, and you’re serious too. Oh god… you know what? Sure! You’re on, but once I win then I’m gonna have to ask you to give up your title!”

“Deal!” Rainbow Dash replied angrily, not taking notice of the way the quarian was setting a palm to the dome of her helmet. “You’ll be eating my rainbows for the next week!”

The two glared at each other for several seconds before Joker raised an eyebrow again. “You know what, Ambassador? You’re alright.”

“Likewise,” Dash replied with a small smile.

“But your wings are still stumpy,” Joker added.

“Well you smell funny. When was the last time you washed that hat?”

Before Joker could reply, Pinkie glanced at the empty station beside the helmsman.

“Why is that seat empty?” She inquired while pointing at the station.

The joy and bravdo seemed to drain out of Joker’s face in an instant and he suddenly swiveled his chair back to the face away from the three, not answering. Pinkie opened her mouth, perhaps to ask again, but Tali placed a three fingered hand on her shoulder and shook her head before she silently motioned for the two to follow her off the bridge and into the CIC

Shepard moved into the com’s room and quickly entered the code to contact the Council. While he was used to a swift response, the fact that all four of the harried, often overburdened leaders of the galactic community sent their ready-signals within five minutes of his invitation was troubling.

A mere moment later as the communications were established, the holographic likenesses of all four Councilors appeared before him, each standing beside the other as they regarded Shepard with a mixture of anticipation and curiosity.

“Shepard, good to see you. I gather by the lack of any new holes or bloodstains in your uniform that your visit with the Equestrian leadership went well?” Hackett inquired, speaking up first.

“You could say that, Sir. There were a couple of rough spots in the First Contact, but we’ve succeeded in opening a dialogue as well as establishing diplomatic relations. And I’m pleased to inform the Council that no one was injured in the process.” Shepard replied with a small nod. “However I don’t believe that our presence was met with unanimous approval. it is clear that there are elements within the Equestrian government that are opposed to the concept of ‘aliens’ in general.”

“That’s to be expected, I can think of no species that is entirely comfortable towards their first extraterrestrial visitors.” Tevos nodded, although her tone was concerned. “I would hope that this opposition does not speak for the majority.”

“I don’t believe so, it’s clear that among their leaders, Princess Celestia wears the biggest crown, both figuratively and literally. My impression is that she is an open minded and progressive ruler, but she is also extremely protective of her people.”

“Yes yes, while we are all in agreement that it is good that the Commander has managed to avoid his usual methods of diplomacy, we need to address the more pressing matter? Have you managed to open trade talks?” Sparatus asked impatiently.

“Not yet.” Shepard replied cooly.

Something was wrong.

“Why not? That was your first priority.” Sparatus said, annoyance clear in his voice.

“With all due respect, sir.” Shepard began, smiling slightly within his mind at using the phrase. It always reminded him of Ashley. “The situation on the ground here is delicate. And new information has come to our attention that indicates it is about to become even more complicated.”

Sparatus raised a hand as if he was about to speak (harshly judging by his expression) before he was flagged down by a shake of the head from Tevos.

Something was very wrong.

“Commander, perhaps you should elaborate on your recent developments.” she said diplomatically.

“To begin with, the political situation on Equus is not as cut and dry as we first believed. Celestia and Luna are immensely influential, but there seems to be an overarching multi-national government already in place. I haven’t been able to garner any details yet, but they call it the ‘Equus Pact’.” Shepard began.

“We were under the impression from Kirrahe’s reports that Celestia was the primary policy maker on Equus. The Major described her as an almost deity-like figure.” Valern pointed out with a rapid blink of his eyes.

“That seems accurate from what I have seen. Celestia’s command presence appears to be overwhelming to the natives. But based on what we’ve uncovered, she is hardly omnipotent or infallible. Over the course of our meeting, I was informed that she has already invited representatives from at least six other species to participate in the opening of relations.” Shepard answered.

“We don’t have time for a committee to be assembled, Shepard.” Sparatus objected. “Especially not at the pace of a Pre-Industrial Age Species. Gathering representatives from across the globe could take weeks at the very-”

“I have been assured that the other species have a short window of time to attend, Councillor.” Shepard explained quickly. “Seven local days. The invitation was sent five days ago. According to our calculations, that means we have approximately thirty-nine galactic standard hours before that deadline ends. Any diplomats who haven’t arrived in that time frame won’t have a voice in our discussions.”

