
Despite the dark and tragic past, she keeps a smile on her face that conceals the 3 things she has known all too well her entire life:

Profanity tag for use of swear words

Chapters (5)

Takes the event of Tell Your Tale Lavarynth and inspired by MaggieHeartloves, Little Pony Legend: Guardians of Harmony finale.

As the Mane Seven, Sarah and her family complete trials to join the Dragon Tribe of the Dragonlands with Opaline defeated, the Spirits of Harmony sense another distrubance in their old friends world. This time from an Alternate version of the Storm King and Tempest. It'll be up the ponies and their dragon friends to save the day and special help from Misty to reform Tempest whose situation with the Storm King is similar to her and Opaline's.

Chapters (1)

The second part of the ‘War Robots In Equestria’ anthology series. This time, a Khepri (https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwarrobots.com%2Fen%2Frobots%2F81&psig=AOvVaw17CtoFfAiq0K2wEssGZ04i&ust=1712657386189000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCPjF5YqwsoUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) is discovered in Zhephyr Heights. Queen Haven is called to the scene to address the giant metal monster, but gets more than she bargained for, as she too is drafted into the anthology.

Chapters (1)

Sprout cloverleaf, A man child if you must, did... something or rather something he found, and now the world is being invaded by Sentients led by Erra the older brother of Natah, Will the ponies repel their Alien invaders or will they fall to the Sentient hands?

Chapters (1)

zipp pipp the queen and alphabittle prepare Misty's birthday after so many years and since she couldn't celebrate it since she lived with Opaline but it seems that Misty doesn't know what that is because she forgot that then when she saw the strange behavior of her friends She thinks they bothered with her in the end there will be a surprise happy ending for Misty

Chapters (1)

Where did that thing come from? It’s so massive and clunky looking, surely everypony would’ve been woken up by its sudden arrival. But there it was, standing tall I’m the middle of Maretime Bay. In any case, it’s a hazard for sure. But why is it here? And are there any others in different parts of equestria?

This is the first in a line of anthology stories featuring creations from the video game ‘War Robots’. Until I can get thumbnails to work, here’s what Crisis looks like. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwarrobots.com%2Fen%2Frobots%2F93&psig=AOvVaw3b4osfWtKBe3Jn0xR4RXxz&ust=1709840684441000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCLCTnoez4IQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

Chapters (1)