
Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results

160 fan fictions... · 7:58pm Mar 3rd, 2016

Yes, I have written one hundred and sixty fan fictions.

Oh, I have no life. Is this worthy time spent using one's mortal life?

Report Bendy · 445 views · #fan fictions

Ideas! Ideas! Ideas! IDEAS!!!!!! · 12:29am Aug 12th, 2017

Three new ideas! At least one I've written part of here at Bronycon in the "Sofa and Quills" lounge.

1: Double Draconequus/Interwoven Chaos
-Twilight and Rarity are turned into Draconequus...Draconequui...whatever. Much noodle-bodies cuddles.

2: Ogres and Oubliettes: Curse of Sombra
-The game gets a new expansion pack that Discord brings to reality with his magic. Now Spike, Big Mac, Discord, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash must play the game to defeat the king of shadows, Sombra.

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Story Reviews. · 2:24am Aug 6th, 2019

Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex. I will reviewing fan fictions found here on FIMfiction. Please note, I will not be reviewing any stories involving Fetish. My reviews will be strictly professional, meaning if I review any fan fictions on my favorites, I will give an honest opinion.


Does canon really matter? · 7:40am Jul 1st, 2020

Honestly, does canon really matter when it comes to fan fiction?

Not to dismiss canon completely, but I feel like if you really want to tell a story that deviates from the original narrative you can. I suppose it really depends on how you tell the story. The only objection I have if you turn a character that's clearly depicted as good from the show into an evil one without giving any logical explanation for why it happened. The same for an evil character being turned good.

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Report Bendy · 303 views · #canon #fan fiction

Time Loop Trilogy · 12:29am Apr 26th, 2018

Got my hands on one of the two copies I ordered. Other one is still in transit apparently. Pretty good quality. I would recommend buying one.

Pictures over on my main blog for those that might be interested.


Memorable Prose · 4:20am Oct 13th, 2020

Funny the things that stay with you. The first quote here popped into my head earlier today, when I put on a coat I hadn't worn in a while. And it got me thinking about how fanfiction, for all its humility, sometimes makes a lasting impact. That can be a story twist, a characterisation, a witty barb of dialogue... but sometimes it's just a little bit of prose. And it worms its way in, and sticks with you for years and years, because there's just something about the phrasing that's a tiny bit

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My Fan Fiction In A Nutshell · 8:15am Dec 20th, 2015

A lot of them anyway.

Professor Farnsworth: Obviously your thoughts are being transmitted on the same frequency.

Woman: They're on my cell phone too.

Bender: Madam, I believe you're mistaken.

Bender's thoughts: Whoa, that lady's got a huge ass.

Bender: Those could be anyone's thoughts, fat ass.

Report Bendy · 359 views · #Futurama #fan fiction

If there was such thing as Bendy fan fiction generator · 6:41pm Mar 21st, 2017

What do think the results would be?


Does anyone else care about canon? · 9:34am Oct 10th, 2016

Do you care about canon when writing a story?

Me personally no, if I'm going to write a fan fiction that contradicts canon I will write it regardless. For I think all fan fiction is an alternate universe, so that in itself is against canon.

Report Bendy · 450 views · #canon #fan fiction

This may keep me away from pony for quite some time... · 10:28am Mar 11th, 2017

So after he read Chapter 1 of The Fox and the Seedrian, I asked Brady what his expectations were for the future of the story.

His answer awoke quite a beast in my head. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, and I've even got a friend down in Texas involved. Planning on bringing Brady aboard it too. A fan fiction think tank, if you will.

If the three of us had to create a story that would bring a definitive end to the Sonic X continuity... What kind of tale would we weave...?


I must write garbage since... · 5:05pm Nov 18th, 2015

I must write garbage since I've seen users on this site with less than five stories with plus one thousand followers. And I have 139 fan fictions with only 400 to 500 followers.

Don't worry. I shall continue to write my poorly written stories with terrible grammar nonetheless. Press onward I shall, even though my horse words are nowhere as known as those fancy plus 1000 follower club.

Report Bendy · 504 views · #bad fiction #fan fiction

Why is MLP so appealing to write about? · 8:41pm Mar 31st, 2016

Simple question, why write about MLP? What does MLP offer compared to basically ever over franchise ever created? This is mostly my opinion on things since I obviously don't speak for everyone and it's just something I've always contemplated about.

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Report I Caboose · 399 views · #Fan fiction #analysis #MLP

There... · 11:55am Jul 7th, 2018

There, I wrote a chapter. I'm old and I did a crazy thing.


Theoretical Physics is Fan Fiction · 7:01pm Feb 3rd, 2016

Here is an interesting perspective by physics PhD Francesca Day: Writing Fan Fiction for the Universe.

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Is it wise? · 5:22pm Sep 9th, 2016

Since "Finding My Muse" is gonna be a longer project, is it a good idea to begin a shorter one? Normally i'd just go for it, but since this site prides it self on detail and proper writing, perhaps that would distract me from the main project.


Writing FanFics · 1:02am Apr 14th, 2016

I don't consider myself too good of a writer. I am by no means the worst, but I am not that great either. I do, however, try to write everyday, though it is a daily reflection blog, not fanfics. The part that sucks is I have so many ideas for fanfics to write (Csquared can confirm, even if he doesn't like the idea behind a lot of them), and at times I find myself really wanting to explore an idea. I often cannot bring myself to write much. I have actually done a substantial bit of work on one

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New story in progress · 6:16pm Dec 16th, 2018

Hello, I am writing a new fan fiction story called "The Seven Trials of Clover the Clever." I really wanted to do this story for a while now, and I think it is time to do it. Look for it in the near future. Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, and goodbye for now.


130 stories... · 11:28am Oct 20th, 2015

130 stories...

I think it's fair to say I'm somewhere in the user top ten submitted fan fiction on this site. My quality of stories is questionable though.

At least I got the quantity over quality part.


Some thoughts about writing style in media · 1:24pm Mar 15th, 2019

For every writer there is always that one character that, while they love to read about that type of character, the writer absolutely dreads writing about. For me there are two: Fluttershy and Pinkie. Flutters is displayed in one of two ways in fiction from what I have observed; dominant-borderline-psychotic or shy. To be frank I like to write Fluttershy as a complex character. "Like" being rather generous in this case as though I love my final results I absolutely abhor writing Flutters this

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I find pony x pony shipping boring · 10:57am Sep 22nd, 2015

I find pony x pony shipping boring. I much prefer human x pony romance fan fiction.

Oh, I'm so messed up.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 91 results