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Centies - 100 Fics of Explosions · 12:06am Nov 24th, 2015

SS&E Fanfic #100 Is a Go

And it's a silly one. What else would you expect?

You might notice that the fic's "incomplete." F'naaa. I only have myself to blame for this. I've been so wrapped up in my dailies that it's been really, really difficult starting Fic #100 in particular. Part of me was wanting to wait until I could upload everything as a whole. But then I put it into careful consideration:

Really, this is the only way to get this thing out before year's end. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have started on it until after Things Tavi Says was done... which will probably be in mid December at this rate. F'naaa. That dayum fic is in its twilight years.

My apologies for the lack of fanfare and ceremony... if it matters. I'd venture to say that 2015 has been the least rewarding year of Skirtsian drivel yet. I aim to correct that, but it'd be redundant to try and put ideas into marsupials' heads.

I was part of this thing, which was super nifty:

Lots of swell guys (plus a ferret girl and a princess). They can certainly strike up a conversation... even if it's all orbiting around a particular lemur's ego. F'naaa. But go check out their other stuff for smexy geekatronical commentary on fics, vidya games, ponies, and the neckbeards who love all of them.

For those of you who've been following me, I appreciate your time, attention, commitment, and boredom. I intend to capitalize on this benchmark sooner than later. Maybe some self-fapperish blarghs about my past works... shout outs. Etc. More than anything, though, I just wanna be over the hump (nmiaow), and this is the one way I see about doing it.

Expect more and more Trixiening updates in small doses. A trickling of Trixie, I suppose. It won't be as regularly updated as the other three, but what can be? Seriously?


Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 1,102 views · Story: The Trixiening ·
Comments ( 19 )

You is insane in the membrane. In a good way.

My apologies for the lack of fanfare and ceremony... if it matters. I'd venture to say that 2015 has been the least rewarding year of Skirtsian drivel yet. I aim to correct that, but it'd be redundant to try and put ideas into marsupials' heads.

Even if it has, it's been a kaizo fun ride. And there's definitely plenty to look forward to in the year to come.

Happy 100th, my Lemurliege.

To put things in perspective:

100 stories (119, if you count your alts [or rather, the ones I'm aware of]).

6,362,993 words, by my count.

That's like the entire Harry Potter series, In Search of Lost Time, The Lord of the Rings, and War and Peace, combined. Times two. Y'know... give or take.

All of it written in the span of a little over four years.


I don't know if that's genius or insanity. Of course, the line separating those two can be pretty blurry.

If the 6.4 million words is correct, that would make you the, second most prolific writer on this site? I think theres a decology of near megawords somewhere. Dont know long theyve been written over though.

Has the site got over a billion words yet? I thought you were into the percentage of total words overall, but not if Im an factor of ten out. :twilightoops:

The podcast... you know what software was used for that?
Also, congrats on hitting the Big C! Not many writers on this site can make that claim lol

3564746 That would be Google Hangouts.

Nice job on 100+ fics; lets see you top 200.:rainbowdetermined2:


Shhhh... Skirts is a lemur wizard in disguise

Blackroseraven would be the only competition for Skirts by far, unless there's some other multi-account user on fimfiction who's ridiculously verbose. Which is doubtful.

Now, Raven has written almost exactly 5 million words of ponyfic since September of 2012. Just over 3 years.
Skirts has written about 6.2-6.4 million words of ponyfic since October of 2011. Just over 4 years.

If you only count what Skirts has written in the past 3 years, it comes out to about 5.2-5.4 million words.
"What does this mean," you ask?

It means that Ravens and Lemurs are otherworldly creatures whose verbal fortitude is to be feared and respected :twilightoops:

Happy 100th, dear Author! Away with my hopes of a good night's sleep, and onwards to the Trixiening!

Again I really enjoyed the podcast, I hope you do something like it again soon! It was interesting to have a voice to attatch to your writings. This may sound awful but it's Russian roullette with bronies, you never know who you're gonna get. You however sound like someone I would really be friends with in real life. Ignoring all that judgement, congrats on 100 fics, seriously incredible accomplishment!

Dammit Skirts, I have work to do! Stop being awesome and putting stuff in front of me to read!

Oh, and Happy Centennial Poniponiponi Words.

That Chun-Li is malnourished.

Congratulations, you Hyalopterous Lemur.

Congrats you legend you :pinkiesmile:

That podcast was the shit. I'm still getting stoked just thinking about the idea you mentioned at 1:25:25

Also, I went and watched Inner Light and was not disappointed. Is there a list of your favorite (aka the best) TNG episodes?

Congrats on making it to that hundred!

Here's to a hundred more!

Is this the first time we have an official pronunciation for the Austraeoh saga titles? That's really something!

(I only got half of them right.)

oh man... I would love to hear you talk about more of your stories in depth. the blog thing sounds good.

and for what it's worth, I think your #100 is actually really good so far

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