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New Character Tags · 11:22pm Jan 13th, 2017

Is anyone else kind of shocked that the new Mane 7 (EqG) character tag doesn't actually feature Sunset Shimmer?

Seems like a glaring, fucking, oversight now, doesn't it?

PS: Stories continue as normal, e:g, very slowly.


If anyone is reading this. · 1:37am Nov 23rd, 2015

How would you like me to start the insanity series?
First off I will go into detail about it a little and then you can decide about which start i should do.

Do note 1 and 3 are on his home world with his own kind The Phex-jens (a race born from discord himself.)

1.) He loses his parents and live's as a tortured child. (Based off the hit movie Tarzan)

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YES! I'M PISSED! · 3:35am Jan 30th, 2018

I wish I had happier news to spend right now, but I don't. The next chapter hasn't been going along as fast as I would like it too, and I really have lost most of my motivation to actually continue writing it, but that's an issue for another time and place.

Right now I have only one message to send and that is that Toon Kritic is a worthless sack of shit that deserves to be shot.

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Brilliance · 12:55am Apr 6th, 2018

This is unironically some of the best MLP-related content I've seen.


I don't do well on no sleep · 2:53am Jun 7th, 2015

so right now it is 3:50...AM, my parents are flying back from the states and i'm having to pull an all nighter to get washing done before they get back later today. you begine to notice certain things at this time of night, like how the sky is ALREADY GETTING LIGHT!

What the fuck is wrong with the sky, is practically four in the morning, you don't need to show for another two hours!

anyway, if anyone wants to talk to me, then go ahead


Shook Up But Okay!! · 10:03pm Nov 30th, 2018

We just had a 7.2 earthquake and things are a bit crazy at the moment. Me and my friends are alright and no one seems to have been hurt too much, but the city is in total shutdown and the roads out of town have been closed until further notice. Send your prayers our way and hope that this is as much as we have to deal with at the moment.

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Just a small update · 2:41pm May 4th, 2019

Hey, so if you've been checking in on this place the past few months, you know it's been pretty quiet and stuff. I took a bit of a hiatus to get some personal stuff figured out, mostly changing jobs and scoring one that looks to be a permanent place for me. The pay is great, the benefits are amazing, I'm not working myself to death and it's even got the cherry on top. So with all of that stuff going on, my time has pretty much been focused on getting all of that smoothed out lately.

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Happy Thanksgiving! I'm Thankful For... · 8:34pm Nov 23rd, 2017

I'm thankful that I stumbled upon this show and it's fandom.

I'm thankful that FimFiction has given me the opportunity to stretch my creative writing muscles.

I'm thankful for the friends I made on this site who encouraged me to keep writing and to learn more about writing.

I'm thankful for all the people who left nice comments on my works that encouraged me to continue.

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Well it's not the usual tradition... but · 9:23am Apr 1st, 2016

So I don't have a chapter for you on this AFD but I do have a teaser for something I've starting work on. Originally this fic was going to be a oneshot in a similar style to Cider but it kept trying to break out of that restriction and on Wednesday night/3am Thursday I decided to stop and go for a feature length fic. Like a movie going from short to full length.

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Seeing a lot of people on this site going on about Star Wars; · 12:33am Dec 23rd, 2017

Got me like;


I'm not dead · 5:50pm Sep 12th, 2018

so two things need to be said right now
one: I'm okay with criticism, but DO NOT and I can't stress this enough do not spread salty comments or unhelpful criticism
what does that look like well something like this "oh this story sucks" or "this is the shitiest story ever" if you must and thanks to those who do say something like "you know I didn't find this story to be good but here's how you could improve" or "hey I noticed some grammar errors here"

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Another FGSO Spoiler · 1:56am Jun 22nd, 2020

Shining and a group of guards dawning gas masks trotted through a facility. “Anything?” Shining asked.

A guard pulled out a barrel. “Uh… we got chem’s here,” he said, noticing a chemical symbol on the barrel.

Shining raised his crossbow. “Alright, let’s go.”

They got onto the wagons. “Come on, let’s go,” Shining said. They started to drive when.


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I should write more instead. · 5:44am Mar 1st, 2019

While writing the "December" chapter I did some minimal research on apple farming during the winter. Turns out there's more upkeep than I expected. Younger trees are especially vulnerable to the wind, sunlight, and hungry animals that wake up from hibernation. I put in subtle references to those, but it really didn't matter if anyone noticed them since they weren't important to the plot (and the plot's not important to the story either).

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So I've been re-reading 'Heroes of Olympus' · 2:19pm Apr 1st, 2016

And I keep reading 'Festus' as 'Fetus' :facehoof:


Shower Thought · 10:06am Feb 14th, 2019

I believe we are far enough along on the calendar where people could probably mistake the numbers in my username for my year of birth, instead of what they really are (my high school graduating class).

I'm not sure how I feel about that.


News from the front · 5:25am Aug 6th, 2020

Stage: First draft
Word Count: 7,816

Turns out a lot can happen between blog updates, huh? :twilightoops:

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Report nyxOs · 302 views · #update #i'm not dead

Update · 7:57pm Jul 22nd, 2022


I'm alive :) I've been rather busy and I just got off of a double whammy of COVID and pneumonia.

I am sorry I haven't been as busy updating my fics. I lost interest in All The Time in the World, but I do plan on finishing Starlight Glimmer's First Student: A Human. It might just take a while.

Please stay safe, and be kind to each other.


Waxing Nostalgic (ft. old man woes) · 3:50am Aug 21st, 2022

Fair warning for anyone looking for story updates here: there aren't any. My life and my muse have only just started to cooperate with me again as of yesterday. No, this is just some good old fashioned stream-of-consciousness rambling, befitting of the time and place I've spent a good three or so hours paddling through.

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Report HK-FortySeven · 240 views · #god i'm old

My problems and schedule · 4:26pm Dec 5th, 2018

First, I am going crazy. I'm seeing (and hearing) old friends of mine, making me more lonelier than I already am.

I won't be working on the Christmas Break, because of family.

Report PenHeart3 · 139 views · #I'm going CRAZY

I've Always Been Old, Even When I Was Young · 9:10pm February 6th

Today at school (i.e. work), a first-grader stopped me in the halls to ask if I knew about "When there were two buildings in New York and they flew planes into them and they fell down and half the people died."

Rather than get into the details with him, I simply responded, "Yes, I was in high school when it happened, it was very sad."

To that, he replied, "No, this was a long time ago."

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 1,617 results