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The Abyss

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Nightshine Update: The Compromise · 4:13am Oct 30th, 2016

I've taken what you all have said into consideration, and you can read what I have to say after the break.

I did not make this blog post to get pity posts.

I am not cancelling the story, nor am I going to revise the last chapter in any way, shape, or form.

Well shit, out of 250 comments on the latest chapter, the vast majority of those were people being rather negative. Some treated me like I was nothing more than three day old dog shit smeared on their shoes. Some even acted like I have no power over my own story, and even went so far as to "recommend" that I get rid of the "try-hard conflict" and just write what they wanted to see. If I did do that, I'd have to delete 20k words of hard work.

Fuck that. I'd rather cancel the story and never work on it again than delete 20k words.

One user even revealed private messages between me and him, using my own words against me like "Ha! I fucking got you, you dumb motherfucker! Hey everybody, look at how I'm showing you that Abyss is just an idiot! I warned him, but he still decided to do it!" And then he tagged a few people just so that others would get the conversation rolling. I called him out on his bullshit and blocked his stupid ass; I really don't like to be disrespected, especially on my own story. As you can see, I treated him with respect in those private messages, and for him to turn around and pull that kind of crap? I've dealt with some bullshit here on fimfiction, but that was by far the stupidest thing I saw. And I've seen some shit.

Respect is a two-way street. You can't expect to be respected when you don't offer respect of your own. If you leave a scathing comment intended to hurt someone, expect something similar in return.

When I tried to explain my reasoning to some of you guys, trying to answer your questions, most of the people I replied to did not have the decency to reply back, and some of those messages that I typed out were several god damn paragraphs long. I literally spent over three hours replying to as many people as I could, and what did I get in return for explaining things to hopefully clear things up? Multiple downvotes, all because some people didn't like or didn't agree with my reasoning for what I'm doing in my own story. The story got 20 downvotes on the first day of me publishing that new chapter, and some even changed their like to a dislike. I even got threatening private messages from people acting like they knew how to write my story better than I do.

Like, really? You fucking serious?

To be totally blunt, I was going to make Jason into a batpony; I've planned for that to happen from before I typed the first chapter. After seeing how many people outright and vehemently hated the idea, I had two choices:

1: Give in to peer pressure and write a different version of the story than what I wanted, which would let you get what you want to see in my story, but since it wouldn't really be my story anymore, my interest in it would drop off very quickly, and I would most likely just stop writing it completely. If you want to kill a story, leave comments saying how you disagree with everything that the author is writing, point out as many flaws or logical errors (even if they're not really flaws), how you know better, and that the author should just listen to you because you are obviously more experienced. (This came from users with no stories on their accounts, btw).

2: Keep writing what I want to write, which would lead to a lot more downvotes, readers not reading the story anymore for various reasons, nasty comments telling me how I fucked up, and at some point, I'd probably just say fuck this shit and stop writing the story.

So after talking with some friends, I was able to work out a compromise that I'm sure most will welcome.


Naturally, Jason doesn't want to be turned into a pony. Even though Nightshine wants him to turn into one, he's really, really uncomfortable about the idea. So Twilight thinks for a minute and offers him a solution that would work, but if they get caught, they would both be in huge trouble, mainly because Twilight lied to Celestia. My compromise is that she makes him a ring, that when slid on any finger, turns him into a pony. That ring turns into a leg band when he's a pony, and when he takes it off, he turns back into a human.

I am not going to change my mind on this matter.

Report The Abyss · 1,564 views · Story: My Filly, Nightshine ·
Comments ( 90 )

This is your story, you determine how it goes. Don't pander to fans as that limits creativity. The whole idea of a free switch is like a deus ex machina and i feel would detract from the quality of it (though that is my opinion) .I understand people not liking something but don't give up just because a few people don't like the idea when many like the story.

interesting concept I can't wait to read this story.

Grahf #3 · Oct 30th, 2016 · · 1 ·

I am one of the people who is "iffy" about the pony transformation but I will still see how it ends before and have thoroughly enjoyed it thus far. I just believed the random human transformation a cop out but the spoiler fixes a decent amount of that for me.

agree here completely with Shinybob

your story your decision
if they don't like it, nobody make them read it

I may not like the way it is going and may say so...it hopefully polite manner - and maybe not read it further or finish it and may not put it in fav in the end, but hey you simply can't please anybody

but in the end it is your decision, and if they really threaten you or stuff, they clearly break rules, so you lashing against them won't help you, only make things worse

Tenth #5 · Oct 30th, 2016 · · 2 ·

It's a nice compromise, and I just want to say I would have kept reading if you'd just made him a batpony anyway.