That drew a moment of silence from the Council for a moment.

“And likely, each nation’s representatives will have their own agenda. This... is going to be difficult, Shepard.” Hackett said at last. “It took the Systems Alliance almost a decade after First Contact to organize well enough to even begin negotiating with Council Space, and even then it was only able to do so by superseding Earth’s National Governments. If we are looking at a similar situation here-”

“We don’t have a decade to wait!” Sparatus started forward again.

“I understand that, Councillor, which actually brings up my reason for calling in.” Shepard said, a frown on his face. “We need additional support. My crew… the Ambassadors of our governments, are doing a fine job of representing the galactic community on a personal level, but frankly, none of us have the administrative background or training to handle multiple new cultures. To say nothing of trying to work out a suitable agreement for the rights to the system’s resources. I am having a difficult time understanding why Normandy wasn’t assigned a Diplomatics Corp. to try and help us sort this out.” A drop of venom had worked its way into the Commander’s voice and he looked at the council through narrowed eyes.

This too drew a moment of silence, however this one dragged on for over a minute as the Councilors internally debated how to answer his question. Then with a heavy sigh Tevos spoke, her voice full of weariness.

“Because Commander… we have none to spare.” The asari told him.

“What do you mean?” the Commander asked, clearly caught off guard by the answer.

“In the last year, let’s just say that the occupation of ‘Diplomacy’ has taken something of a hit.” Hackett stated calmly. “A vast majority of the galaxy’s ranking ambassadors and diplomats were killed during the War. Some were indoctrinated on futile attempts to ‘discuss terms’ with the Reapers while most were slaughtered along with everyone else in line. The Citadel’s Diplomatic Offices were all but eradicated between the Cerberus Coup and the Reaper Occupation of the Station. And the precious few that are left are scattered across the galaxy and busy trying to keep all of the people that you united from turning on each other.”

“The Reapers also specifically targeted government officials during their planetary campaigns.” Valern added with a sigh. “Ironically, it seems that soldiers had the highest survival rate in the galaxy, although not by much. There are voids of manpower and expertise in every industrial sector and those shortcomings are beginning to catch up with us. Commander, as much as we dislike sending you on a mission like this, as it stands, you are the most accomplished Diplomat left in Citadel space.”

“And now Commander it is your duty to gain us the bounty of the Equus System, by whatever means you deem necessary.” Sparatus declared.

“Within reason.” Tevos nodded, clearly wanting to cover her bases. “But if we must uplift the Equestrians to gain their cooperation, so be it.”

The bold declaration along with the facts that preceded it hit Shepard in the chest and it took him a moment to recover. “But...” he trailed off with a shake of his head.

Uplift? The mere fact that the option was suggested indicated the sheer desperation here, something that was pushing all of the Councilors out of their comfort zone.

“Alright. I’ll get it done.”

“I know you will Shepard,” Hackett said with a thin smile.

“Keep us appraised of the situation, Commander… and good luck.” Valern nodded, before the holograms broke apart in unison, the shared channel disconnected.

Much to Shepard’s surprise, however, Hackett’s image shimmered out of for a moment before re-solidifying, indicating that he had switched over from one QEC line to another.

“Shepard, do you still copy?”

“Loud and Clear, Sir.” Shepard nodded, trying to hide his surprise.

“I had the QEC from my old flagship installed in my office as a private line. Glad to see that Specialist Traynor hasn’t disconnected it from the Normandy’s communications array.” Hackett explained, his earlier rigid posture and stern demeanor gone. “We needed to talk without the others looming.”

“What’s happened, Councillor?” Shepard asked. “Sparatus has been hostile before, but now--”

“There was an assassination attempt on Primarch Victus twelve hours ago.” Hackett explained. “The Primarch was wounded, but he’s stable. The Turian High Command is trying to keep it under wraps, but the incident has sent ripples across the Turian Hierarchy.”

“Were the assassins indoctrinated?” Shepard asked.

