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Comments ( 36 )
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Isn't it funny how people complain whenever an Equestrian eats meat—which is something that real horses can and do consume on occasion—yet they never raise a breath about tomatoes or coffee or chocolate?

Real life horses will get messed up by products such as tomatoes, potatoes (also a nightshade, like tomatoes), and even mustards.

Coffee and chocolate both contain caffeine, which is a substantial neurotoxin for equines.

Comparatively? Meat is really not that harmful, and is even nutritious. In quantity it will be harmful of course—they are still herbivores, and too much meat will mess them up. For the ponies in the show, they are strict vegetarians, according to Pinkie Pie, but this is probably a cultural barrier more than anything. They sure seem to have no trouble killing fish to feed to their animals!

Of course, this all reminds me of how I saw a commentor once complain about how horses can't vomit... this, when we have seen Pinkie Pie vomit.

Equestrians have wildly different dietary needs and limitations from real life horses. Think twice before writing up a comment whinging about it.

For those interested in some common and uncommon things harmful to our friendly neighborhood earth horses, see below:
List of Plants Poisonous to Equines

Who would want to deny delicious bacon to ponies anyway?


Small note on this: ponies eating eggs is canon; Rarity made eggs for breakfast in Sisterhooves Social (Sweetie Belle got to put on the garnish).

But I hardly hear anybody say anything about Pinkie Pie and her hot dog eating contests that she apparently competes in.
Watch running of the leaves. It's there. Maybe that's where the inspiration for Cupcakes came from. :pinkiesick:


The original hot dog is a meat dish from the Griffon Kingdoms. That is also where hot dog eating contests originated. As trade between the griffons and ponies increased, so did cultural exchange, with members of both species spending increasing amounts of time in each others' cities.

It was inevitable, then, that one day the right kind of pony would see a hot dog eating contest, and have her only thought be That looks like fun! She walked right up and asked to participate in the contest, no further questions asked. The Griffons looked at each other, shrugged, and let her enter. They figured she already knew what she was getting into.

To everygriffon's surprise, the pony won. Well... she ate the most hot dogs, at least. Just before she was to be crowned the winner, the judge remarked that he had had no idea that some ponies ate meat. Unfortunately, keeping your food down is part of winning any eating contest, and the pony was shortly disqualified.

The brief and fleeting taste of victory, however, lingered long after the taste of meat. The next year, the pony returned to the Griffon Kingdoms armed with something new: the Soy Dog. After some begging and pleading with the judges, she was allowed to compete, and she won handily. The resultant media blitz made the soy dog immensely popular back home, but since it was made famous in a contest of eating hot dogs, it is commonly and erroneously known in Equestria by that name.

<themoreyouknow.gif> :trollestia:

is that canon?


I just made it up. But we can pretend it's canon if that's what you're into, baby. :moustache:

"Haha, silly, he's not into cannons, I'm into cannons!"
But Pinkie-

Ponies have also been observed in the possession of ham sandwiches.

Pinkie Pie was clearly lying to the buffalo. Their diet isn't strictly vegetarian at all.

They are probably primarily vegetarian, but... well, even real world horses are known to consume meat on rare occasion, on their own. People have fed their horses meat deliberately in certain conditions (very far north) and the horses have done just fine.

I doubt most of them would freak out over meat in general, though I could see them freaking out over someone eating another intelligent creature.

Also, Fluttershy is probably the least squeamish about it, given she has, you know, killed fish and fed them to her otters. Contrary to the stories where she freaks out over it.

Oh well~



Vegetarians eat eggs (generally). It's vegans that eschew all animal derived products such as eggs and dairy.

That's what I get for posting at 2 in the morning after wrapping presents.

I mean, I never said anything silly .


Reality has been edited.

There... was a glitch in the matrix.

We've got our eye on you.

Matrix hotfix.

It fixes one thing and breaks 27,031,411 other things.


