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Glory Blaze

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  • 124 weeks
    It's criticism time: Go go chojin fan Glory

    Well, the canadian basket case decided to “react” to something I wrote, but instead of just focusing on whatever he decided to use it as an excuse for some “promo” to show how he is in fact totally owning me in some regard. All while also confirming by accident once more to me, that adults who enjoy Power Rangers are fucking mental.

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  • 124 weeks
    Thursday Afternoon special: Three posts commented all at once

    So for some reason Mykan seems to have a real urge to whine about some random users tearing apart his criticism to varying degrees of succees and quality, which ironically just makes whatever point they want to make pretty much on its own. Cause to paraphrase one of my favorite stage shows of all time…

    Mykan: You made a fool out of me!
    Critics: You didn’t need our help.

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  • 124 weeks
    Someone is nuttier than squirrel poo... An insight into the sociopathic justifications of Dakari King Mykan, the king of Antibronies.

    So, hi. Name is Glory and recently I stumbled upon the fella called Dakari King Mykan.
    I think there are enough people on this platform who “deal” with him already, so I do not want to do much to introduce him and so on. Safe to say though when I stumbled upon his work, I got a bit worried if the guy is alright in the head.

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    5 comments · 538 views

It's criticism time: Go go chojin fan Glory · 5:52pm Dec 24th, 2021

Well, the canadian basket case decided to “react” to something I wrote, but instead of just focusing on whatever he decided to use it as an excuse for some “promo” to show how he is in fact totally owning me in some regard. All while also confirming by accident once more to me, that adults who enjoy Power Rangers are fucking mental.

…okay, that is unfair as hell and rather hypocritical, so let me get back here, while also “spoilering” what this is going to be about; While I am not really a fan of Power Rangers per se, I do acknowledge its importance as a franchise in nerd culture and I know people of different ages are enjoying it. Plus some of them really put effort into their fanfics, can handle themselves in real life, can also be critical about the bad stuff while enjoying what they consider good etc.

But let’s face it: Next to the Sonic fandom, as well as the MLP fandom, the Power Rangers fandom seems to be some sort of magnet for people with… well, different levels of social blindness?
Let’s just say nutjobs and people who like to project themselves into the property are also common in that one pretty much. Heck, don’t get me started on how Linkara is really just a “recapper” of Power Rangers stuff, and not an analyst.

I bring all of that in part up, cause while I am not really a fan of Power Rangers as such, I have older siblings who were of the original show and some of the stuff of the early 2000s. In addition I myself have become a fan of the shows Power Rangers is based on via friends. Yeah, I am a casual Sentai fan and I am trying to get into all of them somewhere down the line, even if it will take a lifetime (after all, 45 shows?!)
So even if I am critical of Power Rangers (or rather most of its fans), I acknowledge how it is important for others, has qualities on its own and that if I criticize some of it, I should also be willing to criticize the stuff it is based on.

All that said, I really just want to use this post to debunk some of Mykan’s stuff while also gushing a bit about Super Sentai. So hope you can enjoy it.

My Power Rangers Series ·

I don’t know, at this point, write about something else you like. I don’t know, Power Rangers? Miraculous Ladybug? Steven Universe? The Owl House?

Miraculous Ladybug? Steven Universe? The Owl House? I don't watch them, so how can I like them?

I honestly just name dropped them because a) they are rather recent cartoons and b) I honestly think that Miraculous Ladybug is “simplistic” enough as a show that you can genuinely enjoy it. Heck, you may even get along with the people behind it. God knows you and the show’s head writer Thomas Astruc are very much alike, based on his twitter.

As for Steven Universe and Owl House… yeah in retrospect, stay away from them. Too “complex” for someone like you.

Power Rangers I did do Power Rangers... and I still got yakked on (By you guys cuz you don't like my writing) and even still, I did it all in anger again. (Like almost all my fics, they're done in anger)

Mykan: Hate… let me tell you something about hate…

To me, Power Rangers are the greatest Super Heroes of any! Even the Power Rangers Official Youtube channel imply they are better than Marvel or DC ("Not your average comic-book heroes")

Funny, considering that the Power Rangers all things considered are very low tier as superheroes when compared to Superman, Green Lantern, Iron Man, Thor etc.
That and with the different comic series that came out over the last years, the Power Rangers pretty much have become your modern average comic book heroes. Same sorts of drama in their stories, same sorts of pointless tie ins, even crossovers with other superheroes. Like Power Rangers and the JLA or Power Rangers and the Ninja Turtles.

they could be right. Marvel and DC tend to always be darker, or dramatic, and severely limited in certain fields.