There had been reports, he had been told, that there were still individuals across the galaxy that had suffered from Reaper Indoctrination when the Crucible had fired. It was one of the primary reasons he had been kept under such strict guard during his recovery, as he learned (much to Tali’s regret) that there had been no shortage of people eager to ensure he was sent back to the grave.

While there were no longer commands being sent to them by their terrible masters, that didn’t mean that all was well. Many had suffered psychotic breakdowns as a result while others had simply melded back into society, plagued by psychoses of their own as a result of the Reapers’ manipulations.

“No… and that is why Sparatus is so on edge.” Hackett answered. “The attempt was made by one of their own generals, acting on behalf of a faction of Turian Separatists advocating an imperialist push now that the rest of the galaxy has been weakened.”

“We just finished fighting a war with the Reapers… and now there are Turians that want to keep’ fighting in a war of conquest?” Shepard asked, unable to mask his disgust.

“The ultra-conservative elements of turian space have been a problem for generations, ever since the Turian Unification War. But the Hierarchy has never let them gain any ground. Their most successful attempt to overthrow the High Command was at Taetrus, and you remember how that turned out.”

“The turians cleaned house after the Taetrus Separatists blew up the capital city.” Shepard nodded, remembering well the headlines from back before the ill fated mission to ‘rescue’ Dr. Kenson.

“With overwhelming force.” Hackett nodded.

Shepard suddenly saw where this was going.

“Overwhelming force they don’t have any more.”

“Exactly.” Hackett nodded. “They smell the blood in the water and they are only the beginning. We are also receiving reports of an increase in pirate raiders along the systems bordering the Terminus that the STG believe are intending to probe our response. And to top it all off there is the personnel shortage. The only thing we have working in our favor right now is that public support is rallied behind the Council in appreciation for saving them from the Reapers. But as soon as the Irune Credit Report is made public, we’re going to have millions of unemployed, desperate, and disenfranchised civilians across the galactic stage.”

“An intergalactic war of extinction, an impending economic crisis, Terminus pirates crawling out of the woodwork, and now overzealous goosestepping turians...” Shepard trailed off for a moment before his eyes hardened and he looked back at Hackett. “Sir...this is ridiculous.”

Hackett looked at him sadly and Shepard saw a life of fighting disasters in his eyes. “I know son... I know.”

“And the Council really thinks that the material resources of four planets, no matter how wealthy, is going to fix all of that?”

“It’s not a simple matter of the financial gains, Commander.” Hackett explained. “What the galaxy needs right now is the assurance that the worst is over. That things will get better. A sudden influx of raw material wealth will be used to encourage private business interests, get the galactic market back on its feet and start looking to train and replace personnel for the roles that are needed,” Hackett paused for a moment before continuing. “Add to that the possible new innovations that the Equestrians and their fellow species may be able to share with us and the galaxy will start to see the light on the horizon.”

Shepard was quiet for a moment, considering the impact that an entirely new market, with an estimated population of at least a few hundred million potential producers and consumers, might have on the galaxy. How the signs that there were still places unspoiled by the tragedy that was the Reaper War would play out in the Media and beyond. And how that little bit of good news would sour the pitch of those ranting that the powers that be had abandoned them and they were better off fighting for themselves.

“What we need is the beginning of a return to normalcy where interplanetary combat and full-focus defense are not the end-all of the average galactic citizen’s life. But that normalcy needs a kick-start. We need this windfall to turn the economy around.” Hackett stated after a few moments of silence.

Shepard nodded, recognizing that this mission carried with it a simple rule that had become the crux of his career.

“Failure is not an option.”

“It never is Shepard... it never is,” Hackett replied

Liara lay back on the ridged medical bed in the Normandy’s Infirmary, staring up at the ceiling with an anxious concern as Doctor Karen Chakwas, a long trusted medical physician with an astounding degree of understanding alien biology, slowly moved her omni-tool over the asari’s bare blue midriff.

Liara tried to steady her breathing and wait patiently, knowing full well that the results of this confirmation or dismissal of this test would impact the rest of her natural life. It was times like this she envied human females, who could have had their condition diagnosed in mere seconds by modern medicine.

Unfortunately, Asari were far more complicated in that respect, and at this early stage in her supposed condition, it was immensely difficult to detect even in Asari Space with her own species physicians.

