I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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Kaidan #1 · May 10th, 2013 · · 5 ·

Google Cache of EQD hypocrisy

Speaks for itself. Finally, hard evidence that EQD is deliberately being an ass.

I like it; the original creator removes it so you go and find a cache of it.



Someone from EqD probably got all buttmad and raged at OP.

I thought I was supposed to be surprised?

Actually we had quite a bit of internal discussion about it, and none of us were particularly hostile towards the author. In fact, more than one of us had already started writing up an explanation of it, but I'm not certain if those were sent to the author or not.

(And for the record, OP, I don't see how this counts as hypocrisy. It's a bit rude, sure, but it's not hypocritical.)

If you really want to get rid of it, try these steps for removing a cached page from google. I'm not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a shot.

Here we go. Again. Let the baseless speculation and knee-jerk reactionary posting begin! :pinkiecrazy:

it's the best kind of classy my friend. :derpytongue2:

least i know who down voted your post :rainbowlaugh:


I'll get the booze.

970726 You seem.....perturbed. :trollestia:


Of course. I hope those pre-readers are given a long and serious talk on professionalism.... And how not to send emails to the wrong people.



Thanks. :twilightsmile:


Meh. I thought I was done with this, but the Internet seems to have other ideas. :raritycry:

Realize that this is the Internet. Once something is on it, it CANNOT be removed. It's completely impossible. There will ALWAYS be a record of it somewhere.

970826 And for the record, I didn't think your story was generic or free of conflict.

Huhuhuhuhuhuh. Sun. Because it's a reference to being shot into the burning nuclear orb that powers the solar system.

Yeah! Fire!

Comment posted by The Psychopath deleted May 11th, 2013

970684 What I didn't write though, is that they love to use "big boy words" to make themselves look intelligent. It really makes me want to punch them.

970726 Whazza matter? That's from you? Shall I harvest your organs?

970713 Give them a talk?

I'd take a 10 foot pole, lather it in gasoline, ram it up their asses then hold a cigarette lighter up to it.

It really shows how unprofessional, biased and really just complete assholes the EQD pre-readers are, I've sent stories there and they were denied for much less than legitimate reasons.

1) You're talking to a pre-reader, so I'm glad you feel that way.
2) Nothing about this situation is biased.
3) Sorry for being human and joking around internally. The message wasn't meant for the public and would never be intentionally sent to the public.
4) I would say something here about the stories you've allegedly sent and what the reasoning for rejections were, but alas, you have none on your profile.

EqD is shit at fanfiction. at other stuff it's okay because that's what it's designed for, news about brony content NOT literature. FIMfiction is the best site for MLP fanfics (and possibly fanfics as a whole but that's for another time) because it's designed for them. EqD is a site about news. that said if they are going to have stories on it then try to be a little more professional. you are really biting yourself in the foot here...

I would like to remind you guys that although I completely agree that EqD is not great by doing what you are doing here is not helping the Author.


972911 I commented in a post a while back that said it was on fanfiction.net, long story short, I had 5 pre-readers on a story, nearly grammatically flawless, they denied it for improper use of ellipses, I used one total in my story and all of my prereaders said it was alright, then I wrote one about Trixie running a motel, didn't send it to my prereaders so it had a ton of errors and it was on the site the next day.

And another thing, why are you in "I Hate Equestria Daily" when your a prereader for it?


They kinda like it here. I'm thinking they'd like to listen to our complaints, but I think they are here because they like to mock us or are masochists. xD :trollestia:

Just kidding.

So I can respond to dumb stuff like this.

976599 Why? The whole point of this group is so we can bitch and moan, why bother replying when that's EXACTLY what we're going to be doing irregardless of your arguments.

Because when someone is wrong on the internet, I can't let it slide.

976560 I think you were talking to me about that ^^. Man that brings back memories.

"Free of conflict"? How is becoming extremely paranoid and delusional all because your friends aren't there on time free of conflict? It's a conflict of the MIND. Anyway, that's my two cents on that. Also, some pre-readers in EqD are asshats. That's all.

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