
Viewing 121 - 140 of 374 results

150+ FOLLOWERS!!! · 4:29pm Mar 16th, 2016

Wow, I need to pay attention! 150 followers!?!?!? Oh man, what should I do!?
Ooh!!! We should create a sexy music video!!!
Nah; I don't have a camera, and I'm not even sexy to any of the girls around.
Create a Fanfic involving you going over your disabilities?
Too preachy, and it wouldn't stick out much.
...How about a Q & A thing?
That's... not a bad idea, Deadpool. But who should the questions be for?

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Report MrAquino · 210 views · #Followers #Q&A #NSFW

Questionnaire · 9:24pm Mar 26th, 2017

Howdy, folks.

Someone brought to my attention that I should do a Q/A session with y'all some day soon. I was thinking of late this upcoming Friday afternoon. It would be around 5 p.m. EST standard time.

I'll answer anything pertaining to me, my interests, how I got into writing, or whatever you fancy asking me, really. I'd love the chance to hear back from you guys, and I figured I'd give a little notice before hand.

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Five Years on FiMFiction! · 11:51am Apr 2nd, 2017

Hard to believe it's been five years since I officially joined this site, I can still remember starting out on the site back in April 2012. I joined on April 1, 2012, but I postponed the celebration until today to avoid having it seem like an April Fools joke.

Now to celebrate, I'm gonna do what I've always done for these celebrations, have a Q&A session. The rules are simple and as follows:

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Hey Let's Have a Q&A! · 4:01am Sep 2nd, 2015

Out of boredom I've decided to have a Q&A. I've actually been hoping to do this one day and considering how busy I'll be over the next few months (what with my sister's upcoming birthday, my own birthday after that, more work on my hobbit genderbend, my hobbit fan-edit, watching the anime Fairy Tail and a possible Age of Ultron fan-edit) I figured now's a good a time as any.

Please submit your questions in the comments section. Thank you for your consideration.


Got Questions? · 6:13pm Aug 12th, 2015

So I'm up to chapter 23 of The Awakening of a Tactician and the story already has 620 up-votes. To say I'm happy is an understatement; I'm positively honored. When I started writing this story I would have been happy with 300 votes. Instead I get twice that amount with the number still rising on a daily basis. I can't even begin to thank you guys and I want you to know the only reason this story is continuing is because of the huge support I'm receiving.

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200 / 250 Follower Q&A Answers! · 2:05am Jul 4th, 2015

Okay, folks, it's been long enough, and I think we've accumulated enough questions. Now, to provide the answers!

I just hope we don't get any more weird ones . . . .

Would you both attend Canterlot High as students?

Magic portal or no, CHS is still a high school. Those, I actively try to avoid. :ajbemused:

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Q&A Time! · 9:11pm Sep 30th, 2015

Hey, all! Welcome to the Q&A! I've seen the questions you guys have asked Mousetrap and I, and needless to say, I'm excited to kick this thing off. What's even more awesome is that since only a few questions were asked, I can spend a little more time answering each question. I can't wait any longer, so let's get this thing started!

Lime Overtime asks:

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300 Follower Q&A · 5:55pm Feb 13th, 2018

Okay, seeing as how I've now reached the 300 follower count, decided to do a Q&A session. Go on, ask me anything you want. Can't guarantee I'll get to it immediately, but I'll try.


Six Years on FiMFiction · 2:13pm May 22nd, 2018

This was supposed to be posted back in April, but it completely slipped my mind until now. Anyway, I have now been on the site for over six years. And as usual, I'm celebrating by hosting a Q&A session. You can ask me anything you want, the only limitation is that you can only ask up to ten questions.

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In case you missed it . . . · 11:17pm Jul 20th, 2015


^Check it out^ up there. The guys are waiting for your questions! :twilightsmile:


600 Followers Q&A · 11:44pm Jun 24th, 2020

So, reached the big 600. As always for milestones, holding a Q&A. Go on, ask me anything excusing certain topics like politics.

