
Viewing 301 - 320 of 386 results

"Daring Do...", ch. 11!!!! How have we even got this far?!.. (+ Bonus rant.) · 2:12am Oct 9th, 2023

This time it's only taken me eight months. Four, actually, since I was busy writing "The tale of the Spy" back in spring. After that I experienced happiness... Then in subsequent months I absolutely lost my marbles over my good-for-nothing colleagues :twilightangry2:!.. I guess, I also watched MLP... Boy did that stabilise my mental state :pinkiecrazy:!.. This time I pushed past season 4 and revisited seasons 5 and 6...

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A Quick Update, December 2023 Edition · 10:42pm Dec 20th, 2023

I still haven't received the picture yet--not surprising, considering that people tend to be busy during the month of December--but work on M.L.G. continues. I've got two chapters done. Well, technically one and a third chapters done: material for the second day of Gray's challenge is finished, but the third day has enough material going for it that what I have finished will be the first part of three.

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Getting some writing done tonight · 11:34pm Jan 5th, 2016

Hey guys. Just want to let you fellas know I'm sorry for taking too long with the chapter. I'm not going to say the chapter is complicated, because that's not why it hasn't been published yet. I've been distracted lately and a bit busy with some RL stuff, been filling out job applications and such and so far I haven't gotten any response. It's a bit stressful, really.

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Life Is Like a Bag of Potato Chips · 12:03am Feb 3rd, 2023

...and mine's full of de-Lays.

Let's see... slight increase in work at the office? Check. "SimCity 2000" being as attention grabbing as ever? Check. General tiredness? Check. Tax season? Check. Favorite YouTubers and Twitch streamers playing stuff like Pizza Tower, Hi-Fi Rush, Luck Be a Landlord, etc.? Check. Needing to spend time with the family (and the family's cats)? Triple-check.

But all things considered... yeah, I'm good to go to work on another chapter. Back in business.

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Just Another Quick Update · 3:54am Dec 30th, 2022

The good news is that there's a real chance that I'll be able to post the latest chapter of M.L.G. sometime tomorrow. I'm having a lot more fun writing this chapter than I did Glintlock's (partially because a certain gold-digging ditz is making her return), so I'm typing it out at a pretty good clip. The bad news is that work's probably going to get in the way tomorrow, so if it doesn't get posted on Friday, it's going to have to wait a day or two.

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I think I have discovered why my foot feels weird. · 5:31am Jul 29th, 2020

I have literally every non-painful symptom of spider veins in my foot, according to the Mayo clinic: It's a much closer match to what I actually am experiencing than what I got off of other sites like WebMD, which said something along the lines of "you've got carpal tunnel but in your feet".

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Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost & Hopeful Return · 12:58pm May 14th

Hello again, everyone!

First of all, I just want to say that the second story of The Scooby-Doo! Mysteries is up on It's inspired by Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost. If you guys can't see it on your end, then just be patient. has this weird habit of not uploading stories/chapters immediately the moment they get published on some servers.

Here's the link for those interested:

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Merry Christmas!!! Chapter 17 is almost ready. · 8:43pm Dec 24th, 2016

Chapter 17 is in the works and is almost done. It just needs to go through a proofread and a few corrections. Sadly this means it won't be out before Christmas. Sorry. But it will be out a day or two after. Hooray!

In the meantime. Have a Merry Christmas!!!!


New chapter, other changes. · 11:06pm Dec 4th, 2015

I submitted chapter 2 of Apple of Discord! Now you can finally go read it. Yay!

i submitted like an hour and fifteen minutes ago and there haven't even been any comments or thumbs yet oh god i have no idea what people are thinking help meeeeeeee

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Status Update · 5:26am Apr 9th, 2016

So my computer is no longer with us:applecry::fluttercry: (the graphics card is fried and sense it was a laptop it was integrated with the motherboard so I need a new computer:twilightangry2:) it lasted me a good four years and I have gotten a lot of good use from it, but I am now forced to use my tablet to wright When the Time Comes (this blog post was written using it and with no key-board it makes it rather tedious to write). So unfortunately it will take longer than hoped to finish the

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Ultra Sun Status/Temp hiatus · 10:44pm Nov 21st, 2017

So, I just beat Ultra Necrozma in Ultra Sun, and I am now on my way to the Pokemon League.

