
Viewing 101 - 120 of 143 results

Cutie Marks: Reflection of a soul, pure magic or something else? Maniak's opinion on the nature of butt stamps · 6:56am Mar 7th, 2018

What is a Cutie Mark?

A question that kinda bothers the minds of bronies everywhere now and then, as there is no clear answer. The MLP wiki describes a cutie mark as simply a magical symbol of a ponies talent to which they develop a personal bound, which is how we also see them often in show. But then there are also those who argue that cutie marks are more and in fact essential for a pony to live.

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Debunking "Debunking (Twilight's SUPPOSED Job to help people)" · 7:17am Mar 27th, 2021

Did you know Mykan has a vendetta against Twilight Sparkle? Well surprisingly, this blog post isn't about a vendetta against her. I mean, he still has that vendetta. This just isn't it. He only addresses this because of his personal bias against her. It may not be a vendetta, but it is propaganda. And I may have broken a record for the most times the word vendetta in the shortest amount of time. But I could be wrong. As I rip off

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Merry Chirstmas! · 10:45am Dec 24th, 2022

A little christmas post and message for everyone.

Hope you have a good time. And if you think this is a time where there are also too many misfortunate people... try to reach out and help instead of wallowing into despair and whining.


Debunking "Debunking Tanks for the Memories (Concept of Death)" · 12:29pm Mar 19th, 2021

Everyone knows how Tanks for the Memories is about dealing with death, right? No? Well, you're right, it's not about dealing with death. But what is it about Mykan that makes him insist that an episode of MLP is sending a different message than it actually is? As I rip off Rationality Rules' intro, this is Debunking "Debunking Tanks

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Debunking the Dragonball Factor Part 1.5 · 7:09pm Dec 19th, 2021

So as you all may know, I recently make a blog post about Mykan's blog I call it the DRAGONBALL FACTOR. When I made my Debunk of the Dragonball Factor, of course, Mykan, who's been stalking me, replied. That eventually led to him making

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"Why should context matter?" Debunked by Mykan · 2:26pm Dec 22nd, 2021

Why am I not surprised that Mykan made a blog post responding to my post about the poll I made? Click here for my blog post. Click here for the poll. Although, the amusing thing is that debunking him is completely unnecessary because he does the work for me. He debunks himself with his contradictions. So instead of me debunking him, I'll use his own arguments to debunk himself (I

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December First: Starfleet Hearths Warming and other holidays. · 9:57pm Dec 1st, 2016

Even an Anti-Brony like me isn't COMPLETELY devoid of joy and cheer, as well as understanding (Unlike most people around here and the net)

On Unicornipia, Starfleet and civilians didn't celebrate Hearth's Warming... Hearts and Hooves Day... Even Grand Ruler Celesto didn't celebrate it, (Though he was originally born an Equestrian)

It's not that they were forbidden, or disallowed or anything, but for following reasons.

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"I call it the DRAGONBALL FACTOR" Debunked · 12:13pm Dec 16th, 2021

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Constructive Criticism of One Last Hearths Warming to bring you another Debunk.

I originally wanted to wait until I finished reviewing One Last Hearths Warming before making this. But this topic has been knawing at the back of my mind for a while now. There won't be much of the usual copy/pasting and replying because, for the most part, he's just saying the same things over and over.

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Thursday Afternoon special: Three posts commented all at once · 8:09pm Dec 22nd, 2021

So for some reason Mykan seems to have a real urge to whine about some random users tearing apart his criticism to varying degrees of succees and quality, which ironically just makes whatever point they want to make pretty much on its own. Cause to paraphrase one of my favorite stage shows of all time…

Mykan: You made a fool out of me!
Critics: You didn’t need our help.

Cause these last three entries… off. Let me just give my two cents to them if you are okay with that

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"I know What Friendship is" Debunked (Plus My One and ONLY Block Evasion Warning) · 7:43pm Jan 5th, 2022

Mykan... you just Bock Evaded me. This is your one and ONLY warning. If you attempt to Block Evade me again, you will be reported. Before, I reported you on someone else's behalf. Be glad I'm giving you a warning this time.

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Season 8 Episode 1&2 the Friendship School · 4:41pm Mar 24th, 2018

We all know that the King of Ducks is going whine about how evil the new season of MLP is being and how much better Starfleet would be. Because you know: The Alicorn nazis from outer space have been known so much so far about how well their education system works. Being able to not even identify a simple robot when it attacks a place or lacking common sense.

Anyway, lets talk about something fun. The new season opener. Which in my opinion was overall okay.

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"Ask me if I care (Super Powers and Needing Them)" Debunked · 11:06am Apr 5th, 2021

If you want the short version of my rebuttal of this argument is that it doesn't count when you artificially inflate the powers of villains while deflating the powers of canon characters. If the Immortal Game Mane-6 was in the Starfleet series, none of the villains or heroes in Starfleet wouldn't stand a chance. And you know what? If I'm gonna rip off Rationality Rules, I'm going all the way. This is

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It's criticism time: Go go chojin fan Glory · 5:52pm Dec 24th, 2021

Well, the canadian basket case decided to “react” to something I wrote, but instead of just focusing on whatever he decided to use it as an excuse for some “promo” to show how he is in fact totally owning me in some regard. All while also confirming by accident once more to me, that adults who enjoy Power Rangers are fucking mental.

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F/F/T3K15 1/1: Same shit, different year. · 3:33am Jan 2nd, 2018

Well, the recap from the riff on the 8th still isn't ready. Sorry about that, Ring still needs computer stuff. He HAS made the commitment to put it out the same day we put out the NEXT segment's recap, which should be in two weeks barring any more unforeseen shenanigans.

Last week's thing, though, is totes finished. Have fun with that.

This week...


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F/F/T3K15 9/15: 'Twas brainless killed the Beast Boy. · 4:33am Sep 17th, 2018


F/F/T3K15 4/8: IT'S OVER! · 3:30pm Apr 9th, 2018

This was finished after I went to bed. Apologies for the announcement delay.

For last week... did you really think we'd run an entire block of trollfics? These are the fruits of your pain. I hope you suffered well.

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F/F/T3K15 9/22: Starfleet finale. · 4:40am Sep 23rd, 2016

So the perpetual runner-up of the polls has finally been riffed. And no one seemed to listen when I said the people who voted for it should have actually jumped in and join. Seriously, don't be shy. It's improv, basically; almost nothing's off the table, you just need to be daring enough to put yourself out there.

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F/F/T3K15 7/22: Dakari-King Nothing · 2:22am Jul 23rd, 2017


F/F/T3K15 11/22: Not with a bang, but with an indignant whine. · 2:58am Nov 23rd, 2017

Two past projects have been finished for you this week. First one's the promised recap of the riff from two weeks ago, which you can read now. The second is the full riff from last week, here for your optical displeasure.

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F/F/T3K15 11/1: Back to basics. · 6:26am Nov 2nd, 2018

Well, this has certainly been a Halloween. Last week's creepypasta roundup is all done. Enjoy.

This week... oh god, this again. Ready to get this Beast Boy thing over and done with?

Viewing 101 - 120 of 143 results