Jesus Christ well that happened. Damn bro grab a shot glass and drink some rum calm down and praise Celestia's tits I guess. I truly am sorry the sub fandom got to you and you shouldn't listen to somebody that has no stories under their belts... I don't have any stories under my belt. I have 7 Subs what the hell is that about. Beyond that though you shouldn't let the negativity stop you from what you want to write about.

4276929 This. I've been right where you are now.

Multiple downvotes, all because some people didn't like or didn't agree with my reasoning for what I'm doing in my own story. The story got 20 downvotes on the first day of me publishing that new chapter, and some even changed their like to a dislike. I even got threatening private messages from people acting like they knew how to write my story better than I do.

Especially when the comments are "yelly" if you will. Like they're beyond furious that you dared write something that would make The Twilight Saga look like Shakespeare.

"I've set this up over the course of several chapters."
"Don't care. It's stupid."
"But I've spent weeks, maybe months planning this stuff. Don't you want to at least see where I'm going?"
"Nope. You're an idiot."

It's totally draining. I get it. And yeah, I don't quite like the idea either, but I'm willing to see where you take it first. Each human mind is uniquely creative.

Maybe I'm not the best person to give advice on this, but for my part, I'd just suggest blocking the truly abusive people, ignoring the flame comments, but maybe get in a discussion with the people who are trying to frame it as legit criticism. I know I've found tiny flaws several times by doing that. If it gets too out of control then stop the discussion.

What you should not do is pander. Don't change the whole story for us. You are the creator of this world, after all. It's a slippery slope.

Again, maybe I'm out of line by giving advice, but, you know, I've been there. Keep your head up and write your story. Looking at respectful criticism is fine, because it could give you a new perspective, but on the whole, write your story.

4276930 I perfectly agree with you both that he should follow his own ideas and create what he wants, it is better that way.

As for you Abyss, I want to say that while I think that your new idea sounds kind of cool, you should just stick with whatever you feel should be happening in your story. This is your story, not other people's story. Don't give into the stupid demands of those that are too idiotic to realize that there is beauty in your work.

My only complaint is it's a physical impossibility for him to still have the level of skill his profession requires from the transformation, hooves aren't hands and habits and instincts formed with one won't work with the other, and would take years for him to adapt to.
I mean, if he'd had nearly any other career it wouldn't even be a point of interest for me, but the shear damage to his income and his body as he works with the tools with a complete 180 shift in physical ability makes it a poor decision, poorly thought out (on Celestia's side) and a trap otherwise if I've ever seen one.
That said do as you want, it's your story.

Do what you want to do, write what you want to write and don't give a damn about anyone else. This is your lovely story and one I want to keep reading.ignore the hate of the stupid community "based on love, tolerance and friendship" that goes against itself. Sorry for the rant but some of my favorite authers quit or stopped some amazing storys because of this crap. Good example: Realitycheck

I don't care what direction the story takes. As long as the basic core of the story, the nice lovey dovey slice of life that we all probably came for, is still there then its fine with me. While the whole "oh no, some inconvenience forces the main character to become a pony" is slightly overdone in my book the story still holds the basis of what I've come to enjoy, a nice father-daughter story about their lives. I'd still read hands down, mainly because it's an amazing series, plus with different authors it would be interesting to see Jason's reaction to being a permanent pony and your ideas for what would happen. In the end it's your story and you decide, I'm just here for the ride.

that is a perfect way to resolve this little problem.
and now Jason will spend time as a pony Night Shine will be safe and who know over time this may grow on Jason.

4276954 Thank you for agreeing with me on this matter; I thing that more people need to have that type of mindset. The author is the one writing, not the reader. If the reader wants a story to follow another path, then they should go write their own story following that path.

I didn't read this story yet, and I was kinda bummed that he wouldn't be a bat pony... I personally like when that happens... (as long as said thing happening isn't in a grimdark or more realistice HIE story or something... which this might not be, I'm just saying) must be the small minority huh :ajbemused::ajsmug: My personal motto is, it's the author's story, its up to them. If I don't like the ways the story goes, I keep any bitching personally to myself and maybe grow to like said choice later on in the hope it will get "better"

I read things most of the time when they are done. This blog wasn't as interesting as your other rant blogs Abyss... I like it personally when you tear that shit apart, consequences be damned. Here, I just feel a sadness... I might be cold though.... *shrugs*

I have to say, that's a rather ingenious compromise.
As for the people hating on you because of the original direction of your story, that's really disappointing. I know I was one of the ones to say something about the situation, but I only meant to express my thoughts on it. Actually reading through some of those comments was awful, and I apologize for both my comment (if it offended you) and for the poor responses to your wonderful work.
To those that wrote the horrible comments to Abyss, shame on you.

