
Viewing 561 - 570 of 570 results

Benefits Upates and Deleted Scenes · 8:22pm Feb 14th, 2019

Ey, so Benefits Chapter 2 will not be here tomorrow
Small delay, doing some last minute majour rewrites
I don't want to rush things, so I'm just going to release it Next Week
Tomorrow I am going to release a compilation fic for Deleted Scenes
Not necessarily for Deleted Scenes for the Friends With Benefits continuity
Just scrapped scenes from throughout my work in general
Just kind of a weird update here, but

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On the Many Violent and Vicious Deaths of Experimentation (or, Why I May Find Myself Writing Anti-Clop One Day) · 11:16pm Apr 2nd, 2021

So, fun fact, I've watched Nomadland recently.

Okay, I lied, it's not really fun. Still a fact that I've watched it though, so that's not a complete lie. I don't think I could lie to anyone completely if I tried, and believe me, I tried.

It's actually what makes me a great liar, in fact—you slip in just the tiniest bit of the truth, your verisimilitudinous OxyContin, then everyone will believe everything you say, hook, line and sinker.

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January's Monthly Schedule / Month of One Shots / Three New Ones / Continuing the SWWC Side Stories · 8:18pm January 3rd

This month is nothing that big, though it never is with me. I will be posting a few one shots and the latest part of the SWWC side stories. No Hoodwinked, or Journey, just this stuff. However, I can guarantee Hoodwink's return in Feb. Nothing much else, so I get right to the posts.


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You Ever Get The Feeling Trixie is Really Looking at You? · 12:17pm Feb 17th, 2017

Woke up this morning, logged onto my computer and found something that made we wonder about our cute little ponies.

You ever get the feeling some of them are looking at you... I mean I have no idea why it's not even like I'm writing some really suggestive story about one of them right now or anything. Then again, Maybe it has something to do with what I found here....

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So... Cloptopia · 8:55am Oct 12th, 2015

[1:26:11 AM | Edited 1:28:55 AM] KittyKat Noote: it's come to the point where i own a super productive town that can
[1:26:24 AM] KittyKat Noote: - bribe off any changeling invasion away with the sheer amount of bits
[1:26:47 AM | Edited 1:40:43 AM] KittyKat Noote: - my townsfolk are rolling in so much food and bits that they donate a lot of surplus food and bits to me and spend most of their day having sex

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Updates:: Friends With Benefits:: More Incest · 2:41pm May 24th, 2019

So Yeah
I kind of dropped off the map for a little while there
Just a mix of more computer issues and getting sick
So things are coming along a little slow but they are coming
I am working on the New Chapter of Pull Me Closer of the Friends With Benefits continuity
I'm also working on some other clop including a Twi x Mom fic which you'll see soon
And even though progress has been slow, they're coming out great

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Princesses, Sirens and Updates · 9:40pm Apr 19th, 2019

So I've got a new computer and can start writing again
And I have a lot that I want to write
So here's what you can expect

With the Incest is Wincest contest almost over, I'm going to focus on that
I'm going to go ahead and try writing both entries I mentioned beforehand
You can expect me to post the Celestia x Luna fic within the next few days
And the Dazzlings fic before the end of the month, hopefully.

Due to that,

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October Pains, October Plans · 6:33pm Oct 11th, 2021

So, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? The last time I posted a blog here, things weren’t so hot in my life. And frankly, they’re not getting much better. My mother’s cancer has likely spread to other parts of her abdomen, my father got conned out of $5,000, I’m stuck at a fast food job I hate, the jobs I want that can actually pay a livable wage are not showing up, the one decent job I have a good chance at probably isn't going to tell me if I’m accepted until mid-November if I'm even accepted at

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June Schedule - Hoodwinked Returns - SWWC Season Finale - Three New Clops - Where Is Everypony? · 8:47pm Saturday

Hello, everypony. Enjoying Pride Month! I did plan to have a gay fic come out this month but after the utter chaos that was May I've decided to trim back on some clops. Not to say its over, but outside of finishing Sleeping Dragon and posting a holiday piece, the only other clop you are getting is another side story of SWWC. If you have kept up with the updates seen

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Book Review: Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus · 5:27am Jul 12th, 2020

... yes, I bought it. It was too damn funny not to get. And I'm reviewing it because I might as well, right?

Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus is, first and foremost, a parody work by Chuck Tingle, and it is erotic fiction. Be warned, all ye who go beyond here. Also, minor spoilers ensue.

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Viewing 561 - 570 of 570 results