Okay wait. You criticize MLP for not being dark and that you want to see darker stuff in stories. But when Marvel or DC go dark, this is a problem for you?
Look, I am just saying: Marvel had its multiverse destroyed a couple of times, erased half of the universe’s populace during a movie, had a succesfull mini series about Marvel heroes turning into zombies and killing almost everything in at least two universes, made Captain America a nazi who took over the USA…
Meanwhile DC has the Joker kill 30+ people in almost everything he appears in per issue, their biggest villain from almost 40 years ago destroyed entire universes and killed on screen fan favorites like Barry Allen and Supergirl, there was this god awful Brother Eye robot zombie story…
Yeah, a lot of the stuff both houses did was also crap, but I think overall they were darker than whatever Power Rangers did in the 29 years it is out. Even if RPM featured a computer virus as the villain that destroyed almost all of humanity. Like big deal. There are DC villains who do that on average every five years.

And limitations? Yeah, Marvel and DC are primarily limited by editorial mandate and idiotic executives and writers trying to go after the latest trends, which is why the X-Men and Fantastic Four were done dirty a few years ago by Marvel.

But Power Rangers not limited? Dude, the show literally can only function, because they depend on the Japanese creating shows they can then “adapt”. So without any original footage or costume designs by others, Power Rangers would literally be nothing. And don’t get me even started on the entire “Super” bullshit that Nickelodeon put on the franchise, forcing writers to limit the run of a season at around 20 episodes and then add whatever else was left of the sentai to adapt in a second season that only differentiates by adding the superlative “super” to it. After all, thanks to that limitation you got one of the worst Power Rangers ever in form of Megaforce.

Whereas Power Rangers have done practically EVERYTHING, from piloting megazords, to fighting different big bads in different worlds, using more gadgets and weapons, and defeating all kinds of monsters instead of recurring criminals.

And? This is all shit superheroes have also done. Fighting different villains in different worlds? The multiverse and any story set e.g. in outer space. Piloting giant machines is also not that novel of a concept, in fact Super Sentai took it from old mangas that inspired the franchise and as such Power Rangers to begin with. Using gadgets and weapons to defeat the bad guys? Hello, what do you think Batman has? Defeating al lkinds of monsters instead of recurring villains? Superheroes do that too. Heck, Power Rangers has recurring villains.
Or do you want to tell me Venjix returning as Evox in Beast Morphers does not fall in that category? Or how about Lord Zedds return in the latest season? Yeah, I am not a big fan of PR, but I have seen some recent stuff.

They even deal with issues such as death, romance, divorce, love, marriage... and they take time to teach about life's lessons in ways that are more understanding.

So? Again, Marvel and DC have done the same over the years. Spiderman losing Gwen Stacy is for a reason still considered a milestone in comic book history, because it resulted in Spiderman becoming a more tragic hero for decades to come. Not to forget Superman and Lois Lane marrying in the 90s and how big of a deal that was, the Death of Superman itself even if he came back, shitton of heroes and villains with their tragic backstories or hardship they face because writers decide to go more dramatic…

I honestly can’t remember Power Rangers ever being really dramatic about stuff like marriage or divorce. Like okay, I know romance is a plot point for some characters, character death is also relevant at parts (like when Zordon died) and RPM was set in a bleak future etc.
But frankly, a lot of what Power Rangers ever did is kindergarden childs play compared to some stuff I have seen in the Super Sentai they are based on by comparison.

I mean, here is a top ten of tragic/fucked up shit in Super Sentai that makes Power Rangers look weak

1. On screen murder of little kids to create a monster
2. Main character learning his fiancée has been turned into a villain after previously thinking she died in an alien attack and later on said fiancée dies being stabbed on screen by the big bad of the show right when she is cured of the brainwashing
3. Fan favorite hero dying at the end of the show by being stabbed by some mugger on screen and bleeding out at his best friend’s wedding
4. Genuine love triangle drama with characters even beating the crap out of each other on screen
5. Villain rejecting redemption through love on screen by killing the woman he loved when she says she will love him independent on how he looks
6. Monster of the week that is based on a plush animal of main heroine killing people on screen, turning them into steaming skeletons a la Mars Attack.
7. Monster that is a giant house devouring everyone of its inhabitants for good
8. Associate of the big bad being beaten up into a pulp and mind broken to the point he is going to spend the rest of its live as a vegetable in a mental ward
9. Other big bad dying tragically after fighting one of the heroes mano on mano with lingering shot on his corpse, no explosion at all
10. Murder Mystery on a bus where people are disappearing one by one, the only thing left of them being residual goo because something on the bus digests them and people have to find out who is the culprit