Do what makes you happy its your story. i loved last chaptor and the story. The conflict makes it more realistic, sorry spelling is not my strong sute.

It's your creation. and no one should tell you what to do with what you make.

Hey this is your story write it how you want It'll turn out good. Like I said back on the chapter you've earned my trust. So yeah do what you want and the hell with the but hurt people. i don't think you should have to change your story, it why we're here.

I do have one question about it if I may? If its part of the story and will be explained later just say that or if I misread something please forgive me. From a legal stand point sence the treaty is the one hang up, how will Jason becoming a batpony salve the problem? Maybe Im just over thinking this but wouldn't he still be a foreigner?

Anyway take care man.

Jesus, what do people have against ponification? I mean yeah if you don't go for it that's cool, but to outright HATE it?

Stick to your guns dude! Nightshine needs her dad in whatever shape or form and this sounds like a good compromise.

I'm just here to watch the scenery go by as I ride the Story Express to Epilogue Station. That cool?

Here's my opinion:

Me am fan. :raritystarry:

Story am yours. :heart:

Haters am dumb. :ajbemused:

Story am not haters'. :flutterrage:

Me am fan. :raritystarry:

No am change. :heart:

I look forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:


Me am follow now.

4276995 I'm with ya on this, they should back the fuck off and let abyss right his story in peace, it's one thing to be giving out constructive criticism. Another to just rag on they're hard work. :flutterrage:

I feel like a lot of this is coming from the fact that you changed details in an earlier chapter.

If you bleed, the sharks will come.

Anyway, I personally think you did exactly what you should've done in this situation. I hold great respect for you as an author and your ability to write good stories (most of the time) so, like with the last controversy over the story's details, I expected that you would be able to power through it and provide us with an entertaining story. I will admit that I was personally against the idea of Jason being ponified but, once again, I was confident that you wouldn't disappoint despite my misgivings.

As a rule of thumb, if people are complaining about grammar, anti-canonical details, mismatching minutiae, etc., then any author should at least take note. If the complaints are about how they don't like the direction the story's going, however, then they can more easily and often should be written off. It's not the reader's job to tell the author how to write the plot, although that doesn't mean we can't complain about it.

I love your stories abyss particularly this one. I have to say this took a very surprising turn on Jason might turn into a bat pony and that turn was the one i would totally enjoyed. But reading what you have typed about those assholes made furious at them. I definitely don't want you to stop writing the story and I wish that you could continue with your original idea, but I know that it is impossible with those idiots. So I totally Will take your compromise. Can't wait for more!!!

Tbh you shouldnt have to change your story completely for some immature fucks that cant take originality.

None the less, im looking forward to see what will happen next!

4277004 YEAH! PREACH IT! :flutterrage:


I had no serious issues with where you were taking the story, and that's why I didn't comment. screw those idiots who decided to yell expletives at you.

4276935 i am with you 100%. I don't like the idea. but its his story he gets to tell it as he like and should get exactly no shit for it. lets see how it plays out.

Way is humans such menie pants *sigh*.
I Love nightshine it has Cuddel moments and its Cute and Sad dont change it for all thats holy. S.E out

Well, I don't really like nightshine to begin with, so this really doesn't affect me. Sorry Abyss, It's just not my kind of story.

It's okay though, I still love your other stories! :heart: :pinkiehappy:

I've been enjoying this story tremendously,fuck all those would-be critics and neigh-sayers,do what makes YOU happy.

Ok what the buck people! I know you have been seeing this a lot in this thread but do your own thing. Do not let some two bit hacks dictate the direction of your story. I would seriously just automatically delete the posts by the offending parties if they have habitually been mean to you and stick with the posters who treat you with respect. Also if in any way I have offended you Abyss, I am sorry. I have seen more then a few decent authors just quit because of rude commenters.

Yeah, a lot of that stuff was uncalled for. Especially that one guy posting the private conversation. While I did voice a concern, I hope it cane across as more constructive than negative.

I don't think you replied to any but one of my comments, so if you did to any others and I missed it, apologies in advance.