The minutes ticked by slowly, with Liara biting her bottom lip nervously as she waited for the Doctor’s pronouncement.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Chakwas put away the device and sighed.

“Congratulations Liara, it’s a girl.” Chakwas told her with a small smile.

Liara’s face palmed.

“That’s… not funny.”

“I couldn’t resist.” The older human woman shook her head, her smile deepening. “But still, congratulations. You’re about six or seven months along, still very early term for your kind. Expecting mothers usually don’t start showing signs until after the first year. I assume that you and Feron…?”

“N...no.” Liara shook her head, although for a moment, Chakwas wasn’t sure if the negative had been aimed towards her ‘condition’ or at denying the implied parentage.

“Ah…” The Doctor nodded, her tone shifting to the more professional as she recognized the Shadow Broker’s emotional state as one of panic. “I take it this wasn’t planned? I was under the impression that an Asari had to choose to allow it to happen during the neural bonding process in order to-”

“No.” Liara started, then shook her head, at a clear lost for words. “I mean, yes. But- I didn’t- It was an impulse. I mean, I didn’t think that- Goddess I barely expected to survive after it happened. It didn’t seem like there was anything left to lose, and--”

“Of course. I am sure that considering what was happening around the estimated time of conception it was a spur of the moment decision. Although if this is a real problem, there is another option-" Chakwas began, but was cut off by an angry glare from the asari.

"NO!" Liara all but shouted. “THAT alternative is not and will never be on the table!”

"I was going to suggest adoption." Chakwas said dryly, hardly surprised by the objection or the protective tone in her voice.

Then, a realization dawned.

“Liara.” She asked. “Who is the father?”

A look of horror filled the information dealer’s eyes as her mouth worked a moment without making a sound.

Her mute response was all of the confirmation that Chakwas needed.

“I see.”

“You mustn't tell him!” Liara exclaimed fearfully. “If he knew that I…. I mean, it would endanger the mission if he learned about this! Shawn already has enough on his mind, adding this might be the final chip that topples Athame’s tower.”

“What?” Chakwas asked as she deactivated her omni-tool.

“It’s an old asari expression,” Liara replied, calming as she finally sat up and closed the front of her white scientist suit. “Although after spending some time with Javik I doubt that story as we tell it is exactly accurate. I believe it has a human equivalent, something about straw and camels,” Liara continued.

“That’s one of the things I’ve always found interesting about the different races of the galaxy... no matter how different we appear to be from one another, we all have these things that connect us,” she added, unaware that she seemed to be rambling.

“Liara... what do you intend to do about this?” Chakwas asked after the Asari had paused. “Asari have the longest pregnancy of any galactic species, but I rather doubt that you’ll be able to avoid Shepard for the next three years without him taking some notice.”

“Oh... Goddess... what am I going to tell him?” Liara asked, more to herself then to Chakwas.

“I recommend the truth,” the doctor told her. “Although I would agree with you, now is not the right time to do so.”

“I just- I don’t know how I could have let it happen... I mean... I know it was a desperate time and I may not have been thinking very clearly, but I thought that...” Liara shook her head, her tone growing frantic. “Ergh... one moment of stupidity... just one and-”

“Liara?” Chakwas’ own expression took on a little more firmness as she crossed her arms.

“I’ll only be a hundred and ten next month. I’ve never heard of any maiden actually allowing herself to- I won’t reach the Matron stage for another two hundred years at least. I don’t know anything about raising a daughter! And my father, what will she think? Goddess, what was I thinking? Did I really have so little faith that we would pull through? And if so, then what right did I have to do that when it could have been so easily snuffed out?”

“Enough,” Chakwas interrupted her sternly. “You can not beat yourself up over this Liara. Regardless of how it happened or what you were thinking when it happened, the fact remained that it ‘did’ happen. Thankfully you have time to come to terms with it. For now, however, Shepard needs you, the crew needs you, and this child needs you.”

Liara quieted for a moment and then nodded slowly as she began to get up from the cot. “I-of course doctor... you won’t tell him will you?”

“Of course not, doctor patient-confidentiality is a sacred trust after all.” Chakwas replied with a slight scoff, feeling a surge of nostalgia as she remembered her lunches with a certain salarian scientist. “But you should tell him. I somehow doubt that he will react badly to the news.”