And you know the funny thing? All these examples are from ONE Super Sentai show only.
Choujin Sentai Jetman from 1991. A show that wasn’t even adapted into a season of Power Rangers, though it was that close to be. And don’t get me even started on season’s on which PR is based on. Even the “weaker” ones still have some sort of permanent death going on. Heck, Tommy from Mighty Morphin would have never survived, if they had adapted Zyuranger more faithfully.

Those are just parts of the reason why I love Power Rangers so much, and use them as basic inspiration for fight scenes.

I think the reason you love Power Rangers, is because it is just simplistic enough for someone of your intelligence. You know, here are good guys, here are bad guys, they punch bad guy, everyone laughs ending. Also lots of explosions and stock footage scenes of robots combining into an even better robot.

And yes, I know this in itself is also the very basic formula for most Super Sentai. The point I want to make is, Mykan likes it more likely for the very easy to understand spectacle than anything else. After all, you have to think of it this way: Something like Power Rangers in terms of “action” wasn’t really existing on American TV before 1993. Sure, we had action cartoons like GI Joe and Transformers, but there was a certain sort of limitation on what they could present or show. And even modern movies (like superhero stuff) tends not to get into the action right away. Power Rangers meanwhile needs only 10 minutes of exposition and then the action happens. And I think it is obvious that for Mykan, just mindless action is the way to go mostly.

Another thing I love about them is... I feel that Power Rangers are in fact SUPER HERO WILD CARDS... Anything, absolutely ANYTHING cane made into Power Rangers

Except trains.
Okay to explain that joke: Honestly, I agree with Mykan that there are a lot of themes you can make around Power Rangers/Super Sentai, as long as it basically just all boils down to “this group of 5-6 people fights evil with the power of X”
Super Sentai for example just started off with enhanced secret agents being given enhanced powers and technology to fight terrorists and later more supernatural villains. By the early 90s however, dinosaurs, ninjas, time travel, animals and so on was thrown into the mix. And obviously, Power Rangers adapted those too.
Here is the thing though: Within the last 10 years or so, Super Sentai decided to go a bit more “creative” at times and decided to also create Sentai teams based on themes that are not really that popular across the pond. Like Trains. Which are a big deal in Japan, but not so much in the USA, except your name is Sheldon Cooper. Or Thieves vs police, which in our modern times no Power Rangers writer or producer wants to touch. So yeah Mykan, not everything can be turned into Power Rangers, as long as it does not necessarily fit the zeitgeist.

To be fair though, that prevents us likely from ever getting a “Power Rangers Kuklux Klan” adaptation.

(Even existing shows you've already seen like MLP) Anything can be power rangers if you know what to do.

Or are obsessed enough that you just want to force Power Rangers even in stuff that would be kinda unfit.
Seriously, imagine Power Rangers for example shoved into Indiana Jones.

The keys to the basics of making Power Rangers is as follows.

(to the melody of cupcakes)
All you have to do is take a Super Sentai, cut it into bits.
Now you add some white Australian actors, and minorities a pinch.
Writing these scripts is such a cinch, turn the dark stuff to vanilla!
Add buttmonkeys galore and if the studio wants more, just produce a bunch of filler!
Rangers, it is a hit!
Rangers, kids buy this shit!
Rangers! Go go Power Rangers!

-Start with the villains: Who are they? What do they want? What powers do they have? Where are they based, ect, ect...
The villains drive the heroes, which drive the plot. It's an old concept to writing adventure stories like this. (Always start with the baddies)

Well, he isn’t entirely wrong. Villains/conflicts are the driving force in many stories. Thing is, the driving force does at times not even need to be a sentient being. I mean, Breaking Bad started off with the “villain” being the time Walter had left to make money for his family.

-Monster Armies: Who are the foot-soldiers (Putties) What kind of particular monsters are you making the heroes fight (Demons, mutants, orgs, aliens, viruses, ect, ect) Are they summoned, or just created? Most importantly: How do they grow for the megazord battles?

