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Total Words: 30,984
Estimated Reading: 2 hours



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Fluttershy must journey to the dark land of Tartaros to save her little bunny, Angel, kidnapped by the Mara, the Queen of the Underworld, with a little help from some unexpected friends.

Chapters (1)

Butterscotch Sundae, lately of Ponyville, takes the next pegasus coach to Canterlot to catch up with a good friend of hers. Her latest stories have been a success, but is everything as great as it seems?

A short prose piece about art and artists set in the snow-blanketed streets of Canterlot. Includes frank discussion of sexual themes, but no indiscreet acts.

Chapters (1)

Carrot Top has baked the most scrumptious carrot cake in Ponyville. She had to. There's just no way she can lose to Applejack this year in Fillydelphia - this year she's taking home the crown, no thanks to her friend Derpy. And yet things do not go as planned.....

Chapters (1)