
Viewing 1 - 20 of 653 results

Coming Soon... · 10:48am Oct 2nd, 2023

Guess what, I decided to keep "Equus At War" (A multi-chapter – probably like... mini novel sized – Sci-Fi, Alt-Universe fic) aside to work on some more one-shot-y stories. It's still being worked on, just alongside other fics. I think doing this was a good idea; I have a one-shotter almost ready and will definitely not really not at all probably be set to release this week! Huzzah!

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Released the delayed chapter! · 9:49am Jan 12th, 2016

Hi there!

Finally managed to release the delayed chapter! it's up for reading now I hope you all enjoy perhaps a more dramatical entry into the story.

The Companion Story Celestial Starsong should be along, in the coming days it's currently being edited.



Some Pony to Watch over Me: Twilight and Spike Style Updates · 9:17pm Dec 30th, 2016

Hey everyone. This is Zephyr Spark. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Anyways, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is I've finished writing the entire story of "Some Pony to Watch over Me: Twilight and Spike Style." The bad news is that it's in its rough draft state, and isn't quite ready for publishing yet. I expect to separate what I've written into two more chapters after I've finished proof reading and revising the story. You can expect to see the next chapter hopefully

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Report Zephyr Spark · 478 views · #Story Update

A Tale of Two Suns Chapter 7 Tomorrow · 10:47pm Apr 1st, 2017

Hey everybody. I just wanted to say that right now I'm planning release of chapter 7 tomorrow. Like last time, I got the chapter done, but it was pretty late in the afternoon and right now I still have it in Word and I'm going over it one last time. But I think I should have it all set up for release sometime early tomorrow.

No, this isn't an April Fools thing. That would just be mean. XD

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Report Lupin · 407 views · #Story update

I'm still here. · 12:19pm Jun 28th, 2019

Hey guys and gals
Sorry for being AWOL for the past few weeks. The national guard called me up for a mission so I've been away for the past three weeks.

Luckily I managed to take my laptop with me so I was writing on my off time. So when I officially get back to my usual routine (probably this weekend) I'll finish proofing the chapters and post two for you all to see.

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Report Priceless911 · 352 views · #Story update

My Little Exalt Chapter 03 · 8:08pm Aug 4th, 2012

Sorry for the wait! Chapter 03 "Behemoth in the Room" is more than halfway complete. I had intended to finish it last Sunday (partially to poke fun at my editor, who couldn't look at chapter 02 until then), but I hit a wall a bit after halfway through writing. Then I started getting distracted by things like other people's fics. :pinkiecrazy:

The chapter is mostly done. I promise to finish soon! (And go over the edits to chapter 02, as well.)

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Report Lithl · 1,333 views · #story updates

Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo · 5:01am Oct 29th, 2015

Chapter 2 of Pleasuring Puckered Pony Ponuts is out! Yeah I know its quite soon, but I've pretty much had the entire story already written out, I've just been editing everything down. This new chapter, while it doesn't feature the mane 6, does give a glimpse into Anna's deepest fantasies. Unsurprisingly they all involve ponuts. Hope you guys like femdom and foreshadowing because this chapter has a whole bunch of that. Also face sitting, lots and lots of face sitting.

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Report jayjaejai · 291 views · #story update

NEW CHAPTER! · 8:15pm Jun 7th, 2018

After that huge display of madness, it is ready!


No New Stories Until In-Progress Ones Are Complete · 4:36am Apr 13th, 2022

I'd really like to lighten the load a bit on my creative side, even as the Sonic 2 movie premiere has reawakened a dormant story idea for that franchise.

I've got two stories I'm actively working on (Sprout's Second Chance, and Forgotten: Sunrise). I know where Forgotten: Sunrise is going, and where it's ending. I have a very rough idea of where Sprout's Second Chance is going, but no idea where it's ending.

