• Member Since 10th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st, 2021

Michael Hudson

Original Works. It was a good run.

More Blog Posts1349

  • 215 weeks
    Goodbye Fimfiction

    In about 24-48 hours, I will be closing this tab and never opening it again. After six years I'm finally leaving and it's a very... bittersweet goodbye.

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  • 219 weeks
    Who To Get Art Of

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    Strem: High Rank PC Monster Hunting!

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  • 223 weeks
    I Have Moved!

    I'm back in Colorado! Everyone around me kind of realized that I really needed a change of scenery. I hadn't had my own private space for three years at this point and that's not exactly a good thing for a writer with mental issues. Now that I'm on disability, that's actually something that can possibly change. Needed to go somewhere quieter, smaller, cheaper for that though. So a change in

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  • 224 weeks
    Jumbled Thoughts: Proprietary Software and "X thing has this, why not others?" with Steam

    So, something I hear a lot when people talk about different digital store fronts is that they're confused why they don't all have everything that Steam does. Shouldn't we all have learned lessons from Steam? Well... this is where it being Proprietary software comes into play.

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October Crash (important) · 2:02am Oct 8th, 2015

I'll be reposting this in the morning, but this is something you all need to hear. Twaith is linked to this because of the delays that will happen due to this.

I'm not well. I have on multiple occasions this weak had serious, suicidal thoughts, even to the point of telling a friend that I was afraid of myself. That I was scared, and that isn't good. Too much relies on me... functioning. I have schoolwork I almost can't do if any sort of annoyance comes, because I just want to run t my comforts. I can't edit because it's tedious. I can't write, because I simply can't get myself to do it.

In other words, I've been slowly breaking, and I need help. I can't do what my brother did and wait a year. I don't have the hundreds of luxuries he had while going through his 'depression'. I... I can't accept this sadness as a good thing like Inside Out wants me to. I have too much to do, and too much of that which requires me to be of right mind or positive.

So tomorrow, when I go to speak to my therapist, I'll be talking to him about those suicidal thoughts. The fact that I am almost certain I need medication, and that I may very well need incarceration. I even have the weekend off from work to do just that. And if/when that happens, I won't be here to edit the things I need to, write what I need to, or publish the updates I wanted, so they will have to wait. For that, I apologize, but I know you all will understand. I simply wanted to not leave you in the dark.

Please, have a nice weekend everyone, and make sure to go hug friends you haven't talked to in a while. They may need it.

Comments ( 21 )

We'll be waiting patiently, with big smiles when you're ready to come back. Take whatever time you need. In the interim, we will miss you.

Do whatever you need to do. Everything else can wait including us, like Iron Nebula above said"we'll be waiting with big smiles when your ready".

Oh, and hugs, lots of hugs.:pinkiehappy:

Dang man :raritydespair:
I hope therapy works out alright, good luck with everthing!

I'm sorry to hear that, and I completely understand you. Four years ago I past through a heavy depression, and just like you, had suicidal thoughts almost every day.

I wish I could give you some advice, but I'm not sure if you'd like the way I managed to overcome it. I'm glad you're at least looking for help, I know I didn't. I doubt even my family realized what was happening in my mind, besides the fact that I dropped everything and severed myself for any kind of social life.

You know what? Yes, I have an advice. DON'T forget your friends and family. Never, EVER! Really, speaking for self experience, going through that alone is the worst thing you could ever wish. Never underestimate the power of friendship, that's something that this marvelous show have taught us all.

I wish you the best and don't doubt to look to us, your friends here in fimfiction, if you need any help or advice.

I hope things work out for you, and I hope you get better soon.

Do what you have to, to get well. We're all rooting for ya.

I sincerely hope you find some relief and peace :fluttershysad: Don't worry about us, we'll still be here, granting you our best wishes. Never lose hope. If you do, the war has already been lost. With regards, Req~

We can be our own worst enemy at times. And whenever that happens, remember that you are not alone. Get the help you need, either from professionals, friends, family, or even random people like us. We seem to be a pretty good bunch, all things considered.

