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S5E20 "Hearthbreakers" (SPOILERS) · 4:02pm Oct 24th, 2015

It's winter again! For the second time this season!

Christmas at Halloween? What is this, Tim Burton's My Little Pony?

The Apples and the Pies are spending Hearth's Warming together.

Twilight is STILL giving Spike books as gifts! Didn't she learn like, back in season two?

Ah, the commercialization of Christmas. Even in Equestria...

And Applejack decides to recap the season two episode about Hearth's Warming Eve.

I like how Hearth's Warming is basically Christmas and Independence Day rolled up into one.

..."Rooftastic"? Really, Pinkie?

...Pinkie just raised NINETEEN hooves. Holy SHIT.

Detective Maud, ladies and gentlemen!

Oh look, it's the Grumpy Bunch.


Okay, so Igneous *shudder* and Cloudy *cringe* are Amish, Limestone *retch* is a huge grump and a bully, and Marble *gah* is a wallflower.

This family is fucked up.

Ewww, literal Stone Soup.

You know, a lot of this could've been avoided if Pinkie had told her friends what to expect on the rock farm. Especially after what went down with Maud. I mean, she learned the hard way that her friends didn't really click with Maud...she REALLY should've expected this.

The Pies carve their own Hearth's Warming dolls from rocks, to the dismay of the Apples.

It's sad and scary that Granny Smith is hipper and more modern than Pinkie's parents.

Pinkie SUCKS at explaining things. And the Pie family sucks at...everything in general.

And Applejack decides to take matters into her own hooves...and the Pie family flips their rocks.

So this episode is all about coming together and respecting each others' traditions when two families get together and all that stuff, but...

Gonna be honest here?

Everything the Pies do is terrible, all the time. They're kind of INSANE. And not in the good way like Pinkie.

So yeah...that happened.

Next week is the Halloween ep that was leaked weeks ago. Most of us have already seen it by now, I'm sure. Still, it's gonna be fun to blog it.

(And no, people, there was never any chance of "Scare-Master" spoiling the big surprise of season 5, because it was actually episode 15 in production order, so the CMC did NOT have their Cutie Marks yet.)

EDIT: Completely missed the first time around that Pinkie and Marble are twins. Yikes.

Report MythrilMoth · 761 views · #season 5
Comments ( 30 )

What's wrong with the names of Pinkie's family?
They're rock farmers, so it would make sense that they all have rock themed names.

It's just like the Apple family in that regard.

3493324 Kneejerk reaction, admittedly largely based on ancient, long-defunct headcanon (heh, ironic that). But mostly they're just ugly, cumbersome names.

3493330 Well there aren't that many names that could be made that are related to rock farming.
If you had to come up with names for a rock farmer family, what names would you have come up with?

Y'know, you can't blame AJ for wanting to share her tradition with the Pie Family. Also, I think Big Mac and Marble were pretty cute at the end.:eeyup: And, Maud can sing? Who knew?:ajsmug:

3493340 Probably the Inkie Pie, Blinkie Pie, Clyde and whatever the name was for her mom.

I will say that the rock carving for the doll looked actually kinda fun.

You forgot the part where AJ is kind of an asshole for straight up telling Twilight and Spike, AND the Pie Family that their unique traditions are wrong, just because they aren't hers.

You also forgot the part where AJ actually tries to force them to use hers, which is really dickish.

Also, why didn't the Apples immediately ask about the Pies' traditions as soon as they noticed they were different?? That's what almost everyone on this planet asks when they first learn about someone having a different culture (like my friend's family doesn't celebrate Halloween, and Italians don't recognize Halloween or Thanksgiving, seeing as how the former originated in Northern Europe, and the latter is only in America).

If we don't see shipfics of Big Mac and Marble, I will be disappointed.

The holiday is 'Hearth's Warming'. Hearth's Warming Eve is the day before it. Like Christmas Eve.

Why does everyone get that wrong?

Edit: Also the names have been established for quite some time already in other official media.

Edit edit: Also also, Scare Master was the only possible episode that could safely be aired out of production order, even leaked as it was, since the few appearances of the CMC had them all in costume with their butts covered.

3493340 What about mining related names?

3493397 I think there are less of those than ones related to rocks.

3493330 Didn't you already complain about this last week? It's not going to change anytime soon.

Besides, Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz are far better names than Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles. I mean really, what kind of names are those?

