
Viewing 1 - 20 of 388 results

The Spy story: new chapter up! · 1:20am Jan 13th, 2020

It's been ten days, no? Well, "The tale of the Spy" has just been updated!

Next on the list -- "Daring Do..."! I'll try to publish soon, but stuff may happen... Do stay tuned!


Story waiting for approval... again? Cursed be tiny formatting issues! · 6:50pm Jan 23rd, 2019

So, apparently, they didn't like my hyphens out there...


No, seriously, curse you, you bureaucrats, for failing my submission because of a tiny formatting issue!!! Uh... May you all ch-change for the best, why shan't you?..

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Story status update · 8:41pm Oct 16th, 2018

Yesterday my story had finally undergone a transformation from a 500-word draft to a fully shaped narrative!

Hooray! Now, if only I knew, how to lead this tale to conclusion... Which will be I know what, but what happens for that conclusion to transpire? What I am sure of is, that shenanigans shall ensue, and then laughs shall be had... but that's it. How all of this is going to happen -- I have no idea.

I'll see, what I can do about it...


Story approved. YAY! Party? YEAH!!! Also: what's next? · 10:20pm Jan 24th, 2019

So... I was on my way to the pre-exam exercise (sort of "exercise")... and I happened to check the e-mail.

* Your story has been approved.

We need a victory jingle!

All of them!

This may call for a PARTY!!!

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Story status update: some more (sort of...) rereading, error correction and comment removal ahoy. Also: chapters. · 10:01pm Dec 17th, 2018

As I promised, all of the steps to take before publishing are processed. Publishing, however...

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Story status update: Coming soon!.. · 12:46am Jan 20th, 2019

As of starting this entry, it's past midnight, 20.01.19, Sunday.

The night before last Friday I finally got to the end of my to-be story! Culmination and resolution!.. The former, anyway. The night before last Friday and the night before Saturday past (or present for those living western-more of UTC+0) I grafted till the (both) mornings! I would do it now as well, but... may I, please, have a sleep :fluttershysad:?

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Status of #8 · 5:15pm Oct 9th, 2015

I'm currently enjoying myself immensely slash performing research by reading Side Jobs.

Just finished Backup. (:pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiesad2: :pinkiesick:) But I'll have a more detailed write-up later, like I did for Skin Games a bit back.

(Tagged spoilers inside that link for those of you not caught up with Skin Games but insisting on reading Dark Horse anyway.)

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Dark Horse status update with a bit more meat on the bones this week · 10:43am Oct 2nd, 2015

I'm still mostly focused on the new, more polished final-arc outline (21624 words) but I've also started a bit on the V2 of #8. (4372 words.)

Interestingly enough, it does seem like the story will be 12-14 chapters long right now. Something I've been hoping but not banking on.

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Dark Horse Status Update · 7:15pm Apr 3rd, 2017

The final, final outline is done. Took a long time, a lot of trials and tribulations, tons of feedback I'm extremely grateful for...

But think I'm going to be real proud of this one, when all is said and done. :yay:

Number of chapters left and current planned names, behind the cut. For those of you that prefer to be surprised.

As always, thanks for your patiance, and for reading. :raritywink:

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Where have you been, young man? · 5:50pm Aug 6th, 2016

So it has been... quite a while since I posted anything here. I have the month free, after college assignments and system upgrades, might as well post this, to let you guys know I'm still alive.

I know what you all want me to update (and in fact, that is why I'm tagging it), and I assure you I want to finish it. I haven't touched it in a few months now, so I need to review what I do already have and try to get that thing out ASAP.

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Report rcmero · 440 views · #status update

Status Update — #9 · 1:12am Oct 12th, 2016

Cross-posted from my front-page.

Next chapter #09 — ~10% Done — 0 Words.
(Outline done, but nothing written yet.)

For the obvious follow-up question, I'm hoping for an update on Dresden's birthday, (31'st) but I'm currently sick with a bad cold, and you guys know me and the accuracy of my ETAs by now.

Would be cool, though. Both in timing and the two updates in a month thing, but no outright promises right now.


Status Update 6/26/2018 · 4:12am Jun 27th, 2018

Good news! The cover for Synchrony is finished!

How do you like it? It was made by Hap, who I know from Discord. Hurray for friendship! :pinkiehappy:

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Report Fangren · 338 views · #Status updates

State of the author, road-map · 11:29am Sep 8th, 2018

So... woke up to this question in my Discord this morning:

So, I woke up from a dream where Dorky offered to write up a spoiler post since his pone fics are unlikely to be finished in the next decade. If I asked you this, how will you respond?

You know what? Seems a fair question with how slow things are going, so thought I'd outline my current plans for my writing, and for my stories.

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State of the author (—'s nose) · 9:42pm Nov 30th, 2018

Good news: A turn for the worse made me realize that the over-the-counter stuff wasn't actually working made me go see a real doctor a few days ago. He basically listened for two minutes, knocked lightly on my head and cheek, and said: 'Yup, that's a bad sinus infection, alright.'

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Dark Horse Status · 5:35pm Dec 17th, 2017

Pro: Writing is going well, if slow. :raritywink:

Con: Chapter will probably not be completely done and proof-read until January, something. :fluttershbad:

11490 words, 32 pages, ~85-90% done.

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Status Update 12/23/17 · 6:55pm Dec 23rd, 2017

Ah, I really should have made more use of these this month... oh well...

Anyway, Sunset in Ponyville is officially live! Well, the first chapter anyway - expect the second chapter a week from today, and then probably a chapter of Synchrony a week after that? After that... well, who knows. I'm gonna try and rework my schedule a bit in the New Year, so it's hard to say. I do know that I'd like to edit Oathmaker a little bit at least just to polish it up a bit.

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Report Fangren · 305 views · #Status updates

Status Update 5/4/2018 · 4:15am May 5th, 2018

Great news! Not only did Sunset reach 100 likes, but I also finished writing chapter 13 of Synchrony today! :pinkiehappy:

And, of course, I got started on the seventh chapter of Sunset.

898 words to finish one chapter, plus 452 words to start another, equals a pretty hefty 1,350 words total for the day! :pinkiegasp: Bringing my overall total for the month to 4,582. Not too shabby! :rainbowdetermined2:

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Report Fangren · 275 views · #Status updates

Status Update 5/25/2018 · 4:20am May 26th, 2018

Uggh, writing felt like a slog today... barely managed to get to 1,016 words. I am seriously going to try and end this chapter tomorrow, I think it going on for so long is one of the big reasons I've been having some trouble with it.

Cumulative word count is now 25,219!

Report Fangren · 238 views · #Status updates

Status Update 8/20/2018 · 4:05am Aug 21st, 2018

Hey all! Just wanted to announce that I have officially begun work on the tenth chapter of Sunset in Ponyville. 1,035 words written, many more to go! It's gonna be... an interesting chapter, I think. :twilightsmile:

Report Fangren · 263 views · #Status updates

Status Update 9/21/2018 · 4:48am Sep 22nd, 2018

After a bit of a slow start this afternoon, I managed to really break in to the flow and feel of the chapter and have ended the day with 1,126 words written, putting this chapter of Sunset at a current total of 1,560.

Part of the reason for such a slow start is because the sort of drama that this chapter is gonna be is... not really my usual fare, I don't think? So it takes a while for my mind to get into the right mindset to wanna write it, if that makes sense.

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Report Fangren · 242 views · #Status updates
Viewing 1 - 20 of 388 results