Report The Bricklayer · 273 views · #600 #followers #Q&A

Persona Q stuff (Spoilers) · 4:22am Dec 16th, 2015

Stuff about Persona Q that I've been wanting to say for a very long time

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Report roseprincess · 180 views · #persona q #talk

The Final FaM Season 2 Q&A · 1:49pm Oct 30th, 2021

After getting quarantined for the second time within 2 months (Quarantined the start of September, and then Quarantined again in Mid October), I've decided, Screw My Original Plan of writing all the chapters out and then posting them back to back. Since Life wants to keep me from continuing, and I refuse to let life win, I'm gonna be posting FaM Season 2's premiere in the next 5 hours.

So, here's a pre-Season 2 Q&A for all of you who are curious. Again, non Spoiler Questions only.

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Report Alpha Wolf 4500 · 685 views · #FaM #MLP #Q&A

Ten Years on FiMFiction! · 4:08pm Apr 2nd, 2022

I actually first logged onto this site on April Fool's Day 2012, but so as to avoid it being seen as an April Fool's prank I've always celebrated the anniversary today. And today marks ten years of me being on FiMFiction. Hard to believe I've come so far, I only published seven fics within my first year on the site. I definitely didn't think I'd ever make it this far when I started out.

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950 Followers Q & A Session! · 6:39pm Dec 13th, 2021

I've somehow managed to crack the 950 followers milestone in just over half a year from when I hit the 900 mark. Once again, I'm grateful to all who have followed me and I hope I continue to impress and entertain you.

Like with my previous followers milestones, I'm going to be hosting a Q & A session.

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Pale Eagle of White Tail Q&A Stream! · 11:21pm May 17th, 2021

Heyo, my lovelies! How y'all been? Hope you're all as excited for the new chapter of The Pale Eagle of White Tail on Wednesday as me and my co-writers are to post it! But, that's not what this blog is about, not entirely anyway. Nope, this blog is here to let you all know that I'm going to be streaming Master Mode Terraria on Twitch and hosting a Q&A session on the story at the same time today!

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NREMT cognitive exam and heart break. · 12:17pm Dec 21st, 2021

The good news - which really came as a surprise - was that I passed the NREMT cognitive exam. I honestly came away from that examination feeling like a bag of shit and fully expected to have failed it. Then I found out this evening I had PASSED! So now it's time to move on to the psychomotor skills exam. I think this exam will be a lot harder for me since I find the context of trying to handle the unusual context of those to be a lot harder than actually performing the related

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Report Saint Kartano · 141 views · #Lady Q #NREMT

Q&A (And a Status Update) · 7:04am Aug 23rd, 2023

Hello everyone!

A lot has been going on behind the scenes lately, so I'm sorry for my relative silence in the past few weeks. I am still working on my next major series, and I also have a few smaller fics in the works as well, so keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks for those.

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Ask me LITERALLY anything!! [CLOSED!!] · 8:55pm Jan 12th, 2016

Go ahead, let's do this! Not doing this for any meme going around, I just want you to ask me anything you want because... fuck it, I just want you to ask some questions. Is that too much to ask, dad?! I'll do my best to answer every single question you give me, but obviously there are some rules.

1. Any question regarding my true identity will be answered, but don't expect anything serious.
2. NSFW questions are allowed, but just try to make it non-offensive.

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Report SuperKamek · 335 views · #question #pewdiepie #q&a

Give Me Your Questions! · 1:40am Jan 15th, 2016


My friend Jack of a Few Trades is hanging out at my apartment for the weekend, and I figured we should do something fun related to fimfiction!

So, I want you all to post a bunch of random questions below and we'll answer them in a video on Saturday! Sound good?

They can be about anything at all. I really don't care and I'll answer everything honestly, okay?

So, in light of that... Ask!

Viewing 121 - 140 of 374 results