
Viewing 141 - 160 of 277 results

I can't. (new episode spoiler alert) · 8:00pm Sep 12th, 2015

What was that!?

Just finished the new episode. It was great and I really started to understand Rarity's character a lot more.

But this:

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One-Trick Pony (Or How I Know That I'm A Writer, But Not A Good One) · 11:59am Sep 7th, 2015

When I look into the similar section of the recommendation list, I often see my own stories. Either I am an awesome cad filling in stories in a sorely deprived niche of pony fics or, more likely, that my fics have gotten samey.

And is that a bad thing?

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Writing Chapter 2 · 4:56am Oct 15th, 2017

1000 words in.

Hopefully I get some schedule where I can write 500-1000 (ideally 1000) words a day. It fits well in my schedule and with it only being 1000 word goal its attainable.

Cause I'm actually feeling this story.

Cause it has that right level of sort of heartfelt stuff and comedy and I like writing this. This is the tone I looked for.

Which is good people seem to like it.

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Into the Storm - Part 9 Launches Sunday Morning · 4:05am Apr 28th, 2018

Prereads are in, but I promised both readers and myself I’d wait to publish until I got the battle maps made. If you want to know why it’s taking so long, here’s why:

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Chapter thoughts I don't know when this is coming out · 8:23am Nov 29th, 2017

Holidays and really random life has made the "fourteen days between updates" be kind of untenable so I'm going to the whenever its out and I feel at least like I touched on everything I wanted to model. This might make some updates rarer but this is kind of an arc end chapter for example. I feel getting the right balance of life and this takes precedence first and also this already had a lot of things running around in my head.

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Take it from me, folks... · 9:50pm Mar 26th, 2020

Nothing is ever as bad--or as good--as it first seems. So do yourselves a favor and don't obsess over Coronavirus; checking news feeds and numbers constantly. It won't change anything and the overly-sensationalistic (and often false) coverage won't accomplish anything except to heighten anxiety. This thing will run its course and we'll come out the other side of it in decent shape; in the meantime just take care of yourselves and take what precautions you can.

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hi i'm not dead · 5:40am Apr 29th, 2019

Because I'm one of those damned dirty millennials I go through periods where I suddenly drop projects for little to no reason. I can't say what caused me to stop writing nearly eleven months ago and I can't promise I'm going to start writing again, but y'know, there's the chance of me getting bored and deciding to write more, especially more Bluebelle, since some of my regular TTRPGs are dying. So yeah, enjoy a blog post on a pretty much dead account. I'm still salty with myself that I stopped

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Work on Firefly continues · 2:49pm May 4th, 2020

I had planned to shift over to Nightmare Night after this latest chapter, but I find myself with momentum on the story again after a successful release--I really enjoyed the comments this time, folks; they told me I hit the mark I was aiming for on this chapter quite well--and a scene I very much want to get to.

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Merry Christmas! Happy Hearth's Warming! · 2:24am Dec 26th, 2020

And for readers of Firefly, your presents are as follows:

1. The next Firefly chapter, tentatively titled Rock of Equestria, should be draft complete this weekend and be off to prereaders. Afterwards, I need to create the promised graphics before I release it. Total length will probably be around 9000 words or so as we start into the battles around Maresk and the struggles of the Equestrian Army to escape envelopment and bloody the gryphons a bit five days into the war.

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Good News!! · 3:01am Dec 30th, 2018

I've returned!! After the stressful schoolyear of chaos and unfathomable pain I've decided to finally take writing back up! As of now I'll be focusing on writing a chapter of my current Sunset story and Blood and a Few Other Things will be on Hiatus for the time being. So yeah! Hit me up if you have any idea's or want to help!


Flight of Firefly - Part 13 will be launched this weekend · 3:31pm Jan 23rd, 2019

Tentatively titled "Cavern Clash", which should give some clue as to its contents, it currently stands at 5200 words and climbing; I suspect it will be at around 8k when all is said and done. As I started into it, I realized I had yet to address a nagging question leftover from the first book--namely, what happened to the two Ravens captured at Epsilon the evening before the war? You know,

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TF2 - The Game Kept Alive By Its Community · 11:31am Apr 8th, 2019


Early April Writing Update - Harmonic Resonance, Firefly and Feathered Hearts · 7:23pm Apr 6th, 2022

Hey, folks. Here's another of my general writing update blogs. Skip ahead or skip over to whatever story you're interested in. They’re listed in the order I’m working on them. Tagging Eros readers for this one since the blog does mention and describe the next Eros chapter to be written within the next month.

1. Harmonic Resonance

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Health and Writing Update - Feathered Hearts and Harmonic Resonance · 4:29pm Mar 29th, 2022

In short, I’m happy to report that the next Continuation and Chronicles release is just a few days away, and I’m finally starting to feel more myself again. Harmonic Resonance is lagging, however, as I’m just finding the going very tough there.

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GENE SEED IS STORED IN THE BALLS | Fem Custodes & Its Consequences · 12:50am April 23rd


Minecraft Has Lost Its Identity and Exploring Minecraft's Forgotten Dimension Mods · 1:25am April 23rd


im arguing with wattpad · 1:57am Dec 11th, 2020

I wanna read a kiribaku soulmate au on wattpad but anytime i look it up (even after i close the tab and open a new one, even reloading the page) i get this notice about 'sign in' and i cant click out. I'll try again tomorrow, but right now i'm mad at wattpad because it is preventing me from getting to the delicious fluff and angst that is the story i wanna read--

i'm sorry, I'm ranting-


still thinking · 7:15am Oct 8th, 2016

if a character in a game were self aware, wouldn't that just be a self-fufilling existence? They know exactly why they exist, and they have the ability to achieve their purpose, so imagine how content they would be, as something that will be able to do the job that only it can do. Then consider a really bad game, like Sonic '06; imagine the pain of knowing that the you are doing a bad job as a character, would you fix it and risk not fufilling your known purpose in life, or would you keep doing

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Live and Let Lingerie (2019 State of the Lemur) · 9:25am Jan 6th, 2019


Hope everyone had Happy Holidays! · 7:41pm Jan 4th, 2019

Hey, folks. Apologies for not getting a new Nightmare Night chapter posted as I said I would over the winter holidays, but I've found I was simply burned out on it and needed to step away from it for a while. Sex scenes, while enjoyable, can also be surprisingly stressful to write.

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 277 results