Yeah, that is actually one thing I hated about the Power Rangers Ninja Steel show. In Japan the villains for that season had a clear Japanese folklore theme to them, based in parts of youkais. In that show, they were just aliens who for some reason were familiar with the concept of ninjas.

I know it has nothing to do with anything Mykan says here, but it is something that irked me.

-the Rangers: Who are they? Why are they needed? How/Where do they get their powers and weapons? How do they morph? What zords do they have? Ect, ect, ect...
...Remember, any character out there from shows you know can be rangers, if you know how to tamper with them.

Yeah, here is the thing though: The way you formulated all of this, really just doesn’t make the Rangers stand out much as “heroes” compared to other superheroes out there.

I mean, who are the heroes, who are the villains, what are the weapons and so on? Basic stuff on which also other forms of heroes build up, not just Power Rangers or Super Sentai.
Really, what more or less “defines” Sentai and Power Rangers for me most of the time is the aesthetics (aka grown ups in spandex as the joke goes) and some of the virtues the shows try to work with. I like for example how in a lot of Super Sentai there is a sense of never going to give up even in the face of the worst odds and giving your best you can to do something to save the day.

As for Power Rangers… unfortunately I have seen not enough to say if the same goes for it. I guess that for some shows it genuinely does, particularly in the old Zordon era and how it ended, plus the occasional “darker” Ranger stuff. But frankly, what I have seen of Ninja Steel and Beast Morpher, I did not get the feeling in there. There for me it was more like “oh thank god we realized some bullshit way to defeat the bad guy in the last second”.

I've made three series already...

I looked up what thi show is about as I did not grow up with it. Supposedly an animated show about the American War of Revolution but from the perspective of three kids who have run ins with historical figures and such. Based on what I gathered actually not a bad show and in fact trying to avoid “historical bias” by being more diverse in its opinion than most liberals on twitter.

And by additional research I did, Mykan wrote at least three fanfics about the show, utilizing it just as background for Tokusatsu like stuff. Including a story where he has a self insert by his username use the war essentially to start a war with England and burn London down. But he is a “hero” even if he does worse stuff in the story than the US army did in Afghanistan for 20 years.

As for this story, I think the one thing I criticize based on the picture, is the costume sof the heroes. Just looks disappointingly generic and more like parade actors than soldiers. Which is weird, cause frnakly, I think Rangers based on the classic "Blue Coat" design would look awesome. Especially with those hats Washington and Co wore.

In the 22nd Century: Mykan Zodiac, The Red Ranger, is a 16 year-old genius inventor who successfully develops ranger tech and stuff basing it on The american Revolution (His favorite pastime in studying)

Did he watch Hamilton when he was a teenager and got hooked up on it?

A ten-year old prodigy name Ebeneezer is his main rival. A Rotten kid with a bad attitude, suddenly creates a time warp that sends him to the 18th century, where he becomes obsessed with using his future tech and his army of viruses to take over the world and rule it with an iron fist... ignoring the possibility of damaging history and affecting his own timeline.

So much of being a genius when the very basics of time travel and its consequences are past this kid’s comprehension. Should perhaps watch Back to the Future 2 then.

Mykan discovers this and follows Ebenezer

BTW, who names their child Ebenezer and doesn’t expect them to either grow up a villain or some broker visited by three ghosts at Christmas?

to the past where he meets up and assembles the Main LK cast to join him as power rangers to save history, and eventually added by Mykan's younger brother, Vlad, as the Future Ranger.

You couldn’t name him the „Uncle Sam Ranger“?
What gets me about this idea is the fact that Mykan took a series about historical events and turned it into a Power Rangers knock off that likely is insulting towards history as a whole. Heck, imagine if he did one based on World War 2. Would the Yellow Ranger be played by Anne Frank? Would Franklin D. Roosevelt be the mentor of the group in a flying wheelchair?


Made for Digimon (Obviously)
(R,I.P Philece Sampler... I'll have to get someone else to voice Cody.)

Yeah, that is the greatest concern here. A voice actress who did one character in the show died (actually she also did Mimi, but that is beside the point) and all he thinks is “shit, now I have to replace her”. Mykan, you are not an executive at Disney who has to rework the MCU because Black Panther is no more, show some decency.