Either way, I was, and still am, planning on reading how you take your story to see where it goes whether I personally desire the direction or not. Not going to read the spoiler, though. And always remember its your story, not mine, not the person commenting below mr or above me, not anyone else's... that is unless you happen to comment right after me. :twilightsheepish:

My two cents:

Basically exactly what 4276947 said. Nothing makes me more upset than readers thinking they have some jurisdiction over how a story is written. Yes, readers can and should offer advice and their opinions, but once the author has made their position known, that's the end of the debate.

On that comment mess: I'd have recommended simply not involving yourself. Yes, I know that these comments are essentially messages directly to you, but if you are set in your course and know or see that you are posting something controversial, things die down a LOT faster if the author simply does not respond to the comments in that chapter. I looked over the comments, and most seem to me like reasonable nervousness and doubt about the direction of the story. Yes, they should have let it go once you made your position clear. But you've got almost 2,500 people tracking this story and you dropped a bomb on them. It's REALLY hard to keep silent when you care about something and something surprising happens. So please try to be patient with the ones that only post once. Even if it's long after the flame war should have died.

As for that idiot who posted a private conversation... I am an advocate of leaving all posts up. Even the ones you hate. But for things like that, I would have recommended deleting the post, blocking him, and posting your actions like you did here. I think that would have saved you at least a little frustration.

All that being said (and sorry for the minor wall-o-text), I look forward to your story's continuation.

I want to clarify your last point. Sometimes reader feedback can improve the direction a story is going by either pointing out something the author did not think of, or simply offering something he or she likes more.

I have seen times when even the author is happier with changes proposed in the comments section. It's when people forget that it's the author's story that problems like this show up.

Yeah, I can't really say anything that hasn't been said already, but I'll try my best to sound out my thoughts.

Personally, if the stubborn jacks are going to read a story they're not in charge of, and then give the author all their shit when things don't go their way, there is such a thing as just moving on. Just like in real life, a story you're reading is not in your control: Sacrifices need to be made by the reader sometimes. And to any reader: any direction the story goes should be acceptable, because it's still the same story, with the same author. It never lost the charm that made it what it is. I never understood people that thought otherwise.

You don't have my pity, but you sure as hell have my sympathy: I know exactly what that's like. It's those mules that are too busy sticking their rumps in the mud to figure out that a story could re-catch them later on that have my pity: they haven't yet learned that they're not in charge of everything.

I do commend you on your compromise, though: I'm just sorry it had to come to that. Some bastards just don't know that there's such a thing as moving on. Stubborn mules.

As a side note, I do agree with 4277037 on their presentation.

As I said in my original comment (and my only one on the chapter, as the comment shitfest that came after wasn't worth being involved with) it's your story first and foremost, and if us readers can offer friendly advices or constructive criticism, it ultimately and rightfully you that dictate how the story is going to proceed.
I tried to offer some constructive criticism( that I hope didn't offend you) , but even being on the "bad guys" side I find most comment that went down there disgraceful. What's the point of being an absolute disrespectful asshole to the author really...
... Well, people already said above what I wanted to said better than I could write it right now, so I will end this comment here. Just know that I WILL stick around to read the rest of the story, you ain't getting rid of me! :pinkiehappy:

I was one of those that were kinda iffy, but not opposed. I freely admit I came for the Human raising a Pony, but I'm not leaving because the author throws a curve ball. It's still a warm fuzzy story, and if it sounded like I was complaining, I apologize. I for one am still eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

I like the idea you're going with, and was wondering if it would work. I just wasn't sure what you were really going to do. Again I'm looking forward to the next chapter as always.:twilightsmile:

My 2 cents... which aren't even worth that.

Do I like the idea of ponification in stories? Generally no. That being said, I've read stories where it worked rather well, namely the "Dash of Humanity" series by Kaidan. When done right it can work well for a story.

My main criteria for that is there has to be conflict/difficulty growing out of the ponification. If it's consensual, I like to see emotional turmoil/sense-of-loss from completely changing species and/or physical difficulty from going from a biped with hands to a quadruped to some degree. It cannot just be "character is a pony now and they are 100% fine with it, with no reservations and no problems.

Would I have read this story if you said in the description that the main character was going to be turned from a human into a pony at some point? Probably not.
However, being as far into this story as we are, it's definitely not going to earn a downvote either.

It's my understanding that most authors have a decent idea of what they want to happen in their story and how they want it to progress. With works that are published in a complete form, we see the story from beginning to end as the author envisioned it and there is absolutely no way for readers to influence how that story will progress. The story is done and printed. You don't like it? Stop reading and move on to something else.

