
Viewing 81 - 100 of 329 results

The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 3 · 2:21pm Oct 25th, 2018

On to the third chapter of this wild ride and also the shortest chapter of the entire fiction but I have to say, not the worst and should I even say that this is the best chapter so far for a few things already and it is the character that will cement an affirmation that was already pretty obvious : Project Horizons is a better story than Fallout: Equestria. Is it without serious faults ? God, no.

Let's open the curtain.

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C&C T-rated chapter 29 will launch tonight · 7:32pm Dec 12th, 2022

As promised to certain readers who aren’t interested in clop, all R-rated and M-rated chapters of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles will be getting T-rated equivalents from here on out. That includes the first M-rated chapter I posted, which was Part 29. Its T-rated counterpart will be published this evening.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 10 · 1:08am Nov 1st, 2018

I finally reached the double digit ! And so I sail throught the sea of what people consider to be a fixed version of Fallout:Equestria who shares so many issues with the original while fixing some of them that I can't help but feel there is an irony regarding that expression that people didn't notice at first. However, enough padding this blogpost (there is a subtle joke), let's get on with the story.

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 48 & 49 · 12:03am Dec 8th, 2018

Why two chapters today again ? Because I feel like it and also because I'm reading a bit faster as of late and that these chapters do not have much things for me to talk about that in depth about. I find those chapters incredibly dull despite the action-packed nature of them and I could really do without some of the usual tiresome tropes. I think I grew dull to most thing in PH and since Project Eternity doesn't interest me, I do feel a bit... bored, I do admit.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 35 & 36 · 5:06pm Nov 26th, 2018

I don't know how to summarize my thoughts regarding those two chapters. Do they have bad elements ? Most certainly. Do they have stupid elements that pissed me off to no ends ? Of course. Do they have some scenes that made me smile genuinely ? Few and far between but yes, they were there. It is a complicated thing but you'll see that, as per usual, the goods are swarmed by the bads and I honestly wish that it wouldn't be so.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 20 · 2:12pm Nov 11th, 2018

The story seems to have went back on tracks after a long and unneeded detour but what we are learning in this chapter is something that either barely makes sense or in the contrary, seems convoluted. Extremely so. However, I think my biggest issue might come from the characterisation of Edge McEdgy whom I think is simply poorly handled.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 45 · 1:11pm Dec 5th, 2018

A middle of the road chapter, nothing much to say about it since it does seem to be more of a filler chapter. It does have moments of utter stupidity of course but I don't think that it's a bad chapter. Just not something I'll remember that much in the long run and so I'll try to focus on the things that are important.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 41 & 42 · 7:56pm Dec 2nd, 2018

A double blogpost as per usual of Sundays for me but honestly I don't think I have that much to say about those chapters because they are not that interesting nor that problematic. Chapter 42 for example is an extremely long fight sequence with characters that couldn't be less forgettable if they tried and more glorification of BJ invincible nature. The only thing I'd say would be of note is the end of chapter 42 but it is clear what it is and I don't like it. The Evil Star God shouldn't have

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After weeks of late nights and endless work... · 4:10pm May 1st, 2023

The end is in sight, both on this software release for my day job and the new chapter of C&C I've been promising for a month. With regards to the latter, I finally settled on showing three new perspectives—Giraldi, Tribune Cipio, and his aide, Optio Virgo—and limiting the chapter to those, as any more than that would overwhelm the reader and already had overwhelmed the author.

