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What's the word?... · 10:32am Apr 23rd, 2017

Hello, everyone. Just a quick update. I know three episodes have now aired, and I'm sure many are looking forward to my Afterthoughts and possibly wondering where I've disappeared to. My last blog was posted almost two weeks ago, just before I took off on a multi-con vacation and days before Season 7 started. Well, I got back last weekend, spent a day recuperating, and finally watched the two episodes of the premiere. Then it was back to work... and by the second day, I found I was feeling... what's the word?

Yes, Trixie, that one. Apparently, I've been hit hard with delayed-attack con crud. Aside from feeling like that word, I haven't been able to properly sleep in days. Between this and extra long work hours, I have been unable to write any of my Afterthoughts. I hope to watch today's new episode tomorrow or Monday morning, and if all goes well, I will have at least one Afterthoughts ready on Tuesday.

Considering that the season did not start with a two-part episode but rather two separate episodes, I am inclined to give each its own Afterthoughts. But I figured I would toss the idea to you. What do you think of that plan?

art by Ruhisu

Report Kkat · 1,032 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

Like whatever is fine.

Individual Afterthoughts definitely seem like the better option.


I vote for whichever option you think is easier on your phlegmy self. :twilightsmile:

I will say though that the new (third) episode appears to have been universally rated as weaponized cuteness, which may be some help in fighting off your [Trixie face] feeling. At the very least, it’ll be good for a smile or two.

Out of curiosity (forgive me if you’ve mentioned this elsewhere), do you ever identify yourself at cons, or do you prefer to be just one of the crowd?

Handle it however you want. It's all good. :pinkiehappy:

I think it would be easier to write a commentary on each separately because they are two separate stories. That is my own perspective, though and which ever way is best for you should be your choice. I eagerly await them regardless. Hope you feel better soon!

Will you be attending Everfree Northwest?

I would go for separate Afterthoughts.

4507037 Yeah, agreed. It's two eps, just aired back to back.

Also hope you feel better!

4507132 There is a glitch in FIMfiction that occasionally flips your Mature filter. If your Mature filter has turned itself on, mature stories will seem to disappear. (This was quite alarming the first time it happened to me. :rainbowderp: ) Check your settings. :twilightsmile:

4507060 I am reliant on non-bronies for my ability to take convention vacations, so the conventions we attend are not brony conventions.

There is an actual word for what you are feeling. It is called the Pax Pox.

I haven't been able to properly sleep in days.

That's not good. I wish I could offer some advice for that as I have the same problem occur more frequently than I would like it to. It doesn't help that I'm currently stuck between a rock and a hard place, and a night of good rest could certainly help me. :facehoof: I hope you find a remedy for your sleeping issue, it took my father a long time to find one that worked for him.

As for the After Thoughts, I would say do two separate blogs if that is easier for you. I haven't been able to watch the episodes yet, but I should be able to catch up next weekend and marathon all the newest ones. :twilightsmile:

Oh and congrats on five thousand followers! I would once again insert the Xbox achievement jingle if I could. :raritywink:

well first off, to heck with afterthoughts! We may like your thoughts on matters, but your well being is much more important.

As for your state itself... maybe a bug?

And as for sleeping, before bed, sit in a chair for ten or fifteen minutes and do nothing. Don't ruminate on an rpg session, don't contemplate deep philosophical matters, dont move to put out the clock or wind your cat, just sit there. Then, take a shot of whiskey. now,, don't do this all the time or take a bath in the stuff, but half a shot after a sit will work wonders.

Also, scientific studies by what counts for the Equestrian wastelands greatest minds has established that the bird is in fact the word. Gallop polls amongst it irradiated populace who did not try to eat, rape. murder, or any combination the pollsters appears to support these findings

Might want to go to bed at least an hour earlier. Also, I believe the term might be "Con Fever".

Hey, congrats on the 5,000 followers Kkat!

Take care, Kkat.

I think individual Afterthoughts makes the most sense, personally.

My vote is for separate afterthoughts, or at least having two sections in one post. The premier for this season was, as you noted, two separate episodes, each with its own self-contained story.

Also, hope you get better soon.

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