
Viewing 81 - 100 of 239 results

New Criteria! · 12:42am Mar 16th, 2017

Alright, so, I've been out for a few weeks, lying around, kicking the dust, and finally, I've hit another string that might be worth the time! So I've been working hard (One handed typing is a pain in the tush), and I have two new chapters coming out.

One, is for The Elements and Me, and the other is for a whole new story! If you like the former, then I can guarantee you'll get a kick out of the other!!

Chapters will be laid out, combed and primed t' go around tommorow evening!

Report Doood · 282 views · #newstory #I'mbroken #andsorry

New story collab with a few others · 11:24pm May 25th, 2016

Hello all, I've been working on a collaboration story with a few other wonderful authors on here:
MichaelTheBoss, Dusk Lime and The Moon. No changelings in it, but I do have my little Shiny Whistle in it, and he is little indeed! Hehe just a little ten year old colt, and set in an different story/time than my own Long Live the Queen.
It is called Faultlines and can be found here:

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Remember how I said I wasn't interested in writing Horse Words anymore? · 3:14am Nov 29th, 2023

I lied.

I actually do have a story planned out, one that I'm working out the kinks for. I never thought that I would write this one, but the details became so much clearer as time went on that I figured I would jot some stuff down. I now have almost six chapter's worth of material.

The first story from BradyBunch in years! What will it be about? Well, here are three elements to it.

1. It will be Anthro.
2. It will be Displaced.
3. It will be my first Mature story.

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New story · 5:13am Jul 5th, 2020

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've made my last post. I've finished my submitting of Scenery Corner. In all honesty, idk how it's gonna turn out since I have already 1 dislike. Not too surprised, hopefully it doesn't turn out like that apocalypse story I made, now that was a disaster and I have to remake it a couple of times.

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Chapter 1 of the sequel is finished :) · 10:22pm May 5th, 2020

Hello everyone!

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New Story · 2:31am Jan 20th, 2017

Sombra's Soliloquy is submitted and waiting for approval.

I feel like this is one of my favorite pieces to write.

Here is the link:


New Content · 3:14am Sep 6th, 2022

Since people aparently think I am dead... again... News of my death has been GRAVELY exagerated. Nope, just hit a mountain of stress and writers block. A few deaths in the famil will kill all motivation to do things. That said I do have a new project. I also have my editor helping me break some walls down (Namely for TOASt).

Guess what is coming by the image below!

Report Tempestus · 189 views · #notdead #NewStory #Updates

PLEASE HELP · 12:54pm Jan 3rd, 2020

Soooo.... Would anyone be interested in helping me edit my story? I can't seem to get it into the format that they want...


Sneak peek: Two new stories coming soon · 4:41pm Jul 17th, 2020

You know I really shouldn't spend too much time on this site. It's causing me to get writer's block.

I went on a week-long "sober streak" from Fimfiction, and I've finally got some stories going.

Here's a sneak peek:

(The cover art is blacked out, for now.)

Report Mica · 125 views · #update #newStories #sneakPeek

new story!! · 9:42pm Jan 10th, 2022

Okay so I know I said I was going to wait until I finished CoG to publish this oneshot, but I it's been sitting in my 'ready to publish' box forever i couldn't wait any longer! It's a small oneshot of Rarity and her quest to find the one... hehehe

Give it a read if you're interested :)

Dawn x

Ps. next chapter of chains of gold out soon.


Okay so I might have a new story ready for y'all in a couple of days as well as an announcement · 12:07am Jan 16th, 2022

The Story: I can't say much, but it's going to be a One-Shot and absolutely FILLED with emotions. All the feels peoples!!

On the announcement: There's a reason I said a couple of days. I gotta get my results back and see for sure. When I do, I promise y'all be some of the first to know! I'm so excited! Nervous but excited! Scared? Yes, but I promise it'll be a good surprise!

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Story Promotion · 8:28pm Nov 17th, 2017

Calling all fanfiction readers:

Here is a story by a good friend who has already proven themselves to be a quality writer with previous work. This story really says 'innovation' from the premise alone. While I've only had the chance to read the first third, it really did draw me in, and I'm very excited to get to the rest.

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Looking for OC's! · 5:13pm Jul 17th, 2015

Hey guys! So, as you can see from the title of this blog, I'm looking for some OCs in a new story that I'm writing. Now, I know some of your OCs didn't get recognition in an older story of mine, so this is an opportunity for me to repay that. Now, there is a catch. This story is going to be completely and totally music-based, so I'm going to need:
Traditional Music OCs(such as orchestral or band related)
Electronic Music OCs
Rap Music OCs

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A Project! · 1:03pm Jun 28th, 2016

I'm working on a new adventure AU Fanfic called "The Weaving of Tales"! It's an exciting story which I'm pouring lifeblood into, so I hope its liked. It puts Discord as the BadGuy, but it has a happy ending, even for him.

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New Story! X3 · 3:23pm Jul 19th, 2015

Hello, my fellow Bronies/Pegasisters! :rainbowwild:


So, since "MLP: My Little Anthro" has been stuck in my head for a while now, I decided that, since I finally decided to join FIMFiction, I'd just start writing it here. So I did! :yay:


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Okay, scratch that... Captured is up. · 11:41pm Sep 13th, 2015

My first ever erotic story "Captured" is up. Take a look at it and tell me what you think.

It doesn't make me feel confident knowing that it already has two thumbs down..

Here's the link to it.


New story! · 4:55pm Sep 23rd, 2020

Hey guys I put out a new story. Go read it if you want.


My Guiding Light is OUT!! · 12:42pm Mar 18th, 2016

Hey everypony,

This my latest story now ready for viewing. It's an OC backstory for a friend of mine called GreenflyThePegasus

I tried to do my best with this one because it takes inspiration of the popular indie video game "To The Moon" which has one of the most tear-jerking storylines ever. I've included a lot of links to music from the game throughout the story so I hope everypony will try them out while u read.

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What Am I Doing Now? · 4:43pm Oct 4th, 2018

Hello everyone!

So I haven't made a blog post since finishing the last chapter of 'Apart From The Pegasi' and because of that I imagine most of you are probably wondering if I'm going to continue writing fanfics since I haven't posted anything in months, but that was only because I needed to sort out a few things with my family, my future since I'm not in College anymore, and what I'm going to write next.

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New Story Up: Harmony Hearts · 3:08am Aug 25th, 2015

So, yeah. My first crossover fic ever just went up. Harmony Hearts is a Kingdom Hearts crossover. Check it out.

Harmony Hearts

Viewing 81 - 100 of 239 results