• Member Since 2nd May, 2022


I write horse words to get all these ideas out of my head. There are too many living rent free! I write for myself, publish for everyone, and to show that I exist/existed.

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Pinkie Pie is invisible. What shall she do?

(Have fun reading this!)

An April Fool's story, and an entry in OPERATION: CRACKFIC-STORM - 2023 ( post | entries ).

Featured 2023 April 1-5 - I am a monument to all your sins. Also, as of July 6 2023, this is the most disliked story of the year! Thank you all!

Chapters (5)

Twilight has been waiting for-freaking-ever for her first edition, autographed hard cover edition of the newest Prancy Drew novel.

Three times- THREE times it's been improperly delivered, and Twilight has HAD IT with the town's mail system and the town's mail mare!!

Edited by : Docontra Thank you so much!!!

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart Remember Me
By artist jhayarr23

Whilst rummaging around in the barn's attic one day, Applejack finds something unexpected. Nothing bad or a nasty surprise, but something that takes her back to the days when she was just a foal.

Chapters (1)

Ice Cream and Vanilla Cream are sisters. They enjoy there lives, until one day. From then, everything seems to get down in Ice's life, to the point, where she is close to say good bye ... but there is always somepony here to help...

Chapters (4)

Twilight looked over to her dear mentor, Princess Celestia, and found she had once again fallen asleep mid-lesson. Her intense debate on awakening the princess was cut short when the decision was taken out of her hooves.

“Huh? Oh. Twilight, I am so sorry for falling asleep again. I think we need to reschedule this for tomorrow morning.”

Twilight nodded. After all, Princess Celestia was obviously overworked. If only there was something she could do to help.

Now with a dramatic reading courtesy of DRWolf.
Additionally, there’s a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi over on Deviant Art.

Current Episode: Season Zero – Episode One
Next Episode: Twin Twilights

Art created from images by Tim015 and ShilaDaLioness.

Chapters (1)