3493428 Not sure what went through people's minds when those names came up.


Comment posted by Emtu deleted Oct 24th, 2015

I don't know, the obsidian hunt actually looked fun, and it did bring everypony together. Plus, you know, horse-Amish. This is probably the most fun the Pies allow themselves all year.

Sue, as per the fourth ghost in Ms. Pac-Man.

3493428 Actually I complained about it over a year ago. I haven't said anything about it since then that I recall.

Yeah I didn't really like Pinkie's family. There's a huge difference between being traditional and out of touch with reality.

I don't get the problem with the Pie-family.
Sure they are... out of the norm, but they don't really mean any harm and they just mind themselves.
I personally think you may be a bit too harsh on them. They got their own traditions they have used for many years and suddenly some people comes and wants to change that. Surely you would be distrustful and distant towards those outsiders as well.

And not good at anything? Again... maybe a bit too harsh? or is this meant for comedy, because I can't tell.


I'll be the dissenting opinion.

While the Pies' lifestyle* does seem drab and, er, gray, we don't actually know if their seemingly modest holiday traditions bring them happiness or not. But at first glance? I thought the doll-carving was awesome, the scavenger hunts seemed fun (though the "no presents at all if you can't find them" part could have been revised), and there's nothing wrong with using a tall boulder in lieu of a flagpole --it's the flag itself that counts, not what it's mounted on.

They were the hosts of the holiday, so it was only natural for them to present their own way of doing things. Meanwhile, the Apples just arrived there and expected entirely to be catered to. They complained about everything --among themselves, especially-- but they didn't actually share their discomfort with anyone until AJ decided to completely supplant the Pies' traditions with her own... because she thought her ways were better and no one else was having fun the Pie way.

Don't like the rock soup? Instead of sitting there and complaining, offer to fix a meal between both families and combine the tradition. Don't like the rock dolls? Sew your own, then trade instead of just blowing off the whole thing. Don't like the boulder? Go and ask why the boulder is important instead of just dismissing it. Don't like the obsidian hunt? Actually... that sounds much more fun and involving than arbitrarily deciding that the youngest should raise the flag --at least it's an activity and pairing everyone off could have helped them to get to know each other, like AB and Maud did. The presents? OK, yeah, both were right there: up to personal preference if a present hunt is fun or not, but they should have fixed the bit where they couldn't find them.

And the best part was when, after wrecking the Pie farm, the Apples just up and left without offering to fix it back.

I hadn't intended to type anything about the episode. I never comment beyond some AIM back and forth with MM. But seeing reactions elsewhere... yeah. It was a badly written one, but not because of the Pies.

* Who, incidentally, aren't Amish. That's the visual reference (a tiny one), but the Amish people are... utterly terrifying. Pinkie's damned lucky her family isn't Amish.

Comment posted by Tatsurou deleted Oct 24th, 2015

3493621 Okay folks let's STOP linking the ep now? You know I'm just gonna delete the links. Not because I'm being mean, but because it's the right thing to do.

(If you wanna share links, do it via PM to people who ask.)

3493443 You need to learn where to find the episodes illegally if you're determined so that you don't have to obnoxiously post "LINK IT PLZ" and force me to delete a bunch of comments with links.

(I mean, at some point or another, we ALL look for less-than-legal means of finding something. But do it discreetly, not obnoxiously.)

My biggest regret is the butchery of early modern equuish.
It hurt me to listen to Igneous' introduction.

I don't know what you're griping about. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Pinkie SUCKS at explaining things. And the Pie family sucks at...everything in general.

Besides stone chisel/sculpting and somehow actually ingesting rocks that should probably have destroyed their throats on the way down.

And yeah, wtf, "Stone" "Pinkie that is a DRAWING" "Well duh....?" :facehoof:

Though I liked the episode. I liked that Applebloom and Maud get along for some reason.


The holiday is 'Hearth's Warming'. Hearth's Warming Eve is the day before it. Like Christmas Eve.

Why does everyone get that wrong?

Probably because up until now, the only reference to it ever made EVER was the episode "Hearth's Warming Eve". The reason I messed it up originally in this blog post was because I'm in the habit of appending "Eve" to the end of that.

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