Positive Ponies 3,479 members · 1,462 stories
Comments ( 148 )
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23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Here, you can introduce yourselves and get to know each other a little better.

In this order:

Name: Kobe (or just your profile/OC name if you're not comfortable)
Age: 19 (again, if you're comfortable)
Interests: Movies, games and writing
Favorite Pony/Other: Fluttershy
Quirks: I'm a living textbook when it comes to films, lol. šŸ¤“


Comment posted by Bronycommander deleted Jul 27th, 2020

Name: Chris
Age: 24
Interests: Games, Reading, Music
Favorite Pony(?): Spike
Quirks Worry too much about others fighting.

Name: Dan
Age: 25
Interests: Imagining, playing, movies
Favorite Pony: Luna
Quirks: hate being labeled for disagreeing with something.

Name: Creative Delight. I just don't feel like giving me real name here on this site as I kind of like the role play in some way you can still get mu full name you just have to ask and become a good friend or find it is someway.
Age: 21 both human and pony
Interests: Movies, Games, Writing, fantasizing and being creative
Favorite Pony: Twilight and Celestia Celestia is my mother in one of the many multiverses.
Quirks: I am the proudest Retard you will ever find.
Have the biggest creatives mind you may ever find, I am fantasizing all the time to the point that I lose my self in thought, It means, sometimes I am thinking and am doing something but I don't remember what I was doing as well as being mentally tired every half-year that means I am mentally tired for as long as half a year takes more or less. fun pony to be around.

Name: Grace
Age: 16
Interests: Vectoring, Digital Art, and other stuff
Quirks: Iā€™m more on the cynical side, really.
Wait, literally 12?

Name: Niel
Age: 18
Interests: Gaming, movies, writing, reading, imagining, music, damn, I got many more but this is what I like the most.
Favourite pony: Rainbow Dash and Applejack.
Quirks: Always wanted to know new stuff and have fun with my friends. Especially in this site!

Comment posted by TasteDaRainbow deleted Aug 29th, 2020
Comment posted by BezierBallad deleted Aug 29th, 2020

Aw this is so cool! Iā€™ll give it a shot:pinkiehappy:
Name: eh, not 100% comfortable giving that out, but my friends on here call me Dawn or Snow:rainbowkiss:
Age: oop, I donā€™t really give that out either:rainbowwild:
Interests: Dance, writing/reading, daydreaming, baking, music, hugs, reallygoodfood, bible studies w/friends, aaannnddd cute/cartoon-y art
Favorite pony: Captain Spitfire (because sheā€™s awesome)
Quirks: I, uh, I talk to myself...a lot:twilightblush:, I laugh really loud and commentate on show/YouTube vids when I watch them by myself, and I internally freak out a little when making new friends.
Itā€™s so nice meeting you all!:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by TasteDaRainbow deleted Aug 29th, 2020
Comment posted by BezierBallad deleted Aug 29th, 2020

Name: Betty
Age: 36
Interests: Almost anything to do with ponies, vaping, pot smoking, writing, coffee
Favorite Pony/Other: Pinkie Pie
Quirks: I like coffee more than is legal and will almost always have a witty retort when you're talking to me...

Name: Nova
Age: not super comfortable sharing that
Interests: Games, reading, music
Favorite Pony: Sunset
Quirks: shy and introverted

You know the music, time to dance.

I'm Papa Fiddler. For convenience sake, most people just call me "Fiddler" or "Fidd". I won't share my real name because I don't really want people to figure out who I am IRL and do something stupid like send me mysterious packages and death threats. It's not that I'm expecting that, i just don't want to make it any easier for that kind of thing to happen. I'm 19 years old and I enjoy playing video games, hanging out with friends, and writing stories. One day I'd like to have a story published, but I'm under no illusions of grandeur, no illusions that the story I want to write is any more special or unique than the countless others that get pushed out to market assuming that they'll be instant bestsellers. Currently, I'm also a member of the Canadian Naval Reserve, but am debating whether or not to join full-time.