With chapter by chapter publishing on the internet people have the perceived chance to influence the author and the direction of the story, and will do so especially if it's headed in a direction they don't like. I think taking their "advice" into consideration would just change a story so fundamentally that when looking back after a few more chapters the author would ask themself "What IS this? It's certainly not the story I set out to write." Que the loss of interest in writing that story because it's not the story they wanted to write anymore.

Personally I don't think you should even be having thoughts of making a compromise. It is YOUR story. Those who don't like it should just leave. Constructive criticism is one thing and is always welcome. Those who can't provide any can just go away.

I haven't read the part with spoilers tag (don't like them) so I don't know what lies ahead, but I'll say this - I'd have liked the story regardless.
As you said, you planned into making Jason into a pony from the start. Why change? Don't focus on the negative people, as has already been said.
There are still a lot of those who like the story, and more of those will flock towards it :twilightsmile:
Don't change for the few who might be vocal now only for the sake of being vocal. If they don't like it, fine, you can't appease anyone. But if they don't have anything constructive to say, there's really no reason to listen to them.

Seriously? I'm not above a joking remark once in a while but his is just ridiculous.

Just because Human turned Pony is done bad by the majority doesn't mean this won't be one of the few good ones.

An author's writing will speak for itself, regardless of spoilers or whatever crazy plot cliches they use to hold it together. Editing it in response to criticism is normal, and just part of how story writing goes. I'll withhold my opinion until the thing actually gets done. THEN the hatemail can come.

... I actually like the idea.

I was totally okay with the story development earlier, so i dont think either that you have to change something in your fic just because some people dont like it(hey! if you dont like it, then dont READ it) so to be a hater just because the story dont falls in your box is simple faggotry(sorry for the harsh word, but its really is...) The fic is well written either, so...they can stick it you know where. For the story, i would liked a permanent ponyfication( sorry again i could not resist it, i readed the spoiler despite the warning :twilightsheepish:) but you cant hear me whining... and i totally agree with shinybob66. Thats my thoughts on it.

(Hope updates coming soon!!!!!:pinkiehappy:)

Carry On! I would like to add the complete story to the bookshelfes of the Infinite Library!!!!!

Your faithful reader and the Infinite Librarian:

Ebony L. Lock

Dear Abyss, as I have stated from the very beginning, I love your story. Just do what you feel is fun for your storyline and don't get dismayed by people who only show up for negative views on things, constructive views however can be helpful. I'm behind you all the way still.

I think the original plan would be best myself if only for the whole him getting used to being a pony and the various hyjinks that it would lead too.


No pity. Don't give into peer pressure and just write the damn story how you want to.

0 #47 · Oct 30th, 2016 · · ·

I just think the original idea you have will work better, given that it is what you have been planning.
Plus, is only one one time element of magic Mumbo-Jumbo.

I admit I'm not a fan of magical solutions to plot problems, but I wold happily read it either way.

Personally, I was kinda hoping to just go with the batpony thing. Generally the people who voice out their negative opinions on stories are the vocal minority....except for when the story's terrible, of course.

That said, this is certainly not one of those stories. c:

I look forward to how this turns out, i just personally hope Jason takes a liking to the batpony form and stick with it... But that's just me :3

Jeez, so much drama over bunch of kids who b****s that they didn't get a candy... Compromise? C'mon! Even you know that wouldn't work. Write the story as you want. That's what you have done so far, right? That's what have you get where you are now, right? You have almost 3,7k followers and over 1,6k likes on the story. So you might not see it but, most of the ppl are just reading (and liking what they read) and not commenting. Yes the butthurts might be the loud ones, but they aren't the majority. And if you get few more dislikes? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Butthurt kiddos are butthurt kiddos. Also you are writing because you like it and not for the likes, or am I wrong? And in the end IMHO if someone is willing you to give a dislike because you are not paving the road with gold for them then they haven't cared about you, or about your stories from the beginning.

not reading the spoilerific switch up. i'd rather wait ad see. also, i
m sorry to hear about the events that occurred in last chapters comment section.
i may not like the idea of him becoming a batpony-, but i never said you were wrong. instead i focused on the world in your story, and how the law was bad.

besides, i've read another story tht was worse, made all humans that came to equestria be a pony. no choice given by the princesses. so... meh.

though, i like the idea of transformation spell. kinda reminds me of the breezies episode.

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