“It’s not his reaction I’m worried about.” Liara said as she got to her feet and started to walk out of the infirmary.

“Liara, one last question.” Chakwas waved her down as she moved towards her own terminal. “Most asari, even experienced mothers with multiple children, usually can’t tell if they have actually managed to conceive until almost a year after the bonding. How did you know that you were pregnant?”

“As strange as it sounds…” Liara shook her head, her panic subsiding enough to recognize what it was that started this rush for the truth. “One of the Equestrian Princesses told me. I’m sorry, Doctor. I... I have some research to do.”

“Yes, of course.” The doctor nodded, turning to the monitor at her station as she brought up the full-spectrum medical scans that Shepard had ordered to be taken during the most recent decontamination. “So do I.”

The bridge may have been a letdown to Rainbow Dash, but the CIC (Command Information Center) had more than made up for it with the flashing computers and the Galaxy Map at its center. Even better, Admiral Tali had made it a point to show them where in the swirling cloud of light their home was, as well as bringing up a realistic display of the four planets and the star of what had been officially dubbed the ‘Serenity System’.

From there, hoping to maintain the sense of awe, Tali led Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie into engineering, intending to ease them into their tour with a close up look at the Tantalus Drive core. She was rewarded for this decision to skip the crew level for the time being as the two ponies stood stock still in wonder of the shimmering blue orb of raw, Eezo driven power.

“OOOooooohhhhhHHHH~ what is that? Can I touch it? Please? I bet it tickles!” Pinkie exclaimed with a grin, bouncing excitedly as the enormous engine hummed.

The quarian stared at her for a moment before chuckling.

“That, Ambassador Pie, is the Tantalus Drive. And I'm afraid the answer is 'No. You can’t touch it.' This as close as you want to get to it while it's active. If you were to move up next to it right now while it's active, it might tickle for about half a second before it, to borrow a human expression, turned you into a pancake,” Tali explained.

Pinkie frowned, a look of perplexment on her features.. “Wait, it makes pancakes? I thought this was Enginnering, not the kitchen?"

Rainbow, finally able to shake off her sense of awe, managed to resist berating her pink friend's silliness and instead tried to reassert a cool, confident air

"Well, it certainly looks cool, but what does it do, exactly?”

“The Tantalus Core is the heart of the Normandy, it's what allows for interstellar travel.” Tali explained expertly. "The Core contains a refined mass of a substance known to the galaxy as 'Element Zero' or Eezo. When Element Zero is subjected to an electrical charge, it creates the 'Mass Effect', a phenomenon which is the basis for almost all galactic technology."

'Mass Effect, huh? Sounds like it would be a SWEET name for a sci-fi series.' Rainbow considered privately before putting forward the obvious question. "And what does the Mass Effect do exactly?"

"It depends on the circumstances. at its most basic principle, it can raise or lowers the mass of an object. Make it heavier or lighter."

"Oh, well, that doesn't sound that useful." Rainbow tilted her head curiously, still looking at the drive. "How does making things heavier or lighter help anything?”

"You would be surprised, Ambassador Dash." Tali had to hide a smirk, amazed at the naivete of the pony in front of her. "For example, if you lower the mass of an object, it means you can use less force to make it move. Lower the mass enough and it becomes less than weightless, meaning that it is no longer restrained by the laws of physics. Inertia, friction, all of these things become insignificant. That is what the Drive Core does, it creates a bubble of 'negative' mass for the Normandy to fall into. Then when our engines push us, the tiniest thrust can send us careening through space at subluminal speeds."

“Oh, OH! I get it! So it’s what makes that Joker guy think he can beat me in a race?” Rainbow Dash asked, finally turning away from the core.

“I would think so, yes.” Tali replied, trying not to smirk at what Rainbow had managed to take away from the impromptu science lesson.

“Well, Mass Effect or No Mass Effect, I’m going to beat him anyways!” Dash boasted, clicking a back hoof into the floor plate.

It was all that Tali could do not to shake her head at the futility of that boast, and she was grateful for her helmet because it meant that Rainbow couldn't see the condescending smirk on her face.

As impressive as the Pegasus’s ability of self-sustained flight was, this was the Normandy she was challenging, a vessel that could outrun Reaper ships over short distances.. Even in an atmosphere with the sub-light engines cut off, She had less of a chance than a naked volus in a Krogan bare-handed wrestling tournament.