I find it hard to pin down which character is my favourite, mostly because there's a lot of them. I admire Applejack for her honest nature, as well as Rainbow Dash for her loyal streak. I find selflessness to be a virtue I aspire towards, though it's not always one I'm good at upholding. At best I am kind, and at worst I try to be polite. For some reason, I always get anxious when someone is looking at something I've worked on, and get nervous over how well I did on it regardless of if they praise my work or not.

I also like to reject your formatting and substitute my own.

Name: Not Enough Coffee.

Interests: reading, writing, drawing, philosophy, history, marine biology, self-improvement, and working. The last one being the virtue of responsibility and the meaning it gives my life.

Favorite pony: Celestia, and Applejack. The former for her benevolence and grace of duty, and the latter for her integrity, and discipline.

Quirks: Despite my name, I'm rather fond of tea.

I leave this little intro with a quote taken from the teachings of stoicism:

Donā€™t seek for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather wish that everything happens as it actually willā€”then your life will flow well.ā€ ā€“Epictetus

Interests: Gaming and making youtube videos
Fav Pony: none. Really.
Quirks: I aam weird and I will do stupid and weird stuff when I want. Im also a bit of a grammar nazi.

*ahem* testing testing.... Oh! Hi! Name's Mohamed A. Abubakar, but moi friends call me chrys or nameless one. I'm 13 years old, interested in being good employer, Fluttershy is bes pony, and my quirks are following people for kindness, and helping others. *drops mic*

Name: Leon
Age: 20
Interests: MLP: FiM, Star Wars, Batman, SpongeBob, Team Fortress 2, Rayman, Shantae, DOOM (especially the 2016 game), Mortal Kombat, Doctor Who, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, making animation, and writing.
Favorite Pony/Other: Twilight Sparkle
Quirks: Where do I begin? :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

Name: Lorenzo or Bronie312 (*Ahem* Reference to Halo *Ahem*).
Age: 15 1/2
Interests: MLP: FiM, Star Wars, Halo, Fallout, War Movies (for example: Saving Private Ryan), War Stories, Fallout: Equestria (Kkat story), interesting movies (like The Two Popes or Forrest Gump), interesting stories and writing (of course). Also, history, some philosophy, and great music, like "The Beatles" or "Queen".
Favorite Pony/Other: (There are 3) Derpy, Spike, and Princess Luna.
Quirks: I doubt you're so interested on me.

Extra - Motivational Phrases: Never say Never. Don't let others say what you have to do, it's on your own to do anything you want. If you're frustrated, stop what you're doing, relax, think, and let the good vibes be inside you once again.

Name: Zeke
Age: College Age
Interests: D&D, video games, and writing. Especially Adventure and mystery stuff.
Favorite Pony/Other: Rainbow Dash. Usually I love a good underdog story but rooting for the champions is nice every now and again. :rainbowdetermined2:
Quirks: There are times where I'm the last person to realize something obvious but for some reason I'm the first one to spot something that no one else notices. I don't really get it but, hey, it's helped out plenty of times!

Hope everyone's having a good day!

Oh, oh! My turn!:pinkiehappy: Want to make some new friends!

Name: Sophia!

Age:(Old enough to be a super ā€literate maniacā€, according to my friends:rainbowwild:)

Interests: Games, Writing, Painting, and Reading!:twilightsmile:

Favorite Pony/Other: Celestia:trollestia: and Pinkie Pie:pinkiegasp:!

Quirks: I pour an absurd amount of my time on Mincraft, bother my cat way too much, and have mastered the ā€™proā€™ in procrastinator. Oh, and I cannot handle silence while I write! I need some music playing all the time!:twilightsheepish:

Hope you guys have a super awesome day!:heart:

Angel Midnight
Group Admin

Name: Angel Midnight. Don't feel great sharing my name, but I also like this aspect of the site where everyone has their pony names.

Age: Secondary school / high school age.