And my current Team is Primarina, Lycanroc (Dusk), Blaziken, Venusaur, Zekrom, and Lunala. (Yes, two legendaries that I transferred from Pokemon Bank. And I also transferred all my Battle Tree Pokemon, my starters, all my fossil Pokemon, and the Legendaries I can't get in Ultra Sun. So, yeah. Sue me that I jumped from 15 percent to 70 percent on my pokedex in about ten minutes. I dare you.)

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An Update and a Teaser · 7:27pm Feb 10th, 2023

First off, the next chapter's coming along despite my life's usual attempts at stalling it. I'm guessing either the 17th or the 20th for the update. As another reminder, it's going to be darker and heavier-handed compared to the previous chapter (something that I never thought I'd say about one of my stories), to the point that I'm going to be adding another red tag. Consider yourself warned.

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So. A major update on life. Plus "Daring Do...", ch. 8, is up! · 4:07pm Apr 21st, 2020

Nope, I've not been struck by the virus (cough, COVID-19, cough) and hopefully shall not be.

The quarantine is not a burden: I don't go to places much. It appears, it will be over soon. Hopefully very soon. But probably not so soon.

Despite how much time I have now... not much energy is in me... I could hardly bring myself to write...

But here it is: the 8-th chapter of "Daring Do...". Do you like it? Things are escalating! I hope, you are excited!

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Guess what · 10:36pm May 24th, 2023

Also I completed a rough draft and Set Sail will be updating soonish :)


Status Update, April 2024 Edition · 2:02pm April 15th

Part of my slowness in writing M.L.G.'s latest chapter is for the usual reasons: tiredness, minor depression, having other things on the mind, that sort of thing. However, in what can only be described as "whimsy", I've recently decided to complete a list of all of the intentional shout-outs and references in the story as of the most recent chapter.

Don't ask me why. I couldn't explain it if I tried. :rainbowlaugh:


What awaits us this new year? Dive deeply head-first! · 11:05pm Jan 2nd, 2020

No more champagne, and the fireworks are through...

But, hey, it's a brand-new decade! The 20-s! Now the 10-s (as well, as the events of "Undertale") are the past... But we are those, who lived and might say: "The 201x, eh? It's now!" Not any more...

Welp, new adventures shall unfold before us! Who's with me? Who else is filled with determination?!

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News on my stories. Also: there's a writing tool I've discovered. · 6:44pm Dec 22nd, 2021

(Also New year is nigh :yay:.)

This day is, as it appears... No, wait... That was yesterday, on the 21-st of December -- the December solstice. Year's midnight, as it were. The "night" will end, and with it will the winter.

Still, New year is nigh. We've got still some time left till that. Nine days... Whose New year tree is ready :raritywink:?

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My Own Reality status update (7-1-2018) · 8:22pm Jul 1st, 2018

1 - "Wake up" - draft 2
2 - "Take a look around" - draft 2 (unfinished)

Chapter 2 is currently ongoing revision after an awkwardly-written (and unnecessary) dream sequence. I've temporarily removed it from the chapter, and I'll likely do some major rewriting tonight.


I am procrastinating. · 1:11am Dec 22nd, 2021

I mean, that's why I'm writing up a blog post, no?

So yeah. The holidays approach with the sure inevitability of a festive-themed glacier. Or something. The good news is, I've gotten just about all the big stuff tended to. Gifts have been acquired and wrapped (for the most part), and plans for the holiday weekend are in place. Even got a booster shot yesterday, which, roughly 24 hours later, has me feeling a bit achey, but it's certainly better than the alternative.

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"Stallion of Tomorrow" Status Update · 7:27pm Feb 25th, 2021

Hey all. Just making a little post here to let you know how things are going and to address a few things.

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 386 results