"Oh hello there!" Pinkie suddenly waved one foreleg, looking past Tali, who had not taken note when the door to enginnering had opened and two very particular humans had walked in on the tour.

Oh my God, they are so adorable!”

What the hell are you doing?”

"I don't know why, but I have the most insane urge to just walk up and hug one of them."

"Well knock it off before you cause some sort of diplomatic incident. These are intelligent alien ambassadors, not theme park mascots."

"I can't explain it, but I there's something about their hair. I kinda want to brush it."

"Okay, Fornax is one thing, Kenneth, but that's just twisted, even for you.

"You wouldn't happen to have a brush on you, would you Gabby?"

"They talk funny." Pinkie tilted her head, clearly confused as to why she couldn't understand the two humans that had walked in on them, even as they exchanged words. "What's their names? And what are they saying?"

"They are just... surprised to see you, Ambassador." Tali covered, tapping on her omni-tool to transfer the Equestrian Lexicon that Kirrahe had shared with them. After a moment, both human's omni-tools lit up as they assimilated the information.

"Okay, there we go. Let's try that again with a bit more diplomacy in mind. Gabby, Kenneth, this is Ambassador Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash of Equestria, they are visiting as emissaries for their species to tour the Normandy." Tali told the pair, hoping that they would have the sense to behave themselves now that what they were saying would be auto-translated for the two ponies.

"Engineer Gabriella Daniels and Kenneth Donnelly, at your service, Ambassadors." The female of the pair nodded with a pleasant smile.

"OOH new friends!” Pinkie exclaimed, somehow managing to bounce over to the two. “I’m Pinkie Pie, what are you two doing down here?”

“We work here.” Gabby explained, giving her best diplomatic smile. “Somebody has to keep Normandy running smoothly.”

“Oh? How do you do that?” Pinkie asked looking at the control panel with interest. “I bet it has to do with that big red button right?”

“I am afraid that is a bit technical,” Gabby said with a concerned look, not wanting to divulge potentially valuable info to the ambassadors.

“And besides, we wouldn’t want to bore you with the tech, Ambassador.” Kenneth nodded, managing to contain himself now that he was aware that the two ponies could understand him. “Besides, it gets complicated fast and we wouldn’t want you to strain yourself.”

"What do you mean strain myself? I'm smart." Pinkie asked, a pleading look in her eyes that turned to indignation when she heard Rainbow Dash snicker at the comment. “HEY! I’m plenty smart.”

“Well, if you insist.” Gabriella smirked slightly. “Tell her about the power array, Kenneth.”

“Of course.” The male human with the odd accent nodded back to his coworker, a smile on his face as he took note of Tali shaking her head in amusement, well aware of the human’s propensity to go into painfully detailed rundowns of the technical systems that left all but the most astute engineers in the dust. “It works like this, Ambassador Pie: Normandy’s power grid is made up of a symbiotic dual-energy power system generated by the main fusion battery located in the substructure between this deck and the hangar bay below. To supplement this there are also Helium-3 fuel cells that provide additional kick to our shields when there is a power draw, say when we are struck by a micro-meteor. My primary job is to maintain the systems and other components, like the FTL-Attenuator Array and power couplings so that they can constantly feed energy to major areas of the ship when they need it most.”

Rainbow Dash blinked, having clearly lost the plot after the first sentence or so.

“You follow me so far?” Kenneth asked, his own smile clearly amused by Rainbow’s reaction while Pinkie Pie still smiled blankly.

“Sure.” Pinkie nodded, “The power grid is made up of a symbiotic dual-energy power system generated by the main fusion battery, which is located under our hooves in the substructure between this deck and the hangar bay. But that’s not always enough so you use Helium-3 fuel cells to supplement it and give it that extra little kick to your shields when there is a power draw, like when you get hit by a tiny shooting star. Your special talent is keeping everything cleaned up and running, like the FTL-Attenuator Array and power couplings so that they can put power to wherever it’s needed.”

Pinkie Pie continued to hold her smile while Donnelly’s, Daniel’s, and Tali’s had all faded, all eyes on the pink pony.

