
Viewing 1 - 20 of 95 results

Babscon announcement. · 4:14pm Mar 7th, 2018

The Barcast and I have big news to release today. The Babscon schedule is released today, and we get to announce the three, yes THREE cool events we're involved in.

First - Friday night come join us from 4-5pm in Silver Span's Salon for the official Community Guest Meet and Greet. All six of us will be together to meet you guys... probably. We're also going to record a video of me getting punched in the arm. (Fun?) Get hype.

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Report Enigmatic Otaku · 424 views · #Babscon

BABSCon Meetup Participants · 10:43pm May 1st, 2016

So, BABSCon was a blast, and I hosted a fanfic meetup Friday and Saturday night in my hotel room. We had a surprising larger number of people come through, and we even got some of them to sign in. So, as promised (though it took me a week) here's the results of the sign-in sheets, so everyone can remember who they may have been talking to. Also, my apologies to anyone if I couldn't read your handwriting and spelled your name wrong below. Let me know and I'll fix it.

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Report Xepher · 577 views · #BABSCon

@BABSCon: Let the Pony Begin! · 6:31pm Apr 19th, 2019

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Report scifipony · 273 views · #BABSCon

At BABSCon Hotel... A Class Act · 7:34am Apr 19th, 2019

Here in Burlingame outside of San Francisco. Checked into the hotel the night before the con starts and it is buzzing with fans. My Little Pony The Movie is playing in the registration line. Then I get the key card. The Con is a class act. A close look at the card on the right left shows the legend, 621. 6 hours sleep, 2 meals, 1 shower a day. Good

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Report scifipony · 232 views · #BABSCon

What Babscon Has Shown Me: The Good and the Babs / Upcoming News About OctiScratchness · 3:15am Apr 25th, 2016

Over the weekend, I traveled to SF and attended Babscon on Saturday, and I have A HECK OF A LOT TO SAY....

The vendors and variety of goods available for purchase was amazing. I couldn't have been happier with the people and the products on sale. This, perhaps, was the best (and only good) part of the entire con.

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Report New Canterlot · 505 views · #Babscon

Settling Back In · 4:16am Apr 26th, 2016

Overall, BABSCon 2016 was a blast. Going to an event like a con requires careful orchestration when you have kids in tow. You’re familiar with some variation of the the fox, goose, and beans logic puzzle, right? Traveling with kids is kind of like that, except you also have a time bomb with a broken countdown display strapped to your chest.

Here are some highlights from the weekend:

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Report BlazzingInferno · 485 views · #BABSCon

Totally Legit BABSCon'23 Recap · 4:03pm Apr 16th, 2023

Things have been pretty non-stop IRL ever since I got back last week,
but now I finally have time to put together my pic-tastic recap blog for my trip to:


I flew out of Boston early Thursday morning. Because I was late to confirming my flight online, I didn't get much choice of a seat. As a result, I got a great view of the wing and the New England spring weather /s.

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Report Shakespearicles · 440 views · #babscon

BABSCon Time! · 8:01pm Apr 20th, 2016

EDIT: Fanfic hangout in my room. 4008, 5-8pm Friday and Saturday.

EDIT: Created a Discord channel for all author types to stay in touch here at the con (or those that wish they were at the con.)

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Report Xepher · 602 views · #BABSCon

BABSCON 2018 Part 1 · 3:41pm Mar 30th, 2018

So, here we are at BABSCon 2018. Well, it hasn't officially started yet, but looking forward to it. It's going to be awesome! I'll let y'all know how it goes.


Report Dreadnought · 276 views · #BABSCON

Babscon! · 11:07pm Apr 19th, 2019

Currently in the car on the way to Babscon 2019. (Don't worry, I'm not typing as I drive -- Rocket Lawn Chair and Caliaponia and I are carpooling.) See some of you there!

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My BABSCon cosplay outcome: “Excuse me, were you in the Step2Harmony panel last year?” · 6:33am Apr 8th, 2023

So I’ll do a full con recap later, but this afternoon, went to BABS today dressed as a Twilight Sparkle :twilightsmile: maid, my very first cosplay; everyone was super nice and complimented my outfit, which I really appreciate!

