Celestia destroys a school. Rarity has to kill a bunch of assassins before they assassinate Sweetie Bot! Celestia is a reactionary. Then Rarara and Quibble Pants start making out. And then Night Light joins them! Then he starts crying! Licky Flitter
Pinkie Pie Eats a Lot of Sugar and then viciously conquers Equestria in this Speed Writing Challenge which ended up taking about 32 minutes when all was said and done.
Pinkie Pie's coltfriend get's kidnapped, in this tense thriller I ate in an hour. Oops I mean wrote in an hour at an the West Valley Branch of the LA Library.
Applejack tells you her only secret. It is about a hole. The hole in her face. The breathing, living hole in her face. (Inspired by the cover image and a recurring dream)
Killing the un-dead. That sums up all Barry did during the apocalypse. With his intelligence and an arsenal of plants he was invincible. But now, rather than brain-dead zombies, Barry faces new, smarter enemies. Can his ultimate defense stand?