Interests: nature and animals; MLP (*Applejack in the background* considerin' what website this is, tha's pretty darn obvious, Angel); reading and writing fiction (anything from SoL to dark, fantasy stories with magic, battles and some gore); music from many different genres, but mainly classical music; being with my family.

Favourite pony: Don't make me choose! I like Twilight, Muffin Queen Derpy, Fluttershy and the Royal Sisters... But bat ponies are the best. I would go on a rant telling you why, but this is probably not the place.

Quirks: Long list. I'm not good in crowded places, am very shy, and get a bit sensitive sometimes, but that's why we have friends and family, to help us through the tough times. Oh, and I talk to myself. Then again, most ponies probably do. My good quirks: I'm a bookworm, and I really try hard to help others when I know they're in sticky situations, even if I know there isn't much I can do.

~ Angel

Name: Just call me Deep

Age: 26

Interests: Writing, Nerd stuff, Creating things, Selling, MMA, Lifting, Adventure, Girls :scootangel:

Favorite Pony/Other: Twilight because she's a badass nerd and we need more of those :twilightangry2:

Quirks: Deep is a part of my real name and it's led to so many sexual innuendos lol

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Kinda like how they call the guy The Deep from the show, The Boys


Never saw The Boys, but "The Deep" just sounds like a hilarious name.

Also, having "Deep" in your name is such an awesome ice breaker at parties haha.

Name: Ice Star
Age: 20 (currently)
Interests: Cartoons, true crime, writing, philosophy, reading, poetry, history, those dank memes, theology, and things related to cats
Favorite Pony/Other: Luna, Sombra, and Cadance are three very important babies to me.
Quirks: I've been drawing longer than I've been writing, but my writing has evolved to where my drawing never did.

Age: 22
Interests: Cars, Customizing of cars, Reading, Writing and Drawing.
Favorite Pony/Other: Rainbow Dash
Quirks: I know much about cars. Able to tell you what power a car makes to the wheels faster than google (probably)

Group Admin

Name: Sarah.
Age: 19
Interests: Horror Movies, Cooking, Dancing, Writing , And Ballet/Yoga.
Favorite Pony/Other: Pinkie Pie.
Quirks: I'm optimistic about the future, no reason to dwell on the sorrow of the past. I love to see my friends smile and try my best to help out anyone in need.

Name: JP Hyper or JPHyperX
Age: I'm in my 30's
Interests: Drawing, Writing, Gaming, Movies, Music
Favorite Pony: 1) Starlight Glimmer 2) Rainbow Dash 3) Twilight Sparkle
Quirks: Mostly a very chill guy, who loves to draw and share storys.

Name: Ruby (middle name to be exact)
Age: 16
Interests: Chocolate, Drawing, Music, Ponies, and anything girly
Favorite pony: Princess Luna :heart:
Quirks: I sleep with my pony plushies.

Name: Addison
Age: 16 1/2
Interests: Writing, Drawing, Singing, and Cooking
Favorite pony: Pinkie Pie
Quirks: I like taking photos of just random objects.


How did you get a nickname of Chrys from Mohammad Abubakar lol

Most Mohammads just get a nickname of "Moe"

old username. Queen chrysalis 13

Group Admin

I'm going to be honest, I'd rather not reveal too much about myself. So I'll give you the condensed version:

I am known simply as 'Dramamaster829'; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, and Occasional Singer.

If you 'do' have questions about me you want to ask, you'll have to speak with me privately. Just know I won't answer 'all' your questions, only share what I am 'willing' to tell you.

Update: There are certain rules about myself to know about me...

1. I despise liars with a passion.
2. I'm loyal to my superior officers (Particularly the ones I respect)
3. I'm honest
4. I'm weird (I'll never say I'm 'sane')
5. I will 'block' you within reason. How long will vary...

Offscreen: So... forever?

... Yep.

6. I text back fast (Most of the time)
7. I give more than I take.

Name: Albertaball
Age: 114
Interests: reading, modern history, giving tips about random things, oh! And reading
Favourite pony Bug: Queen Chrysalis
Quirks: liking mid century modern architecture, and percolated coffee

Group Admin

Totally The Masked Tuxedo of this group!