So let me finish with a quote from Richard Cole that I find helpful,

...sometimes you're ahead,
sometimes you're behind,
the race is long,
and in the end,
it's only with your self.

Sometimes the hardest thing is asking for help. I'm glade could there is always help for thoughs who ask. I hope you feel better i'm rooting for you.
and i know i've not said much or talked with you but need some one vent to i'll lend an ear. You are not alone!

The only question I have is what, if anything, do you need from us? What can we do for you?

Is there something we might be able to get for you? I certainly would be happy to see what I can fix.

Do you need someone to talk to? Say the word; I'll even PM you my phone number. Call me if you need anything; I'd prefer day, but night is also fine.

What can we do to help?

3451744 I thank you for the offer, and an insulation bag for my computer might be nice. :pinkiehappy: Unfortunately, my issues aren't always something that talking can fix. Not when they're with my brother, or thinking that No good deed goes unpunished due to over a year of proof. I am lonely, depressed, and becoming increasingly cynical, things I hope to learn coping mechanisms for while in the hospital. But again, thank you.
3451388 Thank you everyone for your support. I wish my brother could be like all of you instead of guilt tripping me and using me as an excuse, but why should he stop now? *Sigh* I do mean it though everyone, and I consider my seeking this help a good thing, as odd as that may sound.

Take all the time you need, we'll all be here, waiting and rooting for you.

Family is the hardest to work through since we love them it makes what they say go straight to the heart. You will heal but in time so take hope and heal where you can. You have support.

Yeah, sometimes talking and willpower aren't enough to get through these things, and suicidal ideation is no joke. I'm glad that you're already seeking professional assistance with this. Take all the time required to get whatever help and healing you need, and I wish you the best of luck! :heart:

Do what you gotta do, Jumbled. Ain't no big thing for us to wai. You worry about you. And good on you for going to tell your therapist about those thoughts.

Take your time, do what needs done. You can't do anything for anyone else if you aren't taken care of first, so see to number one before worrying about other obligations.

Find anyone you can lean up and that will support you and do everything you can to keep them around. As I'm sure you're well aware, just being around people that are also depressed can depress you, it's the same for being around people who focus on the positive: it helps you do the same. We all usually look at family for that support first, but it sounds like you can't really rely on that...so build a second "family" from your friends and followers you can lean on.

And remember, don't let it discourage you when it takes more time than you like to get where you want to go. It will take time, but you can do it if you keep your eyes on the finish line instead of how much road is between you and it. You've got a cheering section out here rooting for you. :twilightsmile:


Get help, get help, get professional help. :pinkiesad2:

I know what suicidal depression feels like, you are not alone, go out and get help. It helps! :derpytongue2:

The road is long, hard and rocky but by knowing of the help needed and willing to ask, it's gotten less formidable.
We'll be waiting for your return like others have stated before

You're absolutely doing the right thing by seeking professional assistance. I hope that it will help you, and don't worry about anything except trying to alleviate your situation; we can wait. :pinkiesmile:

Don't give up mate, we're all here for you and we're ready to listen and help out if we can.
I know my comment must seem pretty generic after all the others, but know that I believe that you can pull yourself through this and so do the they!:ajbemused:

*hugs tight*
I'm really really glad you're going to go talk to a therapist about all of this. You're right to think you need it. I haven't been exactly where you've been, but I have been close and I know from experience that once you get to that point you need help. It's not something that you can handle alone, you know? It does get better though, I promise it does. Medications can really help, although it may take some time to find what works best for you. A medication called Deplin combined with my regular antidepressant has helped me a huge amount, and so has going gluten-free, so if you find yourself still having difficulties, maybe you'll remember this post and look into those possibilities. Hang on, man. You've got a lot of people rooting for you.

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