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Important Notice · 4:14am Jul 28th, 2020

As of right now, I am completely removing Pokemon and Digimon from my stories, as it is hard for me to work them into the fight scenes that I have planned. This means that, in the Human World, every character has limited SOUL Magic abilities, which are often based around their personality and/or Cutie Mark. Every character is also able to summon a SOUL Weapon, which varies from character to character. The Mane characters (which will be expanded upon later in the story), however, have SOUL Magic

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Report TGMoonrose · 214 views · #Story Update

Update for Asriel Dreemurr, Prince of the Night · 12:12pm Oct 7th, 2022

Alrighty folks, good news! Having reread what I've got for my Asriel Dreemurr Prince of the Night story, I've planned out stuff for a Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, and a second shorter journal chapter. I'm going to aim to only ever plan for 3-4 chapters ahead, since I know if I plan too much further I will wind up losing some motivation.

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Compati Chapter 15 · 9:35pm Jul 1st, 2023

Forgot to post on Friday, but here y'all go. Movin' along. Go read it here!

Report Corejo · 102 views · #story update

Well, that's annoying! · 5:50am Sep 26th, 2012

I finally got off my butt to edit my older chapters... and the save button doesn't seem to work! It's only grammar/clarity stuff so it's not like it's a major impact on you guys, but still! I'm lazy about editing for weeks, and when I finally do pay attention to my editor, I can't give you guys the results.

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Report Lithl · 435 views · #story updates

New Chapter for Applejack Gets Brainwashed today · 7:40am Nov 28th, 2016

Hey everypony! Now that proofing is done, chapter 2 of Applejack Gets Brainwashed, 'A Slave, To Fashion', will be posted up at 6pm GMT.

Report Wintermist · 611 views · #Story update

Three Day Weekend Story Plans and Updates! · 4:56pm Mar 24th, 2016

Hello all! Good news, I have a three day weekend which I'm very excited for!

Of course, because of all this extra time on my hands, I'll be able to work more on my upcoming stories! I'll be devoting most of my time to "Love is a Strange Thing", and then once I'm finished with that, I'll go back to working on "Happiness and Tears".

Just an update on where I'm at with both of these stories:

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Report flaminkomage · 396 views · #story update

Updated! Twilight Sparkle and the Cake Thief · 6:20pm Jan 23rd, 2016

Chapter 5 - Muffins and Mysteries!

In which everyone's favorite Mare of Muffins becomes a viewpoint character. I honestly loved writing Muffins for this. She's bubbly, happy, and a little silly. I had a harder time writing Twilight in this. She's in between her enthusiastic about everything related to learning phase and where we see her in the show, monofocusing on a single task, and it's a little hard to try and find a balance that I feel works for her.

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Report Noble Thought · 375 views · #story update

Even when I'm fast, I'm slow · 4:38am Feb 11th, 2015

This thing is 1,403 words long. As you can see, it took me two hours and twelve minutes to write. That's 132 minutes, which averages out to 10.6 words per minute.

Damn you, Skype chats, damn you for being so good!

Oh well, at least it's done. I'll wind up publishing it, too. You'll probably enjoy it.

Report Waterpear · 514 views · #story update

New Stories · 1:02am Oct 28th, 2015

I just wanted to let you all know that if you got a notification for a new chapter on 'Meet the Princess,' there isn't one. It kinda got wonky when I edited it so it was all one chapter, and I was trying to fix it, so sorry, no new chapter.

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Chapter 5: Well that took longer than expected · 6:53am Nov 5th, 2015

Super sorry about the long wait guys, real life busied up my schedule, though in a good way. This is the longest chapter in the series and the second last one in the Anna Lingus saga, and I wanted to make it a good one. Hopefully I'll get the final chapter done by this weekend, and it'll be totally kick ass and filled to the brim with sexy anal love.

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Report jayjaejai · 255 views · #story update

Next story chapter-update · 11:47am Oct 21st, 2018

Hi guys,

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 653 results