General Conan Lockhart: a disgraced veteran. A Power-hungry and weapon-obsessed maniac,

So American?

feels that Digimon can be used as weapons and power for him to gain control over the world. He and his armed forces kidnap Digimon and use ingenious tech to turn them into mixed-up monsters with more deadly powers than ever. Worse than that: the technology makes these monster impervious to natural Digimon attacks (even 10 Wargreymon can't handle them) However, as a side-effect, it does make the monsters more vulnerable to HUMAN-FORCE (Humans can fight them)

Oh no, those magic lasers and fire balls can no longer hurt the Digimon. What can we do?
Let us use the power of flame throwers.
Wait, what is the difference?

Also, the monsters are more vulnerable to human force? What, if I threw a baby at them, they would combust?

Izzy along with Gennai had secretly anticipated a day like this would come, and had secretly designed the ranger powers for the 02 group, and giving the Digimon new powers (So they become the Zords and Bikes) Ken initially does not have power as he is still struggling with guilt and shame from his evil days. Eventually, he becomes the Kaiser Ranger, after battling his evil side once and for all.

Hold a sec... (pulls out a phone and dials up a number) Hello, Laura? Yeah, I wanted to tell you that Digimon tri is no longer the worst thing to ever happen to the Digidestineds of season 2. Yes, I know what I said… no, hell hasn’t frozen and I do not have a brain tumor.
I just stumbled upon something worse than tri in that regard. Oh yeah sure, of course. The movies as a whole are still shit!

Congrats. The Akiba Rangers and Zyuoghers look more dignified.

for Equestria Girls/ Starfleet Humans (Well duh...)
Both take place during Season 6 of Starfleet Magic...
In the Magical World, the Crystal Mirror begins to malfunction and blow itself to bits, but not before blasting a transport wave to Starfleet Prison compound on other planet, sending a large Prison Tower full of monsters to the human world.
Vulcan, the leader of the group plans to use all these resources to conquer this Earth and sell it.
To whom if I may ask? I assume Vulcan is not native to the human universe and as far as you implied in story, there are no aliens he could sell it in this universe.
Just saying, if he wanted to do something productive, he should have rather worked on a way to get off this rock and avoid Starfleet for good. Also, that motivation sounds very, very familiar… Who does it remind me of…. Brr, is it me, or is it Freezaing in here?

Unfortunately, at the time Sunset Shimmer and her friends are left powerless. (Prior to the adventures; Commander Lightning Dawn had visited and taken everyone's Energizer badges back to magic world to give them a special cleaning and tune up so they can work better. When the mirror went Kapholooey... the link between worlds was severed, meaning they cannot get them back until it's repaired.)
Luckily, Celesto Grandruler and his team of experts have developed ranger technology and weapons just as strong and useful as the Super Powers, and are given to Sunset and other remaining members (All the others were hospitalized after the first failed battle) and now work their darnest to push Vulcan back while waiting for the two worlds to be connected again.

As far as I know, this is also the only Power Ranger thing more or less still existing in its entirety at this point, because Mykan did with his fanfics what he wishes to do to anything MLP related: Terminated it.

Eventually, Vulcan creates his own Comet Ranger powers, and gives them to a brainwashed Human Lightning Dawn to sick on the rangers. But he eventually he is saved and uses the power to join the rangers in battle.

Big deal. Misoa has the same sort of backstory. Does Lightning also fall into some fits of depression for the sake of comedy?

I even have an idea for another Ranger series for MLP.

Repetition and insanity…

Future Twilight Sparkle is the villain: Having been ruler of Equestria for a long time, the pressure has finally gotten to her (She's CA-RAZY)

Are you sure she just doesn’t become more like her VA with advanced age?

So insane, she wants every world out there to bask in Friendship and Harmony as SHE sees fit, and she's willing to do ANYTHING to do it... even brainwash people into following her ways so they have no will of their own.
"That, Twilight, is slavery... not Friendship."

And sounds more like Starlight Glimmer in the season 5 opener. Honestly, you know what this idea reminds me of? Conversion Bureau. So “congrats” Mykan, you are just doing a weird mix of one of the worst fanfics and its sequels/successors and deconstructions in the MLP fandom. The only thing you do is just “spice it up” by throwing in toy robots to fight giant monsters.

