
Viewing 141 - 160 of 544 results

This is Why I Don't Set Release Dates · 5:13am Sep 21st, 2015

Okay, so you know how I said a new chapter would be up by today?

...Yeah, see; my tablet - which I do most of my writing on, as it's portable and has a really neat fold-out keyboard - was just doing its thing, being all manufactured by Apple and sleek and whatever, and I was writing the chapter, when I hit the 'Save' button.
And you know how, when you hit the 'Save' button, FimFiction goes "Oh hey, let me keep those changes for you."?

...Well, it didn't do that.

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ZOUNDS! What's this? · 7:10pm Dec 8th, 2015

I've posted another chapter for my story? Mayhap you should go check it out, my dear readers?

Edit: I'm a little disappointed that it didn't get that much attention, aside from a few comments and a dislike. I hope more people comment, even nitpick. Oh well. Maybe next time...


New story · 7:37pm Jul 1st, 2015

Hey guys. I had a bit of writer's block so I tried my hoof at a dark fic. It's a complete one shot right now but that may change depending how it is received.

That Which We Become.

*submitted at this time*


Thoughts on the new episode (S5E13: "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?") · 6:03pm Jul 11th, 2015

I don't think I've laughed...or much as I have during a My Little Pony episode as I did with this one. My God, it was the perfect balance of hilariousness and seriousness. This could have been a disaster of an episode, but holy fuck it was the exact opposite. It was AMAZING.

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Question. · 2:19am Jan 21st, 2017

My story, Leading the Charge, has not been updated in a while. That is because, I have had severe writers block to the point where trying to write about it makes my mind feel dead inside:raritydespair:

So, if I can get at least 10 comments on this telling me not to cancel it, I won't. Otherwise, I will cancel it, and continue on to more important big fics, with small one-shots inbetween.

What do you guys think?


The Movie · 4:16pm Oct 3rd, 2017

I was just reminded that that's a thing.

Given that I'm still a full season behind and haven't even thought about pony in months... is it worth it to go see it; is it shaping up to be pretty good?

Just in general, I'm debating with myself if I want to try to get back into the show, or if I'd be better off just letting it go for good and not looking back.



Feeling Awkward: A NU START · 5:33pm Jun 26th, 2018

These last few weeks have been overwhelming, and not just from the busyness of the new house. In trying to make something of “a nu start” here, I've been diving head-on into some old anxieties, which is never entirely smooth.

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Interludes · 4:09pm May 5th, 2016

I will try to publish the next chapter today sometime. The meat of it is done, but I want to get in a bit more polish and get last minute opinions on whether or not everyone is in character.

In terms of format, I cut this chapter short because it was already dragging on at about 10k words. There will be a followup interlude hopefully with a much shorter turnaround time than a full chapter to further flesh out some of the character stuff before the story proper continues.

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Finding Masterpieces · 12:46am Nov 28th, 2016

Every so often I'll write something that will make me go "THAT'S SO GOOD!" It's when the pieces of the puzzle align in such a way that makes a set of twenty-eight chapters all worth it once the twenty-ninth is written. I'm finding myself trying to aim for that feeling more and more when I'm writing, going as far to scrap things that I previously thought were good when instead something better came along. It takes more time to do so but I find that to be worth it.

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So it's new years · 2:43pm Dec 31st, 2017

Yep, I put out a chapter on a holiday, I feel like I haven't had a day in a while till I went to see Moonhoof Friday that I haven't been working.
Everyday is work, everyday is get something done.
I don't mind, it gives life a sense of purpose. All that said; I cannot say enough how I appreciate people actually reading what I write.
I know it's so weird to say it, but as a video based content creator; I never thought I'd have people reading stuff; but they are.

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Happy one year anniversy to me! · 6:21am Jul 10th, 2018 awkward. it's been year since i joined this site and still have no stories to post!
I've been lurking around this site for 4 years now until recently last year in 2017! read many stories good, weird and judged unfairly by author or the content they write (Shoutout to Morning Rose - Keep writing & don't let others bring you down! along with m/m fic writers...they're too many to name. i'm sorry!)

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Here's to You, FiM (Part 1) · 5:33am Oct 15th, 2019

Nine years. Has it been that long, already? It feels like just yesterday the fact season three only had thirteen episodes caused some stir because it differed from the first two. Sixty-five episodes? No way they'd end things that soon, and thankfully they didn't. Twilight becoming an alicorn, Starlight making a Mane 7 (kinda), villains both minor and major, so many redemptions, fan theories confirmed/debunked, memes galore and so much more.

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The Waifood Lineup · 5:52pm Jul 11th, 2021


Grateful As Hell · 7:50am Jan 7th, 2019

Today, my campaign to help Raevyn got it's first donation. Someone donated $200.00 to help her, and I was so happy I called her crying.

If you're able to donate, Click Here! She can use all the help she can get! And if you can't donate, please share!

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Little Update · 10:28pm Dec 22nd, 2016

Hey guys. Galaxy here. Just wanted to post this little update regarding my stories. I know some of you may have thought I take requests for stories. Hate to burst your bubble, but I don't. The only reason you guys see other users in any of my stories is because those users are close friends of mine. (You guys know who you are ^^) Secondly, yes, I have noticed the lack of E and T rated fics in my archives. That is because I excel at M rated adventure

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Meg's Monster · 6:20pm Mar 16th, 2023

Remember this blog? I saw that the game, Meg's Monster, finally came out about two weeks ago, and I played and just finished it.

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Report Lucar · 261 views · #Meg's Monster #indie #game #steam #feels

UPDATE: I'm feeling a lot better today... Just thought I share what I've been working on... · 3:33pm Nov 25th, 2023


Oh hey, I wrote a chapter!... uh... Yeah! · 1:35pm Dec 15th, 2016

So I got a NEW MECHANICAL KEYBOARD!! (truck announcer voice echo), with some lovely Cherry MX Browns... It feels sooooooooooooo good to type on that I had to do something with it. So I wrote a chapter of White Lie.

It's just that... well... it's the chapter after the next chapter, so I still have that to write...

...whoops. :derpytongue2:

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SURPRISE! · 7:49pm Dec 9th, 2015

Posted another chapter early. I had it done and edited a while back, and I was PLANNING to hold onto it... but the lack of response kinda bummed me out, so I decided to try to fix that with an early release.

Hope you guys like it.


Well...I was not expecting the feels today. · 3:37am Jul 12th, 2015

Viewing 141 - 160 of 544 results