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Talons and Fangs Update: Delayed Release Date, Audio Is Mostly Recorded, and Snippets 2 · 6:02pm Jun 25th, 2022

Hey, all. I needed to extend to release date on Talons and Fangs by a month. Pro tip here, but if you write a real book, don't wait on getting the cover art. By the time I realized I needed it now, I could only give the artist a month to work on the cover art. Close as it was, the artist I picked was awesome enough to finish with some fantastic art just about in time, but there was also no time to correct a few... important things that needed correcting. The sketch I got--while

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Update on Doctor Whooves and the Doctor Whooves Chronicles · 9:18pm Sep 4th, 2015

Hello, followers. This is just an update on my plans for both Doctor Whooves and The Doctor Whooves Chronicles. I'm going to start off talking about DWC as that's the negative piece of news I have.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 16 · 11:26pm Nov 7th, 2018

I don't know what I hoped this chapter to be but it clearly wasn't this. A chapter which is a long extended fight scene with only a quick resolution of P-21's arc at the end. The thing that should have been the focus was barely mentionned and yet I have a ton of things to say about it and about the end of the "Deus Arc" so to speak. I don't like having so little good things to say about this chapter but then again, it is more of the same.

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 29 · 2:09pm Nov 20th, 2018

What happened, Somber ? How can you go from making interesting little moments to something so... absolutely convoluted and unnecessarily dark ? Nothing in this chapter works ! The sex tape memory orb ? The massacre of a settlement just for the damn sake of it ? The fact that despite having one eye and four braces, there is NO difference in how BJ acts or in the things she can do ? She fucking lifted a pony in a power armor with her bare hooves ! I'm stunned.

Let's go ?

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 9 · 12:30am Oct 31st, 2018

This chapter went back to being extremely similar in Fallout:Equestria at least in parts and I really don't like it. From plans that makes no sense, to Blackjack defeating with dumb luck one of the most terrifying foe yet while trusting without a shred of logic obvious shady people. Why are his group listening to her for crying out loud ? They risk life and limbs for her and yet there's no one to tell her that...

Let's go.

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 39 · 3:11pm Nov 29th, 2018

So, this chapter does explain a lot of things. Some things are still as stupid as ever and some other are a bit different than I thought they would be. Also, and I am guilty of all charges, the whole fight sequence near the end is something that I had a really hard time to go through. It was too long and my eyes just glossed over what is essentially just another thrill ride for BJ but something that does wear down pretty quickly.

Let's go !

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : chapter 26 · 5:29pm Nov 17th, 2018

The chapters as of late seems a bit easier to read for me and I find it delightful. Now does that mean that there aren't tons of thing that makes this story quite the mess still ? Of course not but it seems that it is not as much as an issue... at least as long as I don't see the face of Goldenblood who single-handedly made this story quite the pain to go through.

Let's go !

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Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles will launch on Sunday · 2:43am Mar 20th, 2021

The all-new chapter is draft complete and getting rave reviews from my prereaders. I promised a lore dump, and readers are going to get it in spades. I do believe these 9200 words will be the first new content on the Feathered Heart story in... [checks] nearly five years.

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Why The Flash Sentry Chronicles is the best adaptation fic of the show · 7:48am Dec 14th, 2020

I tend to avoid reading any of the adaptation of the show fics cause most of them tend to be exactly same with OC characters just stand there and states the obvious and that's it.... what is the whole point of reading adaptation fic if it's going to be exactly same as the show? (There's some that do make a big change and one of them is pairing Rarity with Prince Blueblood of all ponies.... I never understood that pairing. :facehoof:)

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The chronicles of Project Horizons : Chapter 32 & 33 · 2:48pm Nov 23rd, 2018

Yes, a double chapter today because people talked about chapter 33 a lot and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Let's just say that I have a lot to say concerning chapter 33. Chapter 32, however, was quite nice, nothing much to report but it was a relatively well-handled chapter compared to the others but which suffer, as always from padding. Somber should really try to make his scenes have a purpose beyond just the spectacle, it would help giving the reader the impression that he

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C&C update, no April Foolin'... · 7:34pm Apr 3rd, 2023

Just because that for all my writing talents, I’m not that good with humor. I once asked the great Denim_Blue if he might be willing to do a gag chapter of Firefly in the style of his Art of Warmance parody play (it was in one of his Gentleman for Mares stories) as an April Fool’s prank, and at the time he had some interest. But in hindsight, he was already on his way out of the fandom at that point, and nothing came of it. Oh, well.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 329 results