FiM Will Live on FOREVER! 1,292 members · 21,206 stories
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I keep hearing more and more about the toxic side of the fandom that stands against everything that FiM and the Mane 6 stand for.

I'm not even talking about people within the fandom who say that FiM is trash and deny what it truly is. But back when they sent death threats over stuff like Filli Vanilli, Grogar being Discord, etc., and it got worse from there. There's that guy that shot innocent people, there's those who send death threats to G5 fans (even if G5 isn't as good, at least in your eyes, hating on its fans is the same as anti-bronies hating on this fandom, or at least what few fans don't deserve it for other reasons now), and someone else recently posted something asking to cheer them up because of an unspecified incident within the fandom that they didn't want to speak of, and I'm not sure I want to know either. Not to mention rumors of Nazis within the fandom.

And while there were many fans who do believe in everything FiM represents, and deserve their place in the world, many left after Season 9, either because the show ended and they didn't want to rewatch it, or because they didn't like G5 (similar to people abandoning the Burtonverse because its fourth film was terrible even though the first three were really good), or ragequitting because they disliked many factors of the finale (Grogar being Discord, the Legion being turned to stone instead of reforming, etc.). Someone I used to chat with on here suddenly disappeared without so much as an explanation why around that same time, and a few months later, deleted her account. Other people I used to chat with on here have also disappeared, except for one or two people.

Is there enough of the good side of this fandom left for me to continue fighting for it and MLP to find its place in the world and MLP to be known as more than just a line of toys (which is difficult because, even with PG-13 Barbie movie to throw the idea of a MLP for all ages into perspective, its toxic side is bigger than that of Star Wars or Sonic, which would make it unappealing to the most open-minded people), or to pass FiM on to the next generation (someone I know recently had a baby)? Or are there so few of us now, that it's better to have us get what we can out of FiM alone for the rest of our lives and let it die with us?

How this will end, God only knows, BUT, I personally will continue to have fond memories and support fanfiction as far as my conscience allows.

It's easy to zero in on the toxic aspects of the fandom because toxic traits like intolerance, hatred, self-righteousness, entitlement, etc...are always loud. Positive traits, such as acceptance, love, humility, empathy, etc...are always quiet, but they speak in volumes.


Hmm I understand your frustration especially what's been going on these days now and yeah like you said everything change when season 3 came around mainly when Twilight became an alicorn and then the season 4 drama came along as well and I remember hearing about the death threats over that episode Filli Vanilli then Starlight becoming sort of the main characters and then basically the most Infamous season 8 and 9 this is when people start to lose their freaking mind but then it finally crack when G5 announced and back in 2020 when they put the summary of the movie that it's going to take place of the G4 universe and this was the breaking point of a split fandom that was a huge nail in the coffin and it really did became worse when people are going at each other like that it is sad and I did feel like the message that Twilight and the others made about it was pretty much in vain especially to the people who were a big fan what happened to this fandom and most people I follow jumpship and it was no fun hearing like the Brony reviewers at least some who are just talking trash about the G5 and it became so reputation I couldn't take it so I just stopped looking at the reviews all together so yeah it is a mess right now but it doesn't mean there's no good people there are I know it seems hard to look at the bright side of the fandom but we cannot let that stop us what we like about My Little Pony either your big fan of G4 or G5

I don't know the ratio, and frankly, it's pointless to label or pinpoint that ratio. I believe there are still good genuine fans left, and quite more than what we think.

The toxic side should be acknowledged, but not focused on, if we focus on it, it'll only bring us down

People sent death threats over filly vanilla? Seriously? What is wrong with people?

Hey, Tailbiter. Shouta here.


It's a show, not a religion. People made something. People enjoyed it. People hated it. People did stuff. You're responsible for what you do. Focus on that.

Do you know why because the way how pinkie pie was acting like she was so out of her character which I agreed, but they didn’t have to go this far just to threaten the writer over this that was basically what gave us this whole reputation and whoever this person I blame him or her for all of this, and it gotten worse when season eight and nine came around Everything was just a mess and i think mix master got something to do with that but I can’t prove it so that’s just a guest but I know he’s adding more drama especially G5 oh boy basically history repeats itself. The people who worked on the show were also getting death, threats and harassment and everything including the people who like G5 once again people have gone insane and it bags the question did twilight lesson was not good enough???

And do you know what’s the most fu:yay: up is it’s still happening there even people who are cyber bully who condemned G5 as the cancer of the whole series, and anybody who liked it are also getting those threats

I would just ignore the negativity. You hear people playing competitive video games hurting eachother irl and the actress for Rose in the last jedi being cyberbullied.

You almost always hear about the negativity because some jackass outside a fan community brings it up in some stupid 10 minute youtube video that pops up just because you type in MLP in the search bar.

