
Viewing 141 - 160 of 727 results

I'm Going away again · 11:29pm Jul 20th, 2015

Another ACF camp today, Annual this time. This is the big one. I'll be gone a full ten days for this one, so don't expect me back at a moment's notice. And when I do I'll be absolutely knackered, so no updates either. And on top of that I may be getting a job three days after which will decrease my writing time even more.

But I think a day job would drive me to write more often so I can relax. So I'll still be trying to get updates in after the camp is up.

See you all in August!

Report Lazy_ · 216 views · #ACF #Bad news #wombo combo

Axtara Paperback Not Yet Available Due to Amazon Issues · 7:28pm Jan 26th, 2021

Hey readers! Max here with a quick update. I know I anticipated the paperback for Axtara – Banking and Finance being available today, but alas, it is not. Why? Well … therein lies a bit of a story. Mostly because once again, Amazon went cheap, and that’s created problems.

See, Amazon has a bunch of tools you need to satisfy in order to print a book. Straightforward enough … save that one of them is, well … a little broken. To be specific, their cover program.

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I just don't get it. · 7:47pm Jul 10th, 2021

How am I supposed to get better if no matter what I do, I always make bad stories? Are all of them bad or most of them are? What am I doing wrong? What are the problems with my writing and what can I do to fix them? I really need to know the answer.


Genwunner plays Pokémon X · 7:07pm Aug 17th, 2020

I don't feel like making this a pseudo let's play like last time.
Will update as things accur to me.

+ I was going to pick Chespin, since all my potential teammates are Special focused, but Fennekin looked so damn cute I couldn't not pick it!
- Delphox looks really stupid. I knew about this beforehand, I did consider giving her an Everstone, but she doesn't gain her Psychic typing until her last stage so... I don't like it, but I'll always remember her little cutie form.

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My birthday... · 5:54pm Mar 21st, 2022

Was yesterday. I'm officially 18 now.

Hopefully, I can get back into writing soon but I've been feeling a lack of drive and purpose for a while.

But yeah. I'm alive.


Better Call Saul Season 2 Premiere (Spoilers) · 4:05am Feb 16th, 2016

The prequel to Breaking Bad is back with a long-awaited second season!

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Applejack's Off Day · 1:29pm Oct 29th, 2017

Starts off amazing It's basically confirming my head canon WRT the ponies and spas and shit.

  • Rarity and AJ have a regular spa day (Who We Are)
  • Dash goes to the spa, but hates others knowing she does (List-ish)
  • Applejack is too stupid to run a farm efficiently and makes up for it with hard work (Everything ever)

Could fit Dashie in

Rarity stop. I have too many Dashships already


Subtitles are magic

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going to be playing outlast · 9:21pm Oct 29th, 2016

Wish me luck and I would like to have screen shots of my adventure into mental ward of death and insanity. but I'm more than likely not going to do it because if you have ever seen the game you know why. though I will have them they will just be on my steam.

You will never know my steam account.

"Why are you even making this a post".

"don't entirely know Kinkajou".

"Well lets hope this scares you to stop doing some stuff".

"Stop talking"!


New Story-"Bad Kitty" · 10:46pm Jul 10th, 2018

Through some recent leaks and rumors that MLP will be ending after season 9, it's looking very unlikely that we'll ever get a G4 representation of Catrina, which while I can't expect FIM to reboot every G1 character ever, it is disappointing. And it is rather weird to me that they're probably not going to do it especially after they made anthro cats canon with Capper in the MLP Movie. However, since this is a fanfiction website I took it upon myself to write my own take on the character in my

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I am so sorry · 10:03am Oct 6th, 2019

Hello there, um, ok. I haven't exactly posted or updated my stories in a while.

I swear that I've been trying my best to write, to continue every story I've created. However, recently, actually it's more like every single time. I've been sitting down in front of my screen, and the things that I write aren't exactly what I had imagined. My descriptions, the dialogs, the scenes, it's all weaker than what I had envisioned.

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Another Dumb Crossover Idea · 10:50pm Apr 10th, 2020

So how's everybody holding up?

I'm ... alright, all things considered. Kind of getting into a routine-that-isn't-a-routine. Like, at least I'm getting in more exercise now than I did when the world wasn't ending, so that's a plus, right?

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The most major issue with me as of this moment - some bad habits. · 3:51pm Jul 8th, 2020

I have one issue right now - In the past few weeks, I have started using Just Eat and have it installed on my phone. As a result, I have ordered takeaway more times in these last four-five weeks than I have in the past few years.

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I wish I didn't have to say this but it's time for good new bad news(Good for some but not for me) · 3:11pm Mar 3rd, 2022

Okay first things first, the good news is good I've been working on Chapter 15 while on a trip away from Wednesday 23rd to Monday and finally made progress. So it'll be ready soon but Tuesday had some horrible news for me, the news being some of the worst I've ever received so I'm going to put the bad news in a spoiler(You don't have to read it if you don't want to but it will be mentioned in Chapter 16)


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Report Garfield23 · 169 views · #News #bad news #good news

Conker's Bad Fur Day 18th anniversary · 3:27pm Mar 8th, 2019


Surprise! · 10:51pm Oct 4th, 2019

Today during a rather stressful shift at work, I thought up a premise that I had never done before, and got home and wrote it out.

From conception to posting, in less than eight hours.

As this has nothing to do with what I've been doing for three weeks, I decided to post it tonight.

Enjoy, this is a first for me.


Things I didn't expect reviving in 2018 · 7:43am Aug 15th, 2018

This story.

Sorry for the pretty much three years without an update.

It's alive now and unlike a lot of my stories from around this period of time, I always felt like I should come back and continue it even if it doesn't fully work with how I tend to write now. This came together quick so it's not like I've sat on this story for years. Helps that unlike other weird crossover like stories I've written, I've never gotten past my love for superheroes.

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Fricken hate my "Friends" · 12:50am Oct 22nd, 2016

They betrayed/excluded me AGAIN:flutterrage: Traitors, if you're reading this, hope you have a horrible day! year!

(They don't even like mlp lol theyre probably not reading this XD)

Mini rant ahead

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Report Misspegasister_ · 310 views · #mad #friends #bad #wtf #rude

We needs a delivery drive · 7:30am Nov 12th, 2015

So, I've finally gone back to work again, returning to the grocery store I worked at back in 2010. It's alright. Better environment and people than Wal-Mart. Almost enough to make up for the $2.00/hour pay cut working 10 hours less each week. Still got a pile of credit debt, a mortgage, and a three-month backlog of unpaid bills, but it beats unemployment. Barely.

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Strong Bad · 8:14pm Nov 13th, 2015

Ah... the memories. One of the first things that introduced me to the internet, now having a crossover with my favorite show.


Through the tough times... · 8:16pm Jun 11th, 2015

So, Even though I'm stressed and currently very busy, I managed to edit the first chapter of "This is worse!" The story has now been submitted!:yay:

I most likely won't know of how it is being received until tomorrow. So, with my hopes I am returning to my overdue school project of making my own pokédex... only first Gen one... Still have so many entries left...

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 727 results