“Why do you use the Helium-3 though? The way you wave it off, it sounds like an inferior system, like a second thought compared to the fusion plant. I mean, wouldn’t it make more sense to have two fusion plants if all the fuel cells do is add a kick, I mean redundant systems would make it harder for something to go wrong rather than having just a backup that isn’t as good. Although all and all, it sounds a little unsafe. If all that power is being generated below us and there is a problem at the top of the ship and in the bottom of the ship, wouldn’t the power draw be overburdened? That can’t be good for anypony in this room since this is where all the power has to sort itself out and transfer throughout the ship, right? And it’s gotta put out A LOT of heat, like a small sun, if it’s creating that much energy. Isn’t it dangerous?”

“Well, it would be if not for the-” Donnelly’s eyes were wide with shock, his bemused expression clearly wiped off his face. “-Thermal...coupling that we installed a few months back.”

Tali stared at the mare, as did Ken and Gabby.

“Bloody hell!” Ken exclaimed earning an annoyed look from Gabby.

“I… think that concludes our tour of enginnering.” Tali suddenly moved forward, waving the two engineers away before she started towards the door, clearly indicating for the two ponies to follow.

Rainbow would have taken notice of the suddenly worried tone in the quarian’s voice if she wasn’t looking at Pinkie with an expression of utter shock and awe.

“How did you do that?” Rainbow asked.

“Do what? All I did was follow along, it wasn’t that hard. Bye Kenny! Bye Gabby! We’ll see you soon!” Pinkie waved. “Oh, and maybe you should check those couplings, just in case, Kenneth, I think I heard something rattling in there.”

The door from enginnering closed, leaving the two engineers alone in the engine room, standing in mute silence for a moment.

“Kenneth… what just--”

“Shhh.” Donnelly shushed her, focusing on the hum of the room and taking a breath through his teeth as he made out a very faint rattling in the ceiling overhead.

“Uhhh, I think… I’m going to check those FTL couplings… you know… just to be safe.” The engineer stated, clearly concerned at his encounter with the pre-spaceflight diplomat from Equus.

Shepard moved into the infirmary with a quickened step and a concerned look on his face.

Chakwas had paged him almost the second that he’d finished speaking with Hackett, informing him that she had to speak with him immediately.

For as long as he had known Karen Chakwas, Shepard had never known her to force an issue. The fact that she was requesting his presence like this indicated that this was something urgent.

Of course his initial worry was that it was something to do with Liara. The asari had never really let on when she was tired or gone so quickly to seek Chakwas’ aid, not even back aboard the first Normandy. His concern was lessened when he realized that she was not there, however… instead finding the Normandy’s medical officer standing at her desk, watching a monitor as data scrolled by.

“Oh good, you’re here Commander,” Chakwas said with a small relieved sigh as Shepard entered the Infirmary.

“It sounded important.” Shepard replied. “Is Liara alright?”

Chawkwas's face changed into an indecipherable expression for a moment before she shook her head. “Oh yes, just a minor stomach bug she must have contracted before leaving Thessia. I prescribed an antibiotic and some bedrest. As it is, I am sure she’ll be recovered before you need to return planetside.”

“Well that’s a relief,” Shepard let out a sigh. “I worried she might have caught something serious down on Equus, laws of cross-species contamination be damned.”

“No, as I said, she’s fine.” The doctor shook her head.

“Alright then,” Shepard started, taking note of the tone of the woman’s voice and how there was still that worried, urgent edge to it. “Why did you call for me?”

“I was going over the scans that were taken while our guests were in the decontamination chamber. The constant motion didn’t help matters, but the data we gathered was quite illuminating. Musculature, organ placement, skeletal and cellular structure. A Xenobiologist would likely be giddy for weeks at the sheer amount of data the scans got ahold of.”

“And that’s good, right?” Shepard didn’t see where Karen was going with this, she wasn’t the sort to beat around the bush. “I mean, biological data helps us understand them and that understanding can prevent problems later.”

“I agree, but after a preliminary look at the data, one fact has become abundantly clear.” Chakwas turned, her expression one of thinly disguised fear. “Commander, I can tell you right now that this species is not the product of natural selection. It did not evolve... it was engineered."

Shepard’s face contorted in shock.

“Engineered? Are you sure?”

