
Viewing 161 - 180 of 420 results

Getting Back to Writing Soon · 9:34pm Jul 28th, 2018

Hello everyone,

So a bit of an update. Where I live is pretty warm and we are dealing with an insect infestation. We have an ant problem and for some reason they just swarmed my desk. Unfortunately, my laptop was in the middle of the crossfire. DX I needed to clean up my room and try to get rid of the ants before going back on the laptop.

Also, my Grandma just got out of surgery. So we are trying to help her recover at the moment.

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Would anyone like to partake? · 6:07pm Nov 13th, 2016

I'm writing a new story, and it contains basically only OCs. I would be happy to include other OCs besides my own, if anyone would like. They will, most likely, be not extremely prominent characters in the story, but if people like the main story, with your permission I may write a sequel starring your OC. :)

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Report SkyLovesPie · 146 views · #Story #OC #editor

Proof reader/Editor/ idk space monkeys · 10:42am Dec 2nd, 2019

Hey guys and gals, so I'm wondering if anyone is keen on helping me with proof reading and possibly being a editor of sorts for Ship Wrecked.

Idk I make a shit ton of errors and just want to try and make the best story I can for you guys so here I am looking for people to help please.


in need of an editor · 4:33am Oct 28th, 2020

Making a new story, set in the Equestria Girls universe. But I need some extra eyes and opinions.

-Must be open to frequent pestering by me (ngl, I'm probably gonna be talking to you once a day)
-Must be able to do a thorough check of little things like spelling errors and such
-Must be brave enough to challenge the stories in general, ie, questioning my decisions for the story

Be sure to hit me up in the DMs if you're interested. Thanks in advance y'all! Stay safe out there!


(insert blog post name here) · 6:23am Dec 30th, 2018

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did! I also, however hope that you have a marvellous New Years Day! Now, you might be wondering why I'm wishing you all marvellous New Years Day when I didn't for Christmas, well, I would try to come up with an excuse for that, but I won't. Anyhow, I'm saying that 'cause I won't be back until February, as I'm kinda busy during January, because I'm going to try my best to write some more of that book and I'm also busy with some other things as

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Oh, WOW do I need an Editor · 10:35am Sep 5th, 2021

Ho. Lee. Fleur! I need an editor! A legit one with criticisms, questions, cocaine, and... wait, I'm off-track.

I am not sure why despite my complete lack of writing anything for the past few years that my writing has gotten a lot better. Maybe it's because I've been teaching English to Japanese kids for almost a year and having to reduce so much has affected me? I dunno.

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So, this is my next attempt at getting an editor. Production on the story is slow due to constantly adding things to my “Projects-to-do” list, and being lazy, but I did get the first few chapters done, with a fourth being planned to get done before release. I just need one more editor on the job for characterization, character choices, and some of the more basic editing stuff.

I have not gotten lucky so far, but I’m not quitting in my quest.

Just PM or comment below if you’re interested.


So, I am writing a fanfic 0_0 · 8:49pm Oct 16th, 2020

Yep. This have never happened before and yet, here we go again.

Name: In the pursuit of the light
Genre: Sci-fi, adventure, drama

I am looking for a pre-reader.


Editor looking for editing jobs · 2:04am Mar 1st, 2017

Hey I've started doing paid editing jobs on Deviantart and wanted to see if anyone wanted me to help them with editing here as well.

Part of me wants to charge because I need the money right now though prices are extremely negotiable and I have a lot of editing experience so I can promise I'll do serious work. I won't charge insane amounts of money and more than willing to negotiate price with people.

Will also edit any kind of story no matter what it is, so feel free to ask.

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Side Project, Looking For Editors · 8:47pm Apr 8th, 2019

Writing a quickie, novelette-length (between 15 and 20 thousand words) story starring Edgy Horse Waifu. Looking to have it out around, uh, the 20th. Or something.

Looking for someone persnickety. I tend to write as either a minimalist or a dirty realist, so a preference for those would help, too. Hate adverbs, hate prepositions, hate 'that', etc.

