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a plan to rule it all · 2:30am May 27th, 2016

Well maybe not that much, and it's still in the making but it's a plan none the less. So once my finals and school are done (a few weeks from now) I will be getting more and more active on fimfiction. I plan on doing as much as 3 stories, but whether or not they're going to be started at around the same time or even do these stories are still in question, but I'll do my best and I will work on at least one story for sure


And now back to arting! · 6:10am Dec 1st, 2015

Or whatever my drawings count as, since I'm not sure if they really qualify as "art" yet. Perhaps one day!

Anyway, the upcoming chapter schedule once I'm done with that:
Chapter 7.5 Teacher's Day Off (since I felt like I just threw CheeriMac in there out of nowhere)
Chapter 14.25 Would It Matter If I Wrote This Chapter?
Chapter 14.50 <title in progress, BonRa aftermath>

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Report Pentarctagon · 328 views · #future

"If only we acted eairlier!" · 3:47am Jan 26th, 2023

A bit of unknown for me early history of human-inducted climate change ...

99 journal pages!

I have sad feeling in 30 years someone will look 30 years back and ask - " why they/we not acted bolder?!" (not only on climate, but number of other problems, interrelated to it.)

Report Andrew-R · 105 views · #future

Future Equestrias - II. Direction of Change · 8:24am Nov 23rd, 2015

II. Direction of Change

The next major question, after "how far into the future?" is "what sort of changes occur?" We first should determine the direction of change. There are five overall possibilities.

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Report Jordan179 · 928 views · #Future

Is there really going to be a future to this? · 4:09pm May 12th, 2018

To fanfiction? To our desire to build on a world others created? I want something more than that. I want others to see the hard, frantic work I did, and not condemn it because it's fanfiction. But I also know that there's something better out there than this. Fanfiction won't get me anywhere in life, but I don't want to leave. This is fun.

And yet, at the same time, I should do something more with my life than write stuff like this. Is there going to be a clear path for me in the future?

Report BradyBunch · 379 views · #future

Oof, Okay this is harder than anticipated. · 2:50pm Oct 15th, 2019

As you may already know... I have recently started my studies as an applied IT Specialist.
It is great and tiring.

Well... to make matters short. I will need my time for both my studies, other hobbies and my story here.

My story will be the last thing I will stop and or give up, so don't worry it, will continue. Though, to be honest, I have the feeling the production of chapters will need maybe more time now... in general.
So, yeah.

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Report Nethiri · 270 views · #future

Big Stuff Happening on Friday · 4:48pm Jul 12th, 2016

Okay, so I'm planning on publishing a bunch of stuff on Friday…

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Report VitalSpark · 402 views · #future

On the Future of H-44 · 1:04am May 10th, 2020

Hey everyone its Sanguine Blade,

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Report Sanguine Blade · 292 views · #Future

Happy 30th Anniversary, 'Back to the Future!' · 11:27am Oct 21st, 2015

Today is October 21st, 2015, the day to which Doc Brown and Marty McFly travelled in Back to the Future II. The future is now! Too bad it's so underwhelming compared to the film's vision of the future. I mean, I'm glad fashion isn't usually so loud, but I could do with self-tying laces, auto-fit and dry clothes, and of course, hoverboards. There may also not be any consumer-safe flying cars, food hydrators, or 3D projectors that do not also require special lenses but they did get

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Future Plans · 4:05pm Jul 23rd, 2015

Okay, so I do from time to time announce what stories I'm working on for the future. And this is one such announcement. It's quite a long list, so I'm gonna divide it up into Romance, Other, and Clop.

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Report VitalSpark · 468 views · #future

Dystopias in Black Mirror · 10:34pm Oct 7th, 2018

(Black Mirror is a series consisting of self-contained 1-hour long episodes that usually contain a science fiction element. It’s on Netflix and it’s very good.)

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Report silverspawn · 294 views · #futurism

Season 8 Finale · 10:34pm Oct 14th, 2018

So Friendship has created a villain... who thinks the final villian will be the Tree of Harmony?

Report GamePlayer64 · 388 views · #The Future

Readings planned for the future... · 9:47am Jul 27th, 2015

There are a few short stories planned to be released on youtube in the future.

Sorry that it is taking so long. There are still some rather large reading projects I am working on not to mention my The Smiling Stallion I am working on for October.

I plan on keeping these two short stories a secret, so you will just have to guess and wait to see what they are. :derpytongue2:

Until then everyone relax and have a good day.


Fragmented · 11:11pm Feb 13th, 2019

Have you ever thought about a world that's exactly the same,
but you don't exist?
Everything is the same from people to the world itself,
and it all functions perfectly without you.
The thought terrifies me,
It terrifies me because it is true.
Our story is but one of many thousands,
and the world will not grieve if it end too soon.

Now imagine that it is not one world that would remain the same
but many worlds.
Worlds where what you have done,
where what you accomplished

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Report Arceaion · 738 views · #Future Projects

On humans .... · 3:25pm Nov 16th, 2018

Well, I don't have much to say, just saw this stereotypical message about 'personal growth' on FB and wanted to say it probably tragically incomplete: it must say 'personal growth in interpersonal relations [where non-humans are persons too], and understanding of subtle stuff", because humans quite bad at this, yet it makes all the difference between good and bad, love and .. un-love, real and fake.

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Report Andrew-R · 286 views · #hopeless future

Warm Welcome · 3:15am Dec 21st, 2017

I didn't expect to get such a reception upon returning! Thank you all so much.

Featured day one... It was really unexpected ^^;

Just thought I'd take this time to outline future projects that may or may not be followed through with. I have 5 drafts for additional stories under the "Just Like Us" banner, as well as an unfinished collaboration with another author who is no longer here.

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Report syrograph · 402 views · #Future plans

Sequels or Prequels · 9:14am Feb 16th, 2020

So I've been thinking, yes, that very dangerous act, about future stories and stuff. If anyone happens to read this, what do you think? Should there be some random stories unrelated to anything like That? Or perhaps a spinoff of Flame of Disparity following one of Sunset's friends or how they came to the dream land? Or just something else I haven't thought of?

What do y'all think?


I'm afraid for Fimfiction's future. · 12:40am Aug 10th, 2021

Do you think that once G5 arrives, Fimfiction will be over? Sorry for bringing that up, but I'm afraid of that happening since I love Fimfiction and don't want it to go away anytime soon. Though, at the same time, I know that very few, if not nothing, lasts forever. Sorry for being rude, though. I'm just afraid of what might happen to Fimfiction for not just me, but for others as well. What do you think?

Report Heroic412227 · 312 views · #Fimfiction #Future

I think I have some sort of precognition · 10:12pm Jun 27th, 2021

As I'm typing this, I'm drunk.

Last night, when I was going to bed, I felt this dizziness as if I were drunk.

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Report Leondude · 168 views · #drunk #future

A New Future · 4:39am Dec 11th, 2021

Greetings and salutation, my name is Wrex and this is my review. I would advise everyone to stock up on canned goods and shotguns, because I'm reviewing 'A New Future', a crossover between Telltales Walking Dead Season 2 and Mass Effect. In this story, a Female Shepard ends up on the Walking Dead Earth and meets the iconic girl Clementine. Together they brave the Living Dead and Bandits, meet so many people, and square off against one of the most evil person in the game: Andy St. John. I

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Report Darth Wrex · 184 views · #A New Future
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