• Member Since 18th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 25th, 2023


I enjoy writing with my friend, Ringmaster 1336. My profile picture was made by the very talented Lime Overtime. I have a soft spot for HiE stories. MadMaxtheBlack is my inspiration for writing.

More Blog Posts27

  • 247 weeks
    It's good to be back!

    *inhales deeply* Ah, you smell that?

    The smell of debauchery, clopfics, HiE stories and a random blogpost from some loser who thinks he can write.

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    2 comments · 268 views
  • 247 weeks
    Obligatory blog post bashing myself for going MIA again

    We really do need to stop meeting like this, don't we?

    For the gajillionth time, I'm sorry to all you amazing peeps for not uploading just about anything at all for another whole year! Believe me when I say I want to pump out chapters for these stories just as much as you guys have been wanting more chapters to be uploaded!

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    0 comments · 201 views
  • 290 weeks
    Life update!

    Hey, guys! So, if y'all remember, last time I checked in, I wasn't necessarily in the best place. But, thankfully, that's kind of turned around! I'm happy to say that I've got a great-paying job now. I work at a Tesla assembly factory, and I build cars for 12-14 hours a day, five days a week. Yeah, I'm tired as all hell when I get home, but now I have a home to go to, which is awesome! Things are

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    0 comments · 269 views
  • 300 weeks
    Had planned to upload a chapter last night, but...

    ...writer's block is a bitch. I got down a few thousand more words down on a DiE chapter, and a new Canterlot High chapter is in the works. I think I wanna do a few one-offs soon, they've really been my jam recently. Stay tuned.

    Deuces, guys!

    1 comments · 254 views
  • 300 weeks
    Where I've been for the past year...

    Hey, all. I know it's been a long, long time since I've been active on here. To be honest, I'm sure a lot of you guys have given up on me ever updating my stories again. I believe as my audience and friends, you deserve to know where I've been, and why I haven't been really uploading anything here for the past year or so.

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    6 comments · 318 views

Q&A Time! · 9:11pm Sep 30th, 2015

Hey, all! Welcome to the Q&A! I've seen the questions you guys have asked Mousetrap and I, and needless to say, I'm excited to kick this thing off. What's even more awesome is that since only a few questions were asked, I can spend a little more time answering each question. I can't wait any longer, so let's get this thing started!

Lime Overtime asks:
"So Mousetrap, I've heard you're Vinyl's cousin. She's my friend (my only friend for now... I've met her and Octavia just a few days ago, but she hasn't talked too much about you.)
So, I'd like to know who are you related by, who's older and who came up with that manedo? I mean... your manes look really alike! :trixieshiftright:"

Mousetrap: Well, Lime, that's a really good question! Yes, I'm Vinyl's cousin, I don't wanna reveal too much about my past and how I'm related to Vinyl, because Plagueboy is gonna be writing a story about me and Vinyl really soon. Sorry, but I'm not giving away any spoilers! All I will say is that I'm lucky to have her as my cuz. Love ya, Vinyl! :pinkiehappy:

As for the manedo, well, I know Vinyl will kill me for saying this, but I came up with it! Even though It was an accident, I always love rubbing it in her face. Basically, it happened while I was working on an important commission at my computer. I'd been working for about 56 hours straight, with no sleep, because I really needed to finish the job ASAP so I could get paid; my half of the rent was overdue. At some point during the third straight day of working, I fell asleep on my keyboard, and Vinyl woke me up, only to tell me that my mane looked awesome. While I was asleep, I guess I toss and turned a lot, and it frazzled my mane into a really cool style. Eventually, Vinyl began to wear her hair like that, too, and the fact that I came up with her trademark manedo still bothers her to this day!

BrotallySwagical asks:
"Do you even lift? :trollestia:"

Yes, I actually do lift, thanks for asking! I LOVE free weights, and I've hit some of my max lift goals this year! I can leg press 850, I can squat 475, I can dead lift 350, and I can bench press 300. I'm really happy with my numbers right now! :moustache: If I'm honest, though, I'm not a big cardio fan, so it kinda evens out. :eeyup:

Ringmaster 1336 asks:
"Question for Mousetrap: What kind of games do you play? :P"

Mousetrap: Oh, man I'm so happy you asked this question! I LOVE gaming! PC master race! Until Fallout 4 comes out, I'm pretty much just playing New Vegas, Fallout 3, GTA V, MGS V, and Skyrim. But as soon Fallout 4 becomes out, chances are that's all I'm gonna be playing for quite a while. I'm such a geek. :twilightsheepish:

Well, that just about wraps up this Q&A. I'm kinda new to this thing, so if you have any suggestions on how to make my next Q&A better, please let me know in the comments below, and also let me know if you enjoyed this, and if you you want me to do another one. I'll see you all on Friday for the first installment in one of my new blog series: Furious Fridays! Stay tuned for that blog for a good, old fashioned, uncensored rant!

Deuces, guys!

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