“I’m no evolutionary biologist Shepard, and I am certainly no Mordin Solus, but I would be willing to stake my life on this conclusion. There is simply no possible way, by the furthest stretches of the imagination that the Earth Pony and Pegasi species of Equestria came into being through darwinian means.” she told him.

“How can you tell?” Shepard asked, unable to make heads or tails of the data.

“Cellular elasticity variation, semi-flexible, shock absorbant bone structure, exceedingly dense musculature, a complete lack of redundant or vestigial organs, neural fibers; take your pick Commander. And that is only on the basic medical level. Going down to the genetic level it’s even more obvious.”

Chakwas pressed a button, the data changing to display a set of DNA chains.

“This is a standard human DNA strand. Double-Helix template for Earth Based levio-amino life.” She tapped the monitor again, showing similar 5 looking strands of DNA. “The Turian and Quarians share a Triple Helix Dextro-template, an Asari Double-Helix with the additional curve pitch allowing for their genetic restructuring during the bonding process, and a Prothean quad-helix structure, which has been the most evolved and advanced DNA that has been studied by Citadel Science for over three thousand years.”

“Alright.” Shepard nodded, worried about where this line of thought was going.

His suspicions were confirmed when Chakwas pressed a new button and brought up a design he had never seen before which twisted around in a manner that reminded him of an M.C. Esher painting.

“Until today that is. These are Octo-Helix structures. More than twice the genetic information and four times the complexity of any other sentient lifeform in the known galaxy.”

Shepard paused for a moment while he waited for his brain to catch up to what his ears were hearing.

“So, what are you telling me, doctor? That Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are ‘perfect’?”

“I wouldn’t go that far. They are still organic beings and genetics do not instantly equate to superiority. Humanity learned that lesson over two hundred years ago. But what I can tell you is that they are not the simple creatures they appear to be superficially."

“Alright... so if they were engineered... what were they engineered by?”

“I don’t know...” Chakwas admitted, shaking her head. “But whoever did this possessed genetic manipulation on an unimaginable scale.”

Before Shepard could respond Tali burst into the room. “Shepard, we have a problem!”

“That would be putting it lightly.” Shepard shook his head, wondering once more if it had been a ‘good’ thing when he woke up in that hospital bed a month earlier.

Twilight Sparkle moved into Celestia’s study unimpeded by the barrier that surrounded the doorway and found the two elder Diarchs of Equestria sitting across from each other, their eyes locked in a mutual, neutral gaze with neither speaking aloud. This was something that had concerned Twilight the first time she had seen it in person, but after a few months of being a Princess and slowly finding herself with freer access to the Sisters in their private studies, Twilight had concluded there was truth in the long standing rumor that the two were capable of sharing thoughts on a metaphysical level. It had been something she was keen to study and perhaps learn to do for herself, but not today.

Clearing her throat, Twilight drew attention to herself as Celestia took note of the former unicorn’s entrance.

“Oh, hello there Twilight. Is something the matter?” she asked as she caught sight of the extremely anxious look on the mare’s face.

Then her motherly concern melted in an instant as the glowing white sphere moved past the now disabled barrier barring access to the Princess’ private quarters and elicited a chiding huff from Luna.

“And what is that… thing doing in here?” she added as she noticed Glyph hovering near the mare’s shoulder.

It was all that Twilight could do not to cringe, even if she had ascended to royalty and had grown closer to Celestia on a personal level, it was still hard for her to imagine doing anything that Celestia disapproved of, and it was certain that she ‘disapproved’ of the synthetic intelligences that Commander Shepard and his fellow diplomats had brought with them.

But for now, Twilight ignored the gnawing curiosity for the princess’s uncharacteristic harshness on the matter before steadying herself and turning to Glyph.

“Glyph, I want you to tell the Princesses exactly what you just told me,” she commanded with a somewhat frantic tone in her voice.

“Of course, Princess Sparkle.” Glyph ‘nodded’ in the air before turning its cycloptic eye towards the regal white alicorn, clearly unaware of the two expressions of disdain leveled at it. “Opening Public Records: Shepard, Shawn. Commander.”

Author's Note:

Well that's another chapter up and published. Editing help is thanks to the awesome Sadron who got this done in a single day!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it.