I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
Comments ( 42 )
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Exactly as the topic says.

I think the pre-read process needs to be streamlined, badly. As of now, it appears that they have too many stories for the pre-readers to handle, which results in backlogs of weeks to months.

And I also think they need to clean up the comments section. Seriously, that's like the worst part. There's enormous amounts of hate and vitriol coming from that area.

get pre-readers that are actually knowledgeable about pre-reading. a few of my stories have been rejected for reasons that are not even close to legitimate.

Get pre-readers who aren't so obsessed with grammar.


Improve the pre-reader bias by making at least two pre-readers look something over. When both agree to accepting it, they'll analyze it together and give their opinions WITH evidence to back it up. If they deny it equally, not with bias, then that's fine too. If one agrees, and the other one does not, then take it up to Sethisto for judgement. He is the site admin, after all.

As for other things: I believe they should improve the way they look at stories. Grammar, okay I get that. Good grammar is awesome. However, content is the most important part of the story. Who'd read 100,000 words of Pinkie staring at a rock?

Fire pre-readers, ask the readers of EQD for opinion about the stories that should be posted or not. Like a list of the stories sent so they can be checked, and then vote to see which ones deserved to pass.

922414, like what?

Anyways, about the pre-readers, I think they need to work on consistency and eliminating the genre biases that occur more often than they should.

I would, if it were written well enough.

Pre-readers getting paid, EQD becoming a site site where you have to pay to view the content.

Maybe first try to get the money with donations but that will fail so back to being premium content.

Sounds like some change is in the works. They recently posted a survey asking various questions about different aspects of EQD and your experience with the site, and the fanfiction and prereader section is hands down the largest.


>Inb4 I get DarkWing to pay Alexstrazsa to write it

even better. get Bronystories to do it. just think about it. a 100,000 word story about Pinkie and Tom fucking each other's brains out.


Oh, God. How mad do you have to be to do this?

I'd do it if I got wasted off my ass first.

ha. ha. ha. if only my roommate would pay me back the 60 bucks he owes me, I could totally do it.


Lel. One day, we'll see it featured on EqD, fanfiction.net, Fimfiction and many sad stories will be sprouted from it. Soon, Pen Stroke will be bowing to you for your amazing creativity. You'll have over 2000 followers for the best fanfiction in the universe. It will have over 400,000 views and 10,000 likes to 1 dislike ratio.

who would dislike it?

EDIT: fucking Regidar.

A pre-reader admitted that they get a fuckton of stories, most really bad and most only getting the barest amount of change before getting sent back, which is why they made the three strike rule, but a lot of readers agreed the three strike rule needed to be tweaked a bit. This same pre-reader also admitted that a scant 3% of submissions make it through. It seemed like it was easier in the old days when there was less material. I have had some stories published, a couple of which I question why they got through because even I became unsatisfied with them later on.



Cease the posting of fanfics and deactivate the comments.

I second that motion. The anger and butthurt would cease in a heartbeat.

Edit: That's why I submitted (and subsequently got featured) on Equestria After Dark. It's more for clop, but that's more my taste anyhow.

Goldy #22 · Apr 27th, 2013 · · 2 ·

delete the website from existence

Get more pre-readers. Stop with the stupid rules. Expand the site to allow a bit spicier stories in.

Getting out of the fanfic side of the house altogether.

922407 They should allow HiE stories

They are allowed, just hated.

922626 I think 2516 people in one of the largest groups on this site disagree with you ^^.

I feel the pre-readers need to grade more on an actual set of rules and standards than what the individual pre-readers thinks are grounds for rejection.

I.E. my story got rejected because there were "too many grammatical errors" in its first chapter. I acknowledge that it does need some editing work, but some of my "errors" are mind boggling. One of the stupidest is how apparently the use of "AJ" to refer to Applejack is both a typo AND an instance of "Lavender Unicorn Syndrome" or something.

Yes. Using AJ to refer to Applejack is a typo even though the show the character comes from has other ponies address her as such since as early as S1E3.

There's also the fact said pre-reader flat out told me Granny Smith should not have a southern accent. Because THEY thought it sounded wrong.

922536 yes :pinkiecrazy: it will be the best thing to happen on this earth since sliced bread

I'll be the minority here any say allow humanized fics. The ones that are well-written deserve just as much of a shot as any other story.

This is called the FiMFiction feature box.


Top three groups and Human in Equestria is second largest. Your argument is invalid.

EDIT: oops forgot to add link lol

922767 I thought the feature box was suppossed to be selected randomly based on views and ratings for every story.

Yes, and views/upvotes are the readers saying what they like. Thus, the feature box is what is winning the current popularity contest. I wouldn't care to see that stuff on EqD most of the time.

Black pages and search systems that work.

How about they just don't do fanfics anymore. They've been passing nothing but uninteresting crap lately.

I wouldn't have a problem with them if they'd quit being ass holes about grimdark fics and clopfics. I'm not the biggest fan of clopfics personally, but their vendetta against both type of fics pisses me off. If you allow for proper rating and labeling, I don't see a problem. That's what FimFiction does, and I haven't seen any problems with it here. If you don't like clopfics, you ignore stories with the "Sex" label. If you don't like grimdarks, you ignore the "Dark" category. There's no reason to be such Nazis about them.

I think they need to clean up their interface a bit. It's kinda cluttered.

Also, they should ditch that rule about no Brony in Equestria fics and allow them to be posted if they meet their (admittedly, sometimes unreasonable) expectations.

An interesting idea would be panels of pre-readers for each genre. Hopefully, this will cut down on those people who fail a story simply because they hate the genre.

Finally, HiE fics; I know the vast majority of the fanbase there hates HiE, but that is no excuse for being a dick about it.

924603 At least the majority of the fanbase here like HIE as the human in equestria group is the second largest on the site ^^.

Fire all of the current moderators, hire new ones.

Also: Seth steps down.

Actually, here's something that would eliminate 99% of the complaints levied against them.

A code of conduct for the pre-readers, with punishments for those who break them.

The biggest complaint I see is that several of the pre-readers are unprofessional at best and outright rude at worst.

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