
Viewing 121 - 140 of 322 results

One C&C preread remaining; Eros on deck · 9:54pm May 24th, 2023

We’re almost there for C&C chapter 36, but don’t get too excited just yet, folks. Even if the last preread is in tonight, I won’t release because I still have to a) give it two more editing passes, b) create the T-rated version of the upcoming chapter, and then c) edit that. So my target release remains Friday evening, and I’ll have to allow a chance that it may slip to Saturday morning since I also have to get ready for my upcoming road trip this weekend.

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First batch of updated M-rated C&C chapters released... · 5:50pm Nov 14th, 2022

And you’ll get the next M-rated chapter upgrade on Tuesday, which will be chapter 22: Know Thy Ally. There was a slight change in plans as I elected to include chapter 14: Feathered Heart with yesterday’s initial batch, as I decided it wasn’t fair to make folks wait for the full 5,000 words of Marco’s and Gilda’s first time. Not with the ending of chapter 13 leading right into it.

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It's happening, folks... · 4:45pm Mar 20th, 2021

As it's pretty much ready except for one final editing pass, I'm moving up the launch of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles to this evening. Get hyped!


Meant to post this Feathered Hearts teaser yesterday... · 7:05pm Mar 30th, 2021

But getting the new Midnight Rising chapter ready for launch took precedence. So, apologies for that, but a day late, here's a snippet of the next Feathered Hearts chapter to come, taking place the morning after the visit to the Hall of Heroes:

The following morning found Gilda and Fortrakt standing at attention in their regular uniforms before Tribune Narada and Ambassador Strenus.

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A Takeover of Debauchery is Lawless, Even in Space · 7:52pm Aug 2nd, 2021


7100 words down on new Firefly chapter... · 5:14pm Feb 19th, 2022

Aiming to be draft complete tomorrow, at which point we’ll see about a teaser. Graphics will take longer, but it’s a three-day weekend for me, so there’s plenty of time to work on it. One of the perks of working for a bank is we get all federal holidays off, including Presidents’ Day.

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When Muses Attack... · 8:11pm Dec 10th, 2021

All you can do is surrender to them and let them have their way with you. But that’s very much to the benefit of readers.

I finished the second Feathered Hearts transition chapter last night, which now tops the scales at 11.5k words, and then charged right into the third one this morning, putting down the first 3200 words on it. This third one ends with the start of the Cloven attack. Expect a rollercoaster within it including some serious mood swings.

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Feathered Hearts 4-chapter release post-mortem · 6:15pm Dec 19th, 2021

In a word... whew! I Just want it known that I put on one hell of a push for this, folks, but for as easy as it came, it was joy to do. When your muse is fully engaged, writing becomes fun. Admittedly, having the flu helped, since it meant I could spend working hours on it, and I sure as hell needed the distraction.

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Feathered Hearts and Harmonic Resonance Updates · 4:19pm Dec 30th, 2021

Over the years, I’ve found there is an inverse relationship between how much I enjoy writing a clopfic, and how much I can write on it in one sitting. Ironically, but perhaps not surprisingly, the more fun it is, the less time I can spend on it for reasons I’m sure everybody can guess. That’s actually a good sign for the story, for when I enjoy writing something, it tends to turn out quite well, even if it ends up being a bit late.

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Choose my next story to commission · 12:20am May 4th, 2020

As of late I've been typing down story idea to get commission and I happened to create 12 or so different stories. I want to all these story done as soon as possible but commissions ain't cheap so I can do only 1 story at a time. I can't decide which story to commission first so I'll just set up a poll and tally the votes a week from now.

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My Top Five Films (Or, at Least, Films I Saw) of 2017, Plus Bonus Content For Our Followers · 2:07am Mar 6th, 2018

Yes, yes. Welcome, one and all! It's me, back and happy to give you lot another blog post to gaze upon. And if you appreciate blogs of immense length, you're in luck.

As you may have seen from the title, this is my list for my top-viewed/only-viewed films of the year Twenty-Seventeen. An overall bad year, in my earnest opinion, but that's why we have explosives to play with. Hur, hur, hurrr...

Let's dig in, shall we?


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Sorry for the delay on C&C - have a teaser · 3:02pm Mar 13th, 2023

Apologies for not having the chapter out this past weekend as I hoped. Unfortunately, work picked up big time last week, requiring me to work extra hours, and the new chapter(s) of C&C I was working with fell by the wayside for a bit while I concentrated on my day job. It might not be letting up much either given we’re trying to hit an end-of-month deadline here, so my writing efforts are likely to suffer a bit. But, gotta pay the bills.

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Feathered Heart - C&C Part 34 in prereads · 3:09pm Mar 27th, 2023

And with apologies, I had to break it up again, meaning the ending M-rated scene will be shunted to the next chapter. For those who were ready and eager for that scene after all the hints I was dropping, my apologies, but the combined chapter had once again exceeded 20k words even with the ending scene not even half-done.

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Taking a break... · 3:09pm Mar 31st, 2023

My writing motivation is a bit low right now in the wake of the big push I put on the last couple chapters, and I’m not finding the desire to continue with C&C at the moment except in very small segments. So maybe it’s just best to step away from it and focus on other things for a bit. But I did want to welcome new readers aboard and thank everyone who left feedback, which I always appreciate. It was another successful release and the story continues to accumulate new tracks with likes being a

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Oops... · 6:14pm Nov 13th, 2023

I accidentally posted the in-progress draft of my new C&C chapter directly to the story, overwriting Chapter 37 with it. It was up for about half an hour before I noticed, so I apologize to anybody who saw it and ended up very confused or thought it was unfinished (because it was). The proper chapter content has been restored. But, since I did that, I might as well give an update on the new chapter.

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Still pecking away on Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts... · 9:09pm May 24th

The two Lemon Zest chapters of Midnight Rising have now reached 26,600 words and they’re still nowhere near done, with probably another 5-6k words to go. Gotta treat the girl right, after all, and also make sure there’s plenty of sexy side dishes around her. And as for Feathered Hearts?

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A Hearth's Warming Fic · 10:56am Dec 26th, 2022

Hey, everyone!

Since it was the season, I wrote a small Hearth's Warming fic that is a continuation of A Midnight Stroll (Celestia x human sweet romance). I think it's pretty heartwarming, and I enjoyed writing it, so if you're interested, check it out and leave some feedback!

Merry (late) Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

P.S.: I am still working on my novel, so my writing activity on here is still going to be low


New Eros Chapter will launch Tuesday Night — Teaser Included · 5:22pm January 28th

Sorry for the delay, but I'm still tweaking it and trying to give prereaders more chance to hit it. Just remember that when it does drop, you'll see three new chapters and not just one. That's because I'll be breaking up the prior chapter into three to make the chapter size more in line with the rest of the story, like I said in a previous blog.

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Just another manic Monday... · 8:35pm March 11th


C&C release awaiting one more finished preread... · 5:44pm January 8th

It's looking pretty polished by now and coming in not far short of 13k words, though I keep tweaking it here and there. Even once the preread is in, there'll be a one-day delay so I can create the T-rated version of it. I don't like to do that until I'm satisfied the main R-rated/M-rated version is finished, in order to minimize edits or changes that would otherwise have to be done to two versions of text instead of one.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 322 results