And how does Twilight in name only here sound any different from your Starfleet characters, who decide to exterminate entire species if they think they are evil, throw people into prison for pathetic reasons, force people to abandon their cultural beliefs to join the Starfleet doctrine and have “evacuated” the entire population of a foreign planet against their will? And before you give me any shit about how they saved those people because the planet was going to explode anyway, well duh. But how would you feel if all off sudden someone told you you would have to give up everything you owned and essentially forced you at gun point to spend the rest of your life in a refugee camp.

Face it, you are just a champion of creating “Designated Heroes” and being too blidn to realize, how they are just the villains of another story.

Rangers are chosen,

The Rangers will be chosen by Queen Chrysalis, who hates friendship so much, she looks to defeat Twilight not really to save anyone, but to spite her for having turned her once to stone.

The champions btw will be called the “Misanthropic Rangers” and consist of the following people

Robert Chipman, aka Misanthropic Green, with the Power of Calling others racist and obsolete online

Adolf Hitler the Third, aka Misanthropic White, with the power of Fascism

Karen Smith, aka Misanthropic Orange with the power of being a white Karen

Wladimir Putin, aka Misanthropic Black with the power to make people conveniently disappear

And of course the great leader

Michael Mikulak (who is totally not the author, though he is voiced by him in the audio adaptation and has the authors real life name), aka Misanthropic Red with the power of basement dwelling.

Later on joined by Lily Orchard, aka Misanthropic Purple-blue-white, who is blessed with the power of lesbian pedophilia. Together they fight against the evil of kindness, loyalty and redemption, by burning down citadels and traumatizing people by throwing them into war zones they created to convince them that life is terrible and we are all better off just killing ourselves.

Their mecha btw is going to be a giant robot version of Ayn Rand and one of their allies/sidekicks is going to be Seth McFarlane with the power of hypocritical bad humor.

And no, I am not going to apologize for painting such a depressing picture, cause deep down you all know this shit would be very in spirit of what Mykan would do.

and Twilight realizes they stand in her way. those who cannot be made to be follow her wishes, she insanely wishes them destroyed, sending many Equestrian like monsters or creatures, or even her own friends into battle.

Oh no. How is mankind ever going to defeat an occasional giant dragon showing up?
(points at fucking nukes and Jet Fighters) Jesus Christ. I know the US military is fucked as shit, but even the Swiss army could take down some MLP threats with enough ammo.

Twilight is very sick... and she needs help...

Perhaps she should try to vent her frustrations by writing shitty fanfictions about how she is going to stop white supremacists that live in their parents’ basement. According to you, it does wonders for mental health.

...But first she needs to be defeated so maybe she'll listen to reason and realize what a monster she's been.

Yeah, she is a total monster. Look out, she is handing kids out some lollipops and baked treats made by Pinkie Pie!

Oh no she is going to be in a skit with the cast of the Sesame Street!


The funny thing is, I have seen fanfic and comics about Twilight turning evil or into a villain. And I liked those in a way, because the writers put effort into it. All I can think of when Mykan says he wants to make Twilight the villain in his story is, that he will likely write her so out of character, she is Twilight in name only and could easily be replaced by any other name you can think of.

Like I don’t know, I could take Twilight as a villain more “serious” if she is for example shown obsessing over defeating someone a la crazy Twilight mode or when meeting another “evil” ally like Cadance breaking out into the ladybug dance before then talking about how to exterminate those “poor” rednecks or something.

Instead I expect Mykan to just give her the sort of dialogue he plays in his head each time he fantasizes about murdering his father in impotent rage.

True: The Human world isn't perfect, but then again, neither is Equestria. All worlds have their shares of darkness, rough times and tragedies, and usually from lack of friendship and understanding.

Which you actively try to contribute to, by calling everyone who is even remotely critical of your stuff racist and actively trying to be a miserable person to others. Among mocking real life tragedies and trying to make it come off as strength to give into misanthropy and hatred. All while writing fanfics glorifying being evil or writing heroes barely distinguishable from villains.

The worlds could benefit from it... but the way Twilight went about it is wrong.

I don’t even get how Mykan thinks Twilight in the show goes on about friendship. I mean, he constantly claims that Twilight eggs in stuff she isn’t supposed to put her nose in, but in over 200 episodes I think she did that less than 10 times and most of the time those she helps accept her help in the end anyway, cause they have the brains to realize how shit their life is on the current track and that Twilight is at least offering something.

Twilight is essentially the Gordon Ramsay of friendship, but with less cursing. And if she ever came upon someone as Mykan… well, she would do what Ramsay did at Amy’s Bakery.