Just message me if you feel like helping. Or reply here. Or do nothing and wait for the story to drop. It's whatever.

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Rewriting Stories, Also looking for editors. (IMPORTANT INFO BELOW) · 9:41pm May 3rd, 2017

Hey guys, so I'm rewriting a few stories. It's been a difficult couple of months with work and emotional/financial troubles, and reviewing a few chapters I may have posted since then, I've elected to rewrite them. This especially applies to Star Wars: Friendship Divided. Looking from the chapter named "Introductions" onward, I will be rewriting those chapters. That brings me to my next topic: I NEED EDITORS. LIKE, SUPER BAD!!! I'm not convinced of how some of my stories are written. The flow

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Getting back into it. · 12:04pm Mar 22nd, 2017

Hello all.

It has been a long time. I would like to let you all know that I wan't to get back into writing. Work and life (getting married for one) has really left me little time to do some writing and I thought now would be a great time to reignite my spark and get some more pony adventures out there.

I'm planning on redoing my popular Loving Laughter series and really giving it some more flare and finishing it.

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finally back · 4:58am Sep 21st, 2018

ok it has been a few years and i mean along time. i am back with stuff i will be posting more stories and i will be writing more as well. i am in a spot where i can do so i will finish twilight's strip club adventure before moving on to darkside. i am going to need an editor cause doing it alone will be to hard and with that i will be possibly working soon i won't be writing often. i will do what i can so if anyone wants to help me message me please.

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Spiders and Magic: Infinity · 6:53pm Oct 21st, 2016

I shall bathe the star ways in your blood Spider-Man.

It's amazing what you can do with Google Drawing.:pinkiehappy:

Anyway this will be a temporary cover art for the new Spider-Man crossover I'm working on.....still waiting on Maximus to reply so he can help out. If he I have two crossover stories that I really need to get cracking on.

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300 already · 6:44am Jun 28th, 2017

*fans self* Jeese, you guys sure are laying on the pressure thick aint ya? I best step up my game and stop screwing around. I honestly didnt think id even get this far but I will try my best to be worthy of your attention. Please keep letting me know what my stories do and dont do well. The feedback on The First Law has been very enlightening and ive learned alot! I had hoped to do another suggestion thing for 300 but i've still got to finish the last batch I did around 250. So around 350 or a

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Seeking Editors for Spectral Eclipse · 12:10am May 8th, 2017

Just a quick blog to say that I am currently seeking editors for my story Spectral Eclipse.

The Chapter 2 is already written and I am currently only waiting for it to be edited before I publish it. So if anyone is interested just shoot me a PM.


Fanart! · 9:10pm Jul 29th, 2015

After showing some interest in the story a few weeks ago, and even offering to edit for me to continue it, Junegold hit me over the head with these:

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I'll be an editor for a contest · 4:57am Jun 13th, 2019

Hello there, I am excited to announce that I will be an on-call editor for Super Trampoline's forthcoming FimFiction Feghoot Festival! Be sure to follow him for announcements regarding the contest, which officially kicks off with the launch of the contest group on Friday, June 14th!

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The Begining · 8:16pm May 16th, 2016

Hey, I've finally done something on this account! Though at the time of the this post I have no followers, I still thought I would use the blog to inform and create a call of action. I am currently in the pre-writing stages of my first story, and I'm realized I should probably get an editor at some point. I still plan to post the story without one, however this means I will have to rely on the comments as my editors. While do-able, this is difficult, and creates a need for me to consistently

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Looking for Editors/Pre-Readers for an Upcoming Mrs. Cake Story · 2:18pm Dec 11th, 2020

Hello, all,

As the title says, I'm looking for editors and/or pre-readers for a new story centered around Mrs. Cake. Briefly speaking, it's about an early aspect of her marriage to Mr. Cake, their uncertain future, and her friendship with a certain Pear Butter. I'm onto my third draft with this one and would appreciate any eyes taking a look.

Here's the title and cover art:

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 420 results