I normally ignore post like this, but I have to say this has been on my mind... well for a while now. At least since Sawtooth self-canceled. This fandom is toxic, always has been even in its glory days, and no amount of forced positivity is going to change that. And I know people are going to say things like "not everyone's like that" or "just ignore the negativity," but to be frank that's missing the point at best and sickeningly callous at worst. This place was once a refuge from the cynicism of the world, yet it ended up being no better than everywhere else.

But can others ignore the negativity and consider it worth protecting and giving it a place in the world, or will they assume all fans are like that, just like they assume all in the furry fandom are in its NSFW side (which most big fandoms have, and this fandom does as well (or once did, I'm not sure how much of that remains) but it rarely overlaps with the toxic side)? And is the good side of the fandom now the vast minority?

7957099 I think it's important not to mix two unrelated things together:
- negativity
- hurting people

Sure, you can battle extremes with censorship and thought-policing, but that's not the only option you have.

Personally, I think adversaries are good. They spark conversations, they challenge dogmas. You may call it clinical, but cynicism itself does not hurt people. People hurt people.

How can anyone who sees the fandom as consisting entirely of people who send death threats over liking something you dislike, shoot people, or are Nazis see that the fandom had people that aren't any of that and are, as Rolling Stones put it, normal people who like a colorful cartoon with a positive message? Does the fandom have a future?

When will you learn there was always been toxicity in this fandom and always will be however the true bronys are the ones who live by the examples set by twilight and her friends thee sad thing is we are tearing apart are own fandom I've seen it happen before in the furry fandom and we will be the death of the fandom if we let those people win

This fandom is in real trouble take this very website for example people bullying people till they want to kill themselves or push them out of the fandom now we've got people who are only in the fandom too get horse famous it's sad thing to see this fandom gave me a reason to keep living and I literally owe my life to this fandom I wish people would just let go of the hate and live in harmony with each other

A lot of the fandom has left, and yeah its a shell of what it was. I left my youtube channel up but haven't uploaded on it in years even though I reached like 8k subs.

I mostly just stay active here, uploading chapters occationally and getting a rare comment every now and then. Its pretty hard to stay energetic about it when engagment is so slow and far inbetween... but for now I still have a story I want to tell.

Getting into the feature box is nice, but it will never account for the burst of over 100+ favs overnight like it used to.

At least some of my stories has constant growth :ajsleepy:

I know it's always been there, or at least since Twilight became an alicorn, and that every big fandom has one, but I feel it could make up the majority of it nowadays. At least in Seasons 4-9 there was some noticeable fraction of its good side who believe in friendship and harmony, but again, most of them left either when FiM ended or when G5 came.

Even if there is more of its good side left than it appears, anyone who has the power to give the fandom its place in the world won't know that and would instantly assume that its toxic side is its only side and thus it doesn't deserve the same place as Star Trek, anime, etc. The furry fandom has got it good by comparison.

(Also I think I know now what that one incident was, I really hope it is not true but if it is, then I have lost all hope)

Wait, someone on Equestria Daily claimed that there is still much of its good side left.

Equestria Daily seems to be where the last remnants of its good side gather. A few of them are here too.

People are crazy. Can't do anything about that. All you and I can do is just continue to be excellent to each other.

7957117 7957113 7957099
What's wrong with filly vanill ?
is that it ?

there's nothing really wrong with it aside from Pinkie Pie kind of went off her character it's because what's going on behind the scene or at least what's going on in the fandom if you remember golden fox video the writer who wrote the episode gotten a death threats and basically it just spiral out of control

It's because of how Pinkie treated Fluttershy and came across as insensitive to her, though as I see it she was (rather stupidly) oblivious to how Fluttershy felt even though she earlier told Rainbow Dash not to prank Fluttershy because of her sensitivity. And this is part of why I dislike 28 Pranks Later because Pinkie thought it was funny that Rainbow Dash did prank Fluttershy in a frightening way for her at that, when she probably could have handled something tamer at this point. But I'd never condone sending death threats to that episode's writer.

I continue to love and tolerate everything, screw the haters. While I'm not particularly a G5 fan, I love G4 and support those who do like G5 (besides, Sunny's design is kind of cool).
Also, while Pinkie bugs me in Filli Vanilli, I still do rather enjoy the episode and people who send death threats (over a cartoon about talking ponies of all things) are being silly. Death threats are NEVER okay.

And there people not rewatching the show??? That's ridiculous! There are tons of great shows I love, and the main reason I continue to love them is because they stay fresh in my mind from rewatching it!

How much of the good side of the fandom is left? Not enough. Bronies kind of suck.

Not that long ago I did post a video that pretty much explained this, though I'm not sure how many watched it considering that it was about an hour and a half long in that it's not something that can be explained in a nutshell.

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