• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.

More Blog Posts466

  • 55 weeks
    TSSTP New Cover Art

    I had some artwork commissioned to serve as cover art for The Super Sneaky Thieving Pony, so if you've ever wanted to know what Slinky, Fluffy and Jade are properly meant to look like, here you go

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  • 58 weeks
    New Story: The Super Sneaky Thieving Pony

    Howdy, I'm alive lol

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  • 330 weeks
    New Story-"Bad Kitty"

    Through some recent leaks and rumors that MLP will be ending after season 9, it's looking very unlikely that we'll ever get a G4 representation of Catrina, which while I can't expect FIM to reboot every G1 character ever, it is disappointing. And it is rather weird to me that they're probably not going to do it especially after they made anthro cats canon with Capper in the MLP Movie. However,

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  • 360 weeks
    The Last Jedi

    Sooooo I'm confused on why so many people seem to hate this movie.

    Is it because it killed a ton of fan theories? And maybe Luke wasn't portrayed how the fanbase thought he would be?

    Something tells me that's it, but I don't really get it. I thought it was pretty good.

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  • 360 weeks
    Disney has bought Fox

    Soooooo yeah that happened. The X-Men are back where they belong now. Maybe they'll actually put Wolverine in the yellow suit this time. Maybe we'll finally get a good Fantastic Four movie too.

    Also does this mean Anastasia isn't a Disney ripoff anymore?:rainbowlaugh:

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New Story-"Bad Kitty" · 10:46pm Jul 10th, 2018

Through some recent leaks and rumors that MLP will be ending after season 9, it's looking very unlikely that we'll ever get a G4 representation of Catrina, which while I can't expect FIM to reboot every G1 character ever, it is disappointing. And it is rather weird to me that they're probably not going to do it especially after they made anthro cats canon with Capper in the MLP Movie. However, since this is a fanfiction website I took it upon myself to write my own take on the character in my new story, "Bad Kitty"

Now it does stray a damn good bit from the original G1 character. For instance, there are quite a few sci-fi elements to it, such as Catrina being an up and coming space overlord that tries very very hard to be evil and aggressive, but as it turns out is all bark and no bite, despite the resources at her disposal making her very powerful. She's also been aged down a good bit to around the same age as the Student Six that attend Twilight's Friendship School because, as shown in the story, she is incredibly childish.

If you're interested, give it a read and tell me what you think. :twilightsmile:

Report Discorded SheepcityUSA · 839 views · Story: Bad Kitty · #Bad Kitty #Catrina #G1 #G4
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