So awesome! :rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by Dramamaster829 deleted Oct 17th, 2021
Group Admin

Tuxedo was this mysterious cool character from Sailor Moon, you have the same flair.

Happy to have you on board here, Mr. Dramamaster.:pinkiesmile:

Name: My Little Pastafarian. I will not go into detail if Iā€™m actually pastafarian or not. The FSM wouldnā€™t bother.
Age: an adult? I stopped counting when I ran out of fingers&toes. So something above 23.
Interests: Iā€™m a huge nerd without the random knowledge adout advanced mathematics or physics or anything equally useful.
Favorite Pony/Other: A big Fluttercord shipper.
Quirks: I like cabbage.

Sorry for missing the existence of this thread, but I'm here now!

Name:You may refer to me as Dovakhiin Master, Dovakhiin, Dragonborn (if you're boring), č„æē­ē‰™å®—ę•™č£åˆ¤ę‰€, or simply Dov. I don't share me real name (even just first) to random users because like the anonymity of the internet, it's sacred and important to me. I don't really mind you knowing my first name if we're already close though.
Age: no
Intrests: I love The Elder Scrolls series, especially lore. I also somewhat like Fallout, but I prefer the fantasy side of Rpg's. I play a few other misc videogames too. I'm also a Whovan, favorite Doctor is a tie between 10 & 11. Oh, and MLP, FIM.
Quirks: I often ramble to myself, alone. It helps me flesh out ideas, though I worry it makes me appear to have Schizophrenia, lol. :rainbowlaugh:

If you're ever board and want a friend, or even just a talking buddy, PM me. I'm happy to talk with anyone. Have a great day friends. :heart::pinkiehappy:

Name: Snow Quill

Age: 20

Interests: drawing and writing cute ponies (I take commissions if anyone is interested. No pressure though, like, really. I donā€™t like promoting myself too much so this is probably literally the only mention Iā€™ll ever make of it :twilightblush:)

Favorite Pony/Other: Rarity or Fluttershy

Quirks: I am pretty shy and anxious but in an introverted extrovert way? Like, once I find a groove you probably wonā€™t be able to get me to shut up :raritywink:

Canā€™t wait to hang out with yā€™all and hang out with positive ponies!

Name: DefiantPosition
Age: 24
Interests: Movies/series, drawing, animating, listening to music, playing guitar and writing.
Favorite pony: Celestia.
Quirks: Over dramatic (when writing) and lots of daydreaming, regular dreaming and just thinking about stories and scenes.


Age: It's rude to ask a lady that

Yes I freakinā€™ love that:rainbowlaugh::heart:

Comment posted by DawnOfsnow deleted Oct 17th, 2021
Comment posted by DawnOfsnow deleted Oct 17th, 2021
Comment posted by Maud of Sterner Stuff deleted Oct 20th, 2020

Age: Early 20's
Interests: Writing, reading, web surfing, losing myself in the infinite space that is my imagination
Favorite Pony: Luna
Quirks: Asperger's Syndrome; perpetually trying to maintain a sense of civility on the Internet; occasional delusions of grandeur and fame

Name: Snaproll
Age: *Indistinct Mumbling*
Interests: Tabletop Gaming, Carpentry, Cooking, Competitive Shooting, and Dispensing Questionable Advice
Favorite Pony/Other: Gotta go with Applejack and Derpy
Quirks: I'm probably liable to begin quoting Jabberwocky, The Mr Welch List, or Monty Python at the drop of my hat, and I've had Weird Al stuck in my head since 1998

Name: Redundant
Age: 16
Interests: Reading, writing and politics
Favorite pony: Strawberry Sunrise
Quirks: I love to be the devils advocate, donā€™t see boundaries when it comes to humor or honest discussion, I have some pretty underground views that I try my best to not mention unless they are relevant.

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