Oh and in case you decide to cross ehr for bad... well, ask Sombra how that turned out

I don’t know, at this point, write about something else you like. I don’t know, Power Rangers?
I just did make Power Rangers, and like I said, it doesn't matter. You still wailed on me cuz you don't like my writing, and it won't get my mind off of Beast boy and Terra, or Digimon, or MLP, or any of them...

Okay then. Have you tried alcohol? Or hitting your head very, very hard against the wall? Or getting BSE? One of them actually should get your mind off those shows. And more

I'm always thinking of them, even when I write something different. Which is why I prefer to hurry it up because I'm rather anxious to get back to kicking their butts (Make more fics about them which I prefer to do)

Sounds like he is just an addict.

Well, that was something.
Me rambling about Super Sentai, Mykan rambling about some stupid MLP Power Rangers idea for misanthropes, promoting fanfics that are deader than Pony Life and him also showing that he really just understands Power Rangers in a superficial way.

Look, I made a lot of snarky remarks and bad jokes about Power Rangers, but honestly, I can understand why people like it or at least hold certain seasons in high regard. Even though I think that the Super Sentais are on average better for dramatic reasons, I think that Power Rangers at least deserves recognition for -at times, especially in its early years- to have tried something different. They took something foreign and tried to make it work for an audience with other social and (pop) cultural backgrounds and succeeded. More or less, considering how certain seasons are more forgettable than others.

But even if there are some failures (Overdrive and Megaforce anyone?) the show has some iconic characters and moments to it that people even hold dear after 20+ years. Plus I have to give the show credit where credit is due: When it tries to have decent heroic moments, it does not shy away from characters going through arcs and showing of decent values about friendship and heroism. Even if they are rather simplistic, cause like Sentai, it is a children's show.

I can not say the same of what I have seen in Mykan’s stuff. Mostly because Mykan misses out in his stories on the same, I don’t see in more recent Power Rangers and even some Sentai: decent drama.

There is no sense of gravitas within certain situations. Yeah sure, PR and Sentai both are also defined often times by just filler and monster of the week action, but a certain sense of foreboding is needed to create tension and as such want us to see the heroes succeed. One of my favorite moments in Dekaranger, the basis for Power Rangers SPD, is when Agent Abrella takes over headquarter and the team is essentially fighting against all odds to stop him with at times not even their basic powers at disposal, while Doogie Krueger is on the verge of dying. Or look at Power Rangers, when in Countdown to Destruction the forces of evil are essentially at an onslaught on earth and the universe at large. You need “the darkest hour”, in order to make the moment when the hero rises again feel epic.

Mykan does not know how to “deliver” such a moment. Because he can’t write. He can’t set up a scene, he can’t write characters with base personalities we may care about in a positive manner and he can’t write fight scenes, drama etc. And the few things he does have in mind for dramatic events, he often times lifts directly from other works of fiction that did them much better. His lack of writing skills make the stories he writes very surface level in tone and as such not enough to get invested in. Even a little kid who didn't know better, would be bored over time by his writing. In other words, he is the Thomas Astruc of Power Rangers fanfics.

Now to be fair, Mykan’s writing is still better than the atrocious writing in Power Rangers Ninja Steel, but that show was the worst thing to ever happen to the franchise since Megaforce. But he is still worse in terms of quality than Lupinranger vs Patranger was, so the quality is rather low.

But I digress. The point is simply, Power Rangers and Super Sentai are both fun but flawed in different regards. But while I can see and acknowledge such flaws even in Sentai I like, Mykan seems unable to do anything of the same in PR and he just puts the entire franchise on a pedestal, trying to make it look like it is the best thing in the history of fiction and when it comes to telling stories about war and heroism. It isn’t, neither is Super Sentai and just as not everything on the planet needed to be “ponified” between 2010 and 2015, not everything needs to be “rangerfied”.

Especially when you only care for the most superfluous of aesthetics instead of any virtues the show tried to have in your “story”.

All that said, I can see what may be able to help make Mykan’s PR attempts actually more entertaining: An ending song!

Seriously, have you guys ever listened to a decent Sentai ending song? Even less popular Sentais have some of the most ridiculous but catchy songs out there.


Even the villains like to dance at times…

And if you want something more epic…


And with that I end this post hopefully on a more positive note.

Merry Christmas and POWER ON!

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