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Report Mica · 148 views · #babscon #babscon2023

Come meet me at BABSCon! · 4:37am Feb 28th, 2022

Hey y'all, I am officially registered for BABSCon in Burlingame, CA from April 15-17, 2022! I'm so excited to see all y'all there! :pinkiehappy:

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Report Mica · 212 views · #babscon #babscon2022

BABSCon2023 retrospective: Half full or half empty? · 5:00am Apr 13th, 2023

TL;DR: Attendance much lower than last year but it was fun because everyone was excited to be there. Also fun because I got to cosplay and present my panel.

This past weekend, I was at BABSCon in Burlingame, CA, a distant Bay Area suburb near the SF airport. (BABSCon is NOT in San Francisco, like most people will claim. To call the BABSCon venue "San Francisco" is an insult to the vibrant city of San Francisco :twilightangry2:)

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Report Mica · 130 views · #babscon2023 #babscon

BABSCon 2023 Official Panel Announcement · 2:41am Apr 1st, 2023

Villain Reformations Anonymous

Hi, my name is...and I am a villain. Hundreds of MLP villains (allegedly) have visited Equestria's Villain Reformations Anonymous seeking to end their evil ways. And we need your help! This interactive panel uses silly word games and audience roleplaying to help guide your favorite pony villains on the path to reformation!

Saturday, April 8, 4:30pm-5:30pm

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Report Mica · 163 views · #babscon #babscon2023

Horizon sighting opportunity: Babscon! · 2:18am Apr 16th, 2022

I know I haven't been active around here lately -- kinda fell out of the habit of everything during the pandemic, including writing. But I'm still forcing myself out the door for conventions every once in a while!

Case in point: I'm in San Francisco this weekend for Babscon, doing my not-actually-patented Drunken Pony Tarot Readings and mostly just kicking it and seeing what other authors are around. Come say hi!

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BABSCon cosplay sneak peek · 5:26pm Apr 6th, 2023

Take your guess what cosplays these are...

If you're going to be at BABS, I encourage you all to come to my panel!

Report Mica · 105 views · #babscon #babscon2023

What rough equine, its hour come, slouches toward San Franciscolt, etc. · 10:04am Apr 6th, 2023

Geez, I haven't swung by FIMFiction in a dragon's age. But I've survived the pandemic (so far), I'm weathering California's increasingly insane and prolonged winter, and tomorrow I'm headed to Babscon! All expectations are for a weekend full of drunken pony Tarot reading, reconnecting with fellow authors, Klingon room parties, and a Wilderness First Aid recertification class that absolutely couldn't be rescheduled.

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Pre-Babs Post · 6:50am Apr 22nd, 2016

Guess who's in San Fran right now

this guy

if any of you nerds are at the Hyatt already hit me up we can chill

if you can't make it tonight it's all g, we can hang out sometime during the weekend

we got all con to do this, baby

Report Regidar · 456 views · #babscon 2016

For Babscon attendees · 6:18pm Mar 31st, 2018

Last night was awfully slow to spin up socially, but Saturday seems to be heating up, with a lot of folks arriving for the day or an overnight. Xepher is trying to corral the fanfic crowd into a laid-back author gather tonight in a hotel room. It’s a closed door party (not on the party floor so we have to obey quiet hours rules), but basically if you know either one of us well enough to be reading this announcement, come join in and socialize with your fellow FimFic peeps!

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Report horizon · 526 views · #Babscon 2018

Ye Olde, Quasi-Annual BABSCon Post · 3:06am Apr 14th, 2022

What year is it? What world are we in? I have no idea at this point. Life is chaos and I am merely swept up in the tide.

Regardless, I'm going to hang out, converse, party, and drink with nerds of all stripes down in SFO this weekend. Hope ya'll can join. If you want in on author-ish stuff, join our Discord!

Report Xepher · 312 views · #BABSCon #Convention
Viewing 1 - 20 of 95 results