• Member Since 10th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st, 2021

Michael Hudson

Original Works. It was a good run.


Goodbye Fimfiction · 7:58pm May 1st, 2020

In about 24-48 hours, I will be closing this tab and never opening it again. After six years I'm finally leaving and it's a very... bittersweet goodbye.

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Who To Get Art Of · 3:38pm Apr 1st, 2020

This actually isn't about what artist to do since my normal cover artist can't work due to the virus, but what of my characters to do art of. As for who the artist is, a reminder is that they are Lugaroo on Deviant Art, and no I can't link them, and they've done covers for me in the past like

(Which might be free RIGHT NOW on Amazon)

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Strem: High Rank PC Monster Hunting! · 6:14pm Mar 19th, 2020

Twitch The session ID is z8m+fTt8rE2G if you want to come join me!

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I Have Moved! · 11:15pm Mar 5th, 2020

I'm back in Colorado! Everyone around me kind of realized that I really needed a change of scenery. I hadn't had my own private space for three years at this point and that's not exactly a good thing for a writer with mental issues. Now that I'm on disability, that's actually something that can possibly change. Needed to go somewhere quieter, smaller, cheaper for that though. So a change in state, getting closer to family, and possibly finally getting on food stamps after I've found my own

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Jumbled Thoughts: Proprietary Software and "X thing has this, why not others?" with Steam · 10:39pm Feb 29th, 2020

So, something I hear a lot when people talk about different digital store fronts is that they're confused why they don't all have everything that Steam does. Shouldn't we all have learned lessons from Steam? Well... this is where it being Proprietary software comes into play.

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Report Michael Hudson · 361 views ·

Streaming Ideas? Mostly about possible writing streams. · 5:13pm Feb 29th, 2020

So, I immediately can think of:
Monster Girl Monday (Sounds like what it is, though stopping before anything too sexy happens because, you know, Twitch. But, this is also meant to be playing monster games, which unfortunately probably means playing more horror games...)
Tasteful Tuesday (for books that won't have sex in them period)
Fanfiction Friday (For anything, not just MLP. Possibly inspired by whatever game I'm playing)

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Strem: Back to old, better headset for some monster murder (Monster Hunter) · 2:32am Feb 29th, 2020


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Strem: Diving Into the Underworld! Wait, wrong direction. (Hades) · 1:55am Feb 25th, 2020

Twitch And one of my favorite Greek gods, which I first thought was going to be hard to find... But then I found out about her reeeeal... unique interpretation she got in anime recently. Hestia!

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Report Michael Hudson · 200 views ·

Jumbled Thoughts: The performance art of violence and why streamers seem to tend towards renegade playthroughs. · 7:44pm Feb 23rd, 2020

So, I am not an expert in this. Just want to get that out of the way. These are just my thoughts as I see them both from a viewer standpoint, performer standpoint and, weirdly enough, a story telling standpoint.

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Strem: Chillin in Vinland (Dead in Vinland) · 7:56pm Feb 20th, 2020

Twitch Because I feel like it, again.

Report Michael Hudson · 164 views ·