
Viewing 201 - 220 of 1,203 results

Believe it or not... · 6:36am Nov 18th, 2017

The Rise of Warfang is only several chapters away from completion!

I thank those who had been reading the story for your support, and I hope you continue to stick with me just a little bit longer. :twilightsmile:


#ThankYouMLP · 6:48am Oct 11th, 2015

I know I haven't posted a blog recently. In the past two months. But I have been blogging. Of the video variety, so you can't fault me for that.

Anyway! As it is still the fifth anniversary of MLP:FiM in far flung regions of the world still (namely Alaska and Hawaii), here is a video I recorded earlier about why I am a fan and why I will still be a fan after the show ends. Enjoy!

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Anniversary Progress (Slightly Important) · 2:42pm Feb 24th, 2017

To all those who have allowed mer to use their OC: Thank you! I've been making some serious progress on the final work and have implemented a lot of the OCs that were given! Recently, I made a little comic that explained how the celebration was put together and gave little hints of what is to come in a couple of months. But truthfully, I have to say thank you for being there with me all this time and helping me out. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Yet Another Unfortunate Update · 1:35pm Aug 5th, 2020

Not to worry anyone, but due to real life events (I'm borderline homeless despite working full time due to bills/late fees, a family member is in serious trouble and I'm trying to help, health is poor and I fear I might not recover) I may not be able to write soon. Hopefully a false alarm since I'd hate to leave any story finished, let alone several, but feel it's only fair to warn my readers.

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Report Dr Sharaz Jek · 198 views · #Update #Thanks #Sorry

Showing His Place: Sacrifice is back in progress!!! · 8:50pm Sep 4th, 2020

Holy friggin' CRAP!! I put up the donation poll yesterday for people to help fund a new chapter of Sacrifice, and I honestly didn't think it would be that successful! I had the total goal at $300, which would be enough to fund a 15K word chapter for the story; but much to my shock (and also possibly me sleeping in this morning), I ended up raising a total of $455!!!

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I reached it: 300 · 9:00pm Oct 9th, 2019

300 followers. That's a small number compared to other users, but 300 was enough to hold back 200,000 Persians. Each of you can make a difference, and you have. You're all meaningful to me. You are a difference in my life, and I'm grateful for each and every single one of you. You are my best friends. And I couldn't ask for better ones.

*massive group hug!*

Report BradyBunch · 237 views · #thank #you #300

New cover art · 8:38am May 26th, 2020

Big thanks to Sonata Dusk951 for the cover art edits.
Hope ya like it

Still working on the next chapter but it will take longer due to my exams this week gotta focus on that but as I said in my A.N after Friday I will be working a lot on this story and Queen of the north.

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Thank you for 1K views! · 4:34am Aug 16th, 2020

A Day for Family has officially been viewed over one thousand times! I don't know how big of an achievement that is(If it even is one), but heck if I care! I can't express just how grateful I am that so many of you found my story interesting enough to read! I really hope you all enjoyed it.
Thank you so much, everyone!


I hit 600 followers thank you all. · 5:48pm Jan 24th, 2021

Hey all I know I have been dark for awhile due to me well being busy and what not. But I notice I hit 600 followers so I wanted to say thank you to everyone for making it possible. I have no idea why you follow and enjoy my stuff but it means the world to me you do.

Report DHeroRedMagma · 158 views · #milestone #hit #thank #you

Over 50 Followers · 11:53pm Feb 1st, 2020

I know it's not a big list of followers, and everyone has a different reason for following me, but I do feel that I should say I appreciate you all. Honestly I should have probably made this post at 50, kind of a land mark thing, but I try to not say something unless I have something to say. I guess this is an exception to that. Unfortunately as some of you know, I don't always have something good to say, or I sometimes put my foot in my mouth.
But ultimately I just wanted to say this:

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Thank You · 1:07pm Jul 3rd, 2022

Never before has one of my stories become this loved or this popular, well aside from my TheRussianBadger story, but that was a shitpost, so it doesn't really count. I am honestly proud of what I have made and I thank you all for supporting my story. I will be taking a short break to let my burn out simmer down so I can ensure I am at peak efficiency. So do not worry comrades, I shall return. Once again, thank you all, and glory to the union.


Behind the Mind of Countryside Knight's Origins and first half. · 3:21am Dec 10th, 2022

Behind the Mind

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Report Dark Krystal · 177 views · #BTM #Thanks #Writing

Appreciation Post? · 4:58pm Feb 19th, 2019

I guess, now that the season is coming to a close, I just...really want to give full appreciation to the people who made this site possible. The fact that I didn't have to cave to ao3 like I do w my other big fandoms, it means a whole lot. Because pony fiction and their world and their own space for ponies only. Thank u to everyone who kept this site alive. :))


100. · 3:47am Sep 18th, 2020

Boy's and girls.

I've hit 100 followers!

I've gotta' say, I didn't expect to get this many. From starting off with a... well, questionable start with 'The Diary' I've made it here! I'm glad people have liked my stuff, and I'm glad that I was able to get onto featured dozens of times. I question if I'm even deserving of that praise.

Since I've hit 100 followers, I plan to do something for you all!

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61 Followers! · 3:33am Jul 1st, 2015

Thank you everyone for deciding to follow a foolish guy who likes to write about ponies. XD

To show you some of my appreciation here is one of my favorite brony songs, by one of my favorite artist. Enjoy


I wrote my most successful story in one night. · 1:30am May 6th, 2019

Very few things can make me, DIO, smile so brightly.

Earlier this morning, (relatively night, since it was really early and I hadn't slept), I wrote a little story that was meant to be an expression of sadness.

Even I, DIO, can be sad from time to time.

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Report DIO Brando · 196 views · #thanks #stories #update

Just a notice and a question · 1:11am Jul 3rd, 2019

I've decided to write normally, but edit my chapters later to include a ton more description. At the moment, I've about half finished the first chapter, which has jumped over 1k words from the almost 2k words it originally was.

I noticed I was writing more similarly to the translated webnovels I've been reading in recent years, than the descriptive western novels I remember reading when I was younger.

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Another Milestone hit · 7:15am Apr 24th, 2019

So I noticed I hit 200 followers now, I know to some this might seem like not too big of a deal but to me it is. I have said it before but I am quite thankful for any follower I get or anyone who enjoys my stories in any way. So once again I know this is cliche but sometimes cliches are good but thank you everyone

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Happy Halloween / Day of the Dead, Thanks for everything, and What's to come. · 3:45pm Oct 30th, 2018

*insert theMeatly's theme here*

Hey guys. I am going to be honest, HAPPY HALLOWEEN. I love this time of year, when I get to scare the crap out of people.

I am going to say this, I believe a whole backstory should be in order.

The Asylum
coming soon

Report PenHeart3 · 152 views · #Thank-You #preview

We're Moving: Thank You From All of Us! · 3:27am Aug 21st, 2020

I'm happy to announce to everyone that we've landed a new apartment only 20 minutes away from our current home!

This is a huge video thank you from Sunny Stage and Primary Colour for all your help in finding us a new home (just below)! We're actually moving in Saturday the 22nd! (Forgive me for not letting you all know earlier, it's been completely insane!)

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Report Amber Spark · 933 views · #thank you #moving
Viewing 201 - 220 of 1,203 results