I look at it that the ponies are primary vegetarians but can digest meat. Culturally they choose not to eat animal products, and in the case of cows they choose not to eat beef because cows are just as sapient.

Pinkie Pie once talked about eating a hot dog.

2454553 Hmm, and I thought I was being careful on what I was including in Equestrian cuisine. :rainbowderp: That's a longer list than I expected. :pinkiegasp:

Am I the only one imagining ponies zerg-rushing after a human, screaming "Meeeeat! MEEEEEAT!"?

I think you're imagining Dragonheart. :pinkiehappy:


Dragonheart? Fun movie, that one. Second-best dragon on the big screen ever, after this new Smaug. :heart:


Hotdogs need not be meat.


While that looks like a ham sandwich, it's not identified as such. Could be fake meat (which is sorta weird for them to have reason to make, but whatever) could be an orchid petal even. Or it's just a readily identifiable as sandwich illustration from someone not thinking about it. Whatevs.

Also, that bit about Fluttershy reminded me of this comic:

2458167 that made me laugh more than it should have

Yes they do.
If they are not meat, they are soy dogs.

Honestly if that image is the one i think it is it makes sense to see meat there. its a luxury item that is obscure and slightly unethical and "Dangerous"
it would show up in the kind of high society applejack was trying to make way to.

As for ponies being freaked out about meat. Ponies seem to be slightly aggressive when it comes to predators, even though I think they could still be freaked out by omnivorous diet.

I think the real freak out potential of meat is that ponies have a quadroped body plan. that means virtually every cut of meat that is consumed by us or other meat eating creatures is going to correspond with disturbing accuracy to their own flesh. when they examine that cut of meat, they can imagine it more clearly as part of their body. the same effect would probably happen if you went to a butcher that specialized (god forbid) in great ape meat.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

Was there any particular reason you felt the need to respond to a thread that's over two years old? :trixieshiftright:

Trolls are the least original people ever. They all troll in exactly the same way as all the other trolls. Currently, the vogue is thread necromancy. Since it annoys people, but is never punished. If you delete the necropost, your post and mine, it'll drop off the group list.


But look at their avatar! Surely this one can be forgiven.

Nyah. They're probably the treasonous Ponymura, not Ponydoka. They must be destroyed before it's too late!

Maybe if it had been cuter.


Well it is an earth pony, so probably not Madoka. I guess Mami took Madoka for herself, leaving Homura looking for someone who looks like Madoka to fill the void.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor

Ehh, I'm not gonna worry about deleting it at this point. But I'm not above slapping around this same user if I see it again.

Because I had something relevant to the discussion and felt it was still worth having. If coming back to a topic no matter how interesting fills you with OCD rage because the thread is old, then I suggest you do your worst because there is no point in creating a new thread with the same premise and I will not do so.

Necroposting became infuriating to people because 90% of the time when it was first becoming a thing, people where waiting for the original poster to post more of some kind of content, fanfiction, art, news. and the presence of new posts in the thread led people to mistakenly believe there would be some. This is just a discussion thread, so you are literally acting in parallel to the monekys pictured. Only this time, there is no banana on the ladder and never was.


there is no point in creating a new thread with the same premise

What about notifying new users who weren't in the group when the thread was originally posted and pay more attention to their feed than the groups dashboard? :applejackunsure: 2 years can make a lot of difference...

(Disclaimer: I personally don't mind thread necromancy, but I do see how some people are annoyed by it.)

Elric of Melnipony
Group Contributor


I had something relevant to the discussion

...a discussion that has been had dozens of times since then, all over the fandom. This is not the only instance of this topic.

felt it was still worth having

Well, you can have it in one of other places where it's currently ongoing.

If coming back to a topic no matter how interesting fills you with OCD rage

If I were raging, you would know it. Trust me. As it is, I merely find you annoying... and inconsiderate.

do your worst

Well, I wasn't necessarily gonna... but then I read the rest of your post. Enjoy your ban from the group.

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